26 research outputs found

    Absensi dan Berita Acara Metlit Gizi 6E

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    Effect of intermittent fasting on fat mass and fat free mass among obese adult: A literature review

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    Introduction Obesity is a serious hurdle facing by the world nowadays. Even though so many efforts have been done, yet the prevalence is keep rising. Intermittent fasting is seen as an effective and optimal approach for improving nutrition status without undesirable side effect. Objective to identify the effect of intermittent fasting on fat mass and fat free mass among obese adult. Methods: a literature exploration was conducted from January to October 2020 by searching the relevant studies from several databases. Results: many human clinical trials recommended that IF affects beneficial on body composition and body weight. Consuming calorie only in a certain time frame per day for 4-12 months put the body into a fast metabolism which influence the reduction of fat mass from 0.03–16.4% intervention and increasing of fat free mass for around 0.64 to 0.86%. Conclusion: intermittent fasting may reduce fat mass and increase fat free mass in obese adult through the reduction of energy intake (fasting) and the benefit to adipose tissue, liver, pancreas, skeletal muscle, and the brain

    A Cellular Automata Modeling for Visualizing and Predicting Spreading Patterns of Dengue Fever

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    A Cellular Automata (CA) model is used for visualizing and predicting spreading pattern of the disease. The main problem of this model is how to find a function that represents an update rule that changes the state of a cell in time steps affected by neighborhood. This research aims to develop visualization and prediction model of the spreading patterns of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. The contribution of our study is to introduce a new approach in defining a probabilistic function that represents CA transmission rule by employing Von Neumann neighborhood and the Hidden Markov Model (HMM). This study only considered an infective state which dedicated particular attention to the spatial distribution of infected areas. The infected data were devided into four categories and change the definition of a cell as an area. The evaluation was conducted by comparing the results of the proposed model to that of one yielded by a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model. The evaluation result showed that the CA model was capable of generating patterns that similar to the patterns generated by SIR models with a similarities value of 0.95


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    Masyarakat modern memiliki kualitas diet rendah dengan diet tinggi lemak jenuh, gula, produk olahan dan makanan sumber serat yang rendah. Studi pada orang dewasa Indonesia di Jawa Timur melaporkan di daerah perkotaan, 96,9% memiliki kualitas makanan yang buruk, dan dari pedesaan, 92,1% memiliki kualitas makanan yang buruk. Kualitas diet yang buruk dapat menyebabkan peningkatan berat badan dan obesitas. Obesitas di seluruh dunia sedang meningkat, menjadikannya masalah kesehatan dengan prioritas tinggi. “Social eating” dianggap sebagai salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas diet, hal ini mempengaruhi apa, dimana, dan seberapa banyak orang makan. Perubahan tersebut disebabkan kebiasaan diet modern seperti asupan tinggi gula, lemak, fast food, dan soda. Bila jumlah asupan makanan melebihi jumlah yang dianjurkan melalui makanan berkalori tinggi dan pola makan yang tidak seimbang akan menyebabkan kualitas pola makan yang buruk atau peningkatan risiko kenaikan berat badan dan obesitas.  Literatur review ini menggunakan database online pada Scorpus, PubMed, dan Science direct dengan keywords "social eating AND diet quality" "meal OR food preparation AND diet quality". Wanita yang makan bersama, makan yang disiapkan diluar rumah, dan makanan yang dikonsumsi diluar rumah memiliki kualitas diet yang lebih rendah, sedangkan pada pria yang makan dengan orang lain, mengonsumsi makanan yang disiapkan di rumah memiliki kualitas diet yang lebih tinggi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa program intervensi gizi untuk orang dewasa harus mendorong pemahaman tentang makanan sehat, metode memasak, dan pemilihan bahan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan nutrisi individu, baik saat makan di luar maupun di rumah

    Factors Associated With Overweight/obesity Among Adults In Urban Indonesia

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    Overweight/obesity is increasing in developing countries, including Indonesia, being more prevalent in urban than rural areas. Understanding about associated factors of overweight/obesity is important for intervention purposes. The study objective was to assess factors associated with overweight/obesity in urban Indonesians. This cross-sectional study involved primary data collection among 864 adults aged 18-45 years in five major urban cities of Indonesia. Weight, height, waist and hip circumference were measured, and overweight/obesity was defined as BMI>25 kg/m2. Factors associated to overweight/obesity was ellicited by logistic regression. The study showed that proportion of overweight/obesity was significantly higher among women than men (42.8% and 29.2%). Median total energy intake was 1974 kcal/day, and median fat intake was high (75.3 g; 25th-75th percentile: 49.6-109.4 g). More than 70 percent of subjects consumed high energy dense food/beverages often. Only around 27 percent of the subjects had high intensity physical activity/PA level and more than 50 percent spent >6 hours using TV/computer, indicating low PA level. After adjusting for confounders, often consumption of high energy dense food consistenly showed association, although not signficant, with overweight/obesity. Moreover, men with higher sedentary activities indicated by TV/computer USAge >6 hours/day and women with less days of performing vigorous PA had 1.4 and 3 times higher odds to become overweight/obese, respectively. Thus, overweight/obesity prevention should focus on reduction of consumption of high-dense energy food, including fat intake; coupled with increasing PA level by having more days of vigourous recreational PA and reduction of TV/computer USAge, especially among married older urban adult


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    Overweight/obesity is increasing in developing countries, including Indonesia, being more prevalent in urban than rural areas. Understanding about associated factors of overweight/obesity is important for intervention purposes. The study objective was to assess factors associated with overweight/obesity in urban Indonesians. This cross-sectional study involved primary data collection among 864 adults aged 18-45 years in five major urban cities of Indonesia. Weight, height, waist and hip circumference were measured, and overweight/obesity was defined as BMI>25 kg/m2. Factors associated to overweight/obesity was ellicited by logistic regression. The study showed that proportion of overweight/obesity was significantly higher among women than men (42.8% and 29.2%). Median total energy intake was 1974 kcal/day, and median fat intake was high (75.3 g; 25th-75th percentile: 49.6-109.4 g). More than 70 percent of subjects consumed high energy dense food/beverages often. Only around 27 percent of the subjects had high intensity physical activity/PA level and more than 50 percent spent >6 hours using TV/computer, indicating low PA level. After adjusting for confounders, often consumption of high energy dense food consistenly showed association, although not signficant, with overweight/obesity. Moreover, men with higher sedentary activities indicated by TV/computer usage >6 hours/day and women with less days of performing vigorous PA had 1.4 and 3 times higher odds to become overweight/obese, respectively. Thus, overweight/obesity prevention should focus on reduction of consumption of high-dense energy food, including fat intake; coupled with increasing PA level by having more days of vigourous recreational PA and reduction of TV/computer usage, especially among married older urban adult


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    ABSTRACTThis review aims at compiling and summarizing findings of published studies that assessed factors associated with compliance of women to take recommended iron tablets during pregnancy. The review is done in 10 published studies (8 are 2002—2010 publications and 2 are 1993—1994 publications) indexed in Pubmed with the above objective. Low utilization of antenatal care/ANC services is found to be associated with low compliance as it prevents the women to receive recommended number of the iron tablets as well as decrease the opportunity of women to have encouragement from health staff to take the tablets. Supply of tablets becomes the issue since not all women receiving 30 tablets/ANC visits as recommended. Studies on influence of side-effects of taking the tablets to compliance show inconclusive findings. Some studies found the effect is very minimal, and can be managed appropriately especially among more educated women and among women with adequate counseling. Studies also indicated that support from family is important to reduce possibility of pregnant women forgot to take the tablets, the other major factor of the low compliance. Quality of counseling, e.g. clarity of the messages, is associated with compliance. In conclusion, improving support from ANC provider (such as sufficient tablet supply, clear message on the tablets benefits) and support from family may contribute to better compliance of women towards maternal iron supplementation.Keywords: compliance, iron supplementation, pregnancyABSTRAKReview ini bertujuan mengumpulkan temuan studi yang mengukur faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan ibu dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi selama kehamilan. Review dilakukan pada 10 studi (8 publikasi tahun 2002—2010, 2 publikasi tahun 1993—1994) yang terdaftar di Pubmed. Rendahnya partisipasi ibu hamil untuk memeriksakan kehamilannya/ANC berhubungan dengan rendahnya kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi. Rendahnya kunjungan ANC membuat ibu tidak mendapat tablet dengan jumlah yang cukup dan mengurangi kesempatan ibu untuk mendapat dukungan dari petugas ANC untuk minum tablet besi sesuai anjuran. Suplai tablet juga menjadi penting karena tidak semua ibu mendapat 30 tablet pada setiap kunjungan ANC seperti seharusnya. Pengaruh efek samping konsumsi tablet besi terhadap kepatuhan ibu belum dapat disimpulkan. Pengaruh efek samping ditemukan sangat kecil dan dapat diatasi dengan baik terutama pada ibu dengan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi atau yang mendapat penyuluhan yang cukup. Studi juga menemukan bahwa dukungan keluarga sangat penting untuk membantu mengingatkan ibu untuk mengonsumsi tablet besi. Hal ini menjadi penting karena salah satu faktor utama rendahnya kepatuhan ibu adalah karena ibu lupa mengonsumsi tablet tersebut. Kualitas penyuluhan, misalnya kejelasan pesan dari petugas kesehatan, berhubungan dengan kepatuhan ibu. Sebagai kesimpulan, dukungan yang lebih baik pada ibu, baik dari petugas ANC (misalnya pemberian tablet besi dalam jumlah yang cukup, kejelasan pesan tentang manfaat tablet) maupun keluarga dapat berkontribusi pada kepatuhan yang lebih baik pada ibu hamil dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi.Kata kunci: kehamilan, kepatuhan, suplementasi tablet bes