1,186 research outputs found

    Ways of optimizing medical services for children at educational institutions under the Health Care system reform in Ukraine.

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    Aim – scientific substantiation of the ways to optimize preventive childhood medicine under the health care system reform in Ukraine. The medical, sanitary and epidemiological conditions of children’s stay were studied at 147 schools in five oblasts of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv. The following methods were used: system analysis, analytical, mathematical and statistical, bibliosemantic, modeling and expert assessments. The results of an expert assessment (224 specialists) on the optimization of medical services for schoolchildren were analyzed. The main risk factors for schoolchildren staying at educational institutions were identified: daily routine failure, non-compliance with the hygiene requirements for the premises where the educational process is carried out, as well as failure in food and water quality and safety. The levels of medical observation provision were analyzed. There were suggested two ways of maintaining the role of medical personnel in preserving and enhancing the health of schoolchildren: involving doctors of primary care centers of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and creating an autonomous medical service in the institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in accordance with the current licensing requirements. The issues of prevention and promotion of children's health, including schoolchildren, are one of the key aspects of the training of medical personnel at all stages. Such programs need to be modernized on the basis of a competency approach, taking into account the current needs of the health care system and the best international experience in resolving these issues

    Joint action of Hall and ambipolar effects in 3D magneto-convection simulations of the quiet Sun. I. Dissipation and generation of waves

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    The partial ionization of the solar plasma causes several nonideal effects such as the ambipolar diffusion, the Hall effect, and the Biermann battery effect. Here we report on the first three-dimensional realistic simulations of solar local dynamo where all three effects were taken into account. The simulations started with a snapshot of already saturated battery-seeded dynamo, where two new series were developed: one with solely ambipolar diffusion and another one also taking into account the Hall term in the generalized Ohm's law. The simulations were then run for about 4 hours of solar time to reach the stationary regime and improve the statistics. In parallel, a purely MHD dynamo simulation was also run for the same amount of time. The simulations are compared in a statistical way. The results show that, with the inclusion of the ambipolar diffusion, the amplitudes of the incompressible perturbations related to Alfven waves are reduced, and the Poynting flux is absorbed, with a frequency dependence. The Hall effect causes the opposite action: significant excess of incompressible perturbations is generated and an excess of the Poynting flux is observed in the chromospheric layers. The model with ambipolar diffusion shows, on average, sharper current sheets and slightly more abundant fast magneto-acoustic shocks in the chromosphere. The model with the Hall effect has higher temperatures at the lower chromosphere and stronger and more vertical magnetic field concentrations all over the chromosphere. The study of high-frequency waves reveals that significant power of incompressible perturbations is associated with areas with intense and more vertical magnetic fields and larger temperatures. We find a positive correlation between the magnitude of the ambipolar heating and the temperature increase at the same location after a characteristic time of 10^2 sec.Comment: To appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Freezing precipitation in Russia and the Ukraine

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    International audienceConditions for freezing precipitation (FP), including freezing rain (FR) and freezing drizzle (FZ) for 8 airports in Russia and 4 in the Ukraine are studied on the basis of 10 to 20-year series of surface observations, radiosonde and objective analysis data. Statistical characteristics are presented of the FP episode durations and of occurrence frequency dependences on surface air temperature, wind direction and speed and cloud base height. From the radiosonde data, it is found that the "classical mechanism" of FP generation (for which, stratification of "warm nose" type in the cloud layer is necessary) is not frequent: most of FP cases are associated with "all cold" conditions in the lower 3-km layer, that is, with negative temperatures in and below the clouds

    English for Computing II

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    Навчальний посібник містить фахові тексти, лексичні та граматичні вправи комунікативного спрямування. Посібник також укомплектований аудіокурсом, що дає змогу використовувати автентичні записи зі спеціальності з метою формування навичок аудіювання. Призначається для студентів, що вивчають комп’ютерні науки

    English for Computing I

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    Навчальний посібник містить фахові тексти, лексичні та граматичні вправи комунікативного спрямування. Посібник також укомплектований аудіокурсом, що дає змогу використовувати автентичні записи зі спеціальності з метою формування навичок аудіювання. Призначається для студентів, що вивчають комп’ютерні науки

    Non-linear numerical simulations of magneto-acoustic wave propagation in small-scale flux tubes

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    We present results of non-linear, 2D, numerical simulations of magneto-acoustic wave propagation in the photosphere and chromosphere of small-scale flux tubes with internal structure. Waves with realistic periods of three to five minutes are studied, after applying horizontal and vertical oscillatory perturbations to the equilibrium model. Spurious reflections of shock waves from the upper boundary are minimized thanks to a special boundary condition. This has allowed us to increase the duration of the simulations and to make it long enough to perform a statistical analysis of oscillations. The simulations show that deep horizontal motions of the flux tube generate a slow (magnetic) mode and a surface mode. These modes are efficiently transformed into a slow (acoustic) mode in the vA < cS atmosphere. The slow (acoustic) mode propagates vertically along the field lines, forms shocks and remains always within the flux tube. It might deposit effectively the energy of the driver into the chromosphere. When the driver oscillates with a high frequency, above the cut-off, non-linear wave propagation occurs with the same dominant driver period at all heights. At low frequencies, below the cut-off, the dominant period of oscillations changes with height from that of the driver in the photosphere to its first harmonic (half period) in the chromosphere. Depending on the period and on the type of the driver, different shock patterns are observed.Comment: 22 pages 6 color figures, submitted to Solar Physics, proceeding of SOHO 19/ GONG 2007 meeting, Melbourne, Australi

    Characterization of Reachable Attractors Using Petri Net Unfoldings

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    International audienceAttractors of network dynamics represent the long-term behaviours of the modelled system. Their characterization is therefore crucial for understanding the response and differentiation capabilities of a dynamical system. In the scope of qualitative models of interaction networks, the computation of attractors reachable from a given state of the network faces combinatorial issues due to the state space explosion. In this paper, we present a new algorithm that exploits the concurrency between transitions of parallel acting components in order to reduce the search space. The algorithm relies on Petri net unfoldings that can be used to compute a compact representation of the dynamics. We illustrate the applicability of the algorithm with Petri net models of cell signalling and regulation networks, Boolean and multi-valued. The proposed approach aims at being complementary to existing methods for deriving the attractors of Boolean models, while being %so far more generic since it applies to any safe Petri net

    Generation of Large-Scale Vorticity in a Homogeneous Turbulence with a Mean Velocity Shear

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    An effect of a mean velocity shear on a turbulence and on the effective force which is determined by the gradient of Reynolds stresses is studied. Generation of a mean vorticity in a homogeneous incompressible turbulent flow with an imposed mean velocity shear due to an excitation of a large-scale instability is found. The instability is caused by a combined effect of the large-scale shear motions (''skew-induced" deflection of equilibrium mean vorticity) and ''Reynolds stress-induced" generation of perturbations of mean vorticity. Spatial characteristics, such as the minimum size of the growing perturbations and the size of perturbations with the maximum growth rate, are determined. This instability and the dynamics of the mean vorticity are associated with the Prandtl's turbulent secondary flows. This instability is similar to the mean-field magnetic dynamo instability. Astrophysical applications of the obtained results are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, REVTEX4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Морфологічні особливості печінки статевозрілої собаки

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    The article describes the features of the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the liver of mature clinically healthy dogs for the use of anatomical, histological and morphometric methods of research. According to the results of organometallic and cytometric studies, the absolute and relative body mass, the volume of hepatocytes, their nuclei and the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio were determined. Thus, the absolute weight of the liver in the mature dogs is variable and to a certain extent depends on the blood flow to the organ and is 427.4 ± 21.92 g, the relative weight – 2.69 ± 0.1%. Liver of mature dogs is a compact body of flattened form with sharp lower and lateral edges, with deep cuts, dark red color. The histoarhitectonics of the liver of dogs are constructed with connective tissue and parenchyma. The stroma of the organ is formed by a capsule, on top of which is serous membrane. In the area of the gates of the liver, the connective tissue of the capsule penetrates into the middle of the organ, branching and dividing it into lobules. Then it is formed by the hepatic plates by the intraosseous sinusoid capillaries. Liver plates are specific endpoint of the secretory unit of the liver. It has been found that in the microscopic structure of the liver of the dogs, the interstitial connective tissue is poorly developed, therefore the boundaries between the liver lobules are not sufficient. The liver plates behind the microscopic structure have a radial direction from the center to the periphery. The direction closer to the periphery of the particles is less noticeable, since hepatocytes are located in two rows, between which the sinusoidal space clearly appears. Hepatocytes had an irregular, multifaceted form. Their nuclei, which were mainly in the center of the cell, had little clarity of contours of carriel and well perceived color. During microscopic examination of the liver, it is swollen that hepatocytes of the central and intermediate zones are better perceived by color than the cytoplasm of the cells of the peripheral zone of the liver. According to the analysis of our cytomorphometric studies, hepatocytes of dogs have different sizes, which vary in wide range: from small to large. Whereas the average volume of hepatocytes in mature dogs is 964.72 ± 56.003 μm³; the average volume of their nuclei is 105.13 ± 2.02 microns. The nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio of hepatocytes in dogs of this group is 0.128 ± 0.122.У статті за використання анатомічних, гістологічних та морфометричних методів досліджень викладено особливості макро- та мікроскопічної будови печінки статевозрілих клінічно здорових собак. За результатами органо – гісто- та цитометричних досліджень з’ясовано абсолютну та відносну масу органу, об’єм гепатоцитів, їх ядер та ядерно-цитоплазматичне відношення. Так, абсолютна маса печінки у статевозрілих собак мінлива і в певній мірі залежить від кровонаповнення органа і становить 427,4 ± 21,92 г, відносна маса – 2,69 ± 0,1%. Печінка статевозрілих собак компактний орган сплющеної форми з гострими нижнім і бічними краями, з глибокими вирізками, темно-червоного кольору. Гістоархітектоніка печінки собак побудована зі сполучнотканинної строми і зі паренхіми. Строма органа сформована капсулою, поверх якої міститься серозна оболонка. У ділянці воріт печінки, сполучна тканина капсули проникає всередину органа, розгалужується і ділить його на часточки. Останні утворені печінковими пластинками внутрішньочасточковими синусоїдними капілярами. Печінкові пластинки являють собою специфічний кінцевий секреторний відділ печінки. З’ясовано, що у мікроскопічній будові печінки собак міжчасточкова сполучна тканина слабко розвинена, тому межі між печінковими часточками маловиражені. Печінкові пластинки за мікроскопічної будови мають радіальний напрямок, від центру до периферії. Ближче до периферії часточок їх напрямок менш помітний, оскільки гепатоцити розташовувались двома рядами, між якими чітко виявляється синусоїдальний простір. Гепатоцити мали неправильну, багатогранну форму. Їх ядра, які містилися в основному у центрі клітини, мали чітко контуровану каріолему і добре сприймали забарвлення. Під час мікроскопічного дослідження печінки відмічено, що гепатоцити центральної і проміжної зон краще сприймали забарвлення, ніж цитоплазма клітин периферичної зони печінкової частки. Згідно з аналізом проведених нами цитоморфометричних досліджень, гепатоцити собак мають різні розміри, які коливаються у широких межах: від малих до великих. При тім, що середній об’єм гепатоцитів у статевозрілих собак становить 964,72 ± 56,003 мкм³; середній об’єм їх ядер – 105,13 ± 2,02 мкм3. Ядерно-цитоплазматичне відношення гепатоцитів у собак цієї групи складає 0,128 ± 0,122