768 research outputs found

    Partial quantification of pigments extracted from the zooxanthellate octocoral Sinularia flexibilis at varying irradiances

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    Chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and carotenoid pigments of the zooxanthellate octocoral Sinularia flexibilis were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography following exposure to three light intensities for over 30 days. From the coral fragments located at different light intensities, a total carotenoid of >41 µg g-1 dry weight, including peridinin, xanthophylls (likely diadinoxanthin + diatoxanthin), and chl-a as the most abundant pigments, with minor contents of astaxantin and ß-carotene were detected. The whole content of chl-a weighed 5 µg g-1 dry weight in all coral colonies. Chl-a and carotenoids contributed 11.2% and 88.2%, respectively, to all pigments detected, and together accounted for 99.4% of the total pigments present. The highest contents of carotenoids and chl-a was observed in the coral grafts placed in an irradiance of 100 µmol quanta m-2 s-1; they showed lower ratios of total carotenoids: chl-a compared to those exposed to 400 µmol quanta m-2 s-1 after >30 days of incubation. The ratios of peridinin and xanthophylls with respect to chl-a from the colonies at 400 µmol quanta m-2 s-1 were approximately double those observed at irradiances of 100 and 200 µmol quanta m-2 s-1. Partial quantification of pigments in this study showed that the carotenoids of S. flexibilis showed a decrease at irradiances above 100 µmol quanta m-2 s-1, with the exception of an increase in ß-carotene at 200 µmol quanta m-2 s-1

    Microwave Imaging for Diagnostic Application

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    Imaging of the human body makes a significant contribution to the diagnosis and succeeding treatment of diseases. Among the numerous medical imaging methods, microwave imaging (MWI) is an attractive approach for medical applications due to its high potential to produce images of the human body safely with cost-efficiency. A wide range of studies and research has been done with the aim of using the microwave approach for medical applications. The focus of this research is developing MWI algorithms, which is the Huygens Principle (HP) based and to validate the capability of the proposed MWI algorithm to detect skin cancer and bone lesion through phantom measurements. The probability of the HP procedure for skin cancer detection has been investigated through design, and fabrication of a heterogeneous phantom simulating the human forearm having an inclusion mimicking a skin cancer. Ultrawideband (UWB) MWI methods are then applied to the phantom. The S21 parameter measurements are collected in an anechoic chamber environment and processed via HP technique. The tumour is successfully detected after applying appropriate artefact removal procedure. The ability to successfully apply HP to detect and locate a skin cancer type inclusion in a multilayer cylindrical phantom has been verified. The feasibility study of HP-based MWI procedure for bone lesion detection has also been investigated using a dedicated phantom. Validation has been completed through measurements inside the anechoic chamber in the frequency range of 1–3 GHz using one receiving and one transmitting antennas in free space. The identification of the lesion’s presence in different bone layers has been performed on images. The quantification of the obtained images has been performed by introducing parameters such as the resolution and signal-to-clutter ratio (S/C). The impact of different frequencies and bandwidths (in the 1–3 GHz range) in lesion detection has been investigated. The findings showed that the frequency range of 1.5–2.5 GHz offered the best resolution (1.1 cm) and S/C (2.22 on a linear scale). Subtraction between S21 obtained using two slightly displaced transmitting positions has been employed to remove the artefacts; the best artefact removal has been obtained when the spatial displacement was approximately of the same magnitude as the dimension of the lesion. Subsequently, a phantom validation of a low complexity MWI device (based on HP) operating in free space in the 1-6.5 GHz frequency band using two antennas in free space has been applied. Detection has been achieved in both bone fracture lesion and bone marrow lesion scenarios using superimposition of five doublet transmitting positions after applying the rotation subtraction method to remove artefact. A resolution of 5 mm and the S/C (3.35 in linear scale) are achieved which is clearly confirming the advantage of employing multiple transmitting positions on increased detection capability. The finding of this research verifies the dedicated MWI device as a simple, safe and without any X-ray radiation, portable, and low complexity method, which is capable of been successfully used for bone lesion detection. The outcomes of this thesis may pave the way for the construction of a dedicated bone imaging system that in future could be used as a safe diagnostic device even in emergency sites

    Light-Dependency of Growth and Secondary Metabolite Production in the Captive Zooxanthellate Soft Coral Sinularia flexibilis

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    The branching zooxanthellate soft coral Sinularia flexibillis releases antimicrobial and toxic compounds with potential pharmaceutical importance. As photosynthesis by the symbiotic algae is vital to the host, the light-dependency of the coral, including its specific growth rate (µ day-1) and the physiological response to a range of light intensities (10–1,000 µmol quanta m-2 s-1) was studied for 12 weeks. Although a range of irradiances from 100 to 400 µmol quanta m-2 s-1 was favorable for S. flexibilis, based on chlorophyll content, a light intensity around 100 µmol quanta m-2 s-1 was found to be optimal. The contents of both zooxanthellae and chlorophyll a were highest at 100 µmol quanta m-2 s-1. The specific budding rate showed almost the same pattern as the specific growth rate. The concentration of the terpene flexibilide, produced by this species, increased at high light intensities (200–600 µmol quanta m-2 s-1)

    Integrated modeling of grinding, liberation and leaching of gold ores

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    Avec l'augmentation rapide du prix de l'or depuis 10 ans, les producteurs d'or se tournent vers les gisements à plus faible teneur et contenant des minerais plus difficiles à traiter donnant des rendements plus faibles que les minerais conventionnels. Les producteurs doivent par conséquent s'assurer que des baisses importantes du prix de l'or affectent le moins possible la rentabilité de leur opération. Ces producteurs veuillent par conséquent à maintenir des coûts de production faibles et aussi à maximiser les rendements des opérations. Ce projet aborde des approches permettant d'étudier par simulation le choix de la réduction granulométrique d'un minerai pour maximiser la récupération des espèces de la valeur. La première étape du traitement d'un minerai d'or est la réduction granulométrique de la roche pour en libérer les grains d'or ou encore exposer leur surface pour les subséquentes étapes de récupérations. La récupération de l'or dans le minerai broyé s'effectue habituellement par des méthodes gravimétriques suivies d'une dissolution de l'or avec le cyanure. Les récupérations gravimétriques et chimiques qui suivent la réduction granulométrique sont fortement liées à la façon dont les grains d'or sont libérés de la particule de gangue. Le projet vise par conséquent à développer une méthode pour tenter de prédire les propriétés de libération et d'exposition des grains d'or à partir d'informations sur le minerai et d'utiliser ces propriétés de libération pour prédire le comportement de l'or dans un circuit de cyanuration. Le premier défi relevé dans ce doctorat a été celui de prédire la distribution des grains de l'or en fonction de la taille des particules de minerai. Des essais de broyage d'un minerai d'or ont en effet montré que l'or n'est pas distribué aléatoirement dans les classes granulométriques. Puisque la vitesse de cyanuration varie avec la taille des particules, il est important d'identifier où se trouvent les grains d'or dans le minerai. À cet effet, on a développé un modèle de broyage qui utilise des fonctions de broyage et de sélection pour la gangue non-minéralisée du minerai et pour les particules porteuses d'or. Pour arriver à prédire de la distribution de l'or dans les classe granulométriques on a aussi utilisée des mesures de la distribution des grains d'or selon leur taille, ce qui n'avait jamais été rapporté dans la littérature. Il a cependant aussi été nécessaire de poser des hypothèses comme la 11 nonbroyabilité de l'or et l'impossibilité d'avoir plus d'un grain d'or par particule de minerai. Une fois que la distribution de l'or dans les classes granulométrique est connue, il faut s'attarder à déterminer de quelle façon les grains d'or pourraient être exposés à l'environnement chimique de lixiviation. Pour obtenir cette information, on a utilisé une méthode numérique qui génère des particules de différentes formes autour d'un grain d'or de forme quelconque. La génération des particules est faite selon une tessellation de Voronoi qui n'a probablement jamais utilisé pour une application de ce type. Une fois les particules générées, on isole la particule qui contient la plus grande portion du grain d'or et on analyse les propriétés d'exposition de ce grain. On peut alors le classer comme libéré, fortement ou peu exposé à l'environnement, ou encore encapsulé dans la particule, mais accessible à traverse des pores ou des fractures dans le minerai. L'information sur le type d'exposition des particules et la distribution granulométrique des grains d'or alimentent un simulateur pour la cyanuration qui tient compte de ces données pour prédire le degré de dissolution de l'or. On dispose donc d'un premier prototype de simulateur intégrant broyage et lixiviation. Ce prototype permet d'étudier l'effet de la réduction granulométrique sur le rendement or d'un procédé Cette approche est probablement une première dans les travaux de simulation des usines de traitement des minerais d'or. Le simulateur de broyage libération et dissolution a été calibré avec des données expérimentales provenant d'essais de broyage et de cyanuration conduits avec le minerai de la mine de Géant Dormant au Québec. Les résultats obtenus sont encourageants et devraient motiver la poursuite des travaux sur la modélisation intégrée du broyage et la récupération des espèces de valeur dans les minerais

    Comic Strip Design of Qajar History with Emphasis on Tea House Paintings

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    Structural similarities and differences in the visual expression of two artistic methods, i.e., tea house painting and comic strip art as new and emerging branches in the contemporary world are very significant. Comic is the art of narrating themes via images. Comic strips are parts of history, momentary memories and without an extensive burden of semantics that helps the reader's or viewer's imagination to go through in the desired directions. It is actually an art that highlights the story and executes it according to its own taste with sounds, whistling and self-made sound effects. Folklore or tea house paintings are parts of peoples' culture which contain the very affection of people within it. This school has been established in tea houses, which is a meeting place for the poor and middle class, and has gradually become popular. It is not very clear when the first tea houses were established in Iran, but they certainly existed during the reign of Shah Abbas Safavid. In these tea houses, all classes, even the public and the special people (officials), and sometimes the king himself, would attend. In the field of tea house painting, the beliefs and boundaries of iconography as well as religion and traditions are the main forms of the image. On the other hand, the illustrated story, is analyzed separately with the topics of this world in terms of lack of spiritual thinking and only by way of the functions of two areas in recognizing visual relationship for the audience and the society.  This dissertation was performed via a comparative study method and by collecting information in library forms. Keywords: Tea house Painting, Comics, Comic strips, Audio effect

    Investigation of the flowability, thermal stability and emulsification properties of two milk protein concentrates having different levels of native whey proteins

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    peer-reviewedMilk protein concentrate-85 (MPC85) is a dairy ingredient which has a diverse range of applications in food products. The technofunctional properties of two MPC85 samples having similar gross composition but different levels of native whey protein (WP), i.e., MPC85S1 and MPC85S2 with 16.6 and 6.0 g native WP/100 g protein, respectively, were compared. Rheometeric analysis showed that under an applied normal stress of 1.0–15.0 kPa, the compressibility, the air permeability and the cohesiveness of MPC85S2 was higher compared to MPC85S1. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that protein denaturation in MPC85S1 began at 63 ◦C while for MPC85S2 it began at 70 ◦C. The heat coagulation time (HCT at 140 ◦C) for 4.2% (w/v, on a protein basis) reconstituted MPC85S1 and MPC85S2 was 2.2 and 2.7 min, respectively. While a higher lightness for MPC85S1 was evidenced using colourimeter analysis, the colour stability on oven drying at 95 ◦C for MPC85S2 was higher than MPC85S1. The emulsion produced with MPC85S1 flocculated after 1 d and phase separation occurred after 14 d. In the case of MPC85S2, flocculation began after 4 d while phase separation was observed at 33 d. The viscosity of MPC85S2 (4.2% (w/v) protein) was higher than MPC85S1. This study showed differences between the flowability, viscosity, colour properties, thermal stability (in powder and in reconstituted format), emulsification and buffering capacity for MPC samples having two different levels of WP denaturation. The results demonstrated that the MPCs studied having two different levels of WP denaturation could be targeted for different functional applications. The minimal/maximum level of denaturation required to induce technofunctional property differences requires further study

    Effect of raw and heated flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) on blood lipid profiles in rats.

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    Flaxseed is a nutrient rich seed and lipid profiles improving effect of it has long been studied. Effect of heating as a part of food processing on its beneficial characteristics is not clarified in literature. This study aims to provide complementary information on effect of different dosages of raw and heated flaxseed on lipid profiles. Sprague Dawley rats were fed with 10%, 20% or 30% of either raw or heated flaxseed in the basal diet for 30 days. Total cholesterol significantly reduced in all flaxseed groups and high density lipoprotein cholesterol significantly increased in 20% raw and 30% raw and heated flaxseed groups. Significant reduction of low density lipoprotein cholesterol only observed in 30% raw flaxseed groups. It is concluded that 30 days consumption of flaxseed may significantly reduce total cholesterol and increase high density lipoprotein cholesterol in blood. Oven heating may not have significant effect on lipid profile improving effect of flaxseed

    The association between pregnancy-specific anxiety and preterm birth: a cohort study

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    Background: Antenatal anxiety may have long-term negative effects on pregnancy outcome. Antenatal anxiety can also be detrimental to maternal health during pregnancy. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the association between pregnancy-specific anxiety and preterm birth in pregnant women.Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted on 208 pregnant women who were referred to the prenatal clinic of Al-Zahra hospital in Rasht. Sampling was conducted through convenient (simple) method. Data gathering tools were a demographic characteristics questionnaire and pregnancy-specific anxiety scale. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 19. General Linear Model (GLM)-Repeated Measures test were used to study variations in anxiety along pregnancy period and tested levels of significance among inter-trimester anxiety scores.Results: Results of the study showed that change in pregnancy-specific anxiety is significantly associated with preterm birth among participants in this study. Second trimester pregnancy-specific anxiety was not associated with preterm birth, but third trimester pregnancy-specific anxiety was associated with preterm birth.Conclusion: According to the results of this study, third trimester pregnancy-specific anxiety was associated with preterm birth. Therefore, the health care providers should pay special attention to pregnancy-specific anxiety.Keywords: Pregnancy-specific anxiety, preterm birth, pregnancy outcome

    A Microwave Imaging Procedure for Lung Lesion Detection: Preliminary Results on Multilayer Phantoms

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    In this work, a feasibility study for lung lesion detection through microwave imaging based on Huygens’ principle (HP) has been performed using multilayer oval shaped phantoms mimicking human torso having a cylindrically shaped inclusion simulating lung lesion. First, validation of the proposed imaging method has been performed through phantom experiments using a dedicated realistic human torso model inside an anechoic chamber, employing a frequency range of 1–5 GHz. Subsequently, the miniaturized torso phantom validation (using both single and double inclusion scenarios) has been accomplished using a microwave imaging (MWI) device, which operates in free space using two antennas in multi-bistatic configuration. The identification of the target’s presence in the lung layer has been achieved on the obtained images after applying both of the following artifact removal procedures: (i) the “rotation subtraction” method using two adjacent transmitting antenna positions, and (ii) the “ideal” artifact removal procedure utilizing the difference between received signals from unhealthy and healthy scenarios. In addition, a quantitative analysis of the obtained images was executed based on the definition of signal to clutter ratio (SCR). The obtained results verify that HP can be utilized successfully to discover the presence and location of the inclusion in the lung-mimicking phantom, achieving an SCR of 9.88 dB

    Kruppel様ジンクフィンガー型転写因子であるGLI-similar 1は低酸素誘導性転写因子の非古典的機構によって制御されている

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    GLI-similar 1 (GLIS1) is important for the reprogramming of fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). However, the molecular mechanisms of regulation of GLIS1 expression remain unclear. We have therefore examined GLIS1 expression in various cancer cell lines and demonstrated that GLIS1 expression was dramatically increased under hypoxic conditions. Importantly, GLIS1 expression was significantly attenuated in VHL-overexpressing renal cell carcinoma cells compared to the VHL-deficient parent control. Moreover, promoter analysis demonstrated that GLIS1 transcription was regulated by hypoxia through a hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs)-dependent mechanism. Co-transfection experiments revealed that HIF-2a had greater potency on the GLIS1 promoter activation than HIF-1a. Subsequent studies using wild-type and mutant HIF-2a demonstrated that DNA binding activity was not necessary but TADs were critical for GLIS1 induction. Finally, co-transfection experiments indicated that HIF-2a cooperated with AP-1 family members in upregulating GLIS1 transcription. These results suggest that the hypoxic signaling pathway may play a pivotal role in regulating the reprogramming factor GLIS1, via non-canonical mechanisms involving partner transcription factor rather than by direct HIF transactivation.広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(保健学)Philosophy in Health Sciencedoctora