86 research outputs found

    Viewpoint: The Discomfort of Interdisciplinarity- New ways of looking at familiar things

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    As the requirements of sustainable development become less and less questionable and as we discover that many of our issues that are usually considered separate are actually interwoven in all sorts of mutually dependent ways, we are being called upon to consider how to more effectively deal with interlocking issues. This paper introduces some of the issues and challenges around working across disciplines and attempts to draw attention to perceptions, challenges, misunderstandings, contradictions and pitfalls of interdisciplinary initiatives. Overall the paper aims to offer new insights and perspectives and to contribute towards developing more interest, curiosity and competence in this challenging topic. The focus of discussion and the research questions raised relate to the university environment

    Urban climate evaluation for city planning

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    Over the last 40 years, there has been an increasing amount of world interest on urban climatic map (UCMap) Studies. Up to now, there are over 15 countries around the world processing their own Climatic Maps, developing urban climatic guidelines and implementing mitigation measures for local planning practices. Facing the global issue of climate change, it is also necessary to factor the climatic consolidations holistically and strategically into the planning process. In the literature, the latest concepts are mentioned. Key methodologies, selected parameters, structure and making procedures, mitigation countermeasures and climatic recommendations of urban climatic map studies ware described. More than 30 relevant studies around the world are cited, and both significant developments and remaining problems are discussed. The review noted that the thermal environment and the air ventilation condition within the urban canopy layer play the most important role in the analytical aspects and climatic-environmental evaluation. It is also noted that possible mitigation measures and planned action can include decreasing anthropogenic heat release, improving air ventilation at pedestrian level, providing more shaded areas, increasing greenery, creating air paths, and controlling building construction. Future research should be focused on the spatial analysis of human thermal comfort in urban outdoor areas and climate change impacts and adaptation. It is also important to share the learned lessons and experiences with planners and policymakers in the rapidly expanding cities of the developing countries and regions

    Present and projected future mean radiant temperature for three European cities

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    Present-day and projected future changes in mean radiant temperature, T mrt in one northern, one mid-, and one southern European city (represented by Gothenburg, Frankfurt, and Porto), are presented, and the concept of hot spots is adopted. Air temperature, T a , increased in all cities by 2100, but changes in solar radiation due to changes in cloudiness counterbalanced or exacerbated the effects on T mrt. The number of days with high T mrt in Gothenburg was relatively unchanged at the end of the century (+1 day), whereas it more than doubled in Frankfurt and tripled in Porto. The use of street trees to reduce daytime radiant heat load was analyzed using hot spots to identify where trees could be most beneficial. Hot spots, although varying in intensity and frequency, were generally confined to near sunlit southeast-southwest facing walls, in northeast corner of courtyards, and in open spaces in all three cities. By adding trees in these spaces, the radiant heat load can be reduced, especially in spaces with no or few trees. A set of design principles for reducing the radiant heat load is outlined based on these findings and existing literature

    Urban climate multi-scale modelling in Bilbao (Spain): a review

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    Despite development of cities are including more sustainable aspects (e.g. reduction of energy consumption), urban climate still needs to be consolidated as an important variable in urban planning. In this sense, the analysis of urban climate requires a multiscale approach. This work presents a review of the results of the analysis of urban climate in Bilbao (Spain). In the meso-scale, an Urban Climate Map (UC-Map) is developed using a method based on GIS calculations, specific climatic measurements and urban climate expert knowledge. All the information is grouped in 5 information layers (building volume, building surface fraction, urban green areas, ventilation paths and slopes). The final UC-Map presents areas with relative homogeneous climate variables (i.e. climatopes) that are classified in terms of thermal comfort. Urban planning recommendations are defined. In the micro-scale, results extracted from ENVI-met model in four urban spaces show the influence in thermal comfort levels of the interaction of regional climate conditions with the urban development characteristics of each area and the location inside the whole city. In both spatial scales, climate modelling should be accompanied by specific measurement campaigns to validate results.Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Plan under the Project K-Egokitzen European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under, Project RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Citie

    Isla de calor, microclima urbano y variables de diseño estudios en Buenos Aires y Río Gallegos

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    Este trabajo presenta estudios sobre las variaciones de clima y microclima a escala urbana y micro urbana. Para evaluar los resultados de los estudios se determina una definición del clima urbano 'ideal'. Habiéndose realizado varias campañas de mediciones en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, se presentan resultados que muestran diferencias de temperatura de 2-3ºC. Adicionalmente, se realizó un estudio de la isla de calor en Río Gallegos, ciudad de menor tamaño y población donde, a pesar de las condiciones climáticas y urbanas desfavorables, la intensidad de la isla de calor registró una diferencia de 4°C. El trabajo presenta el estudio de microclima de un sector central de Buenos Aires analizando sus características, variaciones físicas, habitabilidad y condiciones de confort. Este ejemplo, es indicativo de la utilidad del estudio en el campo proyectual y planificación urbana.This paper presents studies of climatic variation and microclimate surveys at the urban and sector scales. A definition of the 'ideal urban climate is given, allowing evaluation of the results of three studies of urban climate in Argentina. The results of two surveys of the Buenos Aires heat island show 2-3°C temperature differences within the city limits. A second study of the heat island in Río Gallegos, the provincial capital city of Santa Cruz in Southern Patagonia, with smaller population and extension. Although the conditions were theoretically unfavourable, a range of over 4°C was detected. Finally, a microclimate study in a central area of Buenos Aires was undertaken, analysing the characteristics, environmental variations and pedestrian comfort conditions. A plan of the microclimate zones is presented to show the value of such studies for designers as well as planners working on project evaluation and the development of urban codes and regulations.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Isla de calor, microclima urbano y variables de diseño estudios en Buenos Aires y Río Gallegos

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    Este trabajo presenta estudios sobre las variaciones de clima y microclima a escala urbana y micro urbana. Para evaluar los resultados de los estudios se determina una definición del clima urbano 'ideal'. Habiéndose realizado varias campañas de mediciones en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, se presentan resultados que muestran diferencias de temperatura de 2-3ºC. Adicionalmente, se realizó un estudio de la isla de calor en Río Gallegos, ciudad de menor tamaño y población donde, a pesar de las condiciones climáticas y urbanas desfavorables, la intensidad de la isla de calor registró una diferencia de 4°C. El trabajo presenta el estudio de microclima de un sector central de Buenos Aires analizando sus características, variaciones físicas, habitabilidad y condiciones de confort. Este ejemplo, es indicativo de la utilidad del estudio en el campo proyectual y planificación urbana.This paper presents studies of climatic variation and microclimate surveys at the urban and sector scales. A definition of the 'ideal urban climate is given, allowing evaluation of the results of three studies of urban climate in Argentina. The results of two surveys of the Buenos Aires heat island show 2-3°C temperature differences within the city limits. A second study of the heat island in Río Gallegos, the provincial capital city of Santa Cruz in Southern Patagonia, with smaller population and extension. Although the conditions were theoretically unfavourable, a range of over 4°C was detected. Finally, a microclimate study in a central area of Buenos Aires was undertaken, analysing the characteristics, environmental variations and pedestrian comfort conditions. A plan of the microclimate zones is presented to show the value of such studies for designers as well as planners working on project evaluation and the development of urban codes and regulations.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Qualitative methods to explore thermo-spatial perception in outdoor urban spaces

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    To be able to design thermally comfortable urban spaces, designers require design guidelines that respond to people's thermal and spatial perception. This thermo-spatial perception is influenced by a range of dimensions: the nature and scale of spatial contexts, the kinetic state of the people and the time scale of their perception ('now' or 'the past'). Recently, novel qualitative methods have been developed to link thermal and spatial information of people's perception. To attain an overview of these methods we conducted an extensive literature review. The results show that these qualitative methods respond to the different dimensions by combinations of momentary and long-term thermal perception research in stationary mode and in motion in varying spatial environments. These qualitative methods deliver explicit combination of thermal and spatial information. Based on that evidence, new knowledge relevant to urban design of thermally comfortable urban spaces can be generated

    Mapeando as condições de conforto térmico em Salvador

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    A ventilação e a radiação são condicionantes importantes para o conforto térmico em uma cidade tropical úmida. Este trabalho enfoca o armazenamento de calor e a ventilação como uma primeira abordagem para a investigação do clima urbano, usando parâmetros tais como altura das construções, topografia, usos do solo, densidades de ocupação e vegetação. Cada parâmetro foi categorizado e espacializado segundo critérios específicos aos quais foram atribuídos pesos. A análise das cartas temáticas de cada parâmetro, utilizando a ferramenta SIG, resultou no mapa síntese da Avaliação do Clima Urbano de Salvador com base no conforto térmico, onde se constata a relação entre as áreas mais edificadas e o desconforto térmico

    Isla de calor, microclima urbano y variables de diseño estudios en Buenos Aires y Río Gallegos

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    Este trabajo presenta estudios sobre las variaciones de clima y microclima a escala urbana y micro urbana. Para evaluar los resultados de los estudios se determina una definición del clima urbano 'ideal'. Habiéndose realizado varias campañas de mediciones en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, se presentan resultados que muestran diferencias de temperatura de 2-3ºC. Adicionalmente, se realizó un estudio de la isla de calor en Río Gallegos, ciudad de menor tamaño y población donde, a pesar de las condiciones climáticas y urbanas desfavorables, la intensidad de la isla de calor registró una diferencia de 4°C. El trabajo presenta el estudio de microclima de un sector central de Buenos Aires analizando sus características, variaciones físicas, habitabilidad y condiciones de confort. Este ejemplo, es indicativo de la utilidad del estudio en el campo proyectual y planificación urbana.This paper presents studies of climatic variation and microclimate surveys at the urban and sector scales. A definition of the 'ideal urban climate is given, allowing evaluation of the results of three studies of urban climate in Argentina. The results of two surveys of the Buenos Aires heat island show 2-3°C temperature differences within the city limits. A second study of the heat island in Río Gallegos, the provincial capital city of Santa Cruz in Southern Patagonia, with smaller population and extension. Although the conditions were theoretically unfavourable, a range of over 4°C was detected. Finally, a microclimate study in a central area of Buenos Aires was undertaken, analysing the characteristics, environmental variations and pedestrian comfort conditions. A plan of the microclimate zones is presented to show the value of such studies for designers as well as planners working on project evaluation and the development of urban codes and regulations.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES