36 research outputs found

    Модернизация автоматизированной системы блока стабилизации давления магистрального насосного агрегата на нефтеперекачивающей станции

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    Объектом исследования является блок стабилизации давления магистрального насосного агрегата. Цель работы – модернизация автоматизированной системы блока стабилизации давления магистрального трубопровода нефтеперекачивающей станции с использованием ПЛК, на основе выбранной SCADA-системы. В данном проекте была разработана система контроля и управления технологическим процессом на базе промышленных контроллеров Modicon M340 BMXP34 2020, с применением SCADA-системы.The object of investigation is the pressure stabilization unit of the main pump unit. The purpose of the work is the modernization of the automated system for stabilizing the pressure of the main pipeline of the oil pumping station using PLCs, based on the SCADA system chosen. In this project, a system for monitoring and controlling the process was developed on the basis of industrial controllers Modicon M340 BMXP34 2020, using a SCADA system

    Spectrum and prevalence of genetic predisposition in medulloblastoma: a retrospective genetic study and prospective validation in a clinical trial cohort.

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    BACKGROUND: Medulloblastoma is associated with rare hereditary cancer predisposition syndromes; however, consensus medulloblastoma predisposition genes have not been defined and screening guidelines for genetic counselling and testing for paediatric patients are not available. We aimed to assess and define these genes to provide evidence for future screening guidelines. METHODS: In this international, multicentre study, we analysed patients with medulloblastoma from retrospective cohorts (International Cancer Genome Consortium [ICGC] PedBrain, Medulloblastoma Advanced Genomics International Consortium [MAGIC], and the CEFALO series) and from prospective cohorts from four clinical studies (SJMB03, SJMB12, SJYC07, and I-HIT-MED). Whole-genome sequences and exome sequences from blood and tumour samples were analysed for rare damaging germline mutations in cancer predisposition genes. DNA methylation profiling was done to determine consensus molecular subgroups: WNT (MBWNT), SHH (MBSHH), group 3 (MBGroup3), and group 4 (MBGroup4). Medulloblastoma predisposition genes were predicted on the basis of rare variant burden tests against controls without a cancer diagnosis from the Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC). Previously defined somatic mutational signatures were used to further classify medulloblastoma genomes into two groups, a clock-like group (signatures 1 and 5) and a homologous recombination repair deficiency-like group (signatures 3 and 8), and chromothripsis was investigated using previously established criteria. Progression-free survival and overall survival were modelled for patients with a genetic predisposition to medulloblastoma. FINDINGS: We included a total of 1022 patients with medulloblastoma from the retrospective cohorts (n=673) and the four prospective studies (n=349), from whom blood samples (n=1022) and tumour samples (n=800) were analysed for germline mutations in 110 cancer predisposition genes. In our rare variant burden analysis, we compared these against 53 105 sequenced controls from ExAC and identified APC, BRCA2, PALB2, PTCH1, SUFU, and TP53 as consensus medulloblastoma predisposition genes according to our rare variant burden analysis and estimated that germline mutations accounted for 6% of medulloblastoma diagnoses in the retrospective cohort. The prevalence of genetic predispositions differed between molecular subgroups in the retrospective cohort and was highest for patients in the MBSHH subgroup (20% in the retrospective cohort). These estimates were replicated in the prospective clinical cohort (germline mutations accounted for 5% of medulloblastoma diagnoses, with the highest prevalence [14%] in the MBSHH subgroup). Patients with germline APC mutations developed MBWNT and accounted for most (five [71%] of seven) cases of MBWNT that had no somatic CTNNB1 exon 3 mutations. Patients with germline mutations in SUFU and PTCH1 mostly developed infant MBSHH. Germline TP53 mutations presented only in childhood patients in the MBSHH subgroup and explained more than half (eight [57%] of 14) of all chromothripsis events in this subgroup. Germline mutations in PALB2 and BRCA2 were observed across the MBSHH, MBGroup3, and MBGroup4 molecular subgroups and were associated with mutational signatures typical of homologous recombination repair deficiency. In patients with a genetic predisposition to medulloblastoma, 5-year progression-free survival was 52% (95% CI 40-69) and 5-year overall survival was 65% (95% CI 52-81); these survival estimates differed significantly across patients with germline mutations in different medulloblastoma predisposition genes. INTERPRETATION: Genetic counselling and testing should be used as a standard-of-care procedure in patients with MBWNT and MBSHH because these patients have the highest prevalence of damaging germline mutations in known cancer predisposition genes. We propose criteria for routine genetic screening for patients with medulloblastoma based on clinical and molecular tumour characteristics. FUNDING: German Cancer Aid; German Federal Ministry of Education and Research; German Childhood Cancer Foundation (Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung); European Research Council; National Institutes of Health; Canadian Institutes for Health Research; German Cancer Research Center; St Jude Comprehensive Cancer Center; American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities; Swiss National Science Foundation; European Molecular Biology Organization; Cancer Research UK; Hertie Foundation; Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust; V Foundation for Cancer Research; Sontag Foundation; Musicians Against Childhood Cancer; BC Cancer Foundation; Swedish Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare; Swedish Research Council; Swedish Cancer Society; the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority; Danish Strategic Research Council; Swiss Federal Office of Public Health; Swiss Research Foundation on Mobile Communication; Masaryk University; Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic; Research Council of Norway; Genome Canada; Genome BC; Terry Fox Research Institute; Ontario Institute for Cancer Research; Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario; The Family of Kathleen Lorette and the Clark H Smith Brain Tumour Centre; Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation; The Hospital for Sick Children: Sonia and Arthur Labatt Brain Tumour Research Centre, Chief of Research Fund, Cancer Genetics Program, Garron Family Cancer Centre, MDT's Garron Family Endowment; BC Childhood Cancer Parents Association; Cure Search Foundation; Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation; Brainchild; and the Government of Ontario

    A case Study of Work-Integrated Learning

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    An evaluation study of work-integrated e-learning in the county administration of Sweden is reported and discussed. A web-based prototype (Diabas) for in-house education dealing with the official registers, was developed and tested. The MOA-L model was used as a frame of reference for the evaluation study. In the model especially the consequences for the work situation, the work process and the quality of the service to the client was focussed. The present situation as well as the situation after the learners had passed the course was studied and compared. The initial analysis of the present situation regarding these aspects was seen as very important for the development process of the course. Similarities between the development of work-integrated learning courses and traditional system development work was analysed and discussed. Cultural aspects and management policies were seen as very important in order to motivate the learners to attend the course. The learners were on the whole satisfied with the pilot course. The flexible forms for the course was seen as important. The work situation and the work flow need to be adapted in order to facilitate the use of the new knowledge after the course

    "Eigentlich sollte ich noch…" - Motivationale Konflikte und Achtsamkeit am Tag als Prädiktoren von abendlichem Stresserleben im Studium

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    peer reviewedFragestellung Motivationale Konflikte zeigen sich oft in „Wollen-“ und „Sollen“-Konflikten (Grund et al., 2015). Junge Erwachsene, die oft einen großen Freiheitsgrad in der Gestaltung ihres Alltags haben (Arnett et al., 2014) erleben diese Art von Konflikte häufig (Riediger & Freund, 2008; Grund et al., 2015), oft begleitet von reduzierter Leistungsfähigkeit und Wohlbefinden (Fries et al., 2005; Gray et al., 2011). Die Förderung von Achtsamkeit, also die Aufmerksamkeit auf die unmittelbare Erfahrung zu lenken, ohne diese zu bewerten oder unmittelbar darauf zu reagieren (Bishop et al., 2004; Kabat-Zinn, 1990) reduziert das Stresserleben (Querstret et al., 2020). Achtsamkeit als sich situativ verändernder Zustand im Alltag und im Hinblick auf das Stresserleben Studierender scheint bisher jedoch noch nicht untersucht worden zu sein. Das Hauptziel der Studie war es, die Rolle dieser beiden psychologischen Variablen für das Stresserleben von Studierenden zu untersuchen. Die Erfassung sollte unmittelbar im Alltag stattfinden und vor dem Hintergrund der Zeitnutzung am Tag und unter Kontrolle des täglichen Affekts analysiert werden. Methoden Von N = 105 Studierenden (Bildungswissenschaften) gaben 91 „weiblich“ und 14 „männlich“ als Geschlecht an. Der Altersdurchschnitt lag bei M = 22.18 Jahren. Der Erhebungszeitraum lag in der Mitte der Vorlesungszeit. An acht aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen erhielten die Studierenden jeweils fünf Kurzfragebögen und einen Abendfragebogen via Smartphone (Ecological Momentary Assessment). Insgesamt wurden N = 4410 Kurzfragebögen (97.86%), sowie N = 805 Abendfragebögen (95.83%) beantwortet. Die Kurzfragebögen enthielten u.a. Fragen zu motivationalen Konflikterleben, momentaner Achtsamkeit und Affekt; die Abendfragebögen zur Zeitnutzung und zum Stresserleben am Tag. Die situativen Daten wurden auf Tagesebene aggregiert. Multi-Level-Analysen wurden genutzt, um Aussagen über Effekte zwischen Personen (between-person) und zwischen Tagen innerhalb von Personen treffen (within-person) zu treffen. Ergebnisse Die Lernzeit und Wollen-Konflikte zeigten keinen bedeutsamen Zusammenhang mit Stress. Wenn Studierende mehr Zeit mit Freizeit verbrachten als sie dies im Durchschnitt an den anderen Tagen taten, schätzen sie abends den Stress geringer ein (within-person). Bei intensiveren Sollen-Konflikte zeigte sich insgesamt ein höheres Stresserleben (between- und within-person). Achtsamkeit ging auf beiden Ebenen mit weniger Stress einher. Unter Berücksichtigung von positiven und negativem Affekt und von Stress vom vorangegangenen Tag waren Sollen-Konflikte nicht mehr bedeutsam für das Stresserleben. Diskussion Insgesamt unterstreichen die zunächst nur korrelativen Befunde die Bedeutsamkeit von motivationalen Konflikten und Achtsamkeit für das Stresserleben im Studium, die daher als wertvolle Ansatzpunkten für Interventionen zur Reduktion von Stress bei Studierenden gesehen werden können.3. Good health and well-bein

    Motivational foundations of self-control and mindfulness and their role in study-leisure conflicts

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    Grund A, Senker K. Motivational foundations of self-control and mindfulness and their role in study-leisure conflicts. LEARNING AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES. 2018;68:72-84.In the present paper, we compared two self-regulatory capacities, trait self-control and mindfulness, with respect to their potential to help students deal with motivational conflicts between studying and leisure time, by either promoting a selective, normatively oriented versus open-minded, non-judgmental stance toward conflicting motivations. We also investigated the role of value orientations and need satisfaction is this regard. Study 1 (N = 196) initially showed that trait self-control, but not trait mindfulness, goes along with a preference for achievement-oriented over well-being-oriented values, which might explain the academic benefits associated with self-control. Study 2 (N = 306) replicated the link between value orientations and trait self-control. In line with this motivational pattern, we found context-specific effects for self-control in study leisure conflict scenarios, consolidating academic engagement, but not leisure engagement. Consolidating effects for trait mindfulness were context-transcending and independent from value orientations. Finally, in Study 3 (N = 160), we found evidence that the total effects of trait self-control and mindfulness are differentially mediated via either activity preferences (self-control) or need satisfaction (mindfulness). We discuss motivational interpretations for self-control and mindfulness with respect to the daily juggle between students' academic and leisure-related strivings

    Between „want“ and „should“. The relationship between motivational conflicts, mindfulness, and stress in everyday life at the university

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    Das Thema individuelle Förderung ist für den Unterricht aller Schularten und Jahrgangsstufen aktuell so wichtig wie kaum ein anderes. Um dem Anspruch einer inklusiven Pädagogik gerecht zu werden, gilt es unterschiedliche Ausgangssituationen von SchülerInnen zu berücksichtigen. Im Sinne eines weiten Verständnisses von Inklusion, als „Education for all, and especially for some“, liegt unser Fokus auf der vulnerablen Gruppe der leistungsschwachen SchülerInnen, welche sich dadurch auszeichnen, dass sie dem Fachunterricht nicht (mehr) folgen können und langfristig Minderleistungen erbringen. Diese SchülerInnen haben oft gemeinsam, dass ihre gering ausgeprägten fachlichen Kompetenzen mit kontinuierlichen Misserfolgen und dem seltenen Erleben der eigenen Fähigkeiten einhergehen. Dies mündet häufig in einer niedrigen Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugung und einem dysfunktionalen Selbstkonzept. Ein vielversprechender Ansatzpunkt, um diesen Mechanismen entgegenzuwirken, ist ein Fachunterricht, der neben individuellem fachlichem Lernen auch eine Förderung von Selbstwirksamkeit integriert. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben wir an der Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projekts Biprofessional eine Veranstaltung konzipiert und evaluiert, in der Mathematiklehramtsstudierende in ihren professionellen Kompetenzen der individuellen mathematischen Diagnose und Förderung sowie in ihren Kompetenzen der Selbstwirksamkeitssteigerung geschult werden. Diese Fähigkeiten wenden Sie im Rahmen eines Förderpraktikums an. Inhaltlich setzt die Veranstaltung auf die erwiesenermaßen selbstwirksamkeitsförderliche Wirkung regelmäßiger Erfolge beim Lernen. Dazu werden Methoden aus der Psychologie und Mathematikdidaktik, wie beispielsweise Diagnostik, Zielsetzung und Feedback zu einem Modell selbstwirksamkeits- und kompetenzförderlicher individueller mathematischer Förderung integriert. Im Vortrag werden die Befunde aus den im Kontext der Veranstaltungsevaluation erhobenen Schülerdaten referiert. Diese unterstützen unter anderem bisherige Befunde, dass SchülerInnen mit mathematischem Förderbedarf im Vergleich zu SchülerInnen im Klassenunterricht ungünstigere Ausprägungen in den relevanten Konstrukten (mathematikbezogene Selbstwirksamkeit, mathematisches Selbstkonzept und Anstrengungs- Erfolgsüberzeugungen) haben. Darüber hinaus berichten SchülerInnen, die an einer Förderung durch geschulte Studierende teilgenommen haben, häufiger von erlebten Erfolgen

    Mindfulness in everyday life: Between- and within-person relationships to motivational conflicts

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    Mindfulness has shown beneficial relationships with well-being and self-regulation. We aim to improve the understanding of the effects of between- and within-person differences in mindfulness when dealing with situations of motivational conflict. For this purpose, we conducted an experience sampling study with 56 university students who replied to a total of N = 1889 short questionnaires, which they received via their smartphones over a period of eight consecutive days. In addition to a state mindfulness questionnaire with the facets presence and non-judgment (focusing attention on the experience of the current action and a momentary non-judgmental stance towards these, respectively), the participants received questions about their current affective well-being and perceived intensity of want or should conflict experiences. Multi-level analyses revealed that want conflicts were predicted by both state mindfulness facets, even after momentary affect was controlled. In addition, to be non-judgmental (as a trait), and having momentary presence (as a state), related to lower intensity of should conflicts. The results suggest that being mindful might be a particularly beneficial way of dealing with daily motivational conflicts, which is an essential and frequent task of self-regulation

    Mindfulness in everyday life: between- and within-person relationships to motivational conflicts

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    Senker K, Fries S, Grund A. Mindfulness in everyday life: between- and within-person relationships to motivational conflicts. CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY. 2020.Mindfulness has shown beneficial relationships with well-being and self-regulation. We aim to improve the understanding of the effects of between- and within-person differences in mindfulness when dealing with situations of motivational conflict. For this purpose, we conducted an experience sampling study with 56 university students who replied to a total of N = 1889 short questionnaires, which they received via their smartphones over a period of eight consecutive days. In addition to a state mindfulness questionnaire with the facets presence and non-judgment (focusing attention on the experience of the current action and a momentary non-judgmental stance towards these, respectively), the participants received questions about their current affective well-being and perceived intensity of want or should conflict experiences. Multi-level analyses revealed that want conflicts were predicted by both state mindfulness facets, even after momentary affect was controlled. In addition, to be non-judgmental (as a trait), and having momentary presence (as a state), related to lower intensity of should conflicts. The results suggest that being mindful might be a particularly beneficial way of dealing with daily motivational conflicts, which is an essential and frequent task of self-regulation

    Daily mindfulness, motivational conflict, and stress in university students: An experience-sampling study

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    University students have a lot of freedom in organizing their everyday lives, but often also feel stressed and torn between action opportunities. Mindfulness entails the self-regulation of attention on immediate experience and an open and non-judging attitude towards these mental experiences. It is positively related to well-being and to intrapsychic congruence. The aim of the present work is to examine the relationship of daily mindfulness, motivational conflict, and perceived stress in the everyday life of university students. During a week of smartphone-based experience-sampling, 108 university students were asked five times daily about their momentary mindfulness and whether they experience motivational conflicts. Additionally, we assessed perceived stress each evening. The relationship between daily mindfulness, motivational conflict, and perceived stress was analyzed on the daily level with multi-level analyses. Both aggregated daily conflict (i.e., feeling that one should be doing something else) and mindfulness (i.e., being non-judgmental) yielded an effect on perceived stress, even when controlling for between-person differences in study load, for example. Findings underline the relevance of mindfulness for perceived stress in academic contexts and thereby also show an approach to positively influence well-being in university students in the future