100 research outputs found

    Functional characterization of the water-soluble organic carbon of size-fractionated aerosol in the southern Mississippi Valley

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    The chemical content of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) as a function of particle size was characterized in Little Rock, Arkansas in winter and spring 2013. The objectives of this study were to (i) compare the functional characteristics of coarse, fine and ultrafine WSOC and (ii) reconcile the sources of WSOC for periods when carbonaceous aerosol was the most abundant particulate component. The WSOC accounted for 5% of particle mass for particles with <i>d</i><sub>p</sub> > 0.96 μm and 10% of particle mass for particles with <i>d</i><sub>p</sub> < 0.96 μm. Non-exchangeable aliphatic (H–C), unsaturated aliphatic (H–C–C=), oxygenated saturated aliphatic (H–C–O), acetalic (O–CH–O) and aromatic (Ar–H) protons were determined by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (<sup>1</sup>H-NMR). The total non-exchangeable organic hydrogen concentrations varied from 4.1 ± 0.1 nmol m<sup>−3</sup> for particles with 1.5 < <i>d</i><sub>p</sub> < 3.0 μm to 73.9 ± 12.3 nmol m<sup>−3</sup> for particles with <i>d</i><sub>p</sub> < 0.49 μm. The molar H / C ratios varied from 0.48 ± 0.05 to 0.92 ± 0.09, which were comparable to those observed for combustion-related organic aerosol. The R–H was the most abundant group, representing about 45% of measured total non-exchangeable organic hydrogen concentrations, followed by H–C–O (27%) and H–C–C= (26%). Levoglucosan, amines, ammonium and methanesulfonate were identified in NMR fingerprints of fine particles. Sucrose, fructose, glucose, formate and acetate were associated with coarse particles. These qualitative differences of <sup>1</sup>H-NMR profiles for different particle sizes indicated the possible contribution of biological aerosols and a mixture of aliphatic and oxygenated compounds from biomass burning and traffic exhausts. The concurrent presence of ammonium and amines also suggested the presence of ammonium/aminium nitrate and sulfate secondary aerosol. The size-dependent origin of WSOC was further corroborated by the increasing δ<sup>13</sup>C abundance from −26.81 ± 0.18&permil; for the smallest particles to −25.93 ± 0.31&permil; for the largest particles and the relative distribution of the functional groups as compared to those previously observed for marine, biomass burning and secondary organic aerosol. The latter also allowed for the differentiation of urban combustion-related aerosol and biological particles. The five types of organic hydrogen accounted for the majority of WSOC for particles with <i>d</i><sub>p</sub> > 3.0 μm and <i>d</i><sub>p</sub> < 0.96 μm

    Fluid intake in urban China: results of the 2016 Liq.In 7 national cross-sectional surveys

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    Purpose: To describe total fluid intake (TFI) and types of fluid consumed in urban China by age, gender, regions and city socioeconomic status relative to the adequate intakes (AI) set by the Chinese Nutrition Society. Methods: In 2016, participants aged 4–9, 10–17 and 18–55 years were recruited via a door-to-door approach in 27 cities in China. In total, 2233 participants were included. The volumes and sources of TFI were collected using the Liq.In7 record, assisted by a photographic booklet of standard fluid containers. Results: The mean daily TFI among children, adolescents and adults were 966, 1177 and 1387 mL, respectively. In each age group, TFI was significantly higher in male vs female (981 vs 949, 1240 vs 1113, 1442 vs 1332; mL). Approximately 45, 36 and 28% of children, adolescents and adults reached the AI. Although plain water was the highest contributor to TFI, the contribution of sugar sweetened beverages (SSB) was ranked in the top three together with water and milk and derivatives. Approximately 27, 48 and 47% of children, adolescents and adults consumed more than one serving of SSB per day, respectively. Conclusions: A relatively large proportion of participants did not drink enough to meet the AI in urban China. Many children, adolescents and adults consumed more than one serving of SSB per day. A majority of children, adolescents and adults in the study population do not meet both quantitative and qualitative fluid intake requirements, and signal socioeconomic disparities

    Emission fluxes and atmospheric degradation of monoterpenes above a boreal forest: field measurements and modelling

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    The contribution of monoterpenes to aerosol formation processes within and above forests is not well understood. This is also true for the particle formation events observed during the BIOFOR campaigns in Hyytiälä, Finland. Therefore, the diurnal variation of the concentrations of several biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and selected oxidation products in the gas and particle phase were measured on selected days during the campaigns in Hyytiälä, Finland. α-pinene and Δ3-carene were found to represent the most important monoterpenes above the boreal forest. A clear vertical gradient of their concentrations was observed together with a change of the relative monoterpene composition with height. Based on concentration profile measurements of monoterpenes, their fluxes above the forest canopy were calculated using the gradient approach. Most of the time, the BVOC fluxes show a clear diurnal variation with a maximum around noon. The highest fluxes were observed for α-pinene with values up to 20 ng m−2 s−1 in summer time and almost 100 ng m−2 s−1 during the spring campaign. Furthermore, the main oxidation products from α-pinene, pinonaldehyde, and from β-pinene, nopinone, were detected in the atmosphere above the forest. In addition to these more volatile oxidation products, pinic and pinonic acid were identified in the particle phase in a concentration range between 1 and 4 ng m−3. Beside these direct measurement of known oxidation products, the chemical sink term in the flux calculations was used to estimate the amount of product formation of the major terpenes (α-pinene, β-pinene, Δ3-carene). A production rate of very low volatile oxidation products (e.g., multifunctional carboxylic) from ·OH- and O3-reaction of monoterpenes of about 1.3·104 molecules cm−3 s−1 was estimated for daylight conditions during summer time. Additionally, model calculations with the one-dimensional multilayer model CACHE were carried out to investigate the diurnal course of BVOC fluxes and chemical degradation of terpenes

    Erosion Potential of a Burn Site in the Mojave-Great Basin Transition Zone: Interim Summary of One Year of Measurements

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    A historic return interval of 100 years for large fires in deserts in the Southwest U.S. is being replaced by one where fires may reoccur as frequently as every 20 to 30 years. This increase in fires has implications for management of Soil Sub-Project Corrective Action Units (CAUs) for which the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site office (NNSA/NSO) has responsibility. A series of studies has been initiated at uncontaminated analog sites to better understand the possible impacts of erosion and transport by wind and water should contaminated soil sites burn over to understand technical and perceived risk they might pose to site workers and public receptors in communities around the NTS, TTR, and NTTR; and to develop recommendations for stabilization and restoration after a fire. The first of these studies was undertaken at the Jacob fire, a lightning-caused fire approximately 12 kilometers north of Hiko, Nevada, that burned approximately 200 ha between August 6-8, 2008, and is representative of a transition zone on the NTS between the Mojave and Great Basin Deserts, where the largest number of Soil Sub-Project CAUs/CASs are located

    Education and training policies for research integrity: insights from a focus group study

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    Education is important for fostering research integrity (RI). Although RI training is increasingly provided, there is little knowledge on how research stakeholders view institutional RI education and training policies. Following a constructivist approach, we present insights about research stakeholders’ views and experiences regarding how research institutions can develop and implement RI education and training policies. We conducted thirty focus groups, engaging 147 participants in eight European countries. Using a mixed deductive-inductive thematic analysis, we identified five themes: (1) RI education should be available to all; (2) education and training approaches and goals should be tailored; (3) motivating trainees is essential; (4) both formal and informal educational formats are necessary; and (5) institutions should take into account various individual, institutional, and system-of-science factors when implementing RI education. Our findings suggest that institutions should make RI education attractive for all and tailor training to disciplinary-specific contexts.Horizon 2020(H2020)824481Merit, Expertise and Measuremen

    Mechanical Deformation Induced in Si and GaN Under Berkovich Nanoindentation

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    Details of Berkovich nanoindentation-induced mechanical deformation mechanisms of single-crystal Si(100) and the metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition (MOCVD) derived GaN thin films have been systematic investigated by means of micro-Raman spectroscopy and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) techniques. The XTEM samples were prepared by using focused ion beam (FIB) milling to accurately position the cross-section of the nanoindented area. The behaviors of the discontinuities displayed in the loading and unloading segments of the load-displacement curves of Si and GaN thin films performed with a Berkovich diamond indenter tip were explained by the observed microstructure features obtained from XTEM analyses. According to the observations of micro-Raman and XTEM, the nanoindentation-induced mechanical deformation is due primarily to the generation and propagation of dislocations gliding along the pyramidal and basal planes specific to the hexagonal structure of GaN thin films rather than by indentation-induced phase transformations displayed in Si


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    We present a numerical simulation method for designing geodetic networks. The quality criterion considered is based on the power of the test of data snooping testing procedure. This criterion expresses the probability of the data snooping to identify correctly an outlier. In general, the power of the test is defined theoretically. However, with the advent of the fast computers and large data storage systems, it can be estimated using numerical simulation. Here, the number of experiments in which the data snooping procedure identifies the outlier correctly is counted using Monte Carlos simulations. If the network configuration does not meet the reliability criterion at some part, then it can be improved by adding required observation to the surveying plan. The method does not use real observations. Thus, it depends on the geometrical configuration of the network; the uncertainty of the observations; and the size of outlier. The proposed method is demonstrated by practical application of one simulated leveling network. Results showed the needs of five additional observations between adjacent stations. The addition of these new observations improved the internal reliability of approximately 18%. Therefore, the final designed network must be able to identify and resist against the undetectable outliers – according to the probability levels

    Planejamento de redes geodésicas resistentes a múltiplos outliers

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    Ao se planejar o levantamento de uma rede geodésica, deseja-se que as observações a serem realizadas e as coordenadas dos pontos a serem estimadas atendam critérios de precisão e confiabilidade pré-estabelecidos de acordo com os objetivos do projeto. Na etapa de pré-análise, antes mesmo da coleta das observações, é possível estimar a precisão e confiabilidade da rede, estipulando uma geometria/configuração para a mesma e a precisão esperada para as observações. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o planejamento de uma rede geodésica que atenda critérios de precisão e confiabilidade, considerando a possível existência de dois ou mais erros não detectados nas observações, bem como a influência (simultânea) destes erros sobre os parâmetros (coordenadas ajustadas dos vértices). Além da revisão teórica, experimentos foram realizados em uma rede GNSS, onde foram estipulados critérios de precisão e confiabilidade considerando a existência de até duas observações contaminadas por erros (outliers), de maneira simultânea. O planejamento da rede foi feito por meio do método da tentativa e erro. Depois do processamento dos dados e do ajustamento da rede, se verificou que os critérios de precisão e confiabilidade que foram estipulados na etapa de pré-análise foram devidamente obtidos

    APP Processing Induced by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) Yields Several APP Fragments in Human and Rat Neuronal Cells

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    Lifelong latent infections of the trigeminal ganglion by the neurotropic herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) are characterized by periodic reactivation. During these episodes, newly produced virions may also reach the central nervous system (CNS), causing productive but generally asymptomatic infections. Epidemiological and experimental findings suggest that HSV-1 might contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). This multifactorial neurodegenerative disorder is related to an overproduction of amyloid beta (Aβ) and other neurotoxic peptides, which occurs during amyloidogenic endoproteolytic processing of the transmembrane amyloid precursor protein (APP). The aim of our study was to identify the effects of productive HSV-1 infection on APP processing in neuronal cells. We found that infection of SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells and rat cortical neurons is followed by multiple cleavages of APP, which result in the intra- and/or extra-cellular accumulation of various neurotoxic species. These include: i) APP fragments (APP-Fs) of 35 and 45 kDa (APP-F35 and APP-F45) that comprise portions of Aβ; ii) N-terminal APP-Fs that are secreted; iii) intracellular C-terminal APP-Fs; and iv) Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42. Western blot analysis of infected-cell lysates treated with formic acid suggests that APP-F35 may be an Aβ oligomer. The multiple cleavages of APP that occur in infected cells are produced in part by known components of the amyloidogenic APP processing pathway, i.e., host-cell β-secretase, γ-secretase, and caspase-3-like enzymes. These findings demonstrate that HSV-1 infection of neuronal cells can generate multiple APP fragments with well-documented neurotoxic potentials. It is tempting to speculate that intra- and extracellular accumulation of these species in the CNS resulting from repeated HSV-1 reactivation could, in the presence of other risk factors, play a co-factorial role in the development of AD