16 research outputs found

    Factors influencing oil saturation and exploration fairways in the lower cretaceous Quantou Formation tight sandstones, Southern Songliao Basin, China

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    Favorable exploration fairway prediction becomes crucial for efficient exploration and development of tight sandstone oil plays due to their relatively poor reservoir quality and strong heterogeneous oil saturation. In order to better understand the factors influencing oil saturation and favorable exploration fairway distribution, petrographic investigation, reservoir properties testing, X-ray diffraction analysis, oil saturation measurement, pressure-controlled mercury injection, and rate-controlled mercury injection were performed on a suite of tight reservoir from the fourth member of the Lower Cretaceous Quantou Formation (K 1 q 4 ) in the southern Songliao Basin, China. The sandstone reservoirs are characterized by poor reservoir properties and low oil saturations. Reservoir properties between laboratory pressure conditions and in situ conditions are approximately the same, and oil saturations are not controlled by porosity and permeability obviously. Pores are mainly micro-scale, and throats are mainly nano-scale, forming micro- to nano-scale pore–throat system with effective connected pore–throat mainly less than 40%. Oil emplacement mainly occurs through the throats with average radius larger than 0.25 µm under original geological condition. Moreover, the samples with higher oil saturation show more scattered pore and throat distributions, but centered pore–throat radius ratio distribution. Pore–throat volume ratio about 2.3–3.0 is best for oil emplacement, forming high oil saturation. Quartz overgrowth, carbonate cements, and authigenic clays are the major diagenetic minerals. The reservoirs containing about 4–5% carbonate cements are most preferable for oil accumulation, and oil saturation increases with increasing of chlorite as well. The flow zone indicator is a reasonable parameter to predict favorable exploration targets in tight sandstone reservoirs. The reservoirs with flow zone indicator values larger than 0.05 can be regarded as favorable exploration targets in the K 1 q 4 tight sandstones. According to the planar isoline of average flow zone indicator value, the favorable exploration targets mainly distribute in the delta plain distributary channel and deltaic front subaqueous distributary channel

    Genetic mechanism of multi-scale sedimentary cycles and their impacts on shale-oil distribution in Permian Lucaogou Formation, Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin

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    Complex lithofacies of Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag promote strong heterogeneity of oil distribution in fine grained sedimentary rocks. It is of great significance to define the formation mechanism of fine-grained sedimentary rocks for favorable reservoir prediction and exploration target selection in Jimusar Sag. Based on detailed petrographic characterization, in-situ geochemical parameter testing, and high-resolution cycle analysis, sedimentary cycles on the micron to meter scales were successfully identified in Lucaogou Formation from Jimusar Sag. Precession-forced paleo-environmental evolution mainly induces the deposition of meter-scale sedimentary cycles. In the period of low precession, the paleo-environment is cold and dry, the lake level falls. Silt-grained particles advance toward the center of the lake basin carried by gravity current, thus siliciclastic sediments are mainly deposited. In the period of high precession, the climate is warm and humid, the lake level rises. The inputs of siliciclastic sediments are limited and the temperature increases, which are conductive to the carbonate deposition. On this basis, high-frequency paleo-environmental evolution caused by solar activity (70–110yr cycle) further induces the formation of sedimentary cycles on micron-centimeter scale. When the precession is low, the rise and fall of lake level controlled by solar activity is contribute to the deposition of tuff-rich lamina and silt-grained felsic lamina, respectively. The period of high precession is under the background of overall high lake-level, the rise and fall of lake level, along with fall and rise of temperature, controlled by solar activity finally induce the deposition of tuff-rich lamina and carbonate lamina, respectively. The development of multi-scale sedimentary cycles controlled by Milankovitch cycle and solar activity cycle have important implications for shale oil enrichment. The fine-grained sediments deposited during the period of low precession and intense solar activity dominate feldspar dissolution pores and intergranular pores, which are favorable for shale oil enrichment

    Control of micro-wettability of pore-throat on shale oil occurrence: A case study of laminated shale of Permian Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin, NW China

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    The control of micro-wettability of pore-throat on shale oil occurrence in different types of reservoir spaces remains unclear. Take the shale oil reservoir of the Permian Lucaogou Formation in the Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin as an example, the reservoir space in laminated shale and the control of micro-wettability of pore-throat on shale oil occurrence were studied by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), multi-stage pyrolysis, quantitative fluorescence, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and other techniques. The results show that there are mainly two types of laminated shale in the Lucaogou Formation, namely laminated shale rich in volcanic materials + terrigenous felsic, and laminated shale rich in volcanic materials + carbonate. The former type contains feldspar dissolution pores and intergranular pores, mainly with felsic mineral components around the pore-throats, which are water-wet and control the free shale oil. The latter type contains carbonate intercrystalline pores and organic pores, mainly with oil-wet mineral components around the pore-throats, which control the adsorbed shale oil. The oil-wet mineral components around the pore-throats are conducive to oil accumulation, but reduce the proportion of free oil. In the Lucaogou Formation, free oil, with high maturity and light quality, mainly occurs in the laminated shale rich in volcanic materials + terrigenous felsic

    Genesis of granular calcite in lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks and its indication to volcanic-hydrothermal events: A case study of Permian Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin, NW China

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    Granular calcite is an authigenic mineral in fine-grained sedimentary rocks. Core observation, thin section observation, cathodoluminescence analysis, fluid inclusion analysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and isotopic composition analysis were combined to clarify the genesis of granular calcite in the lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks of the Permian Lucaogou Formation in the Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin. It is found that the granular calcite is distributed with laminated characteristics in fine-grained sedimentary rocks in tuffite zones (or the transitional zone between tuffite and micritic dolomite). Granular calcite has obvious cathodoluminesence band, and it can be divided into three stages. Stage-I calcite, with non-luminesence, high content of Sr element, inclusions containing COS, and homogenization temperature higher than 170 °C, was directly formed from the volcanic-hydrothermal deposition. Stage-II calcite, with bright yellow luminescence, high contents of Fe, Mn and Mg, enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREEs), and high homogenization temperature, was formed by recrystallization of calcareous edges from exhalative hydrothermal deposition. Stage-III calcite, with dark orange luminescence band, high contents of Mg, P, V and other elements, no obvious fractionation among LREEs, and low homogenization temperature, was originated from diagenetic transformation during burial. The granular calcite appears regularly in the vertical direction and its formation temperature decreases from the center to the margin of particles, providing direct evidences for volcanic-hydrothermal events during the deposition of the Lucaogou Formation. The volcanic-hydrothermal event was conducive to the enrichment of organic matters in fine-grained sedimentary rocks of the Lucaogrou Formation, and positive to the development of high-quality source rocks. The volcanic-hydrothermal sediments might generate intergranular pores/fractures during the evolution, creating conditions for the self-generation and self-storage of shale oil

    Diagenesis and porosity-permeability evolution of low permeability reservoirs: A case study of Jurassic Sangonghe Formation in Block 1, central Junggar Basin, NW China

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    Based on core observation, thin section examination, cathode luminescence analysis, scanning electron microscopy, fluid inclusions, carbon and oxygen isotope, mercury penetration, porosity-permeability test and other analytical methods, combined with the histories of burial evolution, organic matter thermal evolution and hydrocarbon charge, the diagenesis and porosity-permeability evolution are studied of low-permeability reservoirs of Jurassic Sangonghe Formation in Block 1 of central Junggar Basin. The matching relation between reservoir porosity-permeability evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation history is analyzed. The diagenetic environment evolution of the reservoir in the study area is early alkaline, interim acid and late alkaline, forming the diagenetic sequence of chlorite membrane precipitation, early calcite cementation, feldspar dissolution accompanied by quartz overgrowth and authigenic kaolinite precipitation, anhydrite cementation, late period ferrocalcite and ankerite cementation, a small amount of pyrite cementation. Generally, compaction occurs throughout the whole burial process. According to the matching relation between reservoir porosity-permeability evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation history, the Jurassic Sangonghe Formation has three genetic types of low permeability reservoirs: densification after hydrocarbon accumulation, with the best exploration potential; densification during the hydrocarbon accumulation, with medium exploration potential; densification before the hydrocarbon accumulation, with the poorest exploration potential. Key words: low permeability reservoir, diagenesis, porosity-permeability evolution, hydrocarbon accumulation history, Junggar Basi

    Characteristics and formation mechanisms of gravity-flow deposits in a lacustrine depression basin: Examples from the Late Triassic Chang 7 oil member of the Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, Central China

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    Understanding the flow processes that form gravity-flow deposits is vital for modeling and predicting sandstone bodies in the subsurface, which is of great significance for conventional and unconventional oil and gas exploration and development in lacustrine basins. This study analyses gravity-flow deposits of the Late Triassic Chang 7 oil member of the Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin, using a combination of well-log analysis, core observations, thin-section analysis, and laboratory measurements. The sedimentary facies, formation mechanisms, distribution patterns, and depositional models of gravity-flow deposits are investigated. Thirteen facies and eight bed-types are recognized in the gravity-flow deposits. Bed types represent deposits of sandy slides, sandy slumps, debrites, high-density turbidites, hybrid event beds, transitional flow deposits, surge-like low-density turbidites, and quasi-steady low-density turbidites. Gravity-flow deposits, particularly those caused by sediment failure, are composed of slides, slumps, debrites, high-density turbidites, hybrid event beds, transitional flow deposits, and surge-like low-density turbidites. These deposits form as isolated lenticular sand bodies, with retrogradational internal stacking patterns. In contrast, gravity-flow deposits caused by flooding rivers are composed of high-density turbidites, hybrid event beds, transitional flow deposits, and quasi-steady low-density turbidites. These deposits exhibit elongate morphologies with progradation stacking patterns internally. The collision between the North China Block and the South China Block, which occurred during the closing of the Qinling Ocean, lead to frequent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. These activities promoted the development of gravity-flow deposits associated with sediment failure from delta fronts in both the northeastern and southwestern parts of the basin. Concurrently, extremely humid climatic conditions promoted increased fluvial drainage, leading to enhanced hyperpycnal flows into the deep-lacustrine basin depocenters in the Late Triassic. This study emphasized that detailed facies analysis and distribution pattern analysis are the fundamental way to identify the formation mechanisms of gravity flow deposits in lacustrine depression basins

    Origin of Calcite Cements in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs of Chang 8 Member of the Yanchang Formation in Zhijing-Ansai Area, Ordos Basin, China

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    Calcite cement is a common type of cementation in tight sandstone reservoirs of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation Chang 8 Member in the Zhijing-Ansai area of the Ordos Basin, which has significant influence on reservoir densification and heterogeneity. Calcite cements affect the quality of the reservoir conspicuously. The characteristics and origins of calcite were investigated using a series of approaches from the perspective of petrography and geochemistry, including thin section observation and identification, cathode luminescence, scanning electron microscopy, AMICS analysis, LA-ICP-MS elements analysis, and carbon and oxygen isotopes analysis. The results of all analytical tests indicated that calcite cements can be divided into two types according to their occurrence and origins. Type-I calcite cements mainly occur in sandstone reservoirs near the sandstone–mudstone interface or the sandstone layers adjacent to mudstone. Generally, there is no chlorite coating around them, and they appear dark orange under cathode luminescence. The carbon source of Type-I calcite cements may be related to the compaction and drainage of mudstone. Type-II calcite cements are formed in the early stage, and their carbon source may be related to the compaction and drainage of the adjacent mudstone. Type-II calcite cements are surrounded by chlorite coating primarily present in the interior of fine-grained sandstone, showing as bright yellow under cathode luminescence. Decarboxylation of organic matter in the source rocks may provide a crucial source of carbon for Type-II calcite cements

    Hydrothermally induced diagenesis: Evidence from shallow marine-deltaic sediments, Wilhelmøya, Svalbard

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    Sedimentary basins containing igneous intrusions within sedimentary reservoir units represent an important risk in petroleum exploration. The Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic sediments at Wilhelmøya (Svalbard) contains reservoir heterogeneity as a result of sill emplacement and represent a unique case study to better understand the effect of magmatic intrusions on the general burial diagenesis of siliciclastic sediments. Sills develop contact metamorphic aureoles by conduction as presented in many earlier studies. However, there is significant impact of localized hydrothermal circulation systems affecting reservoir sediments at considerable distance from the sill intrusions. Dolerite sill intrusions in the studied area are of limited vertical extent (∼12 m thick), but created localized hydrothermal convection cells affecting sediments at considerable distance (more than five times the thickness of the sill) from the intrusions. We present evidence that the sedimentary sequence can be divided into two units: (1) the bulk poorly lithified sediment with a maximum burial temperature much lower than 60–70 °C, and (2) thinner intervals outside the contact zone that have experienced hydrothermal temperatures (around 140 °C). The main diagenetic alteration associated with normal burial diagenesis is minor mechanical plastic deformation of ductile grains such as mica. Mineral grain contacts show no evidence of pressure dissolution and the vitrinite reflectance suggests a maximum temperature of ∼40 °C. Contrary to this, part of the sediment, preferentially along calcite cemented flow baffles, show evidence of hydrothermal alteration. These hydrothermally altered sediment sections are characterized by recrystallized carbonate cemented intervals. Further, the hydrothermal solutions have resulted in localized sericitization (illitization) of feldspars, albitization of both K-feldspar and plagioclase and the formation of fibrous illite nucleated on kaolinite. These observations suggest hydrothermal alteration at T > 120–140 °C at distances considerably further away than expected from sill heat dissipation by conduction only, which commonly affect sediments about twice the thickness of the sill intrusion. We propose that carbonate-cemented sections acted as flow baffles already during the hydrothermal fluid mobility and controlled the migration pathways of the buoyant hot fluids. Significant hydrothermally induced diagenetic alterations affecting the porosity and hence reservoir quality was not noted in the noncarbonate-cemented reservoir intervals. Keywords: Diagenesis, Sill intrusions, Hydrothermal convection cells, Carbonate cement, Sericitization of feldspar

    A review of feldspar alteration and its geological significance in sedimentary basins: From shallow aquifers to deep hydrocarbon reservoirs

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    The feldspar group is one of the most common types of minerals in the earth's crust. Feldspar alteration (including the whole processes of feldspar dissolution, transfer of released solutes, and secondary mineral precipitation) is ubiquitous and important in fields including resources and environmental sciences. This paper provides a critical review of feldspar alteration and its geological significance in shallow aquifers to deep hydrocarbon reservoirs, as assessed from peer-reviewed paper in the literature. A variety of mechanisms such as the surface reaction-controlled dissolution mechanism, the preferential leaching-diffusion controlled mechanism, the diffusion-precipitation controlled dissolution mechanism and the interfacial dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism have been proposed to be responsible for the dissolution of feldspars. Feldspar dissolution rates can be affected by the crystal structure, Al/Si ordering, temperature, pH, surface area, organic acids, chemical affinity, and precipitation of secondary minerals. Five main dissolution rate laws have been used to describe feldspar dissolution rates, including the linear transition state theory (L-TST) rate law, non-linear TST rate law, parallel rate law, stepwave model rate law, and partial equilibrium law. The rate inconsistency between laboratory experiments and field observations is interpreted with hypotheses that include the armoring effects of the coating secondary minerals on feldspar surfaces, the possible effects of leached layers, the approach to saturation with respect to feldspars, the inhibition by absorbed Al3+ on the feldspar surface, and the inhibition by simultaneous slow clay precipitation rates. The inorganic-original (meteoric water and deep hot water) and organic-original (kerogen and hydrocarbon degradation) hydrogen ion (H+) in a fluid can probably act as a significant catalyzer of fast dissolution of feldspars in shallow aquifers and deep hydrocarbon reservoirs. Various mineral assemblages including extensively leached feldspars with a wide range of associated amounts of clay minerals and quartz cements can be identified in subsurface reservoirs under different geological conditions. Feldspar dissolution can generate enhanced secondary porosities and rock permeability in open geochemical systems at shallow depth or at a moderate-deep depth where faults develop widely. While in closed geochemical systems at moderate-deep depth, feldspar dissolution is likely to generate redistributional secondary porosities and to decrease rock permeability. Authigenic clay minerals formed following feldspar dissolution alter rock wettability and affect the charging and entrapment of hydrocarbons in reservoir. Feldspar alteration may promote hydrocarbon degradation by promoting bioactivity or by consuming low molecular weight organic acids and CO2 produced via oil degradation. Further work should be conducted to study hydrocarbon-water-feldspar interactions in deeply buried hydrocarbon reservoirs. Feldspar alteration may promote CO2 sequestration by consumption of H+, generation of HCO3−, and pH buffering of formation water. K-feldspar alteration may also promote illitization in interbedded mudstones by supplying K+