1,051 research outputs found

    Decent Love and Intuition Scenes of Kambaramayanam

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    Valmiki's epic has a special pride in the unparalleled epics that have ever appeared in the world. It is perfectly appropriate to say that Kambar gave life to all the characters created by Valmiki. Kambar has made the characters go for a walk in the atmosphere without lowering them with his own individuality and changing their character.The real meaning of the epic is "the sin of morality and defeat". It is very special that Kambar did not just emphasize that point in the epic, but also handled the news. When Rama and Sita devi see each other in the mithila scene in Kambaramayana, kambar's poetic beauty is able to understand the joy and suffering that occurred by the mind. When Raman sees Sita, he faints and all that he sees appears to be the form he has seen, and the sight of mayangal, monday and kaman being blamed, and wailing in his eyes, is seen in front of his mind. This article explains such events

    An Exploration of Stree Shakti Programme in Karnataka through Self-Help Groups: With Special Reference to Chitradurga District

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    For the Empowerment of women, government has come up with many schemes. Among those, Self Help Group (SHG) is found to be the strongest route. The purpose of the Programme is to endow women economically and socially by bringing them in self-help groups, and it spent corers of rupees at a time in the project taken up for the development of  women and organizing women empowerment in such huge number


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    The current energy meters do not provide any provision to monitor continuous reading about our electricity consumption. Even the provision for automatic billing system is inefficient. Recently developed automatic meter systems uses the GSM modem for transferring the data from the user to provider over particular time through SMS. It has several disadvantages that the cost of the SMS is comparatively high and does not provide continuous monitoring. However, the designed energy meter uses GPRS to transfer the data continuously. When compared to SMS facility, the cost of GPRS is low at continuous monitoring. There is no need for a person to visit every home at the end of the month for checking the unit consumption. In recent years, the numbers of smartphones and computer users have increased drastically. The users can view their current energy meter reading through the web link thingspeak.com and also pay their Electric bills through the internet. The users and providers can also monitor their energy meters online, and they are also given an option of paying the bill online. Using this system, the users will be aware of the electricity usage in his/her home. Even the provider can remotely cut the supply of the user who is not paying electricity bill in time by visiting their host page. Once the bill is paid the provider can resume the power supply. With some modifications, we can track the energy consumption of any industrial plants, offices, educational institutions, and corporates companies and hence this system may help them to save the power consumption to a greater extent

    Quotient-4 Cordial Labeling Of Some Caterpillar And Lobster Graphs

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    Let G (V, E) be a simple graph of order p and size q. Let φ: V (G) Z5 – {0} be a function. For each edge set E (G) define the labeling *:E (G)Z4 by *(uv)= (mod 4) where (u)(v). The function  is called Quotient-4 cordial labeling of G if |vφ(i) – vφ(j)| ≤ 1, , j, ij where vφ(x) denote the number of vertices labeled with x and |eφ(k) – eφ(l)| ≤ 1, ,,, where eφ(y) denote the number of edges labeled with y. Here some caterpillar graphs such as star graph (Sn), Bistar graph (Bn,n), Pn [N] graph, Pn [No] graph, Pn [Ne] graph, Twig graph (Tm), (Pn   K1, r), S(Sn), S(Bn,n), S(Pn [N]), S(Pn [No]), S(Pn [Ne]), S(Tm) and S(Pn   K1, r) graph proved to be quotient-4 cordial graphs

    Assessment of chilli varieties in Salem district for higher productivity

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    Chilli is an important spice which is grown throughout India. Chillies are integral and the most important ingredient in many different cuisines around the world as it adds pungency, taste, flavour and color to the dishes. Chilli is grown in Kolathur block of Salem district in an area of nearly 879 ha. The farmers are mainly growing the local varieties and private hybrids in kolathur block. During the farmers and scientist conference conducted at KVK, Sandhiyur (2013), the growers opted for new varieties (high yield, lengthy fruit, good pungency, and colour retention during storage). An onfarm trial was conducted in pannavadi village of kolathur block. In this study three varieties (Lalima, LCA 625 and Kovilpatti 2) were assessed for yield, pest disease tolerance and quality parameters. LCA 625 gave an average yield of 6.2-6.8 t / ha, fruit length of 9-11 cm, good pungency and good colour retention during storage compared to other two varieties. The colour of dry chilli during storage was orange compared to Lalima with bright attractive red colour. Hence in the market Lalima fetched more price than the other two varieties. Hence, it is suggested for the Researchers that LCA 625 may be refined for marketable colour

    Impact of spermiogram and sperm function test in idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss

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    Aims: To evaluate the role of sperm factors in idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss cases. Methods: We recruited 100 male subjects where their female partners experienced 2 or more idiopathic pregnancy losses. Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) males were grouped into two groups RPL1 (individuals having 2 abortion) and RPL2 (individuals having more than 2 abortions). Fifty volunteers who had fathered child/children prior to the study without the history of recurrent pregnancy loss and unassisted pregnancies were considered as control group. We grouped RPL males into two categories age below 35 years and above 35 years to test whether age plays any role on RPL. Routine semen parameters and sperm function test were performed for all the subjects. Statistical analysis was performed using Independent- Samples T test. Results: Insignificant differences were observed in seminal volume, pH, motility and sperm count but vitality test scores were significantly lesser in both RPL groups when compared to control group. For all three sperm function test both the RPL group showed lesser scores when compare to control. RPL2 group showed more abnormalities when compared to RPL1 group. We did not identify any significant difference for any of the parameters between two age group of RPL males. Conclusion: Our results recommend the screening of both partners simultaneous in RPL cases for the better diagnosis and treatment


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    Each educational institution will define which their potential authors are, depending on the documents that it decides to include in the repository. The study aimed to study the perception on various factors of academic parameters to deposit in the Institutional Repositories System. Majorities of the institutions had institutional repositories and three fourth of the respondents were depositing their works in their institutional repositories. The study noticed that there is a significant difference between experienced in depositing in IR and their willingness factor of advocacy, accessibility, altruistic intention and positive impact of self-archiving. It is inferred that among the professional recognition factors, Majorities (36%) of the respondents were depositing in IR which help to establish priority or prove their ownership of their ideas. Majorities (46%) of the respondents were depositing in IR for retaining their IPR for their works. More number of faculty members were willingness to deposit their works in IR for professional recognition, pre-print culture, university or department action and grant awarding body. It is also noticed that faculty members were depositing their work for their support (Additional time & effort) and monetary incentive

    Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Analysis of Asystasia Variabilis Trim. - An Extrapharmacopoeal Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant

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    Background - Asystasia Variabilis Trim. also known as Maithaala Kaddi by traditional practitioners of Udupi. Belonging to the family Acanthaceae. Is a semi-scandent herb, and effectively used by the Folklore practitioners for the management of Amlapitta (acid peptic disorder), worm infestations and rheumatism. Aim - To explore the pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical parameters of plant to standardize the drug. Materials and Methods - whole mature plant of A.variabilis was collected from Udupi district. Macroscopic, microscopic physico-chemical standards, HPTLC and secondary metabolites screening were scientifically recorded. Results - The pharmacognostical leaf study has shown single layered epidermis throughout midrib and lamina. Anatomical features of stem exhibit single layer of epidermis covered with trichomes. Inner to this, densely arranged collenchyma cells are present. In transverse section of root showed epidermal layer is surrounded by root hairs which are abundant. Powder microscopy characteristics showed the presence of starch in parenchyma region, mesophyll cells with stomata and sclerides were present. The standard out print of the drug is represented by physicochemical standards and HPTLC. Preliminary Phytochemical study shows that it contains Alkaloids, Carbohydrates, Steroids, Tannins and Phenol. Conclusion - Pharmacognostical study carried out on A.variabilis showed quality standards of the drug, with respect to its macroscopy, microscopy, physico-chemical standards and HPTLC

    A Study On Preparation And Evaluation Of Herbal Peel Off Face Mask

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    Skin care preparations are designed to exert local activity when applied over the skin mucous membrane, these skin preparations include gel, lotion, ointment, cream, peel off mask etc. Peel off mask is the type of dosage form which is gently applied onto the facial skin surface and is peeled off after a few minutes of its application. It is used as the remedy to treat facial skin related problems and tightening of skin, moisturizing and tan removal from the skin. Here we are formulating of charcoal peel off face mask, charcoal have cleansing property and having soothing property. Excipients used in the formulation are PVA (polyvinyl alcohol), glycerin, gelatin citric acid. Different formulations were taken and evaluated for the various parameters like spread ability, pH, stability studies, peeling time etc. The formulation evaluated for the parameters stands in standard range

    Marine biotoxins and its detection

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    The incidences of intoxication due to the consumption of marine foods have been increasing in recent years. This is due to the presence of biotoxins in foods of marine origin. The biotoxins will be accumulated in the marine foods due to the consumption of toxic biota of marine origin. When this contaminated food is taken by the humans or animals, those toxins will be transferred to them causing intoxication and lethality. Among these intoxications, most of them are caused by the harmful algal blooms (HAB). In order to avoid the harmful effects from marine biotoxins, it is necessary to have the proper knowledge. In this manuscript, the different types of biotoxins, source of intoxication, characteristics of toxins, detection and control measures are discussed in detail. Key words: Harmful algal blooms, harmful algal blooms (HAB), ciguatara fish poisoning (CFP), paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) blooming, detection