16 research outputs found

    Fabrication, physicochemical characterization and preliminary efficacy evaluation of a W/O/W multiple emulsion loaded with 5% green tea extract

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    Emulsões múltiplas complexas possuem excelente habilidade de agregar grandes quantidades de agentes cosméticos funcionais. Este estudo teve por objetivo encapsular grandes volumes de chá verde em uma emulsão múltipla clássica e comparar sua estabilidade com a emulsão múltipla sem o extrato do chá verde. Emulsões múltiplas são desenvolvidas usando cetil dimeticona copoliol como emulsificante lipofílico e o clássico polissorbato-80 como emulsificante hidrofílico. As emulsões múltiplas foram avaliadas por meio de vários aspectos fisico-químicos como condutividade, pH, análise microscópica e reologia. Estas características foram observadas por um período de 30 dias sob diferentes condições de armazenamento. Testes de proteção da pele in vivo e in vitro foram realizados para ambos os tipos de emulsões testadas, i.e. com o ativo em estudo (MeA) e sem ativo (MeB). Ambas as formulações apresentaram características comparáveis no que diz respeito aos diferentes fatores físico-químicos avaliados sob diferentes condições de armazenamento. A análise reológica mostrou que as formulações apresentaram comportamento pseudo-plástico sob contínuo estresse de cisalhamento. Os resultados dos testes in vivo e in vitro sobre a proteção da pele revelaram que a formulação ativa promoveu efeitos comparáveis à formulação controle. Nossos dados mostraram que emulsões múltiplas estáveis poderiam ser escolhas promissoras para a aplicação tópica do chá verde. Entretanto, a fórmula das emulsões múltiplas apresentadas neste estudo precisam ser melhoradas no que diz respeito ao pH, condutividade e viscosidade aparente.Complex multiple emulsions have an excellent ability to fill large volumes of functional cosmetic agents. This study was aimed to encapsulate large volume of green tea in classical multiple emulsion and to compare its stability with a multiple emulsion without green tea extract. Multiple emulsions were developed using Cetyl dimethicone copolyol as lipophilic emulsifier and classic polysorbate-80 as hydrophilic emulsifier. Multiple emulsions were evaluated for various physicochemical aspects like conductivity, pH, microscopic analysis, rheology and these characteristics were followed for a period of 30 days in different storage conditions. In vitro and in vivo skin protection tests were also performed for both kinds of multiple emulsions i.e. with active (MeA) and without active (MeB). Both formulations showed comparable characteristics regarding various physicochemical characteristics in different storage conditions. Rheological analysis showed that formulations showed pseudo plastic behavior upon continuous shear stress. Results of in vitro and in vivo skin protection data have revealed that the active formulation has comparable skin protection effects to that of control formulation. It was presumed that stable multiple emulsions could be a promising choice for topical application of green tea but multiple emulsions presented in this study need improvement in the formula, concluded on the basis of pH, conductivity and apparent viscosity data

    Ziziphus mauritiana leaf extract emulsion for skin rejuvenation

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    Purpose: To formulate stable water in oil (W/O) emulsion containing hydroalcoholic crude extract of Ziziphus mauritiana leaves for skin rejuvenation.Methods: Placebo (base) without any plant extract and formulation with 4 % Ziziphus mauritiana extract were prepared by mixing. Samples of the emulsions were subjected to varying storage conditions, i.e., 8, 25, 40 oC and 40 oC + 75 % relative humidity for a period of 4 weeks to predict their stability. During this period, stability parameters, including liquefaction, phase separation, color, electrical conductivity, centrifugation and pH were monitored at specified time intervals. Skin rejuvenation was evaluated using 13 healthy human volunteers over a period of 8 weeks. During this period, various skin parameters such as erythema, melanin level, moisture content, elasticity and sebum content of the skin were evaluated at specified intervals.Results: Both the active formulation and placebo were stable in terms of liquifaction, phase separation and color at all the storage conditions of temperature and humidity. Active formulation showed statistically significant (p < 0.05) improvement in skin melanin as well as in skin moisture and sebum levels, whereas these properties were reduced or even absent in the placebo formulation (p > 0.05). Both active and placebo formulations changed skin elasticity and erythema significantly (p < 0.05).Conclusion: İt is evident from the findings that the leaf extract of Ziziphus mauritiana possesses antiaging properties as well as exert skin lightening, moisturizing and viscoelastic effects on human skin.Keywords: Ziziphus mauritiana, Melanin, Erythema, Sebum, Skin-tlightening, Moistirizing, Anti-agin

    Formulation and characterization of a multiple emulsion containing 1% L-ascorbic acid

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    The purpose of the study was to prepare a stable multiple emulsion containing a skin anti-aging agent and using paraffin oil. Vitamin C, was incorporated into the inner aqueous phase of water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) multiple emulsion at a concentration of 1%. Multiple emulsion was prepared by two step method. Stability studies were performed at different accelerated conditions, i.e. 8 oC (in refrigerator), 25 oC (in oven), 40 oC (in oven), and 40 oC at 75% RH (in stability cabin) for 28 days to predict the stability of formulations. Different parameters, namely pH, globule size, electrical conductivity and effect of centrifugation (simulating gravity) were determined during stability studies. Data obtained was evaluated statistically using ANOVA two way analyses and LSD tests. Multiple emulsion formulated was found to be stable at lower temperatures (i.e. 8 and 25 oC) for 28 days. No phase separation was observed in the samples during stability testing. It was found that there was no significant change (p > 0.05) in globule sizes in most of the samples kept at various conditions. Insignificant changes (p > 0.05) in both pH and conductivity values were determined for the samples kept at 8, 40, and 40 oC at 75% RH, throughout the study period. Further studies are needed to formulate more stable emulsions with other emulsifying agents. KEY WORDS: Multiple emulsion, Vitamin C, StabilityBull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2010, 24(1), 1-10.

    Effects of Emblica Officinalis Extract Cream on Human Skin Trans-epidermal Water Loss Measured with Non Invasive Probe

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    The purpose of this study was to assess hydroalcoholic Emblica officinalis fruit extract cream on human skin trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL). Ten male volunteers were examined in this study. Measurements were made on cheeks. Creams with different concentrations of ABIL® EM 90 and liquid paraffin containing 3% hydroalcoholic Emblica officinalis fruit extract were developed and tested for stability studies for a period of 28 days. Selected cream and its base were further assessed in different conditions at 8 °C (in refrigerator), 25 °C (in incubator), 40 °C (in incubator) and 40 °C (in incubator) with 75% relative humidity (RH) for color, odor, thickness, grittiness liquefaction, phase separation, and pH at different time intervals. Trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) was monitored every week by non-invasive bio-instrument Tewameter MPA 5. All measurements were made statistically by ANOVA and t-paired test. Significant decrease on skin TEWL was produced. Keywords: Hydroalcoholic Emblica officinalis fruit extract, Facial cream, Biophysical paramete

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Outcomes of 3% Green Tea Emulsion on Skin Sebum Production in Male Volunteers

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    This study was aimed to depict potential effects of stable formulation (water in oil emulsion), containing 3% green tea (Camellia sinensis L) extract on skin sebum production in healthy human volunteers. For this purpose formulation was designed using 3 % ethanolic green tea extract and Abil’EM90 was used as an emulsifier. Formulation was applied to the cheeks of healthy human volunteers (n=10) for a period of 8 weeks. Measurements for skin sebum production were considered using Sebumeter MPA 5. Results were compiled and any effect produced by the formulation was justified statistically. It was observable that statistically significant (p < 0.5 %) results were found for skin sebum production after long term application of the formulation. 3% formulation of green tea extract was ideal in all aspects and can be experienced in skin disorders like acne to further investigate its effects in unhealthy volunteers

    Outcomes of 3% Green Tea Emulsion on Skin Sebum Production in Male Volunteers

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    This study was aimed to depict potential effects of stable formulation (water in oil emulsion), containing 3% green tea (Camellia sinensis L) extract on skin sebum production in healthy human volunteers. For this purpose formulation was designed using 3 % ethanolic green tea extract and Abil’EM90 was used as an emulsifier. Formulation was applied to the cheeks of healthy human volunteers (n=10) for a period of 8 weeks. Measurements for skin sebum production were considered using Sebumeter MPA 5. Results were compiled and any effect produced by the formulation was justified statistically. It was observable that statistically significant (p < 0.5 %) results were found for skin sebum production after long term application of the formulation. 3% formulation of green tea extract was ideal in all aspects and can be experienced in skin disorders like acne to further investigate its effects in unhealthy volunteers