25 research outputs found

    A Neutral Hydrogen Self-Absorption Cloud in the SGPS

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    Using data from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey (SGPS) we analyze an HI self-absorption cloud centered on l = 318.0 deg, b = -0.5 deg, and velocity, v = -1.1 km/s. The cloud was observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Parkes Radio Telescope, and is at a near kinematic distance of less than 400 pc with derived dimensions of less than 5 x 11 pc. We apply two different methods to find the optical depth and spin temperature. In both methods we find upper limit spin temperatures ranging from 20 K to 25 K and lower limit optical depths ~ 1. We look into the nature of the HI emission and find that 60-70% originates behind the cloud. We analyze a second cloud at the same velocity centered on l = 319 deg and b = 0.4 deg with an upper limit spin temperature of 20 K and a lower limit optical depth of 1.6. The similarities in spin temperature, optical depth, velocity, and spatial location are evidence the clouds are associated, possibly as one large cloud consisting of smaller clumps of gas. We compare HI emission data with 12CO emission and find a physical association of the HI self-absorption cloud with molecular gas.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables; Accepted for publication in ApJ. A version with higher quality images availabe at http://www.astro.umn.edu/~dkavars/ms.p

    The VLA Galactic Plane Survey

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    The VLA Galactic Plane Survey (VGPS) is a survey of HI and 21-cm continuum emission in the Galactic plane between longitude 18 degrees 67 degr. with latitude coverage from |b| < 1.3 degr. to |b| < 2.3 degr. The survey area was observed with the Very Large Array (VLA) in 990 pointings. Short-spacing information for the HI line emission was obtained by additional observations with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). HI spectral line images are presented with a resolution of 1 arcmin x 1 arcmin x 1.56 km/s (FWHM) and rms noise of 2 K per 0.824 km/s channel. Continuum images made from channels without HI line emission have 1 arcmin (FWHM) resolution. VGPS images are compared with images from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) and the Southern Galactic Plane Survey (SGPS). In general, the agreement between these surveys is impressive, considering the differences in instrumentation and image processing techniques used for each survey. The differences between VGPS and CGPS images are small, < 6 K (rms) in channels where the mean HI brightness temperature in the field exceeds 80 K. A similar degree of consistency is found between the VGPS and SGPS. The agreement we find between arcminute resolution surveys of the Galactic plane is a crucial step towards combining these surveys into a single uniform dataset which covers 90% of the Galactic disk: the International Galactic Plane Survey (IGPS). The VGPS data will be made available on the World Wide Web through the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC).Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal. 41 pages, 13 figures. For information on data release, colour images etc. see http://www.ras.ucalgary.ca/VGP

    A Synthetic 21-cm Galactic Plane Survey of an SPH Galaxy Simulation

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    We have created synthetic neutral hydrogen (HI) Galactic Plane Survey data cubes covering 90 degrees < l < 180 degrees, using a model spiral galaxy from SPH simulations and the radiative transfer code TORUS. The density, temperature and other physical parameters are fed from the SPH simulation into TORUS, where the HI emissivity and opacity are calculated before the 21-cm line emission profile is determined. Our main focus is the observation of Outer Galaxy `Perseus Arm' HI, with a view to tracing atomic gas as it encounters shock motions as it enters a spiral arm interface, an early step in the formation of molecular clouds. The observation of HI self-absorption features at these shock sites (in both real observations and our synthetic data) allows us to investigate further the connection between cold atomic gas and the onset of molecular cloud formation.Comment: MNRAS accepted; 11 pages, 12 figure

    The structure of HI in galactic disks: Simulations vs observations

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    We generate synthetic HI Galactic plane surveys from spiral galaxy simulations which include stellar feedback processes. Compared to a model without feedback we find an increased scale height of HI emission (in better agreement with observations) and more realistic spatial structure (including supernova blown bubbles). The synthetic data show HI self-absorption with a morphology similar to that seen in observations. The density and temperature of the material responsible for HI self-absorption is consistent with observationally determined values, and is found to be only weakly dependent on absorption strength and star formation efficiency.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Compact HI clouds at high forbidden velocities in the inner Galaxy

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    The VLA Galactic Plane Survey (VGPS) of the first Galactic quadrant was searched for HI emission with velocities well above the maximum velocity allowed by Galactic rotation. A sample of 17 small fast-moving clouds was identified. The distribution of the ensemble of clouds in longitude and velocity indicates that the clouds are part of the Galactic disk, despite their large forbidden velocity. The median angular diameter of the clouds detected in the VGPS is 3.4 arcminutes. These clouds would not be noticed in previous low resolution surveys because of strong beam dilution. Assuming each cloud is located at the tangent point, a median cloud has a diameter of 10 pc, HI mass of 60 M_sun, and a velocity more than 25 km/s beyond the local terminal velocity derived from 12CO observations. Three clouds in the sample have a velocity between 50 and 60 km/s in excess of the local terminal velocity. The longitude distribution of the sample peaks near l = 30 degrees, while the latitude distribution of the clouds is nearly flat. The observed longitude and latitude distributions are compared with simulated distributions taking into account the selection criteria of the cloud search. It is found that the number of clouds declines with distance from the Galactic center, with an exponential scale length 2.8 - 8 kpc at the 99% confidence level. We find a lower limit to the scale height of the clouds of 180 pc (HWHM), but the true value is likely significantly higher.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 28 pages, 10 figures of which 3 as separate jpg file

    "Missing Link" Clouds in the Southern Galactic Plane Survey

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    We present an automated routine to search for HI self-absorption features within the Southern Galactic Plane Survey (SGPS). The data were taken with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Parkes Radio Telescope and encompass 3 deg by 105 deg of sky in the Galactic plane. We apply our routine to this entire region and derive spin temperatures and column densities for 70 of the larger HISA complexes, finding spin temperatures ranging from 6-41 K with HI number densities of a few cm^-3. These `missing link' clouds fill in the spin temperature and density gaps between dense molecular clouds and diffuse atomic clouds. We compare the HI emission with 12CO emission and find that 60% of detected HI self-absorption is correlated in space and in velocity with a molecular counterpart. This is potentially due to a molecular/atomic gas transition. We also compare HI self-absorption with Galactic spiral arms and discuss the possibility of using it as a spiral arm tracer.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables; Accepted for publication in Ap

    MALT90 Kinematic Distances to Dense Molecular Clumps

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    Using molecular-line data from the Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz Survey (MALT90), we have estimated kinematic distances to 1905 molecular clumps identified in the ATLASGAL 870 ÎŒm continuum survey over the longitude range 295° < l < 350°. The clump velocities were determined using a flux-weighted average of the velocities obtained from Gaussian fits to the HCO+, HNC, and N2H+ (1–0) transitions. The near/far kinematic distance ambiguity was addressed by searching for the presence or absence of absorption or self-absorption features in 21 cm atomic hydrogen spectra from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey. Our algorithm provides an estimation of the reliability of the ambiguity resolution. The Galactic distribution of the clumps indicates positions where the clumps are bunched together, and these locations probably trace the locations of spiral arms. Several clumps fall at the predicted location of the far side of the Scutum–Centaurus arm. Moreover, a number of clumps with positive radial velocities are unambiguously located on the far side of the Milky Way at galactocentric radii beyond the solar circle. The measurement of these kinematic distances, in combination with continuum or molecular-line data, now enables the determination of fundamental parameters such as mass, size, and luminosity for each clump

    Very Long Baseline Interferometer measurements of turbulence in the inner solar wind

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    Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations were made of six sources in September and 1998. The observations were made at a time when the solar elongations of five of those sources ranged from 4\fdg 4 to 6\fdg8, so that the lines of sight to these sources passed at distances of closest approach to the Sun of 16.5 to 25.3 R⊙R_{\odot}. The solar elongation of the sixth source was 16\fdg6, corresponding to a distance of 62.4 R⊙62.4~R_{\odot}. The observations were made with the Medicina and Noto antennas of the Istituto di Radioastronomia, the Matera (Italy) antenna of the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, and the Wettzell (Germany) antenna of the Bundesamt fĂŒr Kartographie und GeodĂ€sie. On two of the three days of observation (September 24 and October 15, 1998) simultaneous observations were made at 8.380 (X band) and 2.257 (S band) GHz. In the third observing session (September 25, 1998) observations were made at 4.981 GHz (C band). Temporal fluctuations in the interferometer phase, induced by the solar wind, were analysed to yield information on plasma turbulence in the inner heliosphere. The results of this investigation are as follows. (1) The measured interferometer phase power spectra are consistent with a theoretical expression which incorporates independent information on solar wind turbulence. (2) The values for CN2C_{\rm N}^2, the normalization constant of the density power spectrum, are reasonably consistent with a previously-determined expression for CN2(r)C_{\rm N}^2(r), where r is the heliocentric distance, although the new values for CN2C_{\rm N}^2 are systematically high with respect to this prior expression. (3) Our estimates for the speed at which the irregularities move with respect to the antennas, and in the radial direction from the Sun, are in the range of 190–340 km s-1 for heliocentric distances of 16–26 R⊙R_{\odot}. These values are in good agreement with observational estimates of the solar wind flow speed in this part of space based on coronagraph observations. The speeds are lower than the sum of the estimated solar wind flow speed and the local AlfvĂ©n speed. The potential significance of this result is discussed