142 research outputs found

    «Ислам, обращающийся к разуму и увещевающий ум»: Мухаммад ‘Абдо (1849–1905) и его программный труд

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    .Рецензия на книгу: Абдо, Мухаммад. Трактат о единобожии / пер.и отв. ред. Ф. О. Нофал; под общ. ред. Д. В. Мухетдинова; Московскийисламский ин-т; Санкт- Петербургский гос. ун-т. — Серия: «Возрожде-ние и обновление». — М.: ИД «Медина», 2021. — 268 с


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    The extreme “pollution” of the global information space has a negative impact on the social well-being of the population for media space is a kind of social space covered by the media. It is necessary to create an effective system of legal protection and social guarantees so that any citizen can receive minimal social protection and be protected from the negative impact of the adverse ecology of the mass media. Not everyone who is experiencing intense exposure to the media is aware of its negative effects including “fatigue syndrome”. To prevent it, D. Lewis proposes the following algorithm: use all information technologies of business and everyday communication; improve the methods of studying and processing data; set the right priorities for their analysis and use [26]. All media and actors that interact with them must master information culture, for which it is necessary to train specialists in the field of media ecology who are aware of the influence of media and social technologies on people’s feelings, thoughts, values and behavior. So far, experts on media ecology do not have a sufficient theoretical basis for conducting sociological research and identifying how the media forces the audience to structure what it sees, hears and feels in a certain way. Today’s media (especially electronic) can have a violent and undesirable effect - this is not only a psychological but also a philosophical, social and cultural problem that affects both children and adults. “Information anarchy” leads not only to moderate negative consequences but in some cases to “information ecocide” - destruction of traditional information and the media. Countering the contamination of the information environment should include the following steps: development of requirements for the content creation; monitoring of the collection, storage, processing and destruction of information; development of criteria for assessing the use of information. It is necessary to introduce a single rating system for information products, which will allow users to evaluate the quality of information sources according to the following criteria: purity of information; work on creating content; source coverage; quality (completeness) of information; sources of specific data sets; social-demographic characteristics of potential users

    Zinc Transporters YbtX and ZnuABC Are Required for the Virulence of \u3cem\u3eYersinia pestis\u3c/em\u3e in Bubonic and Pneumonic Plague in Mice

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    A number of bacterial pathogens require the ZnuABC Zinc (Zn2+) transporter and/or a second Zn2+ transport system to overcome Zn2+ sequestration by mammalian hosts. Previously we have shown that in addition to ZnuABC, Yersinia pestis possesses a second Zn2+ transporter that involves components of the yersiniabactin (Ybt), siderophore-dependent iron transport system. Synthesis of the Ybt siderophore and YbtX, a member of the major facilitator superfamily, are both critical components of the second Zn2+ transport system. Here we demonstrate that a ybtX znu double mutant is essentially avirulent in mouse models of bubonic and pneumonic plague while a ybtX mutant retains high virulence in both plague models. While sequestration of host Zn is a key nutritional immunity factor, excess Zn appears to have a significant antimicrobial role in controlling intracellular bacterial survival. Here, we demonstrate that ZntA, a Zn2+ exporter, plays a role in resistance to Zn toxicity in vitro, but that a zntA zur double mutant retains high virulence in both pneumonic and bubonic plague models and survival in macrophages. We also confirm that Ybt does not directly bind Zn2+in vitro under the conditions tested. However, we detect a significant increase in Zn2+-binding ability of filtered supernatants from a Ybt+ strain compared to those from a strain unable to produce the siderophore, supporting our previously published data that Ybt biosynthetic genes are involved in the production of a secreted Zn-binding molecule (zincophore). Our data suggest that Ybt or a modified Ybt participate in or promote Zn-binding activity in culture supernatants and is involved in Zn acquisition in Y. pestis

    The Incidence of Cervical Disease in Women of Different Age Groups in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of cervical disease in women of different age groups in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Materials and Methods: The cytological material of the cervix of 7,600 women aged between 18 and 88 years was analyzed in the laboratory of pathomorphology, histology and cytology. The material of the cytological study consisted of smears of cervical mucosa and the cervical canal, stained according to the method of Romanovsky-Giemsa. The study was conducted with subjects grouped according to age: Group 1 (18-29), Group 2 (30-44), Group 3 (45-59), and Group 4 (60-74). Results: According to the results of cytological analysis, inflammatory diseases of the cervix uteri were diagnosed in 4,629/61% cases. Among age groups, the highest rate of inflammatory diseases of the cervix uteri was registered in Group 1 and Group 2. Benign cervical lesions were found in 563/7.4% cases with the highest incidence in Groups 1 and 2. The most frequently diagnosed pathology was squamous cell metaplasia with maximum frequency in Group 2 and Group 1. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (or dysplasia) (CIN) was detected in 359/4.7% cases. CIN I, CIN II and CIN III were registered in 220/61.3%, 84/24.5%, and 38/10.6% women, respectively. At the same time, the maximum frequency of dysplasia was noted in Group 1 and Group 2. Thus, results obtained indicate a high incidence of cervical disease in women of reproductive age


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    The article deals with theoretical approaches to the essence of Caliphate as they were formulated by Middle Eastern and South Asian Islamic thinkers. The distinguishing characteristics of Pan-Islamic and Pan-Ottoman conceptions and their perception in the Muslim communities of Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire and among the Sunni Muslims of South Asia are analyzed. The study explores the historical and cultural background of the appeal of Caliphatist values for Muslims of various ethnic origins.В статье рассматриваются теоретические подходы к сущности халифата, сложившиеся у ближневосточных и южноазиатских исламских мыслителей. Показаны характерные черты концепций панисламизма и османизма и их восприятия в мусульманских общинах арабских провинций Османской империи и среди суннитов Южной Азии. Исследованы историкокультурные истоки привлекательности халифатистских ценностей для мусульман различного этнического происхождения

    Phosphorylation-Independent Regulation of the Diguanylate Cyclase WspR

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    Environmental signals that trigger bacterial pathogenesis and biofilm formation are mediated by changes in the level of cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP), a unique eubacterial second messenger. Tight regulation of cellular c-di-GMP concentration is governed by diguanylate cyclases and phosphodiesterases, which are responsible for its production and degradation, respectively. Here, we present the crystal structure of the diguanylate cyclase WspR, a conserved GGDEF domain-containing response regulator in Gram-negative bacteria, bound to c-di-GMP at an inhibitory site. Biochemical analyses revealed that feedback regulation involves the formation of at least three distinct oligomeric states. By switching from an active to a product-inhibited dimer via a tetrameric assembly, WspR utilizes a novel mechanism for modulation of its activity through oligomerization. Moreover, our data suggest that these enzymes can be activated by phosphodiesterases. Thus, in addition to the canonical pathways via phosphorylation of the regulatory domains, both product and enzyme concentration contribute to the coordination of c-di-GMP signaling. A structural comparison reveals resemblance of the oligomeric states to assemblies of GAF domains, widely used regulatory domains in signaling molecules conserved from archaea to mammals, suggesting a similar mechanism of regulation

    Contributions of chaperone/usher systems to cell binding, biofilm formation and Yersinia pestis virulence

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    Yersinia pestis genome sequencing projects have revealed six intact uncharacterized chaperone/ usher systems with the potential to play roles in plague pathogenesis. We cloned each locus and expressed them in the Deltafim Escherichia coli strain AAEC185 to test the assembled Y. pestis surface structures for various activities. Expression of each chaperone/usher locus gave rise to specific novel fibrillar structures on the surface of E. coli. One locus, y0561-0563, was able to mediate attachment to human epithelial cells (HEp-2) and human macrophages (THP-1) but not mouse macrophages (RAW264.7), while several loci were able to facilitate E. coli biofilm formation. When each chaperone/usher locus was deleted in Y. pestis, only deletion of the previously described pH 6 antigen (Psa) chaperone/usher system resulted in decreased adhesion and biofilm formation. Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) revealed low expression levels for each novel chaperone/usher system in vitro as well as in mouse tissues following intravenous infection. However, a Y. pestis mutant in the chaperone/usher locus y1858-1862 was attenuated for virulence in mice via the intravenous route of infection, suggesting that expression of this locus is, at some stage, sufficient to affect the outcome of a plague infection. qRT-PCR experiments also indicated that expression of the chaperone/usher-dependent capsule locus, caf1, was influenced by oxygen availability and that the well-described chaperone/usher-dependent pilus, Psa, was strongly induced in minimal medium even at 28 degrees C rather than 37 degrees C, a temperature previously believed to be required for Psa expression. These data indicate several potential roles for the novel chaperone/usher systems of Y. pestis in pathogenesis and infection-related functions such as cell adhesion and biofilm formation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91950/1/2011 Microbiology - Contributions of chaperone usher systems to cell binding biofilm formation and Yersinia pestis virulence.pd

    Differential Control of Yersinia pestis Biofilm Formation In Vitro and in the Flea Vector by Two c-di-GMP Diguanylate Cyclases

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    Yersinia pestis forms a biofilm in the foregut of its flea vector that promotes transmission by flea bite. As in many bacteria, biofilm formation in Y. pestis is controlled by intracellular levels of the bacterial second messenger c-di-GMP. Two Y. pestis diguanylate cyclase (DGC) enzymes, encoded by hmsT and y3730, and one phosphodiesterase (PDE), encoded by hmsP, have been shown to control biofilm production in vitro via their opposing c-di-GMP synthesis and degradation activities, respectively. In this study, we provide further evidence that hmsT, hmsP, and y3730 are the only three genes involved in c-di-GMP metabolism in Y. pestis and evaluated the two DGCs for their comparative roles in biofilm formation in vitro and in the flea vector. As with HmsT, the DGC activity of Y3730 depended on a catalytic GGDEF domain, but the relative contribution of the two enzymes to the biofilm phenotype was influenced strongly by the environmental niche. Deletion of y3730 had a very minor effect on in vitro biofilm formation, but resulted in greatly reduced biofilm formation in the flea. In contrast, the predominant effect of hmsT was on in vitro biofilm formation. DGC activity was also required for the Hms-independent autoaggregation phenotype of Y. pestis, but was not required for virulence in a mouse model of bubonic plague. Our results confirm that only one PDE (HmsP) and two DGCs (HmsT and Y3730) control c-di-GMP levels in Y. pestis, indicate that hmsT and y3730 are regulated post-transcriptionally to differentially control biofilm formation in vitro and in the flea vector, and identify a second c-di-GMP-regulated phenotype in Y. pestis

    Polyclonality of Concurrent Natural Populations of Alteromonas macleodii

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    We have analyzed a natural population of the marine bacterium, Alteromonas macleodii, from a single sample of seawater to evaluate the genomic diversity present. We performed full genome sequencing of four isolates and 161 metagenomic fosmid clones, all of which were assigned to A. macleodii by sequence similarity. Out of the four strain genomes, A. macleodii deep ecotype (AltDE1) represented a different genome, whereas AltDE2 and AltDE3 were identical to the previously described AltDE. Although the core genome (∼80%) had an average nucleotide identity of 98.51%, both AltDE and AltDE1 contained flexible genomic islands (fGIs), that is, genomic islands present in both genomes in the same genomic context but having different gene content. Some of the fGIs encode cell surface receptors known to be phage recognition targets, such as the O-chain of the lipopolysaccharide, whereas others have genes involved in physiological traits (e.g., nutrient transport, degradation, and metal resistance) denoting microniche specialization. The presence in metagenomic fosmids of genomic fragments differing from the sequenced strain genomes, together with the presence of new fGIs, indicates that there are at least two more A. macleodii clones present. The availability of three or more sequences overlapping the same genomic region also allowed us to estimate the frequency and distribution of recombination events among these different clones, indicating that these clustered near the genomic islands. The results indicate that this natural A. macleodii population has multiple clones with a potential for different phage susceptibility and exploitation of resources, within a seemingly unstructured habitat