468 research outputs found

    Three Generations of the R. L. Frankline Family: A Tradition of Craftsmanship

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    R. L. Franklin was born November 10, 1891 the son of a cotton gin machinist in Tattnall County, Georgia. In 1909, at the age of eighteen Robert Lester Franklin took over an established painting business from the son of a Baptist preacher, just outside of Vidalia. R. L. Franklin married his first wife in 1914 at age twenty-three In December of that year a son was born to R.L. and his wife Ida. ·Young R. L., Jr. was soon assisting his craftsman father with his painting business. R. L., Jr. trained as an apprentice and became a journeyman painter working on jobs from Reidsville to Miami, Florida. In 1937 R.L., Jr.· married Laura _Carmen Byrd. They had two children, Camilla Ann and Robert Barry. In 1955 R. L. retired and in 1979 when R. L., Jr. retired from the family business it was incorporated into the Franklin Paint Co.. R. Barry is the current president and Ann the Secretary/Treasurer.https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/sav-bios-lane/1084/thumbnail.jp

    Results of tests to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of two potential aeromaneuvering orbit-to-orbit shuttle (AMOOS) vehicle configurations in the NASA-Ames 3.5 foot hypersonic wind tunnel

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    An aerodynamic wind tunnel investigation was conducted in the NASA-Ames Research Center (ARC) 3.5-foot hypersonic facility to provide data for use in obtaining experimental force and static stability characteristics of two potential aeromaneuvering orbit-to-orbit shuttle (AMOOS) vehicle configurations. The experimental data were compared with the aerodynamic characteristics estimated using Newtonian theory, thus establishing the usefulness of these predictions. The candidate AMOOS configurations selected for the wind tunnel tests were the AMOOS 5B and HB configurations. Two flap configurations were tested for each candidate - a forward or compression surface flap and an aft or expansion flap. Photographs and sketches of the two configurations with different control surfaces are shown. It was determined that Newtonian theory generally predicted the aerodynamics of the 5B configuration with acceptable accuracy for all expansion flap deflections and for compression flap deflections less than or equal to 10 degrees. Flow separation upstream of large compression flap deflections was detected from the experimental data

    Smart Grid Economics: Policy Guidance through Competitive Simulation

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    Sustainable energy systems of the future will need more than efficient, clean, low-cost, renewable energy sources; they will also need efficient price signals that motivate sustainable energy consumption as well as a better real-time alignment of energy demand and supply

    A Multi-Agent Energy Trading Competition

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    The energy sector will undergo fundamental changes over the next ten years. Prices for fossil energy resources are continuously increasing, there is an urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions, and the United States and European Union are strongly motivated to become more independent from foreign energy imports. These factors will lead to installation of large numbers of distributed renewable energy generators, which are often intermittent in nature. This trend conflicts with the current power grid control infrastructure and strategies, where a few centralized control centers manage a limited number of large power plants such that their output meets the energy demands in real time. As the proportion of distributed and intermittent generation capacity increases, this task becomes much harder, especially as the local and regional distribution grids where renewable energy generators are usually installed are currently virtually unmanaged, lack real time metering and are not built to cope with power flow inversions (yet). All this is about to change, and so the control strategies must be adapted accordingly. While the hierarchical command-and-control approach served well in a world with a few large scale generation facilities and many small consumers, a more flexible, decentralized, and self-organizing control infrastructure will have to be developed that can be actively managed to balance both the large grid as a whole, as well as the many lower voltage sub-grids. We propose a competitive simulation test bed to stimulate research and development of electronic agents that help manage these tasks. Participants in the competition will develop intelligent agents that are responsible to level energy supply from generators with energy demand from consumers. The competition is designed to closely model reality by bootstrapping the simulation environment with real historic load, generation, and weather data. The simulation environment will provide a low-risk platform that combines simulated markets and real-world data to develop solutions that can be applied to help building the self-organizing intelligent energy grid of the future

    Mass measurements of very neutron-deficient Mo and Tc isotopes and their impact on rp process nucleosynthesis

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    The masses of ten proton-rich nuclides, including the N=Z+1 nuclides 85-Mo and 87-Tc, were measured with the Penning trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP. Compared to the Atomic Mass Evaluation 2003 a systematic shift of the mass surface by up to 1.6 MeV is observed causing significant abundance changes of the ashes of astrophysical X-ray bursts. Surprisingly low alpha-separation energies for neutron-deficient Mo and Tc are found, making the formation of a ZrNb cycle in the rp process possible. Such a cycle would impose an upper temperature limit for the synthesis of elements beyond Nb in the rp process.Comment: Link to online abstract: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.12250


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    Este artigo trata de como a sustentabilidade, sob a forma gerencial, está sendo empregada pelo setor hoteleiro da região metropolitana do Espirito Santo. O artigo descreve e analisa as práticas e impactos do gerenciamento sustentável na hotelaria regional, identifica ações concretas nesse âmbito, a vantagem obtida pelos hotéis, e as dificuldades para implantação desses métodos e modelos de gestão. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, de natureza qualitativa, obtida através de entrevista semiestruturada, aplicada a dois gestores de importantes hotéis da Grande Vitória, embasada nos estudos e teorias de Flores (1995), Hart (1997), Quinn (1996) e Souza (1993). A sustentabilidade é necessária para manutenção do planeta e economia mundial, e através da pesquisa foi possível compreender o foco dos gestores, o nível de importância dada ao assunto e o que fazer para melhorar esse cenário

    Position-sensitive ion detection in precision Penning trap mass spectrometry

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    A commercial, position-sensitive ion detector was used for the first time for the time-of-flight ion-cyclotron resonance detection technique in Penning trap mass spectrometry. In this work, the characteristics of the detector and its implementation in a Penning trap mass spectrometer will be presented. In addition, simulations and experimental studies concerning the observation of ions ejected from a Penning trap are described. This will allow for a precise monitoring of the state of ion motion in the trap.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    Competitive Benchmarking: An IS Research Approach to Address Wicked Problems with Big Data and Analytics

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    Wicked problems like sustainable energy and financial market stability are societal challenges that arise from complex socio-technical systems in which numerous social, economic, political, and technical factors interact. Understanding and mitigating them requires research methods that scale beyond the traditional areas of inquiry of Information Systems (IS) “individuals, organizations, and markets” and that deliver solutions in addition to insights. We describe an approach to address these challenges through Competitive Benchmarking (CB), a novel research method that helps interdisciplinary research communities to tackle complex challenges of societal scale by using different types of data from a variety of sources such as usage data from customers, production patterns from producers, public policy and regulatory constraints, etc. for a given instantiation. Further, the CB platform generates data that can be used to improve operational strategies and judge the effectiveness of regulatory regimes and policies. We describe our experience applying CB to the sustainable energy challenge in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) in which more than a dozen research groups from around the world jointly devise, benchmark, and improve IS-based solutions

    Differential core pharmacotherapy in bipolar I versus bipolar II disorder and European versus American patients not in a syndromal episode

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    Assess bipolar disorder subtype and treatment location effects on bipolar disorder core pharmacotherapy. Outpatients not in a syndromal episode referred to the University of Milan and Stanford University Bipolar Disorder Clinics were assessed with SCID for the fourth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mood Disorders, and the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder Affective Disorders Evaluation, respectively. Prevalence and clinical correlates of antidepressant, antipsychotic, and mood stabilizer use, in aggregate and individually, were compared in bipolar I (BDI) versus II (BDII) patients in Milan/Stanford and in Milan versus Stanford patients, stratified by subtype. Milan/Stanford pooled BDI versus BDII patients significantly more often took antipsychotic (69.8 versus 44.8%), mood stabilizers (68.6 versus 57.7%), and valproate (40.1 versus 17.5%), and less often took antidepressants (23.1 versus 55.6%) and lamotrigine (9.9 versus 25.2%). Milan versus Stanford patients (stratified by bipolar disorder subtype) significantly more often took antipsychotic (BDI and BDII), antidepressants (BDII), and valproate (BDII), and less often took lamotrigine (BDI). Research regarding bipolar disorder core pharmacotherapy relationships with bipolar subtype and treatment location is warranted to enhance clinical management