3,969 research outputs found

    Freshwater Composition and Connectivity of the Connecticut River Plume During Ambient Flood Tides

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    The Connecticut River plume interacts with the strong tidal currents of the ambient receiving waters in eastern Long Island Sound. The plume formed during ambient flood tides is studied as an example of tidal river plumes entering into energetic ambient tidal environments in estuaries or continental shelves. Conservative passive freshwater tracers within a high-resolution nested hydrodynamic model are applied to determine how source waters from different parts of the tidal cycle contribute to plume composition and interact with bounding plume fronts. The connection to source waters can be cut off only under low-discharge conditions, when tides reverse surface flow through the mouth after max ambient flood. Upstream plume extent is limited because ambient tidal currents arrest the opposing plume propagation, as the tidal internal Froude number exceeds one. The downstream extent of the tidal plume always is within 20 km from the mouth, which is less than twice the ambient tidal excursion. Freshwaters in the river during the preceding ambient ebb are the oldest found in the new flood plume. Connectivity with source waters and plume fronts exhibits a strong upstream-to- downstream asymmetry. The arrested upstream front has high connectivity, as all freshwaters exiting the mouth immediately interact with this boundary. The downstream plume front has the lowest overall connectivity, as interaction is limited to the oldest waters since younger interior waters do not overtake this front. The offshore front and inshore boundary exhibit a downstream progression from younger to older waters and decreasing overall connectivity with source waters. Plume-averaged freshwater tracer concentrations and variances both exhibit an initial growth period followed by a longer decay period for the remainder of the tidal period. The plume-averaged tracer variance is increased by mouth inputs, decreased by entrainment, and destroyed by internal mixing. Peak entrainment velocities for younger waters are higher than values for older waters, indicating stronger entrainment closer to the mouth. Entrainment and mixing time scales (1–4 h at max ambient flood) are both shorter than half a tidal period, indicating entrainment and mixing are vigorous enough to rapidly diminish tracer variance within the plume

    Mean Field Dynamics in Non-Abelian Plasmas from Classical Transport Theory

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    Based on classical transport theory, we present a general set of covariant equations describing the dynamics of mean fields and their statistical fluctuations in a non-Abelian plasma in or out-of-equilibrium. A procedure to obtain the collision integrals for the Boltzmann equation from the microscopic theory is described. As an application, we study a hot non-Abelian plasma close to equilibrium, where the fluctuations are integrated out explicitly. For soft fields, and at logarithmic accuracy, we obtain B\"odeker's effective theory.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figures. Typo removed, a reference updated, version as to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Geochronology of the middle Eocene Purple Bench locality (Devil’s Graveyard Formation), Trans-Pecos Texas, USA

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    Purple Bench is a middle Eocene fossil locality in the Devil’s Graveyard Formation of the Trans-Pecos region of West Texas. In addition to yielding a range of taxa characteristic of the Uintan North American Land Mammal Age, the Purple Bench locality is noteworthy in documenting a number of endemic species that are known only from the site. Despite the Uintan character of the mammalian fauna, the absolute age of Purple Bench is a matter of debate. This uncertainty stems from the wide interval of time encompassed by current radiometric dates bracketing the Purple Bench locality and from conflicting magnetostratigraphic correlations in the Devil’s Graveyard Formation. This study constrains the absolute age of the Purple Bench locality through detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological analyses. For these analyses, 147 new detrital zircon U-Pb ages were collected from five tuffaceous sandstones and reworked tuff horizons and analyzed via Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). These new detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological analyses suggest a maximum depositional age of 43.7 +0.8 / -0.2 Ma for the Purple Bench tuff, a significant marker horizon immediately below the Purple Bench locality. These new maximum depositional age dates presented here provide constraints on the true depositional age of the lower and middle members of the Devil’s Graveyard Formation, bringing clarity to the previously ambiguous age of the fossil-bearing Purple Bench locality. The age constraints presented here also aid the characterization of the temporally and spatially variable Uintan North American Land Mammal Age

    Eddington-Limited Accretion in z~2 WISE-selected Hot, Dust-Obscured Galaxies

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    Hot, Dust-Obscured Galaxies, or "Hot DOGs", are a rare, dusty, hyperluminous galaxy population discovered by the WISE mission. Predominantly at redshifts 2-3, they include the most luminous known galaxies in the universe. Their high luminosities likely come from accretion onto highly obscured super massive black holes (SMBHs). We have conducted a pilot survey to measure the SMBH masses of five z~2 Hot DOGs via broad H_alpha emission lines, using Keck/MOSFIRE and Gemini/FLAMINGOS-2. We detect broad H_alpha emission in all five Hot DOGs. We find substantial corresponding SMBH masses for these Hot DOGs (~ 10^{9} M_sun), and their derived Eddington ratios are close to unity. These z~2 Hot DOGs are the most luminous AGNs at given BH masses, suggesting they are accreting at the maximum rates for their BHs. A similar property is found for known z~6 quasars. Our results are consistent with scenarios in which Hot DOGs represent a transitional, high-accretion phase between obscured and unobscured quasars. Hot DOGs may mark a special evolutionary stage before the red quasar and optical quasar phases, and they may be present at other cosmic epochs.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Investigation of the Copper Requirements of the Metallophyte Liverworts Cephaloziella nicholsonii Douin and C. massalongoi (Spruce) MĂŒll.Frib

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    Former mine sites can provide habitat for many rare specialised bryophyte species that have adapted to metal-rich soil conditions that are toxic to most other plant species. Some of the bryophyte species found in this habitat are facultative metallophytes, and others are regarded as strict metallophytes, the so-called ‘copper mosses’. It is a general assumption in the literature that Cephaloziella nicholsonii and C. massalongoi, both categorised as Endangered in the IUCN Red List for Europe, are also strict metallophytes and obligate copper bryophytes. This in vitro experiment investigated the growth and gemma production of these two species from different sites in Ireland and Britain on treatment plates of 0 ppm, 3 ppm, 6 ppm, 12 ppm, 24 ppm, 48 ppm and 96 ppm copper. Results show that elevated copper is not an obligate requirement for optimum growth. Differences in response to the copper treatment levels among populations evident within both species could possibly be due to ecotypic variation. A case is also made for the taxonomic revision of the Cephaloziella genus. Implications for the species’ conservation are discussed.University College DublinNational Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Irelan

    Parental bonding and identity style as correlates of self-esteem among adult adoptees and nonadoptees

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    Adult adoptees (n equals 100) and non-adoptees (n equals 100) were compared with regard to selfesteem, identity processing style, and parental bonding. While some differences were found with regard to self-esteem, maternal care, and maternal overprotection, these differences were qualified by reunion status such that only reunited adoptees differed significantly from nonadoptees. Moreover, hierarchical regression analyses indicated that parental bonding and identity processing style were more important than adoptive status per se in predicting self esteem. Implications for practitioners who work with adoptees are discussed

    Impact Of Redesigning A Large-Lecture Introductory Earth Science Course To Increase Student Achievement And Streamline Faculty Workload

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    A Geological Perspective is a general education survey course for non-science majors at a large southwestern research extensive university.  The class has traditionally served 600 students per semester in four 150-student lectures taught by faculty, and accompanied by optional weekly study groups run by graduate teaching assistants.  We radically redesigned the course to 1) improve student learning and, simultaneously, 2) reduce faculty effort.   Previously optional study groups were replaced by weekly mandatory break-out sessions, run largely by undergraduate peer mentors.  Twice weekly, lectures are brief with a large portion of class time allocated to active learning in small groups.  Completing quizzes on-line reduced grading and allowed students more flexibility.  Evaluation of the redesign (mixed methods, quasi-experimental, two-group, pre-test-post-test, multiple-measures study design) revealed no significant improvements in learner outcomes insofar as the instruments could measure. However, qualitative results reveal that overall students greatly valued their learning experience under the redesign.  In addition, the redesign reduced the departmental cost of the class offering per student by more than half.

    Randomized trial of complete versus lesion-only revascularization in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention for STEMI and Multivessel Disease

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    BACKGROUND: The optimal management of patients found to have multivessel disease while undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (P-PCI) for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction is uncertain.   OBJECTIVES: CvLPRIT (Complete versus Lesion-only Primary PCI trial) is a U.K. open-label randomized study comparing complete revascularization at index admission with treatment of the infarct-related artery (IRA) only.   METHODS: After they provided verbal assent and underwent coronary angiography, 296 patients in 7 U.K. centers were randomized through an interactive voice-response program to either in-hospital complete revascularization (n = 150) or IRA-only revascularization (n = 146). Complete revascularization was performed either at the time of P-PCI or before hospital discharge. Randomization was stratified by infarct location (anterior/nonanterior) and symptom onset (≀3 h or >3 h). The primary endpoint was a composite of all-cause death, recurrent myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure, and ischemia-driven revascularization within 12 months.   RESULTS: Patient groups were well matched for baseline clinical characteristics. The primary endpoint occurred in 10.0% of the complete revascularization group versus 21.2% in the IRA-only revascularization group (hazard ratio: 0.45; 95% confidence interval: 0.24 to 0.84; p = 0.009). A trend toward benefit was seen early after complete revascularization (p = 0.055 at 30 days). Although there was no significant reduction in death or MI, a nonsignificant reduction in all primary endpoint components was seen. There was no reduction in ischemic burden on myocardial perfusion scintigraphy or in the safety endpoints of major bleeding, contrast-induced nephropathy, or stroke between the groups.   CONCLUSIONS: In patients presenting for P-PCI with multivessel disease, index admission complete revascularization significantly lowered the rate of the composite primary endpoint at 12 months compared with treating only the IRA. In such patients, inpatient total revascularization may be considered, but larger clinical trials are required to confirm this result and specifically address whether this strategy is associated with improved survival. (Complete Versus Lesion-only Primary PCI Pilot Study [CvLPRIT]; ISRCTN70913605)

    The Effect of Tropical Temperatures on the Quality of RNA Extracted from Stabilized Whole-Blood Samples

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    Whole-blood-derived transcriptional profiling is widely used in biomarker discovery, immunological research, and therapeutic development. Traditional molecular and high-throughput transcriptomic platforms, including molecular assays with quantitative PCR (qPCR) and RNAsequencing (RNA-seq), are dependent upon high-quality and intact RNA. However, collecting high-quality RNA from field studies in remote tropical locations can be challenging due to resource restrictions and logistics of post-collection processing. The current study tested the relative performance of the two most widely used whole-blood RNA collection systems, PAXgene¼ and Tempusℱ, in optimal laboratory conditions as well as suboptimal conditions in tropical field sites, including the effects of extended storage times and high storage temperatures. We found that Tempusℱ tubes maintained a slightly higher RNA quantity and integrity relative to PAXgene¼ tubes at suboptimal tropical conditions. Both PAXgene¼ and Tempusℱ tubes gave similar RNA purity (A260/A280). Additionally, Tempusℱ tubes preferentially maintained the stability of mRNA transcripts for two reference genes tested, Succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit A (SDHA) and TATA-box-binding protein (TBP), even when RNA quality decreased with storage length and temperature. Both tube types preserved the rRNA transcript 18S ribosomal RNA (18S) equally. Our results suggest that Tempusℱ blood RNA collection tubes are preferable to PAXgene¼ for whole-blood collection in suboptimal tropical conditions for RNA-based studies in resource-limited settings

    Comparative Study of Multicellular Tumor Spheroid Formation Methods and Implications for Drug Screening

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    Improved in vitro models are needed to better understand cancer progression and bridge the gap between in vitro proof-of-concept studies, in vivo validation, and clinical application. Multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) are a popular method for three-dimensional (3D) cell culture, because they capture some aspects of the dimensionality, cell–cell contact, and cell–matrix interactions seen in vivo. Many approaches exist to create MCTS from cell lines, and they have been used to study tumor cell invasion, growth, and how cells respond to drugs in physiologically relevant 3D microenvironments. However, there are several discrepancies in the observations made of cell behaviors when comparing between MCTS formation methods. To resolve these inconsistencies, we created and compared the behavior of breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer cells across three MCTS formation methods: in polyNIPAAM gels, in microwells, or in suspension culture. These methods formed MCTS via proliferation from single cells or passive aggregation, and therefore showed differential reliance on genes important for cell–cell or cell–matrix interactions. We also found that the MCTS formation method dictated drug sensitivity, where MCTS formed over longer periods of time via clonal growth were more resistant to treatment. Toward clinical application, we compared an ovarian cancer cell line MCTS formed in polyNIPAAM with cells from patient-derived malignant ascites. The method that relied on clonal growth (PolyNIPAAM gel) was more time and cost intensive, but yielded MCTS that were uniformly spherical, and exhibited the most reproducible drug responses. Conversely, MCTS methods that relied on aggregation were faster, but yielded MCTS with grape-like, lobular structures. These three MCTS formation methods differed in culture time requirements and complexity, and had distinct drug response profiles, suggesting the choice of MCTS formation method should be carefully chosen based on the application required
