446 research outputs found

    GPS Rates of Vertical Bedrock Motion Suggest Late Holocene Ice-Sheet Readvance in a Critical Sector of East Antarctica

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    We investigate present-day bedrock vertical motion using new GPS timeseries from the Totten-Denman glacier region of East Antarctica (∼77-120°E) where models of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) disagree, glaciers are likely losing mass, and few data constraints on GIA exist. We show that varying surface mass balance loading (SMBL) is a dominant signal, contributing random-walk-like noise to GPS timeseries across Antarctica. In the study region, it induces site velocity biases of up to ∼+1 mm/yr over 2010-2020. After correcting for SMBL displacement and GPS common mode error, subsidence is evident at all sites aside from the Totten Glacier region where uplift is ∼1.5 mm/yr. Uplift near the Totten Glacier is consistent with late Holocene ice retreat while the widespread subsidence further west suggests possible late Holocene readvance of the region’s ice sheet, in broad agreement with limited glacial geological data and highlighting the need for sampling beneath the current ice sheet

    Postseismic Deformation in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Following the 2003 and 2013 Scotia Sea Earthquakes

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    Large earthquakes in the vicinity of Antarctica have the potential to cause postseismic viscoelastic deformation affecting measurements of displacement that are used to constrain models of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). In November 2013, a Mw 7.7 strike‐slip earthquake occurred in the Scotia Sea, 650 km from the Antarctic Peninsula. GPS time series from the northern Peninsula show a change in rate after this event, indicating a far‐field postseismic deformation signal is present. In this study, we use a finite element model with a suite of 1D and 3D Earth structures to investigate the extent of postseismic deformation in the Antarctic Peninsula. Model output is compared with GPS time series to place constraints on the Earth structure in this region. The preferred Earth structure has a thin lithosphere combined with a Burgers rheology with steady‐state viscosity of 4 × 1018 Pa s and transient viscosity one order of magnitude lower. Our study shows that including 3D Earth structure does not improve the fit. Using the best fitting Earth structure, we run a forward model of the nearby 2003 Mw 7.6 strike‐slip earthquake and combine the predictions for both earthquakes. We show that postseismic deformation is widespread across the northern Peninsula with rates of horizontal deformation up to 1.65 mm/yr for the period 2015–2020, a signal that persists for decades. These results suggest that much of Antarctica may be deforming due to recent postseismic deformation and this signal needs to be accounted for when using GPS observations to constrain geophysical models

    The Influence of Head Impact Threshold for Reporting Data in Contact and Collision Sports: Systematic Review and Original Data Analysis

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    - Background - Head impacts and resulting head accelerations cause concussive injuries. There is no standard for reporting head impact data in sports to enable comparison between studies. - Objective - The aim was to outline methods for reporting head impact acceleration data in sport and the effect of the acceleration thresholds on the number of impacts reported. - Methods - A systematic review of accelerometer systems utilised to report head impact data in sport was conducted. The effect of using different thresholds on a set of impact data from 38 amateur senior rugby players in New Zealand over a competition season was calculated. - Results - Of the 52 studies identified, 42 % reported impacts using a >10-g threshold, where g is the acceleration of gravity. Studies reported descriptive statistics as mean ± standard deviation, median, 25th to 75th interquartile range, and 95th percentile. Application of the varied impact thresholds to the New Zealand data set resulted in 20,687 impacts of >10 g, 11,459 (45 % less) impacts of >15 g, and 4024 (81 % less) impacts of >30 g. Discussion Linear and angular raw data were most frequently reported. Metrics combining raw data may be more useful; however, validity of the metrics has not been adequately addressed for sport. Differing data collection methods and descriptive statistics for reporting head impacts in sports limit inter-study comparisons. Consensus on data analysis methods for sports impact assessment is needed, including thresholds. Based on the available data, the 10-g threshold is the most commonly reported impact threshold and should be reported as the median with 25th and 75th interquartile ranges as the data are non-normally distributed. Validation studies are required to determine the best threshold and metrics for impact acceleration data collection in sport. Conclusion Until in-field validation studies are completed, it is recommended that head impact data should be reported as median and interquartile ranges using the 10-g impact threshold

    The complex X-ray spectrum of NGC 4507

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    XMM-Newton and Chandra/HETG spectra of the Compton-thin (NH 4x10^{23} cm^{-2}) Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 4507, are analyzed and discussed. The main results are: a) the soft X-ray emission is rich in emission lines; an (at least) two--zone photoionization region is required to explain the large range of ionization states. b) The 6.4 keV iron line is likely emitted from Compton-thick matter, implying the presence of two circumnuclear cold regions, one Compton-thick (the emitter), one Compton-thin (the cold absorber). c) Evidence of an Fe xxv absorption line is found in the Chandra/HETG spectrum. The column density of the ionized absorber is estimated to be a few x10^{22} cm^{-2}.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Basal mechanics of ice streams: Insights from the stick-slip motion of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica

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    The downstream portion of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica, moves primarily by stick-slip motion. The observation of stick-slip motion suggests that the bed is governed by velocity-weakening physics and that the basal physics is more unstable than suggested by laboratory studies. The stick-slip cycle of Whillans Ice Plain exhibits substantial variability in both the duration of sticky periods and in slip magnitude. To understand this variability, we modeled the forces acting on the ice stream during the stick phase of the stick-slip cycle. The ocean tides introduce changes in the rate at which stress is applied to the ice plain. Increased loading rates promote earlier failure and vice versa. Results show that the bed of Whillans Ice Stream strengthens over time (healing) during the quiescent intervals in the stick-slip cycle, with the bed weakening during slip events. The time-dependent strengthening of the ice plain bed following termination of slip events indicates that the strength of the bed may vary by up to 0.35 kPa during the course of a single day

    Seismicity on the western Greenland Ice Sheet : surface fracture in the vicinity of active moulins

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (2015): 1082–1106, doi:10.1002/2014JF003398.We analyzed geophone and GPS measurements collected within the ablation zone of the western Greenland Ice Sheet during a ~35 day period of the 2011 melt season to study changes in ice deformation before, during, and after a supraglacial lake drainage event. During rapid lake drainage, ice flow speeds increased to ~400% of winter values, and icequake activity peaked. At times >7 days after drainage, this seismicity developed variability over both diurnal and longer periods (~10 days), while coincident ice speeds fell to ~150% of winter values and showed nightly peaks in spatial variability. Approximately 95% of all detected seismicity in the lake basin and its immediate vicinity was triggered by fracture propagation within near-surface ice (<330 m deep) that generated Rayleigh waves. Icequakes occurring before and during drainage frequently were collocated with the down flow (west) end of the primary hydrofracture through which the lake drained but shifted farther west and outside the lake basin after the drainage. We interpret these results to reveal vertical hydrofracture opening and local uplift during the drainage, followed by enhanced seismicity and ice flow on the downstream side of the lake basin. This region collocates with interferometric synthetic aperture radar-measured speedup in previous years and could reflect the migration path of the meltwater supplied to the bed by the lake. The diurnal seismic signal can be associated with nightly reductions in surface melt input that increase effective basal pressure and traction, thereby promoting elevated strain in the surficial ice.Research by J. Carmichael was supported by a NASA NESSF Fellowship grant NNX08AU82H and NSF grant ANT-0424589. The fieldwork and additional analyses were supported by the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs (NSF-OPP) through ARC-1023382, awarded to I. Joughin, and ARC-1023364, awarded to S. B. Das and M. D. Behn. Matt King is a recipient of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (project number FT110100207).2015-12-2

    Facilitators and Barriers to Uptake of an Extended Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Programme in Ghana: A Qualitative Study of Caregivers and Community Health Workers.

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    BACKGROUND: Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) is currently recommended for children under five in areas where malaria transmission is highly seasonal. We explored children's caregivers' and community health workers' (CHWs) responses to an extended 5-month SMC programme. METHODS: Thirteen in-depth interviews and eight focus group discussions explored optimal and suboptimal 'uptake' of SMC to examine facilitators and barriers to caregivers' uptake. RESULTS: There did not appear to be major differences between caregivers of children with optimal and sub-optimal SMC uptake in terms of their knowledge of malaria, their perceptions of the effect of SMC on a child's health, nor their understanding of chemoprevention. Caregivers experienced difficulty in prioritising SMC for well children, perceiving medication being for treatment rather than prevention. Prior to the study, caregivers had become accustomed to rapid diagnostic testing (RDT) for malaria, and therefore blood testing for malaria during the baseline survey at the start of the SMC programme may have positively influenced uptake. Facilitators of uptake included caregivers' trust in and respect for administrators of SMC (including CHWs), access to medication and supportive (family) networks. Barriers to uptake related to poor communication of timings of community gatherings, travel distances, absence during SMC home deliveries, and limited demand for SMC due to lack of previous experience. Future delivery of SMC by trained CHWs would be acceptable to caregivers. CONCLUSION: A combination of caregivers' physical access to SMC medication, the drug regimen, trust in the medical profession and perceived norms around malaria prevention all likely influenced caregivers' level of uptake. SMC programmes need to consider: 1) developing supportive, accessible and flexible modes of drug administration including home delivery and village community kiosks; 2) improving demand for preventive medication including the harnessing of learnt trust; and 3) developing community-based networks for users to support optimal uptake of SMC

    Compton Scattering of Fe K alpha Lines in Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables

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    Compton scattering of X-rays in the bulk flow of the accretion column in magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) can significantly shift photon energies. We present Monte Carlo simulations based on a nonlinear algorithm demonstrating the effects of Compton scattering on the H-like, He-like and neutral Fe K alpha lines produced in the post-shock region of the accretion column. The peak line emissivities of the photons in the post-shock flow are taken into consideration and frequency shifts due to Doppler effects are also included. We find that line profiles are most distorted by Compton scattering effects in strongly magnetized mCVs with a low white dwarf mass and high mass accretion rate and which are viewed at an oblique angle with respect to the accretion column. The resulting line profiles are most sensitive to the inclination angle. We have also explored the effects of modifying the accretion column width and using a realistic emissivity profile. We find that these do not have a significant overall effect on the resulting line profiles. A comparison of our simulated line spectra with high resolution Chandra/HETGS observations of the mCV GK Per indicates that a wing feature redward of the 6.4 keV line may result from Compton recoil near the base of the accretion column.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 10 pages with 8 figure

    Small Schools: Great Strides, A Study of New Schools in Chicago

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    This book documents a two-year study and analysis of small schools in Chicago. Using a mixed-method study, gathering both quantitative and qualitative data, the research serves to compare results to previous studies of small urban schools.The study examines the effects of small schools on students, parents, teachers, and community members. Both previous and current research suggest that small school size is correlated with an increase in student attendance, performance, and better sense of community overall.https://educate.bankstreet.edu/books/1022/thumbnail.jp

    An extended XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051 - III. FeK emission and absorption

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    An extended XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 in 2009 detected a photo-ionized outflow with a complex absorption line velocity structure and a broad correlation of velocity with ionization parameter, shown in Pounds et al (2011) to be consistent with a highly ionized, high velocity wind running into the interstellar medium or previous ejecta, losing much of its kinetic energy in the resultant strong shock. In the present paper we examine the Fe K spectral region in more detail and find support for two distinct velocity components in the highly ionized absorber, with values corresponding to the putative fast wind (~ 0.12c) and the post-shock flow (v ~ 5000-7000 km/s). The Fe K absorption line structure is seen to vary on a orbit-to-orbit timescale, apparently responding to both a short term increase in ionizing flux and - perhaps more generally - to changes in the soft X-ray (and simultaneous UV) luminosity. The latter result is particularly interesting in providing independent support for the existence of shocked gas being cooled primarily by Compton scattering of accretion disc photons. The Fe K emission is represented by a narrow fluorescent line from near-neutral matter, with a weak red wing modelled here by a relativistic diskline. The narrow line flux is quasi-constant throughout the 45-day 2009 campaign, but is resolved, with a velocity width consistent with scattering from a component of the post-shock flow. Evidence for a P Cygni profile is seen in several individual orbit spectra for resonance transitions in both Fe XXV and Fe XXVI.Comment: submitted to MNRA