33 research outputs found

    Magnetized Iron Atmospheres for Neutron Stars

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    Using a Hartree-Fock formalism, we estimate energy levels and photon cross sections for atomic iron in magnetic fields B ~ 10^13 G. Computing ionization equilibrium and normal mode opacities with these data, we construct LTE neutron star model atmospheres at 5.5 < Log(T_eff) < 6.5 and compute emergent spectra. We examine the dependence of the emergent spectra on T_eff and B. We also show the spectral variation with the angle between the magnetic field and the atmosphere normal and describe the significant limb darkening in the X-ray band. These results are compared with recent detailed computations of neutron star H model atmospheres in high fields and with low field Fe and H model atmospheres constructed from detailed opacities. The large spectral differences for different surface compositions may be discernible with present X-ray data; we also note improvements needed to allow comparison of Fe models with high quality spectra.Comment: 18 pages with 5 eps figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Replaced due to clerical error only: one more author, no new conten

    Equation of state of a strongly magnetized hydrogen plasma

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    The influence of a constant uniform magnetic field on the thermodynamic properties of a partially ionized hydrogen plasma is studied. Using the method of Green' s function various interaction contributions to the thermodynamic functions are calculated. The equation of state of a quantum magnetized plasma is presented within the framework of a low density expansion up to the order e^4 n^2 and, additionally, including ladder type contributions via the bound states in the case of strong magnetic fields (2.35*10^{5} T << B << 2.35*10^{9} T). We show that for high densities (n=10^{27-30} m^{-3}) and temperatures T=10^5 - 10^6 K typical for the surface of neutron stars nonideality effects as, e.g., Debye screening must be taken into account.Comment: 12 pages, 2 Postscript figures. uses revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Ionization and dissociation equilibrium in strongly-magnetized helium atmosphere

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    Recent observations and theoretical investigations of neutron stars indicate that their atmospheres consist not of hydrogen or iron but possibly other elements such as helium. We calculate the ionization and dissociation equilibrium of helium in the conditions found in the atmospheres of magnetized neutron stars. For the first time this investigation includes the internal degrees of freedom of the helium molecule. We found that at the temperatures and densities of neutron star atmospheres the rotovibrational excitations of helium molecules are populated. Including these excitations increases the expected abundance of molecules by up to two orders of magnitude relative to calculations that ignore the internal states of the molecule; therefore, if the atmospheres of neutron stars indeed consist of helium, helium molecules and possibly polymers will make the bulk of the atmosphere and leave signatures on the observed spectra from neutron stars. We applied our calculation to nearby radio-quiet neutron stars with B_{dipole}~10^{13}-10^{14} G. If helium comprises their atmospheres, our study indicates that isolated neutron stars with T_{BB}~10^6 K such as RXJ0720.4-3125 and RXJ1605.3+3249 will have He^+ ions predominantly, while isolated neutron stars with lower temperature (T_{BB}~5x10^5 K) such as RXJ1856.5-3754 and RXJ0420.0-5022 will have some fraction of helium molecules. If helium molecules are abundant, their spectroscopic signatures may be detected in the optical, UV and X-ray band. (Abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Deuterium chemistry in the primordial gas

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    We review and update some aspects of deuterium chemistry in the post-recombination Universe with particular emphasis on the formation and destruction of HD. We examine in detail the available theoretical and experimental data for the leading reactions of deuterium chemistry and we highlight the areas where improvements in the determination of rate coefficients are necessary to reduce the remaining uncertainties. We discuss the cooling properties of HD and the modifications to the standard cooling function introduced by the presence of the cosmological radiation field. Finally, we consider the effects of deuterium chemistry on the dynamical collapse of primordial clouds in a simple ``top-hat'' scenario, and we speculate on the minimum mass a cloud must have in order to be able to cool in a Hubble time.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, LaTeX. Earth and Planetary Sciences, in pres


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    Background. To Investigate features of emotional intelligence of students oriented to become health care managers.Materials and methods. The study was conducted at the Department of Public Health and Health Care Service named after N.A. Semashko, the Center for Master’s Programs and the Graduate School of Health Care of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. The study involved 242 students of Sechenov University who were trained in the field of medical and preventive care, as well as master students and residents who were trained to become health care managers. The study included 80 men (33.1%) and 162 women (66.9%). The groups did not differ by sex and age.The subjects were included in 3 groups:– group 1 (comparison group 1) – 66 people who underwent postgraduate training (interns, residents, masters);– group 2 (comparison group 2) – 104 students of the medical and preventive faculty of Sechenov University,– group 3 (core) – 72 students who completed the course “Factory of Health Leaders”.During the study, indicators of emotional intelligence (emotional awareness, managing one’s emotions, empathy, self-motivation, recognition of other people’s emotions) were evaluated. Evaluation using scoring system was also based on personality self-actualization (the desire for self-actualization, time orientation, values, a look at the nature of a person, the need for knowledge, creativity, autonomy, spontaneity, self-understanding, autosympathy, contact, flexibility in communication).Results. The result of the study is an assessment of characteristics of the students’ emotional intelligence, who are training in the “Public Health and Health Care” program, which are valuable for identification of the abilities of understanding personality relationships that are represented in emotions and in management of the emotional sphere based on decision-making.Conclusion. The results of the study indicate that the parameters included in the discriminant models of multiple logistic regression analysis can be used as possible predictors for evaluating the parameters of emotional intelligence and the test of personality self-actualization, which, in turn, with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity determine students’ membership in the selected group and students of the Health Leaders Factory program. Based on these models, it can be assumed that among students the parameters of emotional intelligence are closely associated with leadership qualities. These models can be used during testing of students for identification of students with leadership qualities in the early stages of training in order to fully reveal their potential when studying in training programs for health leaders.Цель. Изучение особенностей эмоционального интеллекта студентов, характерных для обучающихся ориентированных на подготовку по профилю «Общественное здоровье и здравоохранение».Материалы и методы. Исследование проведено на базе кафедры общественного здоровья и здравоохранения им. Н.А. Семашко, Центра Магистерских программ и Высшей школы управления здравоохранением МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова. Участниками исследования (242 человека) представлены студентами Сеченовского Университета, проходившими подготовку по направлению медико-профилактическое дело, а также магистрантами и ординаторами, проходившими обучение по профилю «Общественное здоровье и здравоохранение».В исследование было включено 80 мужчин (33,1%) и 162 женщины (66,9%). Группы не различались по половозрастному признаку.Испытуемые были включены в 3 группы:– группа 1 (группа сравнения 1) – 66 человек, проходившиих постдипломное обучение (интерны, ординаторы, магистры);– группа 2 (группа сравнения 2) – 104 студента медико-профилактического факультета Сеченовского Университета,– группа 3 (основная) – 72 студента, которые прошли курс «Фабрики лидеров здравоохранения».В ходе исследования оценивали показатели эмоционального интеллекта (эмоциональная осведомленность, управление своими эмоциями, эмпатия, самомотивация, распознавание эмоций других людей). Также была выполнена балльная оценка самоактуализации личности (стремление к самоактуализации, ориентация во времени, ценности, взгляд на природу человека, потребность в познании, креативность, автономность, спонтанность, самопонимание, аутосимпатия, контактность, гибкость в общении).Результаты. Результатом проведенного исследования является оценка характеристик эмоционального интеллекта обучающихся, ориентированных на подготовку по профилю «Общественное здоровье и здравоохранение», для выявления способностей понимания отношений личности, репрезентируемых в эмоциях и управления эмоциональной сферой на основе принятия решений.Заключение. Результаты исследования свидетельствовуют, что параметры, включенные в дискриминантные модели множественного логистического регрессионного анализа могут быть использованы в качестве возможных предикторов оценки параметров эмоционального интеллекта и теста самоактуализации личности, что в свою очередь, с высокой долей чувствительности и специфичности моделируют принадлежность студентов к группе прошедших отбор и обучавшихся по программе Фабрика Лидеров Здравоохранениря. На основании данных моделей можно предположить, что среди студентов параметры эмоционального интеллекта тесным образом ассоциированы с лидерскими качествами. Данные модели могут быть использованы при проведении тестирования обучающихся для выявления на ранних этапах обучения студентов, обладающих лидерскими качествами, с целью наиболее полного раскрытия их потенциала при обучении по программам подготовки лидеров здравоохранения

    Quantum computation with trapped polar molecules

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    We propose a novel physical realization of a quantum computer. The qubits are electric dipole moments of ultracold diatomic molecules, oriented along or against an external electric field. Individual molecules are held in a 1-D trap array, with an electric field gradient allowing spectroscopic addressing of each site. Bits are coupled via the electric dipole-dipole interaction. Using technologies similar to those already demonstrated, this design can plausibly lead to a quantum computer with 104\gtrsim 10^4 qubits, which can perform 105\sim 10^5 CNOT gates in the anticipated decoherence time of 5\sim 5 s.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX 4, 2 figures. Edited for length and converted to RevTeX, but no substantial changes from earlier pdf versio

    Hydrogen Molecules In Superstrong Magnetic Field: II. Excitation Levels

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    We study the energy levels of H2_2 molecules in a superstrong magnetic field (B\go 10^{12} G), typically found on the surfaces of neutron stars. The interatomic interaction potentials are calculated by a Hartree-Fock method with multi-configurations assuming electrons are in the ground Landau state. Both the aligned configurations and arbitrary orientations of the molecular axis with respect to the magnetic field axis are considered. Different types of molecular excitations are then studied: electronic excitations, aligned (along the magnetic axis) vibrational excitations, transverse vibrational excitations (a constrained rotation of the molecular axis around the magnetic field line). Similar results for the molecular ion H2+_2^+ are also obtained and compared with previous variational calculations. Both numerical results and analytical fitting formulae are given for a wide range of field strengths. In contrast to the zero-field case, it is found that the transverse vibrational excitation energies can be larger than the aligned vibration excitation, and they both can be comparable or larger than the electronic excitations. For B\go B_{crit}=4.23\times 10^{13} G, the Landau energy of proton is appreciable and there is some controversy regarding the dissociation energy of H2_2. We show that H2_2 is bound even for B>>BcritB>>B_{crit} and that neither proton has a Landau excitation in the ground molecular state.Comment: Revtex (45 pages), 3 postscript figures; Phys. Rev. A in pres

    Modelling mid-Z element atmospheres for strongly-magnetized neutron stars

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    We construct models for strongly-magnetized neutron star atmospheres composed of mid-Z elements (carbon, oxygen and neon) with magnetic fields B=10^{12}-10^{13} G and effective temperatures Teff=(1-5)*10^6 K; this is done by first addressing the physics relevant to strongly-magnetized plasmas and calculating the equation of state and polarization-dependent opacities. We then obtain the atmosphere structure and spectrum by solving the radiative transfer equations in hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium. In contrast to hydrogen opacities at the relevant temperatures, mid-Z element opacities are dominated by numerous bound-bound and bound-free transitions. Consequently, temperature profiles are closer to grey profiles, and photosphere densities are lower than in the hydrogen case. Mid-Z element atmosphere spectra are significantly softer than hydrogen atmosphere spectra and show numerous absorption lines and edges. The atmosphere spectra depend strongly on surface composition and magnetic field but weakly on surface gravity. Absorption lines are primarily broadened by motional Stark effects and the (unknown) surface magnetic field distribution. Given the multiple absorption features observed from several isolated neutron stars, it is possible to determine, with existing X-ray data, the surface composition, magnetic field, temperature, and gravitational redshift; we present qualitative comparisons between our model spectra and the neutron stars 1E1207.4-5209 and RX J1605.3+3249. Future high-resolution X-ray missions such as Constellation-X will measure the gravitational redshift with high accuracy by resolving narrow absorption features, and when combined with radius measurements, it will be possible to uniquely determine the mass and radius of isolated neutron stars. (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Matter in Strong Magnetic Fields

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    The properties of matter are significantly modified by strong magnetic fields, B>>2.35×109B>>2.35\times 10^9 Gauss (1G=104Tesla1 G =10^{-4} Tesla), as are typically found on the surfaces of neutron stars. In such strong magnetic fields, the Coulomb force on an electron acts as a small perturbation compared to the magnetic force. The strong field condition can also be mimicked in laboratory semiconductors. Because of the strong magnetic confinement of electrons perpendicular to the field, atoms attain a much greater binding energy compared to the zero-field case, and various other bound states become possible, including molecular chains and three-dimensional condensed matter. This article reviews the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and bulk matter, as well as the thermodynamic properties of dense plasma, in strong magnetic fields, 109G<<B<1016G10^9G << B < 10^{16}G. The focus is on the basic physical pictures and approximate scaling relations, although various theoretical approaches and numerical results are also discussed. For the neutron star surface composed of light elements such as hydrogen or helium, the outermost layer constitutes a nondegenerate, partially ionized Coulomb plasma if B<<1014GB<<10^{14}G, and may be in the form of a condensed liquid if the magnetic field is stronger (and temperature <106<10^6 K). For the iron surface, the outermost layer of the neutron star can be in a gaseous or a condensed phase depending on the cohesive property of the iron condensate.Comment: 45 pages with 9 figures. Many small additions/changes. Accepted for publication in Rev. Mod. Phy

    Preparation of selective molybdenum concentrate from collective coppermolybdenum concentrate

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