26 research outputs found

    The ability to predict the results of bioequivalence studies based on a consistent statistical analysis of informative factors

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    Predicting the results of bioequivalence studies is an urgent and important task in developing protocols for clinical studies of bioequivalence. Objective: to develop an algorithm for predicting bioequivalence results based on factors with a sufficient degree of informativeness. Materials and methods: the analysis of the main factors associated with conducting bioequivalence studies on the data of 290 bioequivalence studies; the informativeness of the factors is characterized and the corresponding points (prognostic factors) of each gradation of each factor are determined; a forecast table and forecast calculation algorithm have been developed; The sensitivity and specificity of the developed prognostic algorithm are compared with the control sample (data from 65 bioequivalent studies from open sources). Statistical processing was performed using SSPS Statistics v. 25 and Microsoft Office Excel 2016. Results: The results of the analysis performed to determine the informative factors by various assessment methods are described. Equations are given for performing the corresponding calculations. The key and most informative features are shown, on the basis of which a forecast table is created and a forecast algorithm is developed. The results of the analysis of the sensitivity and specificity of the algorithm for predicting the results of bioequivalence studies are presented. Conclusion: an algorithm and a calculator for predicting the results of bioequivalence based on factors with a sufficient degree of information content have been developed. The algorithm showed high values of sensitivity and specificity, as well as a low percentage of errors

    Infrared detectors based on semiconductor p-n junction of PbSe

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    P-n junctions based on physical vapor deposition of thin PbSe films and conductivity type inversion from n- to p-type are developed and characterized over a wide range of temperatures and bias voltages. Photosensitivity and diode characteristics in the thin film PbSe diode structures were found at temperatures up to 300 K. The values of the measured and estimated parameters of these structures demonstrate their high photodetector performance and the potential for development of IR detectors with optimal sensitivity at the highest possible operating temperature

    Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been infecting humans for millennia and remains a global health problem, but its past diversity and dispersal routes are largely unknown. We generated HBV genomic data from 137 Eurasians and Native Americans dated between ~10,500 and ~400 years ago. We date the most recent common ancestor of all HBV lineages to between ~20,000 and 12,000 years ago, with the virus present in European and South American hunter-gatherers during the early Holocene. After the European Neolithic transition, Mesolithic HBV strains were replaced by a lineage likely disseminated by early farmers that prevailed throughout western Eurasia for ~4000 years, declining around the end of the 2nd millennium BCE. The only remnant of this prehistoric HBV diversity is the rare genotype G, which appears to have reemerged during the HIV pandemic

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise. © 2015

    Design adaptation of the automobile and tractor diesel engine for work on mixed vegetable-mineral fuel

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    The article is devoted to the solution of the problem associated with the partial substitution of marketable mineral diesel fuel (DF) with mixed vegetable-mineral (MDF) engine fuel. The bio-component of MDF is vegetable oil, for example, Camelina seed oil. A design option of a dual-fuel feeding system has been proposed, the main component of which is a mixing and metering unit for vegetable oil and mineral diesel fuel which allows electric metering units controlled by an electronic control unit (ECU) to respond to signals from diesel load-speed sensors (crankshaft speed, injector rack position (fuel injection pump)) and temperature gauge of camelina oil, to ensure the feed of mixed diesel fuel with components of different content. The use of mixed diesel fuel based on vegetable oil, containing for example 50 % of mineral commercial fuel and 50 % of camelina oil, makes it possible with a slight decrease in the effective power (not more than 6 %) and some increase in the specific effective consumption of mixed fuel (up to 14 %) to save 50 % of fuel of petroleum origin, as well as to reduce the smoke opacity of exhaust gases by 17–20 % and reduce the content of carbon oxide by 35–40 % compared with the work of a diesel engine on commercial mineral diesel fuel

    Results of engine tests of an experimental gasoline internal combustion engine

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    To improve the power and fuel and economic performance of a gasoline internal combustion engine, it has been proposed to improve the insulating properties of the piston by forming a heat-insulating coating on the working surfaces of the piston head with a thickness of 25...30 ÎŒm using the microarc oxidation method. Comparative results of engine tests are carried out, which showed that an engine equipped with pistons with a heat-insulating coating on the working surfaces of the head increases power by 5.3 % and reduces hourly fuel consumption by 5.7 % compared to an engine equipped with standard pistons

    Extraordinary Burial of the Eneolithic Burial Ground Ekaterinovsky Cape

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    In 2017, excavation of burial ground Ekaterinovsky cape were continued, located in the area of the confluence of the Bezenchuk River in the Volga River. During the new excavations, 14 burials were studied. The skeleton of the buried were in a position elongated on the back, less often – crooked on the back with knees bent at the knees. In one burial (No. 90), a special position of the skeleton was recorded. In the burial number 90 in the anatomical order, parts of the male skeleton. This gave grounds for the reconstruction of his original position in a semi-sitting position with the support of elbows on the bottom of the pit. Noteworthy inventory: on the pelvic bones on the left lay a bone spoon, near the right humerus, the pommel of a cruciform club was found.The conclusion is made about the high social status of the buried. The results of the analysis of burial allow us to outline the closest circle of analogies in the materials of Khvalynsky I and Murzikhinsky burial grounds

    Application of universal computer modeling system for development of LCSs with high contrast and wide viewing angles

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    The effective applications of universal modeling systems MOUSE-LCD for the development of new LCDs with high contrast and wide viewing angles are presented. The software enables to combine LCDs both with uni and biaxial phase retardation plates as well as to use double cell configuration for the purpose of optimization. Any type of the director distribution inside LC cell with arbitrary (nonsymmetric) tilts and twist angles can be taken into account. The wideness of viewing angles can be estimated using equi-contrast ratio and equi-transmission curves for various angles of light incidence. Special examples demonstrate the effectiveness of application of MOUSE-LCD for the purpose of the design of new color displays with high brightness and wide viewing angles

    Photoelectromagnetic Effect Induced by Terahertz Laser Radiation in Topological Crystalline Insulators Pb1−xSnxTe

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    Topological crystalline insulators form a class of semiconductors for which surface electron states with the Dirac dispersion relation are formed on surfaces with a certain crystallographic orientation. Pb1−xSnxTe alloys belong to the topological crystalline phase when the SnTe content x exceeds 0.35, while they are in the trivial phase at x < 0.35. For the surface crystallographic orientation (111), the appearance of topologically nontrivial surface states is expected. We studied the photoelectromagnetic (PEM) effect induced by laser terahertz radiation in Pb1−xSnxTe films in the composition range x = (0.11–0.44), with the (111) surface crystallographic orientation. It was found that in the trivial phase, the amplitude of the PEM effect is determined by the power of the incident radiation, while in the topological phase, the amplitude is proportional to the flux of laser radiation quanta. A possible mechanism responsible for the effect observed presumes damping of the thermalization rate of photoexcited electrons in the topological phase and, consequently, prevailing of electron diffusion, compared with energy relaxation