722 research outputs found

    Parasitoid complex of fall armyworm, spodoptera frugiperda, in Ghana and Benin

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 21 Jan 2020The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, a moth originating from the American continent, has recently invaded most African countries, where it is seriously threatening food security as a pest of cereals. The current management methods rely heavily on the use of synthetic insecticides but there is a need for more sustainable control methods, including biological control. Surveys were conducted in two West African countries, Ghana and Benin, to determine the native parasitoid complex and assess parasitism rates of S. frugiperda. Samples of S. frugiperda eggs and larvae were collected in maize fields located in 56 and 90 localities of Ghana and Benin, respectively, from July 2018 to July 2019. Ten species were found parasitizing the pest, including two egg parasitoids, one egg–larval, five larval and two larval–pupal parasitoids. The two most abundant parasitoids in both countries were two Braconidae: the egg‐larval parasitoid Chelonus bifoveolatus and the larval parasitoid Coccygidum luteum. Parasitism rates were determined in three Ghanaian regions and averages varied from 0% to 75% between sites and from 5% to 38% between regions. These data provide an important baseline for the development of various biological control options. The two egg parasitoids, Telenomus remus and Trichogramma sp. can be used in augmentative biological control and investigations should be conducted to assess how cultural practices can enhance the action of the main parasitoids, C. luteum and Ch. bifoveolatus, in the field. Understanding the parasitoid complex of S. frugiperda in Africa is also necessary before any development of classical biological controls involving the introduction of parasitoids from the Americas

    Effects of subcutaneous LPS injection on gestational length and intrauterine and neonatal mortality in mice

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    BACKGROUND Infection during pregnancy can predispose offspring to develop various psychiatric disorders such as depression in later life. In order to investigate the potential mechanisms underlying these associations, animal models of maternal infection have been employed. As such, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been commonly used to mimic a bacterial infection in pregnant mice. OBJECTIVE The original aim of our study was to investigate the effects of different doses of subcutaneous LPS administration on affective behavior in adult mouse offspring. In the present paper, however, we report that subcutaneous LPS administration has a profound impact on gestational length, litter size, and perinatal mortality in the offspring, even at a relatively low dose. METHODS Pregnant mice were randomly divided into 3 groups, receiving either a high (2 mg/kg) or a low (0.5 mg/kg) dose of LPS or phosphate-buffered saline by means of subcutaneous injection. Subsequently, the effects on gestational length, litter size, and perinatal mortality in the offspring were assessed. RESULTS After subcutaneous injection with a high dose of LPS, we observed a significant decrease in gestational length and an increase in neonatal mortality. When the low dose was administered, a tendency towards a reduced litter size was observed, most likely reflecting increased intrauterine mortality in response to prenatal maternal LPS exposure. CONCLUSIONS We showed that subcutaneous administration of 2 mg/kg LPS to pregnant mice in the last phase of gestation should be avoided because of high offspring mortality rates, whereas subcutaneous injection of 0.5 mg/kg LPS seems to result in reabsorption of the fetuses

    Security governance and networks: New theoretical perspectives in transatlantic security

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    The end of the Cold War has not only witnessed the rise of new transnational threats such as terrorism, crime, proliferation and civil war; it has also seen the growing role of non-state actors in the provision of security in Europe and North America. Two concepts in particular have been used to describe these transformations: security governance and networks. However, the differences and potential theoretical utility of these two concepts for the study of contemporary security have so far been under-examined. This article seeks to address this gap. It proposes that security governance can help to explain the transformation of Cold War security structures, whereas network analysis is particularly useful for understanding the relations and interactions between public and private actors in the making and implementation of national and international security policies

    Gene-Environment Interaction Research and Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease

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    The etiology of the sporadic form of Alzheimer's disease (AD) remains largely unknown. Recent evidence has suggested that gene-environment interactions (GxE) may play a crucial role in its development and progression. Whereas various susceptibility loci have been identified, like the apolipoprotein E4 allele, these cannot fully explain the increasing prevalence of AD observed with aging. In addition to such genetic risk factors, various environmental factors have been proposed to alter the risk of developing AD as well as to affect the rate of cognitive decline in AD patients. Nevertheless, aside from the independent effects of genetic and environmental risk factors, their synergistic participation in increasing the risk of developing AD has been sparsely investigated, even though evidence points towards such a direction. Advances in the genetic manipulation of mice, modeling various aspects of the AD pathology, have provided an excellent tool to dissect the effects of genes, environment, and their interactions. In this paper we present several environmental factors implicated in the etiology of AD that have been tested in transgenic animal models of the disease. The focus lies on the concept of GxE and its importance in a multifactorial disease like AD. Additionally, possible mediating mechanisms and future challenges are discussed

    Longitudinal analyses of the DNA methylome in deployed military servicemen identify susceptibility loci for post-traumatic stress disorder

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    In order to determine the impact of the epigenetic response to traumatic stress on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this study examined longitudinal changes of genome-wide blood DNA methylation profiles in relation to the development of PTSD symptoms in two prospective military cohorts (one discovery and one replication data set). In the first cohort consisting of male Dutch military servicemen (n=93), the emergence of PTSD symptoms over a deployment period to a combat zone was significantly associated with alterations in DNA methylation levels at 17 genomic positions and 12 genomic regions. Evidence for mediation of the relation between combat trauma and PTSD symptoms by longitudinal changes in DNA methylation was observed at several positions and regions. Bioinformatic analyses of the reported associations identified significant enrichment in several pathways relevant for symptoms of PTSD. Targeted analyses of the significant findings from the discovery sample in an independent prospective cohort of male US marines (n=98) replicated the observed relation between decreases in DNA methylation levels and PTSD symptoms at genomic regions in ZFP57, RNF39 and HIST1H2APS2. Together, our study pinpoints three novel genomic regions where longitudinal decreases in DNA methylation across the period of exposure to combat trauma marks susceptibility for PTSD

    Seasonal changes in a sandy beach fish assemblage at Canto Grande, Santa Catarina, South Brazil

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    Copyright © 2004 Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF).Neste trabalho realizaramse amostragens, com uma rede de praia, de modo a estudar a comunidade de peixes de substrato arenoso na enseada de Canto Grande, Santa Catarina, Brasil. As amostragens realizaramse em intervalos de 3 horas durante períodos de 24 h, numa base bimensal, entre Abril de 1996 e Fevereiro de 1997. Verificouse existir uma variação sazonal no número de espécies, densidade de peixes e biomassa, tendo os valores mais elevados ocorrido em Fevereiro (38 espécies, 257.6 peixes 1000 mˉ², 2286.4 g 1000 mˉ²). Recolheuse um total de 67 espécies, pertencentes a 56 géneros e a 33 famílias, sendo a comunidade dominada por sete espécies pertencentes a três famílias: Atherinella brasiliensis (Atherinidae); Brevoortia pectinata, Harengula clupeola e Sardinella brasiliensis (Clupeidae); Anchoviella lepidontostole, Cetengraulis edentulus e Lycengraulis grossidens (Engraulidae). Tanto a diversidade de espécies (H′) como a equitabilidade (J′) foram médias a elevadas ao longo do ano devido à baixa dominância. A maior mudança na estrutura da comunidade ocorreu entre os meses de Inverno (Julho e Agosto) e as outras estações. Nenhuma das espécies dominantes pode ser classificada como residente. Os principais predadores foram Pomatomus saltator (Inverno) e Trichiurus lepturus (Verão). A maior parte das espécies observadas foram ou peixes juvenis ou espécies pelágicas de pequeno tamanho e fortemente gregárias.ABSTRACT: A shallow-water fish assemblage, over a soft, sandy bottom, at Canto Grande, Santa Catarina, Brazil, was sampled with a beach seine. Sampling was undertaken at 3 h intervals over 24 h on a bimonthly basis between April 1996 and February 1997. There was a seasonal variation in the number of species, density of fishes and biomass with the highest values in February (38 species, 257.6 fish 1000 mˉ², 2286.4 g 1000 mˉ²). A total of 67 species, belonging to 56 genera and 33 families were collected and the assemblage was dominated by seven species belonging to three families: Atherinella brasiliensis (Atherinidae); Brevoortia pectinata, Harengula clupeola and Sardinella brasiliensis (Clupeidae); Anchoviella lepidontostole, Cetengraulis edentulus and Lycengraulis grossidens (Engraulidae). Species diversity (H′) and equitability (J′) were medium to high throughout the year due to the low dominance. The largest change in the assemblage structure occurred between winter months (July and August) and the other seasons. None of the dominant species can be classified as a resident. Main predators were Pomatomus saltator (winter) and Trichiurus lepturus (summer). Most of the species observed were either juvenile fish or small pelagic and strongly gregarious species

    Frontiers, Opportunities, and Challenges in Biochemical and Chemical Catalysis of CO_2 Fixation

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    Two major energy-related problems confront the world in the next 50 years. First, increased worldwide competition for gradually depleting fossil fuel reserves (derived from past photosynthesis) will lead to higher costs, both monetarily and politically. Second, atmospheric CO_2 levels are at their highest recorded level since records began. Further increases are predicted to produce large and uncontrollable impacts on the world climate. These projected impacts extend beyond climate to ocean acidification, because the ocean is a major sink for atmospheric CO2.1 Providing a future energy supply that is secure and CO_2-neutral will require switching to nonfossil energy sources such as wind, solar, nuclear, and geothermal energy and developing methods for transforming the energy produced by these new sources into forms that can be stored, transported, and used upon demand