462 research outputs found

    Translation Process Simulation in the Classroom and its Relations to Ideology

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    This paper discusses the stages of the translation process and their ideological features. Teaching translation, which includes an explanation and a simulation of the whole process, is supposed to acquire a new ideological dimension since it takes place in the classroom. The translation process is defined as a series of negotiations and decisions made by several “ideological subjects” involved in carrying out a particular translation service. The simulation of this process is suggested as a didactic method of teaching translation and indicated as a useful introduction into the market of professional translation. The study emphasizes a more active performance of students in learning translation. It also includes some didactic recommendations and explanations of the ideological burden always present in the practice of translation. The paper is mainly based on the Manipulation School approach in Translation Studies.This paper discusses the stages of the translation process and their ideological features. Teaching translation, which includes an explanation and a simulation of the whole process, is supposed to acquire a new ideological dimension since it takes place in the classroom. The translation process is defined as a series of negotiations and decisions made by several “ideological subjects” involved in carrying out a particular translation service. The simulation of this process is suggested as a didactic method of teaching translation and indicated as a useful introduction into the market of professional translation. The study emphasizes a more active performance of students in learning translation. It also includes some didactic recommendations and explanations of the ideological burden always present in the practice of translation. The paper is mainly based on the Manipulation School approach in Translation Studies

    Does Dehydroepiandrosterone Influence the Expression of Urticaria?—a Mini Review

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    Chronic urticaria is a challenging problem since the exact cause and mechanism involved in the disease development have still remained unknown. This disease is associated with mast cells activation and immunoinflammatory processes. Interestingly, dysfunctions of the neuroendocrine–immune system due to stress and other factors seem to appear as a very interesting theory for urticaria pathogenesis. Dehydroepiandrosterone and its sulfate derivative (DHEA-S) appear to have regulatory effects in immune homeostasis and are regulated by the nervous system, and it is suggested that they may be an integral element of neuroimmunomodulation. Our studies showed substantially decreased serum concentration of DHEA-S in patients with chronic urticaria. However, current knowledge prevents answering whether lower circulating DHEA-S concentration is a primary phenomenon or just an accompanying one which appears as a response of different systems to the course of the illness and may not be of any importance for the pathogenesis of urticaria whatsoever. This review is a summary of clinical research on the role of DHEA in chronic urticaria

    MARS Bulletin 2011 - Vol.19 No.23 - Agrometeorological analysis and weather forecast

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    HIGHLIGHT Mild thermal conditions occurred in the major area of western and northern Europe. Colder than average weather conditions characterized in most of the Balkan Peninsula and Turkey. November proved to be one of the driest in several countries. The long lasting water deficiency affects adversely the winter crops from East-Germany to Ukraine. Weather forecast: Warmer than usual in majority of Europe except British Isles. High amounts of precipitation in France and Germany, scarce amounts for Poland and Spain.JRC.H.4-Monitoring Agricultural Resource

    Wolontariat imprez biegowych w Stowarzyszeniu Sport, Rekreacja, Wolontariat „SFX"

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    The article addresses the issue of the importance of volunteering in the work of the association. It is based on example of the Association “SFX”, which organizes running events. The specificity of organization of mass-running events requires that a considerable number of volunteers are involved. The main reason for this is the cost that is significantly reduced by voluntary work. This is a substantial saving for the organizer, but also a real possibility to organize the event with a relatively small buy-in for the runner. Funding from local authorities, sponsorships and buy-in runners only cover basic expenses, therefore free of charge help that voluntary assistance offer is essential. The contribution of volunteering to organizing and performing an event is therefore a condition of its success and represents a very broad and diverse task for volunteers, as discussed in more detail in the article

    "Zdobycie Meksyku" del anónimo azteca como una versión polaca del "Códice Florentino" : [abstract]

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    Badania przekładoznawcze i kształcenie tłumaczy w Meksyku

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    The object of this paper is to show the main features of Translation Studies (TS) in Mexico, especially in terms of the figure of researcher in translation and interpretation, types of translation and methods of investigation considered by the Mexican researchers, and the options students have when they want to develop translation and interpretation skills. This study is based on the qualitative method of analysis of the data coming from Mexican interviewees, some official documents and information derived from international and Mexican institutions as well as from the direct experience of the author. The paper reveals that research in TS performed in Mexico is limited to a few groups of researchers, individual projects, PhD and MA investigations. The main branches of TS are literary translation and translation of specialist texts. The methods most frequently used by researchers include (trans)cultural, postcolonial and feminist theories, and corpus linguistics. There are three international translation and interpretation congresses but only one of them publishes congress’ papers. There is no specialised journal; research studies are dispersed in many literary and linguistic journals or published abroad. Teaching of translation and interpretation is dominated by English as the second language and it is concentrated at BA programme. Only a very limited number of universities provide translation and interpretation training in French, German or Italian at MA programme. The study emphasises a very specific situation as far as community interpretation of the indigenous (national) languages is concerned as well as the formation and training of community interpreters. In conclusion it is explicitly claimed in the paper that the TS in Mexico are still at their initial stage in terms of the organisation of research projects, congresses and publications. The main problem is the exchange of results of individual research, finding relevant balance between different states and special attention that Mexican institutions have to pay to the formation of interpreters of the indigenous languages.Artykuł omawia stan badań przekładoznawczych w Meksyku, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem takich kryteriów, jak grupy badawcze, typy tłumaczenia, metodologie stosowane w prowadzonych badaniach, kongresy tłumaczeniowe i publikacje, oraz zagadnienia dotyczące kształcenia tłumaczy pisemnych, ustnych i środowiskowych. Ponadto niniejszy tekst porusza problematykę związaną z tłumaczeniami, mając na uwadze także przekładoznawstwo w specyficznym meksykańskim kontekście społeczno-kulturowym

    L’engagement et la responsabilité des interprètes en milieu social : les limitations de leur pouvoir

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    This paper discusses the agency of community interpreters in a cross-cultural environment. Their empowerment is determined by several linguistic and extralinguistic factors, such as: mastering the language of communication by the speakers, social status of the languages used in multilingual countries, other parties’ behaviour, interlocutors’ different cultural backgrounds, interpreter’s loyalties (to the client and/or to the institution), and social norms of the speakers. This study deals with a number of communicative, social and pragmatic features, as well as it reveals the level of the interpreters’ power and responsibility for a successful outcome of communication. The main conclusion is that, even if traditionally they are depicted as a mere language conduits, neutral and invisible, the interpreters in social services turn out to be very visible actors. Their agency is flexible, e.i. it changes depending on the particular interaction, and their empowerment consists in making every communication as easy as possible for people deprived of such the agency.This paper discusses the agency of community interpreters in a cross-cultural environment. Their empowerment is determined by several linguistic and extralinguistic factors, such as: mastering the language of communication by the speakers, social status of the languages used in multilingual countries, other parties’ behaviour, interlocutors’ different cultural backgrounds, interpreter’s loyalties (to the client and/or to the institution), and social norms of the speakers. This study deals with a number of communicative, social and pragmatic features, as well as it reveals the level of the interpreters’ power and responsibility for a successful outcome of communication. The main conclusion is that, even if traditionally they are depicted as a mere language conduits, neutral and invisible, the interpreters in social services turn out to be very visible actors. Their agency is flexible, e.i. it changes depending on the particular interaction, and their empowerment consists in making every communication as easy as possible for people deprived of such the agency