109 research outputs found

    Oulusa opitaan! : Täydennyskoulutuspäivä optikoille

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    Nykypäivän työelämän muutokset tuovat omat haasteensa myös optiselle alalle. Optikkoliikkeiden tarve tarjota entistä enemmän palveluita kasvaa lähivuosina. Optikon toimenkuva silmän terveydentilan tutkijana tulee korostumaan ja tämän seurauksena on suunnattava enemmän voimavaroja koulutukseen ja ammattiosaamisen ylläpitämiseen. Optikko on laillistettu terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilö, jolla on lain velvoite ylläpitää asiakastyössä tarvittavaa ammattiosaamista. Opinnäytetyönämme suunnittelimme ja järjestimme Oulusa opitaan! -optikoiden täydennyskoulutuspäivän hotelli Scandicissa 26.4.2014. Päivän aikana käsiteltiin alalle ajankohtaisia ja tärkeitä aiheita. Tekemämme ennakkokyselyn pohjalta aiheeksi valikoituivat: kuivasilmäisyys, silmänpohjalöydökset, moniteholinssien uusimmat innovaatiot sekä piilokarsastukset. Opinnäytetyömme tavoitteena oli kehittää optikoiden ammattiosaamista järjestämällä laadukas ja ajankohtaisia aiheita sisältävä luentomuotoinen koulutuspäivä. Optikoiden kehittäessä osaamistaan hyötyvät siitä myös optikkoliikkeiden asiakkaat palvelun laadun parantuessa. Koulutuspäivän kehitystavoitteena oli ylläpitää ja vahvistaa optikoiden jatkuvaa ammatillista kehittymistä ja osaamista. Välittömänä tavoitteena projektillamme oli tarjota kentällä toimiville optikoille mahdollisuus päivittää jo hankittua tietotaitoa, sekä oppia uutta alan ajankohtaista tietoa. Luennoitsijoiksi saimme neljä optisen alan erikoisosaajaa. Koulutuspäivään osallistui 142 optikkoa ympäri Suomen. Lisäksi tapahtumassa oli mukana useita optisen alan toimijoita esittelemässä tuotteitaan ja palveluitaan. Koulutuspäivän päätteeksi osallistujilta kerättiin palaute kyselylomakkeella. Tämän avulla arvioimme tapahtuman onnistumista luentojen ja järjestelyjen osalta. Saamamme palaute oli positiivista ja kannustavaa. Järjestämämme koulutuspäivä keräsi suuren suosion ja kaikki palautekyselyyn vastanneet olivat halukkaita osallistumaan vastaaviin tapahtumiin myös jatkossa. Täydennyskoulutustapahtumien järjestäminen myös Pohjois-Suomessa olisi tärkeää, sillä suurin osa optisen alan täydennyskoulutuksesta keskittyy Etelä-Suomeen.The changes in nowadays’ working environment have brought also some challenges into the optical working field. Furthermore, during the upcoming years opticians will be facing the necessity to offer wider variety of services. The responsibility and job description of an optician will be steered more and more to the direction of a person who is capable of inspecting the healthiness of eyes. Due to this, more attention and resources have to be drawn to the education in order to maintain the good level of professional skills. As a matter of fact, an optician is a legalized health care professional, who is obligated by law to retain a satisfactory level of professional skills. Our thesis consisted of the planning and organizing of Oulussa opitaan! –updating education day for opticians, which took place in hotel Scandic the 26th of April 2014. During the day several relevant and important subjects were covered, namely; condition of having dry eyes, findings of fundus, the newest innovations of progressive lenses and phoria. Subjects mentioned were selected based on the inquiry we made beforehand. The objective of our thesis was to develop the professional skills of opticians by organizing an upscale educational day (in form of lecturing) which deals with current topics. As opticians develop their professional skills, it is beneficial not only for themselves but obviously also for their customers as it brings the service quality to a higher level. Therefore, one of the main goals (for a longer term) of the day, in terms of development, was to maintain and strengthen the continuous professional expansion and knowledge of opticians. Moreover, the purpose of the day itself was to offer the currently working opticians the possibility to bring their existing information up to date and gain more knowledge about the current subjects related to optometry. In addition, four specialists of optometry attended the day as lecturers. Furthermore, 142 opticians from all over Finland and many other people, working in the field of optometry, attended the day and presented their products and services. Finally, in the end of the day all the attendants were asked to fill in a questionnaire considering their satisfaction. The feedback given, considering the lectures and the setup of the event, were both rather positive and supportive. Furthermore, the day was very successful and all the attendants, who filled in the questionnaires, were very willing to participate in such an event also in the future. By and large, it would be important to organize that kind of educational days also in Northern Finland since most of the optometry’s educational days are focused on Southern Finland

    Patterns of genetic variation in leading-edge populations of Quercus robur : genetic patchiness due to family clusters

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    The genetic structure of populations at the edge of species distribution is important for species adaptation to environmental changes. Small populations may experience non-random mating and differentiation due to genetic drift but larger populations, too, may have low effective size, e.g., due to the within-population structure. We studied spatial population structure of pedunculate oak,Quercus robur, at the northern edge of the species' global distribution, where oak populations are experiencing rapid climatic and anthropogenic changes. Using 12 microsatellite markers, we analyzed genetic differentiation of seven small to medium size populations (census sizes 57-305 reproducing trees) and four populations for within-population genetic structures. Genetic differentiation among seven populations was low (Fst = 0.07). We found a strong spatial genetic structure in each of the four populations. Spatial autocorrelation was significant in all populations and its intensity (Sp) was higher than those reported in more southern oak populations. Significant genetic patchiness was revealed by Bayesian structuring and a high amount of spatially aggregated full and half sibs was detected by sibship reconstruction. Meta-analysis of isoenzyme and SSR data extracted from the (GD)(2)database suggested northwards decreasing trend in the expected heterozygosity and an effective number of alleles, thus supporting the central-marginal hypothesis in oak populations. We suggest that the fragmented distribution and location of Finnish pedunculate oak populations at the species' northern margin facilitate the formation of within-population genetic structures. Information on the existence of spatial genetic structures can help conservation managers to design gene conservation activities and to avoid too strong family structures in the sampling of seeds and cuttings for afforestation and tree improvement purposes.Peer reviewe

    Development of the use of primary health care emergency departments after interventions aimed at decreasing overcrowding : a longitudinal follow-up study

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    Background This study, conducted in a Finnish city, examined whether decreasing emergency department (ED) services in an overcrowded primary care ED and corresponding direction to office-hours primary care would modify service usage for specific gender, age or diagnosis groups. Methods This was an observational retrospective study carried out by gradually decreasing ED services in primary care. The interventions aimed at decreasing use of EDs were a) application of ABCDE-triage combined with public guidance on the proper use of EDs, b) closure of a minor supplementary ED, and finally, c) application of "reverse triage" with enhanced direction of the public to office-hours services and away from the remaining ED The annual number of visits to office-hours primary care GPs in different gender, age and diagnosis groups (International Classification of Diseases (ICD - 10) were recorded during a 13-year follow-up period. Results The total number of monthly visits to EDs decreased slowly over the whole study period. This decrease was similar in women and men. The decrease was stronger in the youngest age groups (0-19 years). GPs treated decreasing proportions of ICD-10 groups. Recorded infectious diseases (Groups A and J, and especially diagnoses related to infections of respiratory airways) tended to decrease. However, visits due to injuries and symptomatic diagnoses increased. Conclusion Decreasing services in a primary health care ED with the described interventions seemed to reduce the use of services by young people. The three interventions mentioned above had the effect of making the primary care ED under study appear to function more like a standard ED driven by specialized health care.Peer reviewe

    Development of office-hours use of primary health centers in the early years of the 21st century : a 13-year longitudinal follow-up study

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    This study, conducted in a Finnish city, examined whether a long-lasting observed trend in Finnish primary health care, namely, a decreasing rate of office-hour visits to general practitioners (GPs), would lead to reduced services for specific gender, diagnosis or age groups. This was an observational retrospective follow-up study. The annual number of visits to office-hour primary care GPs in different gender, diagnosis and age groups was recorded during a 13-year follow-up period. The effect of the decreasing visit rate on the annual mortality rate in different age and gender groups was also studied. The total number of monthly visits to office-hour GPs decreased slowly over the whole study period. This decrease was stronger in women and older people. The proportion of recorded infectious diseases (Groups A and J and especially diagnoses related to infections of respiratory airways) decreased. Proportions of recorded chronic diseases increased (Group I, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and osteoarthrosis) during the follow-up. The annual rate of visits to office-hour GP/per GP decreased. There was a decrease in the mortality in two of the age groups (20-64, 65+ years) and no change in the youngest population (0-19 years). The decrease in the office-hours GP activity does not seem to increase mortality either.Peer reviewe

    A Primary Care Emergency Service Reduction Did Not Increase Office-Hour Service Use : A Longitudinal Follow-up Study

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    This study, conducted in a Finnish city, examined whether decreasing emergency department (ED) services in an overcrowded primary care ED and corresponding direction to office-hour primary care would guide patients to office-hour visits to general practitioners (GP). This was an observational retrospective study based on a before-and-after design carried out by gradually decreasing ED services in primary care. The interventions were (a) application of ABCDE-triage combined with public guidance on the proper use of EDs, (b) cessation of a minor supplementary ED, and finally (c) application of "reverse triage" with enhanced direction of the public to office-hour services from the remaining ED. The numbers of visits to office-hour primary care GPs in a month were recorded before applying the interventions fully (preintervention period) and in the postintervention period. The putative effect of the interventions on the development rate of mortality in different age groups was also studied as a measure of safety. The total number of monthly visits to office-hour GPs decreased slowly over the whole study period without difference in this rate between pre- and postintervention periods. The numbers of office-hour GP visits per 1000 inhabitants decreased similarly. The rate of monthly visits to office-hour GP/per GP did not change in the preintervention period but decreased in the postintervention period. There was no increase in the mortality in any of the studied age groups (0-19, 20-64, 65+ years) after application of the ED interventions. There is no guarantee that decreasing activity in a primary care ED and consecutive enhanced redirecting of patients to the office-hour primary care systems would shift patients to office-hour GPs. On the other hand, this decrease in the ED activity does not seem to increase mortality either.Peer reviewe

    Hyötyä taseista : Ravinnetaseiden tulkinta ympäristön ja viljelyn hyödyksi

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    Hyötyä taseista -hankkeessa tuotettiin typen peltotaseiden jakaumat Suomen yleisimmille viljelykasveille yhdistämällä kaikki saatavilla oleva ja systemaattisesti kerätty ravinnetasetieto peltoviljelystä. Jakaumien perusteella viljelykasvit luokiteltiin neljään eri ryhmään: (I) säilörehunurmi, (II) kaura, ohra ja tärkkelysperuna, (III) kevätvehnä ja sokerijuurikas ja (IV) kevätrypsi, syysvehnä ja ruis. Kahden ensimmäisen ryhmän mediaanitaseet olivat samansuuruiset (kivennäismailla 13–14 kg/ha käytettäessä vain väkilannoitetyppeä), mutta säilörehunurmella typpitaseet olivat huomattavasti suuremmat jakauman yläpäässä. Kasviryhmässä III mediaanitase oli vastaavasti 32 kg/ha ja ryhmässä IV kaikkein korkein, 56 kg/ha. Typpitaseet olivat lisäksi em. kasviryhmissä eloperäisillä mailla pienempiä kuin kivennäismailla. Kotieläinlantaa käytettäessä typpitaseet laskettuna liukoisen typen mukaan olivat hieman suurempia kasviryhmässä II kun taas ryhmissä III ja IV eroa ei ollut tai tase oli pienempi (säilörehunurmi). Kasviryhmien sisällä typpitaseen suuruuteen vaikutti eniten typpilannoituksen määrä. Matalimmat taseet saavutettiin, kun satotaso oli korkea ilman että oli käytetty ympäristökorvauksen enimmäislannoitusmääriä. Korkeita typpitaseita sen sijaan esiintyi, kun satotaso oli jäänyt odotettua pienemmäksi huolimatta typpilannoituksesta. Tasejakaumiin liitettiin ympäristöinformaatio potentiaalisesta vesistökuormituksesta, jota arvioitiin koeaineistojen ja mallintamisen avulla. Kasviryhmissä I ja II noin neljännes liukoisen typen taseista oli niin korkeita (ylittävät tason 60 ja 25 kg/ha), että niistä voi aiheutua keskimääräistä selvästi korkeampi typen huuhtoutumisriski. Kasviryhmässä III puolet typpitaseista ylitti riskirajan ja ryhmässä IV yli puolet. Typpitaseita tarkasteltiin myös laskemalla op-timaalisen typpilannoituksen määrää erilaisilla hintasuhteilla. Tulosten perusteella nitraattiasetus ei rajoita taloudellisesti optimaalista typpilannoitusta kevätviljoilla, mutta rajoittaa typpilannoitusta säilörehunurmen kohdalla. Ympäristökorvauksen enimmäislannoitusmäärät johtavat kevätviljoilla typpitaseisiin (16–45 kg/ha kivennäismailla), jotka ovat keskimääräistä korkeampia verrattuna em. peltolohkojen jakaumiin, mutta eivät johda peltolohkoilla havaittuihin suurimpiin typpitaseisiin. Verrattuna rajoittamattomaan taloudelliseen optimointiin, ympäristökorvaukseen sitoutuneilla maatiloilla kasvintuotannosta saatava vuotuinen katetuotto vähenee usein vain alle 10 €/ha vil-jeltäessä viljaa kivennäismailla, kun taas säilörehun tuotannossa vastaava vähenemä on lähes 50 €/ha. Tuloksia havainnollistettiin esittämällä alustavia kriteerejä typpitaseiden arviointiin ja joillekin kasveille ehdotettiin myös liukoisen typen taseiden viitearvoja mahdollista ravinnetaseohjausta varten. Ravinnetaseisiin perustuvan ohjauksen vahvuudeksi tunnistettiin satotason huomiointi, mikä voisi kannustaa peltojen perusparannuksiin.201
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