120 research outputs found

    Multiplex PCRを用いた簡便で感度の高い溺死診断法の開発

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    For diagnosing death due to drowning, the method of acid digestion of diatoms is widely used to detect plankton in the organs of the corpse. However, the method is limited by its being complex, hazardous, time-consuming, and insufficiently sensitive. We therefore, developed a novel simple method to diagnose death due to drowning, and determined the location of drowning by detecting genes of representative bacteria in the environment. To procure all the information in one step, the multiplex PCR method was designed. For the diagnosis of drowning, the genes of upper respiratory indigenous bacteria, Streptococcus salivarius and Streptococcus sanguinis were used as indicators. For detection of the location of drowning, Aeromonas hydrophila and Microcystis aeruginosa were used as indicators of freshwater, and Vibrio harveyi as an indicator of seawater. A set of primers was designed for multiplex PCR. to amplify all the bacterial genes simultaneously. Using this method, 47 cases of drowning were examined, and the causes and locations of death were diagnosed.博士(医学)・乙第1428号・平成31年3月15

    大動脈弁置換術における冷却血液心筋保護液を用いた順行性と逆行性冠灌流法の比較検討 : 術後の血行動態,左右心室機能および心筋逸脱酵素値からみた心筋保護効果の検索

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    A total of 50 patients undergoing isolated aortic valve replacement received either aortic root (anterograde 〔AGC〕: 25 patients) or coronary sinus (retrograde 〔RGC〕: 25 patients) perfusion with cold blood cardioplegic solution and were compared. The groups were similar with respect to age, sex, preoperative NYHA Class, aortic cross-clamping time and mean dose of cardioplegic solution. There were no significant differences in low cardiac output syndrome, rhythm disturbances and surgical mortality between the two groups. There were also no significant differences in right ventricular stroke work and postoperative cardiac enzymatic levels after surgery in the groups. However, there was a significant improvement in left ventricular stroke work after RGC over that after AGC and significantly more inotropic agents were required with aortic root perfusion than with coronary sinus delivery of cardioplegic solution. These findings indicate that coronary sinus perfusion has benefits not only as a surgical technique but also better preserves the hypertrophied left ventricle more effectively than aortic root perfusion


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    In forensic science, age estimation is an important step in identifying unidentified cadavers. As teeth are resistant to environmental degradation for long periods of time, they are often used to estimate age. Although there have been many reports of age estimation based on dental morphology, these methods tend to be subjective and cannot be used i n the case of edentulous jaws. In the present study, we developed a new method of age estimation from dental parameters (number of upper teeth [UT], lower teeth [LT], and prostheses [NP]; tooth attrition [TA]; and occlusal area [OA]) and the mandibular angle (MA) measured at proposed an equation for calculating the age. The results show that the mean error of this method is similar to that of previous methods, and even demonstrated improved accuracy in subjects aged >60 years. We also proposed an equation for age estimation from only the MA, and showed that we can perform age estimation even in edentulous cases using this equation. Because our method is superior in its simplicity, objectivity, and applicability when compared with previous methods, we believe our method wll prove useful for age estimation in a wide variety of cases.博士(医学)・甲611号・平成26年3月17

    Frequent p53 Accumulation in the Chronically Sun-Exposed Epidermis and Clonal Expansion of p53 Mutant Cells in the Epidermis Adjacent to Basal Cell Carcinoma

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    p53 expression was studied immunohistochemically to identify a precursor lesion of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in the epidermis adjacent to BCC. With two different anti-p53 antibodies of CM1 and DO7, p53 expression was frequently detected in the epidermis adjacent to BCCs arising on the face and in the normal epidermis with usual sun exposure. In the epidermis adjacent to BCC, stained cells were occasionally clustered in a small area, but no cluster was found in the normal epidermis with usual sun exposure. The expression was less frequent in the normal epidermis with rare sun exposure. Ten cases of normal skin with usual sun exposure, showing CM1 staining in the epidermis, were screened for p53 gene mutations with polymerase chain reaction-single- strand conformation polymorphism analysis using DNAs obtained from the epidermis. No mutation was detected in exons 2 to 10 of the p53 gene in these 10 cases. The epidermis flanking three BCCs that was stained with CM1, on the other hand, carried a missense mutation of C to G transversIon at a dipyrimidine site of codon 249. This alteration replaced arginine with threonine. The mutation of codon 249 was not detected in the three BCCs. Our results first suggest that ultraviolet light irradiating the skin in a daily life induces p53 accumulation in the epidermis and secondly that the frequent clonal expansion of p53 mutant cells occurs in the epidermis adjacent to BCCs. This clonal expansion of mutant p53 may provide a molecular basis for high risk of developing subsequent new skin cancers in patients with BCC


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    Great interplate earthquakes have repeatedly occurred in pairs along the Nankai Trough. In order to reduce a great deal of damage to coastal area from both strong ground motion and tsunami generation, it is necessary to understand rupture synchronization and segmentation of the Nankai megathrust earthquake. For a precise estimate of the rupture zone of the Nankai megathrust event based on the knowledge of realistic earthquake cycles and variations of magnitude, it is important to know the geometry and property of the plate boundary of the subduction seismogenic zone. To improve a physical model of the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone, the large-scale high-resolution wide-angle and reflection (MCS) seismic studies, and long-term observation have been conducted since 2008. Marine active source seismic data have been acquired along grid two-dimensional profiles having the total length of ~800km per year. A three-dimensional seismic tomography using active and passive seismic data observed both land and ocean bottom stations have been also performed. This study is part of 'Research concerning Interaction Between the Tokai, Tonankai and Nankai Earthquakes' funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. The seismic survey was conducted off the Tokai area including the onshore survey across the eastern Kii Peninsula in 2012, the final year of this project. Compiling those studies provides a three-dimensional plate geometry and velocity structure models of the western Nankai Trough at the moment. Although their reliability and resolution should be evaluated, these models can be applied to a numerical simulation to examine if the observed rupture zone of the historical event can be reproduced. We will also try to construct more fine-scale model for the entire Nankai Trough area.SSS31-P15ポスター要旨 / 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会(2013年5月19日~5月24日, 幕張メッセ国際会議場) / 日本惑星科学連合の許諾に基づき本文ファイルを掲載http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/kairei/kr10-11/ehttp://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/kairei/kr11-09/

    Intelligent Chiral Sensing Based on Supramolecular and Interfacial Concepts

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    Of the known intelligently-operating systems, the majority can undoubtedly be classed as being of biological origin. One of the notable differences between biological and artificial systems is the important fact that biological materials consist mostly of chiral molecules. While most biochemical processes routinely discriminate chiral molecules, differentiation between chiral molecules in artificial systems is currently one of the challenging subjects in the field of molecular recognition. Therefore, one of the important challenges for intelligent man-made sensors is to prepare a sensing system that can discriminate chiral molecules. Because intermolecular interactions and detection at surfaces are respectively parts of supramolecular chemistry and interfacial science, chiral sensing based on supramolecular and interfacial concepts is a significant topic. In this review, we briefly summarize recent advances in these fields, including supramolecular hosts for color detection on chiral sensing, indicator-displacement assays, kinetic resolution in supramolecular reactions with analyses by mass spectrometry, use of chiral shape-defined polymers, such as dynamic helical polymers, molecular imprinting, thin films on surfaces of devices such as QCM, functional electrodes, FET, and SPR, the combined technique of magnetic resonance imaging and immunoassay, and chiral detection using scanning tunneling microscopy and cantilever technology. In addition, we will discuss novel concepts in recent research including the use of achiral reagents for chiral sensing with NMR, and mechanical control of chiral sensing. The importance of integration of chiral sensing systems with rapidly developing nanotechnology and nanomaterials is also emphasized

    Structural variation from off Shikoku to the Kii Peninsula related to various earhthquake phenomena

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    南海トラフで繰り返し発生する巨大地震の中には、東海・東南海・南海地震が連動して発生する超巨大地震のケースがあることが指摘されている。このような超巨大地震について、どのような場合に連動し、あるいは非連動性巨大地震となるのかを明らかにすることが必要である。連動型地震の滑り域の範囲がどこまで広がるかを見積もることが重要な課題であり、そのためには南海トラフから沈み込むフィリピン海プレートの形状およびプレート境界周辺の構造、地震活動に関する詳細かつ高精度な情報が必要である。また、南海地震単独で発生した場合についても、深部および浅部低周波地震発生域まで含めた正確な破壊の広がりの把握、複雑な破壊分布の原因を明らかにするために南海地震破壊域とその縁辺での地殻構造や地震活動は重要な情報となる。平成20年度は日向灘、平成21年度は四国沖で調査を実施し、平成22年度は調査海域を東方の紀伊半島沖まで拡大し、沈み込み帯の地殻構造、巨大地震の発生、地震活動の相互関係の解明を目的として、南海・地震破壊域における沈み込みに関する詳細な構造のイメージングおよび地震のアスペリティに関する構造を明らかにするためのデータの取得、および西南日本の付加体先端部付近で発生している低周波地震や微動を含む自然地震観測を実施した。  本講演では、四国沖?紀伊半島沖の平成21~22年度の調査結果について述べる。平成21年10月、および平成22年10~11月、(独)海洋研究開発機構の海洋調査船「かいれい」によって短周期海底地震計各々180台と大容量チューンドエアガン(7800cu. in.)を用いた屈折法・広角反射法探査を実施した(図1)。海底地震計設置期間中に自然地震観測も実施した。四国沖では21観測点、紀伊半島沖では20観測点による約9ヶ月間の長期地震観測も実施した(一部実施中)。なお、本調査は文部科学省からの受託研究「東海・東南海・南海地震の連動性評価のための 調査観測・研究」の個別研究テーマ「南海トラフ域海域地震探査・地震観測」(平成20年度から受託)の一環として実施した。  一部の調査測線の解析の結果、足摺岬沖から日向灘に向かって約6km/sの古い付加体を示す岩体の分布が海側に張り出していること、また、SK05の構造モデルによると、SK03とSK02の中間付近からSK01付近までの付加堆積物が極端に薄いことなど、トラフ平行方向に構造変化があることがわかり、破壊様式の違いに関係する構造ではないかと考えられる。また、測線延長上のHi-net陸上観測点のデータを加えた海陸統合解析を実施しており、これにより深部低周波地震現象と構造との関連性が明らかになると期待されるC11-10発表要旨, 日本地震学会2011年度秋季大会(2011年10月12日~15日, 静岡県静岡市