15 research outputs found

    A Likelihood Ratio Test for Changes in Homeolog Expression Bias

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    Background Gene duplications are a major source of raw material for evolution and a likely contributor to the diversity of life on earth. Duplicate genes (i.e., homeologs, in the case of a whole genome duplication) may retain their ancestral function, sub- or neofunctionalize, or be lost entirely. A primary way that duplicate genes evolve new functions is by altering their expression patterns. Comparing the expression patterns of duplicate genes gives clues as to whether any of these evolutionary processes have occurred. Results We develop a likelihood ratio test for the analysis of the expression ratios of duplicate genes across two conditions (e.g., tissues). We demonstrate an application of this test by comparing homeolog expression patterns of 1448 homeologous gene pairs using RNA-seq data generated from leaves and petals of an allotetraploid monkeyflower (Mimulus luteus). We assess the sensitivity of this test to different levels of homeolog expression bias and compare the method to several alternatives. Conclusions The likelihood ratio test derived here is a direct, transparent, and easily implemented method for detecting changes in homeolog expression bias that outperforms alternative approaches. While our method was derived with homeolog analysis in mind, this method can be used to analyze changes in the ratio of expression levels between any two genes in any two conditions

    Endosperm-based incompatibilities in hybrid monkeyflowers

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    Endosperm is an angiosperm innovation central to their reproduction whose development, and thus seed viability, is controlled by genomic imprinting, where expression from certain genes is parent-specific. Unsuccessful imprinting has been linked to failed inter-specific and inter-ploidy hybridization. Despite their importance in plant speciation, the underlying mechanisms behind these endosperm-based barriers remain poorly understood. Here, we describe one such barrier between diploid Mimulus guttatus and tetraploid M. luteus. The two parents differ in endosperm DNA methylation, expression dynamics, and imprinted genes. Hybrid seeds suffer from underdeveloped endosperm, reducing viability, or arrested endosperm and seed abortion when M. guttatus or M. luteus is seed parent, respectively, and transgressive methylation and expression patterns emerge. The two inherited M. luteus subgenomes, genetically distinct but epigenetically similar, are expressionally dominant over the M. guttatus genome in hybrid embryos and especially their endosperm, where paternal imprints are perturbed. In aborted seeds, de novo methylation is inhibited, potentially owing to incompatible paternal instructions of imbalanced dosage from M. guttatus imprints. We suggest that diverged epigenetic/regulatory landscapes between parental genomes induce epigenetic repatterning and global shifts in expression, which, in endosperm, may uniquely facilitate incompatible interactions between divergent imprinting schemes, potentially driving rapid barriers

    Data from: A chromosomal-scale genome assembly of Tectona grandis reveals the importance of tandem gene duplication and enables discovery of genes in natural product biosynthetic pathways

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    Background: Teak, a member of the Lamiaceae family, produces one of the most expensive hardwoods in the world. High demand coupled with deforestation have caused a decrease in natural teak forests, and future supplies will be reliant on teak plantations. Hence, selection of teak tree varieties for clonal propagation with superior growth performance is of great importance, and access to high-quality genetic and genomic resources can accelerate the selection process by identifying genes underlying desired traits. Findings: To facilitate teak research and variety improvement, we generated a highly contiguous, chromosomal-scale genome assembly using high-coverage PacBio long reads coupled with high-throughput chromatin conformation capture. Of the 18 teak chromosomes, we generated 17 near-complete pseudomolecules with one chromosome present as two chromosome arm scaffolds. Genome annotation yielded 31,168 genes encoding 46,826 gene models, of which, 39,930 and 41,155 had Pfam domain and expression evidence, respectively. We identified 14 clusters of tandem-duplicated terpene synthases (TPSs), genes central to the biosynthesis of terpenes which are involved in plant defense and pollinator attraction. Transcriptome analysis revealed 10 TPSs highly expressed in woody tissues, of which, 8 were in tandem, revealing the importance of resolving tandemly duplicated genes and the quality of the assembly and annotation. We also validated the enzymatic activity of four TPSs to demonstrate the function of key TPSs. Conclusions: In summary, this high-quality chromosomal-scale assembly and functional annotation of the teak genome will facilitate the discovery of candidate genes related to traits critical for sustainable production of teak and for anti-insecticidal natural products