18 research outputs found

    Produção de Filme Espesso Supercondutor SmBa2Cu3O7-t Usando Plasma Spray.

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    Desde a descoberta dos supercondutores de alta temperatura crítica em 1986, por Muller e Bednorz, a utilização destes materiais, de maneira prática, vem sendo um desafio para os pesquisadores da área. Uma das tentativas de aplicação prática desses supercondutores é produzir filmes finos e espessos para a transmissão de corrente elétrica. Na literatura é possível encontrar inúmeros trabalhos utilizando o YBCO como precursor. A idéia de substituir o ítrio pelo samário foi devido a sua maior capacidade de transportar corrente. Neste trabalho serão apresentados resultados obtidos da produção de filme espessos produzidos a partir do precursor SmBa2Cu3O7-. Após produzir e caracterizar a amostra supercondutora de SmBa2Cu3O7-, a mesma foi moída e peneirada para ser depositada. Para produzir os filmes foi utilizada uma tocha de plasma de arco não transferido, com corrente contínua e nitrogênio como gás de trabalho, dedicada ao processo de deposição por spray. Para o processo deposição os substratos de aço inox foram jateados com areia, montados em um suporte com aquecedores internos e posteriormente aquecidos pelo jato de plasma até a temperatura de 900°C. Em seguida foi realizada a deposição. A caracterização dos filmes foi feita por análise de difração de raios-X, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura e Resistividade Elétrica. Observou-se que a influência da distância entre a tocha e o substrato é fundamental para obtenção de filmes de boa qualidade. Os filmes mais próximos à tocha apresentaram pouca aderência ao substrato ou foram decompostos pelo calor excessivo. Os filmes mais afastados apresentaram a fase supercondutora e após a oxigenação permaneceram aderidos ao substrato. Foi possível observa por meio de MEV que houve ligação entre os splats, o que é essencial para a condução de corrente nos filmes. Em geral foi possível produzir filmes supercondutores espessos de SmBa2Cu3O7-utilizando a técnica de plasma spray

    Characterization of electrochemical cell for production of radiotracer in organic medium

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    In a petrochemical plant, precise knowledge of the flow of the compounds that flow inside the pipelines that carry oil and these derivatives is crucial. To perform these controls a series of flow meters are installed inside ducts in direct contact with the fluid to be monitored. This invasive method presents a great limitation because the oil aggressive proprieties that require these measurement devices are subjected to frequent calibrations which, in turn, cause the stoppage of the plant and low productivity. In this sense, radiotracers has been used in conjunction with the time transient method, by configuring a precise and non-invasive measurement technique. This work presents the study of the characterization of an electrolytic cell model for the production of petroleum derivatives labeled with Iodine-123 for use as radiotracer in the measurement of flow in ducts and the time transient method. Labelling of organic compounds usually a sequence of solvent separation and extraction steps which, when used for labeling oil and oil derivatives it causes high gamma exposition for the operator at considerable dose rates due to the need for direct interaction with the marking system. The objective of this work is to develop a cell model that is part of a compact, automatically operated labelling system with physics and chemistry parameters defined to optimize the organic phase labelling processes of petroleum derivatives. The labelling cell is composed of a cylindrical reaction vessel where the aqueous medium containing the iodine-123 in the form of sodium iodide (NaI-I123) is inserted with about 2 mCi of activity and the organic medium. In the system are introduced, two Platinum electrodes where a voltage of 0. 8 V is applied. This system allows the production of radiotracer for a rapid pulse injection. The results show that there was no significant variation of the stability of the system in the temperature range of 25 °C to 40 °C and showed a labelling efficiency around 85%

    High moon brightness and low ambient temperatures affect sloth predation by harpy eagles

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    Background: Climate plays a key role in the life histories of tropical vertebrates. However, tropical forests are only weakly seasonal compared with temperate and boreal regions. For species with limited ability to control core body temperature, even mild climatic variation can determine major behavioural outcomes, such as foraging and predator avoidance. In tropical forests, sloths are the arboreal vertebrate attaining the greatest biomass density, but their capacity to regulate body temperature is limited, relying on behavioural adaptations to thermoregulate. Sloths are largely or strictly nocturnal, and depend on crypsis to avoid predation. The harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) is a sloth-specialist and exerts strong top-down control over its prey species. Yet the role of environmental variables on the regulation of predator-prey interactions between sloths and harpy eagles are unknown. The harpy eagle is considered Near Threatened. This motivated a comprehensive effort to reintroduce this species into parts of Mesoamerica. This effort incidentally enabled us to understand the prey profile of harpy eagles over multiple seasons. Methods: Our study was conducted between 2003 and 2009 at Soberanía National Park, Panamá. Telemetered harpy eagles were seen hunting and feeding on individual prey species. For each predation event, field assistants systematically recorded the species killed. We analysed the effects of climatic conditions and vegetation phenology on the prey species profile of harpy eagles using generalised linear mixed models. Results: Here we show that sloth predation by harpy eagles was negatively affected by nocturnal ambient light (i.e. bright moonshine) and positively affected by seasonally cool temperatures. We suggest that the first ensured low detectability conditions for sloths foraging at night and the second posed a thermally unsuitable climate that forced sloths to forage under riskier daylight. We showed that even moderate seasonal variation in temperature can influence the relationship between a keystone tropical forest predator and a dominant prey item. Therefore, predator-prey ecology in the tropics can be modulated by subtle changes in environmental conditions. The seasonal effects shown here suggest important demographic consequences for sloths, which are under top-down regulation from harpy eagle predation, perhaps limiting their geographic distribution at higher latitudes

    O ensino de termologia por meio de uma atividade lúdica: : o jogo do autódromo

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    This article consists of an experience report carried out during the Institutional ScholarshipProgram for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) of a Degree Course in Physics. The intervention took place at the end of the first quarter of 2019, in a 2nd year high school class at a state public school. The methodology adopted was a playful activity, in the form of a game called Autodromo, with the objective of reviewing the content of Thermology. During the application, we found the motivation and engagement of students provided by the ludic activity and also the importance of proposing activities related to the more conceptual and contextualized part of Physics. We believe that the intervention was able to reduce the degree of students' rejection of the Physics discipline, indicating a possible improvement in learning.Este artigo consiste num relato de experiência realizado durante o Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) de um Curso de Licenciatura em Física. A intervenção ocorreu no final do primeiro trimestre de 2019, numa turma de 2º ano do Ensino Médio de uma Escola pública estadual. A metodologia adotada foi uma atividade lúdica, na forma de um jogo denominado Autódromo, com o objetivo de revisar o conteúdo de Termologia. Durante a aplicação constatamos a motivação e o engajamento dos alunos proporcionados pela atividade lúdica e também a importância de se propor atividades relacionadas a parte mais conceitual e contextualizada da Física. Acreditamos, que a intervenção conseguiu reduzir o grau de rejeição dos alunos para com a disciplina de Física, indicando possível melhora do aprendizado

    Gamificação no ensino de astronomia

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    Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar uma atividade didática, realizada no Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), envolvendo o ensino de Astronomia numa turma do primeiro ano do ensino médio de uma escola do município de Vitória, ES. A atividade foi planejada e executada pelo subprojeto do Curso de Licenciatura em Física do IFES – Campus Cariacica. A metodologia foi baseada na Gamificação aplicada ao ensino-aprendizagem. A intervenção ocorreu em três etapas, sendo a primeira realizada em dois encontros, através de apresentações dialogadas sobre Astronomia usando slides e gifs, a segunda consistiu na aplicação da Gamificação através de um jogo e finalizando com a terceira etapa, foi aplicado um pequeno questionário. Ao final houve um momento de avaliação e as análises constataram que o ensino de Astronomia através da atividade gamificada do jogo conseguiu motivar os alunos, despertar o interesse pelo assunto e produzir indícios de aprendizagem.Palavras-chave: Gamificação em sala de aula; Ensino de Astronomia; PIBID. Gamification in astronomy teachingAbstract: This work aims to report on a didactic activity, carried out in the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID), involving the teaching of Astronomy in a class of the first year of high school at a school in the city of Vitória, ES. The activity was carried out by the subproject of the Physics Degree Course at IFES - Campus Cariacica. The intervention took place in three stages, the first being in two meetings, through dialogued presentations on Astronomy using slides and gifs, the second consisted of the application of Gamification through a game and ending with the third stage, a small questionnaire was applied. At the end there was a moment of evaluation and the analyzes found that the teaching of Astronomy through the gamified activity of the game managed to motivate students, arouse interest in the subject and produce evidence of learning.Keywords: Gamification activity in the classroom; Astronomy teaching; PIBID.

    Teaching Optics at Pibid: an approach with the use of videos during the covid-19 pandemic

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    This experience report aims to present the construction, application and results of a didactic intervention carried out at public school in Cariacica-ES, with the 3rd year high school classes. This action was part of the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (Pibid) and was carried out by students of the Degree in Physics at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (IFES), Cariacica campus. In this Optics study, the chosen theme was Light and Colors, and all activities were applied online, through videos and a quiz to assess what students learned. The online format was adopted as an alternative due to the difficulties imposed by the covid-19 pandemic, which made continuous face-to-face teaching impossible throughout 2020 and 2021. The use of videos was an attempt to overcome the difficulties of students studying alone during non-face-to-face teaching. In addition to the videos, the students were supported by the authors during the application period, to clarify doubts and obtain guidance, aiming at a more meaningful learning. The results showed a satisfactory participation on the part of the students, including in the sense that they would like to have other similar activities.Este relato tem como objetivo apresentar a construção, aplicação e os resultados de uma intervenção didática executada em uma escola pública do município de Cariacica-ES, com turmas de 3° ano do EM. Esta ação fez parte do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (Pibid) e foi realizada pelos estudantes do Curso de Licenciatura em Física do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES), campus Cariacica. Nesse estudo de óptica, o tema escolhido foi luz e cores. Todas as atividades foram aplicadas de forma online, por meio de vídeos e de um quiz para avaliar o que os alunos aprenderam. O formato online foi adotado como uma alternativa devido às dificuldades impostas pela pandemia da covid-19, que impossibilitaram o ensino presencial contínuo ao longo dos anos de 2020 e 2021. O uso de vídeos foi uma tentativa de superar as dificuldades de os alunos estudarem sozinhos durante o ensino não presencial. Além dos vídeos, os alunos tiveram suporte por parte dos bolsistas, durante o período de aplicação, para esclarecer dúvidas e obter orientações, objetivando uma aprendizagem mais significativa. Os resultados mostraram uma participação satisfatória por parte dos alunos, inclusive no sentido de que eles gostariam de ter outras atividades semelhantes

    Nanomicelles of Radium Dichloride [223Ra]RaCl2 Co-Loaded with Radioactive Gold [198Au]Au Nanoparticles for Targeted Alpha–Beta Radionuclide Therapy of Osteosarcoma

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    Alpha and beta particulate radiation are used for non-treated neoplasia, due to their ability to reach and remain in tumor sites. Radium-223 (223Ra), an alpha emitter, promotes localized cytotoxic effects, while radioactive gold (198Au), beta-type energy, reduces radiation in the surrounding tissues. Nanotechnology, including several radioactive nanoparticles, can be safely and effectively used in cancer treatment. In this context, this study aims to analyze the antitumoral effects of [223Ra]Ra nanomicelles co-loaded with radioactive gold nanoparticles ([198Au]AuNPs). For this, we synthesize and characterize nanomicelles, as well as analyze some parameters, such as particle size, radioactivity emission, dynamic light scattering, and microscopic atomic force. [223Ra]Ra nanomicelles co-loaded with [198Au]AuNPs, with simultaneous alpha and beta emission, showed no instability, a mean particle size of 296 nm, and a PDI of 0.201 (±0.096). Furthermore, nanomicelles were tested in an in vitro cytotoxicity assay. We observed a significant increase in tumor cell death using combined alpha and beta therapy in the same formulation, compared with these components used alone. Together, these results show, for the first time, an efficient association between alpha and beta therapies, which could become a promising tool in the control of tumor progression

    O crowdsourcing como ferramenta de gestão da informação na conservação dos edifícios da Câmara dos Deputados : Relatório de intervençao

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    Relatório de Intervenção apresentado como requisito parcial para aprovação na disciplina Práticas de Gestão no Legislativo do Curso de Mestrado Profissional em Poder Legislativo, do Programa de Pós-Graduação do Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento da Câmara dos Deputados/Cefor

    KenupCF/Agouti-Success: Walking on their own legs (Supplementary Materials and Source Code)

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    This repository contains supplementary information regarding the paper "Walking on their own legs: unassisted population growth of agoutis reintroduced to restore seed dispersal in an Atlantic Forest reserve", authored by Caio Fittipaldi Kenup, Raissa Sepulvida, Catharina Kreischer and Fernando Antonio dos Santos Fernandez Contained here are: R Scripts and Functions used to carry out the analyses (.R) Full carried-out analyses (.RData) Raw data files used as input (.csv). Supplementary Tables as Published (.xlsx) Abstract from the paper: Reintroduction of locally extirpated species is an increasingly popular conservation tool. However, few initiatives focus on the restoration of ecological processes. In addition, many reintroductions fail to conduct post-release monitoring, hampering both assessment of their success and implementation of adaptive management actions. In 2009 a reintroduction effort was initiated to reestablish a population of the red-rumped agouti Dasyprocta leporina, a scatter-hoarding rodent known to be an important disperser of large seeds, with the aim of restoring ecological processes at Tijuca National Park, south-east Brazil. To assess whether this reintroduced population established successfully we monitored it using mark-resighting from November 2013 to March 2015. Population size and survival were estimated using a robust design Poisson-log normal mixed-effects mark-resight model. By March 2015 the number of wild-born individuals fluctuated around 30 and overall growth of the population was positive. As the reintroduced population is capable of unassisted growth, we conclude that the reintroduction has been successful in the medium term. We recommend the cessation of releases, with efforts redirected to continued monitoring, investigation and management of possible threats to the species’ persistence, and to quantification of the reestablishment of ecological processes. Reintroduction of D. leporina populations can be a cost-effective tool to restore ecological processes, especially seed dispersal, in Neotropical forests. Disclaimer: For data protection reasons, the photographic records .csv sheet has been truncated to two stations and 12 days of sampling, providing only a toy example. Nevertheless, the summarised data and analysis present on the .RData files represent the full set of records. MIT License Copyright (c) [2013] [Caio Fittipaldi Kenup] Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE