1,523 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern and multidrug resistance ındex in Pseudomonas aeruginosa among clinical isolates in Denizli, Turkey

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    Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important hospital infection agent causing morbidity and mortality with the ability to gain resistance to many antimicrobials. The objective of this study was to determine the sensitivity profiles of nosocomial P. aeruginosa isolates in Denizli, Turkey. Methods: A total 120 P. aeruginosa strains which were isolated from specimens sent to the microbiology laboratory between January 2015 and December 2015 were investigated. Antimicrobial resistance was determined by agar disc diffusion method using Mueller-Hinton agar according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute recommendations. Results: With respect to sensitivity pattern, the most sensitive antimicrobials were Amikacin, colistin, tobramisin, netilmicin and gentamicin and the resistance rates were detected as 97%, 96%, 92%, 90%, 83%, respectively over 120 P. aeruginosa strains. The sensitivity rates for the other antimicrobials were 56% for Piperacilin and 54% for Tazobactam. P. aeruginosa strains 62 (52%) isolates showed multiple antimicrobial resistance to 13 antimicrobials Conclusion: To prevent the spread of the resistant bacteria, it is critically important to have strict antimicrobial policies while surveillance programmes for multidrug resistant organisms and infection control procedures need to be implemented. In the meantime, it is desirable that the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of bacterial pathogens like P. aeruginosa in specialized clinical units to be continuously monitored and the results readily made available to clinicians so as to minimize the development of resistance. © 2018, National Institute for Medical Research. All rights reserved

    A note on noncosingular lifting modules

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    Let R be a right perfect ring. Let M be a noncosingular lifting module that does not have any relatively projective component. Then M has finite hollow dimension.Нехай R — праве досконале кiльце, а M — некосингулярний модуль iз властивiстю пiдняття, що не має жодної вiдносно проективної компоненти. Тодi M має скiнченну дуальну розмiрнiсть Голдi

    A Thermo-elastic Analogy for High-order Curvilinear Meshing with Control of Mesh Validity and Quality

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.In recent years, techniques for the generation of high-order curvilinear mesh have frequently adopted mesh deformation procedures to project the curvature of the surface onto the mesh, thereby introducing curvature into the interior of the domain and lessening the occurrence of self-intersecting elements. In this article, we propose an extension of this approach whereby thermal stress terms are incorporated into the state equation to provide control on the validity and quality of the mesh, thereby adding an extra degree of robustness which is lacking in current approaches

    A Thermo-elastic Analogy for High-order Curvilinear Meshing with Control of Mesh Validity and Quality

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    AbstractIn recent years, techniques for the generation of high-order curvilinear mesh have frequently adopted mesh deformation procedures to project the curvature of the surface onto the mesh, thereby introducing curvature into the interior of the domain and lessening the occurrence of self-intersecting elements. In this article, we propose an extension of this approach whereby thermal stress terms are incorporated into the state equation to provide control on the validity and quality of the mesh, thereby adding an extra degree of robustness which is lacking in current approaches

    Acidólisis enzimática de trioleina con los ácidos palmítico y caprílico: Optimización de los parámetros de la reacción mediante la metodología de superficie de respuesta

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    An acidolysis reaction of triolein with caprylic and palmitic acids was performed using immobilized sn-1,3 specific lipase from Mucor miehei to produce a reduced calorie spreadable structured lipid (SL). Response surface methodology was applied to model and optimize the reaction conditions using a four-factor five-level central composite rotatable design. The selected factors were time (10-24 h), enzyme load (10-25 wt%), substrate mole ratio (Triolein:Caprylic acid:Palmitic acid), (1:1:1-1:2.5:2.5) and temperature (45-60 °C). The produced SLs were compared to fat extracts of commercial margarine in terms of melting profile and solid fat content (SFC). SL with a melting peak of 42 °C and SFC of 40.69% at 0 °C was very similar to soft margarines. The caloric value of this SL was determined as 37.74 kJ/g, theoretically. The optimum reaction conditions were found as reaction time 14 h; substrate mole ratio 1:2.1:2.1; temperature 58 °C; and enzyme load 15 wt%. Under optimum conditions, the product contained 29.68% COC, 25.47% POC, and 3.80% POP.La reacción de acidolísis de la trioleina con los ácidos caprílico y palmítico se realizó utilizando lipasa inmovilizada Mucor miehei, específica de sn-1, 3, para producir una grasa de untar baja en calorías compuesta de lípidos estructurados (SL). La metodología de superficie de respuesta se aplica para modelar y optimizar las condiciones de reacción utilizando un factor-cuatro y nivel-cinco de diseño central compuesto. Los factores seleccionados fueron el tiempo (10-24 h), la carga de enzima (10-25% en peso), la relación molar de sustratos (Trioleína:Ácido Caprílico:Ácido Palmítico), (1:1:1-1:2.5:2.5) y la temperatura (45-60 °C). Los SLs producidos se compararon con extractos de grasa de margarina comercial en términos de perfil de fusión y contenido de grasa sólida (SFC). El SL con un pico de fusión a 42 °C y SFC de 40,69% a 0 °C era muy similar a las margarinas suaves. El valor calórico de este SL se determinó teóricamente siendo 37,74 kJ/g. Las condiciones óptimas de reacción encontradas fueron 14 h de tiempo de reacción; una relación molar de sustratos 1:2.1:2.1; una temperatura de 58 °C, y una carga enzima de 15% en peso. En condiciones óptimas el producto contenía 29,68% de AOC, 25,47% de POC, y 3,80% de POP

    Minimum Configuration Insensitive Multifunctional Current-Mode Biquad Using Current Conveyors and All-Grounded Passive Components

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    This paper proposes a new current conveyorbased high-output impedance single-input three-output current mode filter with minimum configuration. It contains two dual output second generation current conveyors, one third generation dual output current conveyor, and four grounded resistors and capacitors. The circuit simultaneously provides low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass filtering outputs, without any passive component matching conditions and restrictions on input signals. Additionally, the proposed circuit offers following advantages: Minimum active and passive element count, high output and low input impedances, suitable for cascading identical currentmode sections, all passive elements are grounded (no virtual grounding), low natural frequency and Q-factor sensitivities. The influences of non-ideal current conveyors on the proposed circuit are researched in the last

    Bacterial tail anchors can target to the mitochondrial outer membrane

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    Background: During the generation and evolution of the eukaryotic cell, a proteobacterial endosymbiont was re-fashioned into the mitochondrion, an organelle that appears to have been present in the ancestor of all present-day eukaryotes. Mitochondria harbor proteomes derived from coding information located both inside and outside the organelle, and the rate-limiting step toward the formation of eukaryotic cells may have been development of an import apparatus allowing protein entry to mitochondria. Currently, a widely conserved translocon allows proteins to pass from the cytosol into mitochondria, but how proteins encoded outside of mitochondria were first directed to these organelles at the dawn of eukaryogenesis is not clear. Because several proteins targeted by a carboxyl-terminal tail anchor (TA) appear to have the ability to insert spontaneously into the mitochondrial outer membrane (OM), it is possible that self-inserting, tail-anchored polypeptides obtained from bacteria might have formed the first gate allowing proteins to access mitochondria from the cytosol. Results: Here, we tested whether bacterial TAs are capable of targeting to mitochondria. In a survey of proteins encoded by the proteobacterium Escherichia coli, predicted TA sequences were directed to specific subcellular locations within the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Importantly, TAs obtained from DUF883 family members ElaB and YqjD were abundantly localized to and inserted at the mitochondrial OM. Conclusions: Our results support the notion that eukaryotic cells are able to utilize membrane-targeting signals present in bacterial proteins obtained by lateral gene transfer, and our findings make plausible a model in which mitochondrial protein translocation was first driven by tail-anchored proteins.Peer reviewe

    A bacteria-derived tail anchor localizes to peroxisomes in yeast and mammalian cells

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    Prokaryotes can provide new genetic information to eukaryotes by horizontal gene transfer (HGT), and such transfers are likely to have been particularly consequential in the era of eukaryogenesis. Since eukaryotes are highly compartmentalized, it is worthwhile to consider the mechanisms by which newly transferred proteins might reach diverse organellar destinations. Toward this goal, we have focused our attention upon the behavior of bacteria-derived tail anchors (TAs) expressed in the eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we report that a predicted membrane-associated domain of the Escherichia coli YgiM protein is specifically trafficked to peroxisomes in budding yeast, can be found at a pre-peroxisomal compartment (PPC) upon disruption of peroxisomal biogenesis, and can functionally replace an endogenous, peroxisome-directed TA. Furthermore, the YgiM(TA) can localize to peroxisomes in mammalian cells. Since the YgiM(TA) plays no endogenous role in peroxisomal function or assembly, this domain is likely to serve as an excellent tool allowing further illumination of the mechanisms by which TAs can travel to peroxisomes. Moreover, our findings emphasize the ease with which bacteria-derived sequences might target to organelles in eukaryotic cells following HGT, and we discuss the importance of flexible recognition of organelle targeting information during and after eukaryogenesis.Peer reviewe