218 research outputs found

    Kohlenstoffdynamik im pfluglosen Ackerbau: C-Status und -Dynamik sowie GrundnĂ€hrstoffversorgung nach 20-jĂ€hrigem Pflugverzicht: Abschlussbericht zum Projekt „Klimarelevante Kohlenstoffspeicherung und -dynamik sowie GrundnĂ€hrstoffverfĂŒgbarkeit in Ackerböden nach 20-jĂ€hriger konservierender Bodenbearbeitung bzw. Direktsaat“: Bearbeitet im Auftrag des SĂ€chsischen Landesamtes fĂŒr Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie

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    Der Bericht enthĂ€lt Untersuchungsergebnisse zur Kohlenstoffspeicherung und –dynamik sowie GrundnĂ€hrstoffverfĂŒgbarkeit in Ackerböden nach 20-jĂ€hriger konservierender Bodenbearbeitung bzw. Direktsaat. Die Untersuchungen wurden an zwei DauerversuchsflĂ€chen im MittelsĂ€chsischen LĂ¶ĂŸhĂŒgelland durchgefĂŒhrt. Dabei wurde auch der praxisrelevanten Fragestellung nachgegangen, wie sich ein erneuter Pflugeinsatz auf die Kohlenstoffdynamik langjĂ€hrig konservierend bzw. in Direktsaat bestellter FlĂ€chen auswirkt. Redaktionsschluss: 30.06.201

    Der Humushaushalt mittelsÀchsischer Acker-böden vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher Grundbodenbearbeitungsstrategien: Unsicherheitsfaktoren bei der Ermittlung flÀchenreprÀsentativer StoffvorrÀte und deren Dynamik

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    Anhand von zwei reprĂ€sentativen DauerversuchsflĂ€chen im LösshĂŒgelland Sachsens wurde der wis-senschaftlich umstrittenen These nachgegangen, dass konservierende Bodenbearbeitungsverfahren mittel- und langfristig zu einer Erhöhung der HumusvorrĂ€te im Boden im Vergleich zur wendenden Bodenbearbeitung mit dem Pflug fĂŒhren. Dabei wurden die Kohlenstoff- und StickstoffvorrĂ€te in fĂŒnf masseĂ€quivalenten Bodenschichten bis in eine Tiefe von ca. 60 cm ĂŒber mehrere Vegetationsperioden erhoben. Zur Charakterisierung der Umsatzdynamik im Boden wurden zudem mehrere weitere Parame-ter analysiert (pH-Wert, Chwl, Cmik, DHA). FĂŒr den Standort LĂŒttewitz konnten signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Bodenbearbeitungsvarian-ten festgestellt werden. Allerdings wurden auch erhebliche zeitliche und rĂ€umliche Schwankungen der KohlenstoffvorrĂ€te ermittelt, welche hauptsĂ€chlich auf die Witterung und die ReliefheterogenitĂ€ten am Standort zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind. Neben weiteren Unsicherheiten aufgrund der Genauigkeit der zur VerfĂŒ-gung stehenden Untersuchungsmethoden waren diese Schwankungen mitunter grĂ¶ĂŸer als die ermittel-ten Unterschiede zwischen den Bodenbearbeitungsvarianten. Am Standort Methau konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Bodenbearbeitungsvari-anten ermittelt werden. Dies lag nicht zuletzt an den starken HeterogenitĂ€ten der Grobbodenanteile auf der UntersuchungsflĂ€che, welche eine Ausweisung von flĂ€chenreprĂ€sentativen StoffvorrĂ€ten extrem erschwert.Gleichwohl konnten die gleichen zeitlichen Trends der Humusdynamik wie am Standort LĂŒt-tewitz festgestellt und anhand einer ReferenzflĂ€che im GrĂŒnland bestĂ€tigt werden. Weiterhin wurden am Standort LĂŒttewitz in einer langjĂ€hrig in Direktsaat bewirtschafteten FlĂ€che mehre-re Kleinparzellen erstmals umgebrochen, um die Auswirkungen von in der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis ĂŒblichen periodischen UmbrĂŒchen zu untersuchen. Dabei konnte die These einer raschen und nahezu vollstĂ€ndigen Remineralisierung der zuvor zusĂ€tzlich sequestrierten KohlenstoffvorrĂ€te nicht bestĂ€tigt werden. Es kam jedoch zu einer Homogenisierung der StoffvorrĂ€te in der Krume nebst einer Vermin-derung der Bodenbedeckung und Aggregierung, sodass mit einer erhöhten ErosionsanfĂ€lligkeit in den Kleinparzellen zu rechnen ist. GrundsĂ€tzlich kann fĂŒr die Region Mittelsachsen von einem C-Sequestrierungspotential durch konser-vierende Bodenbearbeitungsverfahren ausgegangen werden, welches auch nach periodischen UmbrĂŒ-chen weitestgehend Bestand hat. Die Klimaprognosen fĂŒr die Untersuchungsregion sprechen zudem fĂŒr eine Erhöhung dieses Potentials auf der Basis höherer WasserspeicherkapazitĂ€ten in Verbindung mit entsprechenden Ertragsdifferenzierungen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung bestĂ€tigte allerdings auch die bereits aus zahlreichen anderen Untersuchungen bekannten starken Schwankungen und Un-sicherheitsfaktoren, welche eine Quantifizierung dieses Potentials erheblich erschweren

    Nonverbal synchrony in subjects with hearing impairment and their significant others.

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    Introduction Hearing loss has a great impact on the people affected, their close partner and the interaction between both, as oral communication is restricted. Nonverbal communication, which expresses emotions and includes implicit information on interpersonal relationship, has rarely been studied in people with hearing impairment (PHI). In psychological settings, non-verbal synchrony of body movements in dyads is a reliable method to study interpersonal relationship. Material and methods A 10-min social interaction was videorecorded in 39 PHI (29 spouses and 10 parent-child dyads) and their significant others (SOs). Nonverbal synchrony, which means the nonverbal behaviors of two interacting persons (referring to both general synchrony and the role of leading) and verbal interaction (percentage of speech, frequency of repetitions, and queries) were analyzed by computer algorithms and observer ratings. Hearing-related quality of life, coping mechanisms, general psychopathology, quality of relationship, and burden of hearing loss experienced by SOs were assessed using questionnaires. Results In the 39 dyads, true nonverbal synchrony differed from pseudosynchrony [t (43.4) = 2.41; p = 0.02] with a medium effect size (d = 0.42). Gender of PHI had a significant effect on general synchrony (p = 0.025) and on leading by SOs (p = 0.017). Age gap correlated with synchronic movements (p = 0.047). Very short duration of hearing impairment was associated with lower nonverbal synchrony in the role of leading by SOs (p = 0.031). Feeling of closeness by PHI correlated negatively with the role of leading by SOs (p > 0.001) and feeling of closeness by SOs was positively associated with leading by PHI (p = 0.015). No correlation was detected between nonverbal synchrony and other questionnaires. Burden experienced by the SOs was higher in SOs who reported less closeness (p = 0.014). Discussion A longer hearing impairment leads to more nonverbal leading by SOs compared to PHI with very short duration of hearing loss, possibly because of the long-lasting imbalance in communication. If PHI felt more closeness, SOs led less and vice versa. Burden experienced by SOs negatively correlated with closeness reported by SOs. Use of nonverbal signals and communication might help to improve benefits of auditory rehabilitation for PHI and decrease burden experienced by SOs

    The land use - land degradation nexus in Mediterranean landscapes - drivers of changes and key processes at selected Natura 2000 sites of Crete, Greece

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    The land use–land degradation nexus in Cretan landscapes in regions with Natura 2000 sites was analyzed by an explorative expert driven study based on literature, field work and photo documentation methods with the aim of determining status, drivers and key processes of change. Drivers of current land use changes have been worked out by (1) general tourism developments and tourism related land uses; (2) irrigated olive yard developments; (3) fenced large-scale goat pastures and (4) large scale greenhouses. Key processes of change have been identified and qualitatively assessed for 5 regions with NATURA 2000 areas based on a non-ranked set of 11 descriptive indicators. The analysis includes the status-description and the importance assessment of land degradation processes in selected NATURA 2000 sites. Threats and pressures taken from the NATURA 2000 documentation and the land use – land degradation nexus and the analysis are a suitable basis for future land management in order to reach land degradation neutrality. The result of our analysis opens a new research field for a better integration of the normally thematically isolated analysis in geography, biology/nature conservation and agricultural policy analysis about the drivers and processes in landscape systems towards a better understanding the trends in land cover change (e.g. vegetation/soil degradation), the trends in productivity or functioning changes caused by land uses and as well for the trends in carbon stock change

    The Land Use - Land Degradation Nexus in Mediterranean Landscapes: – Drivers of Changes And Key Processes at Selected Natura 2000 Sites of Crete, Greece

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    The land use–land degradation nexus in Cretan landscapes in regions with Natura 2000 sites was analyzed by an explorative expert driven study based on literature, field work and photo documentation methods with the aim of determining status, drivers and key processes of change. Drivers of current land use changes have been worked out by (1) general tourism developments and tourism related land uses; (2) irrigated olive yard developments; (3) fenced large-scale goat pastures and (4) large scale greenhouses. Key processes of change have been identified and qualitatively assessed for 5 regions with NATURA 2000 areas based on a non-ranked set of 11 descriptive indicators. The analysis includes the status-description and the importance assessment of land degradation processes in selected NATURA 2000 sites. Threats and pressures taken from the NATURA 2000 documentation and the land use – land degradation nexus and the analysis are a suitable basis for future land management in order to reach land degradation neutrality. The result of our analysis opens a new research field for a better integration of the normally thematically isolated analysis in geography, biology/nature conservation and agricultural policy analysis about the drivers and processes in landscape systems towards a better understanding the trends in land cover change (e.g. vegetation/soil degradation), the trends in productivity or functioning changes caused by land uses and as well for the trends in carbon stock change

    Early Holocene aeolian sediments in southwestern Crete−preliminary results

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    The soilscapes along the southern and western coast of Crete (Greece) are dominated by coarse-grained reddish-brown slope sediments whose natural (pre-anthropogenic) configuration and properties are difficult to reconstruct due to the long history of intense land use. As a consequence, datable terrestrial sediment archives of pre-anthropogenic genesis are scarce. We present preliminary results of a study performed on an accumulation within an alluvial fan south of Stomio Bay in southwestern Crete. The studied profile is located in a small depression and is composed of a sequence of sandy to silty yellowish-brown calcareous sediments overlying coarse-grained slope sediments, including a fossil topsoil horizon. Based on macroscopic, micromorphological, geochemical, geophysical and mineralogical analysis, we interpret the fine-grained sediments to have a local aeolian origin. OSL dating indicates a final deposition phase during the early Holocene. Considering the scarcity of early Holocene terrestrial archives in Crete, the analysed profile provides valuable data for the reconstruction of landscape dynamics and paleoecological conditions as well as soil-sediment configurations during this time period. Additional research is needed to address the specific source area(s) as well as the ages of the deposition of slope sediments and formation of the fossil topsoil

    The role of sustainability characteristics in the diffusion of renewable energy technologies

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    This paper aims to investigate the role of sustainability factors in the diffusion of solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies. A combined economic innovation-diffusion model that accounts for additional sustainability aspects is proposed. Two and three-stage least square methods were used for the empirical estimation, and the results were compared to a maximum entropy econometric estimation. The findings indicate that sustainability characteristics (i.e., cell efficiency) have a statistically significant positive effect on installed capacity in all solar PV technologies under analysis. Results show that multijunction PV modules have a learning rate of 17.1%, while Monojunction and the global aggregate have similar learning rates of 19.5% and 19%, respectively. Thin film PV modules have learning rates of 17.9% for the period 1991–2019. Cost reductions in solar PV modules can be largely attributed to learning-by-doing activities, the effects of learning by searching are ambiguous and depend both on the estimation methodology and the period under analysis. The study recognizes the difficulty in measuring sustainability characteristics, such as social aspects of the SDGs or indirect environmental implications but suggest that qualitative research can complement the quantitative analysis.publishedVersio

    Review of macroeconomic approaches to modelling Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Sustainability

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    In response to the urgent global challenges of climate change and rising inequality, the need to re-evaluate our traditional economic models and adopt new approaches focused on sustainability, wellbeing, and inclusion has become evident. The current economic paradigms, based on equilibrium thinking and GDP-centric measurements, have proven inadequate in addressing the intricate interplay between economic, social, and environmental dimensions. As we embark on a transformative journey towards a sustainable and equitable future, it is crucial to adopt diverse modelling approaches to provide policymakers and stakeholders with informed decision-making tools. This report delves into the analysis of five different macroeconomic model types (general equilibrium models, macro-econometric & input-output models, stockflow-consistent models, integrated assessment models, and system dynamics models), evaluating their respective strengths and weaknesses to propose an integrated framework that encompasses the multifaceted nature of our world. A key recommendation is to improve existing models by enhancing their dynamics and feedback loops between dimensions and systems, thus better reflecting the interactions and effects of different social and economic policies. Striking a balance between complexity and transparency is essential, ensuring that models remain flexible and capable of linking with models with greater detail but narrower focus. The report emphasizes the incorporation of WISE accounts (detailed data on Wellbeing, Inclusion, Sustainability, and Economy that will be collected and harmonized during the project) into macroeconomic models as an opportunity to overcome the challenge of data availability, which poses a significant obstacle in modelling endeavours. Robust and reliable data sources are crucial to the success of any model and require continual improvement in data collection processes. To broaden our understanding of the dynamics of WISE dimensions and the potential impacts of policies, integrating alternative perspectives, such as heterodox economics, can offer valuable insights. Co-creating quantitative analysis with stakeholders enhances ownership and uptake of the models and may help with bridging the gap between research and policy implementation. Furthermore, an integrated modelling framework that accounts for the non-linear interactions between human and earth systems is necessary to properly assess policies tackling 21st century challenges in the context of WISE dimensions. This integrated model should draw upon the data of WISE accounts and synergize elements of Input-Output models, System-Dynamics, and Stock-Flow consistent models to provide a structured tool for policymakers and researchers in shaping a sustainable and inclusive future

    Changes in maize silage fermentation products during aerobic deterioration and effects on dry matter intake by goats

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    Chemical and microbiological changes occurring during aerobic exposure of maize silages and their influence on dry matter (DM) intake and preference by goats were evaluated. Eight maize silages differing in DM content, chopping length and compaction pressure were used for the study. After opening, silages were exposed to air for 8 days (d). In 2-d intervals, silage was stored anaerobically for use in preference trials. During the experimental phase, each possible two-way combination of the five silages (d0, d2, d4, d6 and d8) and one standard lucerne hay, was offered as free choice to six goats. Generally, a significant decline occurred in DM intake after 4 d of aerobic exposure. After 8 d, mean decrease in intake was 53% in comparison to the fresh silages. Preference when expressed as DM intake was negatively correlated to silage temperature (as difference to ambient), ethanol and ethyl lactate

    A Search for H2O in the Strongly Lensed QSO MG 0751+2716 at z=3.2

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    We present a search for 183 GHz H_2O(3_13-2_20) emission in the infrared-luminous quasar MG 0751+2716 with the NRAO Very Large Array (VLA). At z=3.200+/-0.001, this water emission feature is redshifted to 43.6 GHz. As opposed to the faint rotational transitions of HCN (the standard high-density tracer at high-z), H_2O(3_13-2_20) is observed with high maser amplification factors in Galactic star-forming regions. It therefore holds the potential to trace high-density star-forming regions in the distant universe. If indeed all star-forming regions in massively star-forming galaxies at z>3 have similar physical properties as e.g. the Orion or W49N molecular cloud cores, the flux ratio between the maser-amplified H_2O(3_13-2_20) and the thermally excited CO(1-0) transitions may be as high as factor of 20 (but has to be corrected by their relative filling factor). MG 0751+2716 is a strong CO(4-3) emitter, and therefore one of the most suitable targets to search for H_2O(3_13-2_20) at cosmological redshifts. Our search resulted in an upper limit in line luminosity of L'(H_2O) < 0.6 x 10^9 K km/s pc^2. Assuming a brightness temperature of T_b(H_2O) ~= 500 K for the maser emission and CO properties from the literature, this translates to a H_2O(3_13-2_20)/CO(4-3) area filling factor of less than 1%. However, this limit is not valid if the H_2O(3_13-2_20) maser emission is quenched, i.e. if the line is only thermally excited. We conclude that, if our results were to hold for other high-z sources, H_2O does not appear to be a more luminous alternative to HCN to detect high-density gas in star-forming environments at high redshift.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, to appear in ApJ (accepted May 19, 2006
