65 research outputs found

    Seasonal Variability of Atmospheric Aerosol Parameters over Greater Noida Using Ground Sunphotometer Observations

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    Atmospheric aerosols over northern India are subject of significant temporal and spatial variability and many studies have been carried out to investigate their physico-chemical and optical properties. The present work emphasizes on examining the aerosol optical properties and types over Greater Noida, Delhi region, using ground-based sun photometer data during the period 2010–2012. The analysis reveals a relatively high mean aerosol optical depth at 500 nm (AOD 500 = 0.82 ± 0.39), associated with a moderate Angstrom exponent α 440–870 of 0.95 ± 0.37. Both parameters, exhibit significant daily, monthly and seasonal variability with higher values of AOD 500 during post-monsoon (0.98 ± 0.50) and winter (0.87 ± 0.35) seasons associated with high α values (\u3e 1.1) suggesting significant urban and biomass-burning contribution. On monthly basis, the highest AOD is found during July and November and the lowest one in the transition months of March and September. The aero ol-type discrimination vi a the relationship AOD vs. α shows a clear dominance of urban/industrial and biomass-burning aerosols during post-monsoon and winter in fractions of 74.5% and 72%, respectively, while aerosols of desert-dust characteristics were most frequent in pre-monsoon (41.7%) and monsoon (21%) seasons. In general, the analysis shows a rather well-mixed aerosol type under very turbid atmosphere, which is associated with the long range transport of pollutants through the westerly winds from the Thar desert and biomass burning in the western parts of India

    Aerosol climatology: on the discrimination of aerosol types over four AERONET sites

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    International audienceAerosols have a significant regional and global effect on climate, which is about equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to that of greenhouse gases. Nevertheless, the aerosol climatic effect changes strongly with space and time because of the large variability of aerosol physical and optical properties, which is due to the variety of their sources, which are natural, and anthropogenic, and their dependence on the prevailing meteorological and atmospheric conditions. Characterization of aerosol properties is of major importance for the assessment of their role for climate. In the present study, 3-year AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) data from ground-based sunphotometer measurements are used to establish climatologies of aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Ångström exponent ? in several key locations of the world, characteristic of different atmospheric environments. Using daily mean values of AOD at 500 nm (AOD500) and Ångström exponent at the pair of wavelengths 440 and 870 nm (? 440?870), a discrimination of the different aerosol types occurring in each location is achieved. For this discrimination, appropriate thresholds for AOD500 and ? 440?870 are applied. The discrimination of aerosol types in each location is made on an annual and seasonal basis. It is shown that a single aerosol type in a given location can exist only under specific conditions (e.g. intense forest fires or dust outbreaks), while the presence of well-mixed aerosols is the accustomed situation. Background clean aerosol conditions (AOD500<0.06) are mostly found over remote oceanic surfaces occurring on average in ~56.7% of total cases, while this situation is quite rare over land (occurrence of 3.8?13.7%). Our analysis indicates that these percentages change significantly from season to season. The spectral dependence of AOD exhibits large differences between the examined locations, while it exhibits a strong annual cycle

    Identification of the Aerosol Types over Athens, Greece: The Influence of Air-Mass Transport

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    Aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (AOD550) and fine-mode (FM) fraction data from Terra-MODIS were obtained over the Greater Athens Area covering the period February 2000–December 2005. Based on both AOD550 and FM values three main aerosol types have been discriminated corresponding to urban/industrial aerosols, clean maritime conditions, and coarse-mode, probably desert dust, particles. Five main sectors were identified for the classification of the air-mass trajectories, which were further used in the analysis of the (AOD550 and FM data for the three aerosol types). The HYSPLIT model was used to compute back trajectories at three altitudes to investigate the relation between AOD550-FM and wind sector depending on the altitude. The accumulation of local pollution is favored in spring and corresponds to air masses at lower altitudes originating from Eastern Europe and the Balkan. Clean maritime conditions are rare over Athens, limited in the winter season and associated with air masses from the Western or Northwestern sector. The coarse-mode particles origin seems to be more complicated proportionally to the season. Thus, in summer the Northern sector dominates, while in the other seasons, and especially in spring, the air masses belong to the Southern sector enriched with Saharan dust aerosols

    Heterogeneity in pre-monsoon aerosol types over the Arabian Sea deduced from ship-borne measurements of spectral AODs

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    Ship-borne sunphotometer measurements obtained in the Arabian Sea (AS) in the pre-monsoon season (18 April–10 May 2006) during a cruise campaign (ICARB) have been used to retrieve the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD; &amp;tau;) and the Ångström wavelength exponent (α). The continents surrounding the AS produce natural and anthropogenic aerosols that have distinctive influences on α and its spectral distribution. The α values were estimated by means of the least-squares method over the spectral bands 340–1020 nm and 340–870 nm. The spectral distribution of AOD in logarithmic co-ordinates could be fit using a 2nd order polynomial with higher accuracy in the wavelength band 340–1020 nm than in the 340–870 nm band. A polynomial fit analytically parameterizes the observed wavelength dependencies of AOD with least errors in spectral variation of α and yields accurate estimates of the coefficients (&lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt; and &lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;). The coarse-mode (positive curvature in the ln&amp;tau;&lt;sub&gt;&amp;lambda;&lt;/sub&gt; vs. ln&amp;lambda;) aerosols are mainly depicted in the Northern part of the AS closely associated with the nearby arid areas while fine-mode aerosols are mainly observed over the far and coastal AS regions. In the study period the mean AOD at 500 nm is 0.25&amp;plusmn;0.11 and the α&lt;sub&gt;340-1020&lt;/sub&gt; is 0.90&amp;plusmn;0.19. The α&lt;sub&gt;340-870&lt;/sub&gt; exhibits similar values (0.92&amp;plusmn;0.18), while significant differences revealed for the constant terms of the polynomial fit (&lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt; and &lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;) proportionally to the wavelength band used for their determination. Observed day-to-day variability in the aerosol load and optical properties are direct consequence of the local winds and air-mass trajectories along with the position of the ship

    Effects of Crop Residue Burning on Aerosol Properties, Plume Characteristics, and Long-Range Transport over Northern India

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    Aerosol emissions from biomass burning are of specific interest over the globe due to their strong radiative impacts and climate implications. The present study examines the impact of paddy crop residue burning over northern India during the postmonsoon (October-November) season of 2012 on modification of aerosol properties, as well as the long-range transport of smoke plumes, altitude characteristics, and affected areas via the synergy of ground-based measurements and satellite observations. During this period, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images show a thick smoke/hazy aerosol layer below 2-2.5 km in the atmosphere covering nearly the whole Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP). The air mass trajectories originating from the biomass-burning source region over Punjab at 500 m reveal a potential aerosol transport pathway along the Ganges valley from west to east, resulting in a strong aerosol optical depth (AOD) gradient. Sometimes, depending upon the wind direction and meteorological conditions, the plumes also influence central India, the Arabian Sea, and the Bay of Bengal, thus contributing to Asian pollution outflow. The increased number of fire counts (Terra and Aqua MODIS data) is associated with severe aerosol-laden atmospheres (AOD(500 nm) \u3e 1.0) over six IGP locations, high values of Angstrom exponent (\u3e1.2), high particulate mass 2.5 (PM2.5) concentrations (\u3e100-150 mu gm(-3)), and enhanced Ozone Monitoring Instrument Aerosol Index gradient (similar to 2.5) and NO2 concentrations (similar to 6 x 10(15) mol/cm(2)), indicating the dominance of smoke aerosols from agricultural crop residue burning. The aerosol size distribution is shifted toward the fine-mode fraction, also exhibiting an increase in the radius of fine aerosols due to coagulation processes in a highly turbid environment. The spectral variation of the single-scattering albedo reveals enhanced dominance of moderately absorbing aerosols, while the aerosol properties, modification, and mixing atmospheric processes differentiate along the IGP sites depending on the distance from the aerosol source, urban influence, and local characteristics

    Extremely large anthropogenic-aerosol contribution to total aerosol load over the Bay of Bengal during winter season

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    Ship-borne observations of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) have been carried out over the entire Bay of Bengal (BoB) as part of the W-ICARB cruise campaign during the period 27 December 2008–30 January 2009. The results reveal a pronounced temporal and spatial variability in the optical characteristics of aerosols mainly due to anthropogenic emissions and their dispersion controlled by local meteorology. The highest aerosol amount, with mean AOD&lt;sub&gt;500&lt;/sub&gt;&gt;0.4, being even above 1.0 on specific days, is found close to the coastal regions in the western and northern parts of BoB. In these regions the Ångström exponent is also found to be high (~1.2–1.25) indicating transport of strong anthropogenic emissions from continental regions, while very high AOD&lt;sub&gt;500&lt;/sub&gt; (0.39&amp;plusmn;0.07) and &amp;alpha;&lt;sub&gt;380–870&lt;/sub&gt; values (1.27&amp;plusmn;0.09) are found over the eastern BoB. Except from the large &amp;alpha;&lt;sub&gt;380–870&lt;/sub&gt; values, an indication of strong fine-mode dominance is also observed from the AOD curvature, which is negative in the vast majority of the cases, suggesting dominance of an anthropogenic-pollution aerosol type. On the other hand, clean maritime conditions are rather rare over the region, while the aerosol types are further examined through a classification scheme based on the relationship between α and &lt;i&gt;d&lt;/i&gt;&amp;alpha;. It was found that even for the same α values the fine-mode dominance is larger for higher AODs showing the strong continental influence over the marine environment of BoB. Furthermore, there is also an evidence of aerosol-size growth under more turbid conditions indicative of coagulation and/or humidification over specific BoB regions. The results obtained using OPAC model show significant fraction of soot aerosols (~6 %–8 %) over the eastern and northwestern BoB, while coarse-mode sea salt particles are found to dominate in the southern parts of BoB

    Influence of continental advection on aerosol characteristics over Bay of Bengal (BoB) in winter: results from W-ICARB cruise experiment

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    The transport of aerosols and pollutants from continental India to the adjoining oceanic areas is a major topic of concern and several experimental campaigns have been conducted over the region focusing on aerosol characteristics and their climate implications. The present study analyzes the spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) variations over Bay of Bengal (BoB) during Winter-Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (W-ICARB) from 27 December 2008 to 30 January 2009 and investigates the influence of the adjoining landmass to the marine aerosol field. High AOD<sub>500</sub> values (>0.7) occurred over northern BoB due to outflow of aerosols and pollutants from the densely populated Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP); low AOD<sub>500</sub> (0.1–0.2) was observed in central and southern BoB, far away from the mainland. The Angstrom exponent "α" was observed to be high (>1.2) near coastal waters, indicating relative abundance of accumulation-mode continental aerosols. On the other hand, over southern BoB its values dropped below ~0.7. National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data on winds at 850 and 700 hPa, along with air-mass trajectories calculated using Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model, suggested transport of continental aerosols from central and northern India over the BoB. On the other hand, when the ship was crossing the eastern BoB, the aerosol loading was strongly affected by air-masses originating from Southeast Asia, causing an increase in AOD and α. Biomass-burning episodes over the region played an important role in the observed aerosol properties. Terra/Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) AOD<sub>550</sub> and cruise measured AOD<sub>550</sub> showed good agreement (<I>R</I><sup>2</sup> = 0.86 and 0.77, respectively) over BoB, exhibiting similar AOD and α spatio-temporal variation

    Long-Term (1951–2007) Rainfall Trends around Six Indian Cities: Current State, Meteorological, and Urban Dynamics

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    The present study focuses on analyzing the precipitation trends over six Indian cities during the summer monsoon (June–September) covering the period 1951–2007 and also attempting to investigate possible urban forcing and dynamics by examining the variation in precipitation in the upwind and downwind directions. The analysis shows negative trends in the total number of rainy days over Hyderabad (−10.4%), Kanpur (−7.1%), Jaipur (−10.5%), and Nagpur (−4.8%) and positive trends over Delhi (7.4%) and Bangalore (22.9%). On the other hand, decreases of −21.3%, −5.9%, −14.2%, and −14.6% in seasonal rainfall are found over Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, and Kanpur, respectively, whereas Bangalore and Nagpur show 65.8% and 13.5% increase. The lesser rainfall and rainy days, along with the mostly declining trend, in the downwind directions of the cities may imply an urban influence in precipitation associated with the increased anthropogenic emissions due to expansion of the urban areas and the increase of population. However, the large spatiotemporal variability of precipitation and the lack of statistical significance in the vast majority of the trends do not allow the extraction of safe conclusion concerning the aerosol-precipitation interactions around Indian cities

    Climate Change and Weather Extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East

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    Observation‐based and modeling studies have identified the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region as a prominent climate change hotspot. While several initiatives have addressed the impacts of climate change in parts of the EMME, here we present an updated assessment, covering a wide range of timescales, phenomena and future pathways. Our assessment is based on a revised analysis of recent observations and projections and an extensive overview of the recent scientific literature on the causes and effects of regional climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions in the EMME are growing rapidly, surpassing those of the European Union, hence contributing significantly to climate change. Over the past half‐century and especially during recent decades, the EMME has warmed significantly faster than other inhabited regions. At the same time, changes in the hydrological cycle have become evident. The observed recent temperature increase of about 0.45°C per decade is projected to continue, although strong global greenhouse gas emission reductions could moderate this trend. In addition to projected changes in mean climate conditions, we call attention to extreme weather events with potentially disruptive societal impacts. These include the strongly increasing severity and duration of heatwaves, droughts and dust storms, as well as torrential rain events that can trigger flash floods. Our review is complemented by a discussion of atmospheric pollution and land‐use change in the region, including urbanization, desertification and forest fires. Finally, we identify sectors that may be critically affected and formulate adaptation and research recommendations toward greater resilience of the EMME region to climate change. The Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East is warming almost two times faster than the global average and other inhabited parts of the world Climate projections indicate a future warming, strongest in summers. Precipitation will likely decrease, particularly in the Mediterranean Virtually all socio‐economic sectors will be critically affected by the projected changes The Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East is warming almost two times faster than the global average and other inhabited parts of the world Climate projections indicate a future warming, strongest in summers. Precipitation will likely decrease, particularly in the Mediterranean Virtually all socio‐economic sectors will be critically affected by the projected change

    Climate Change and Weather Extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East

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    Observation-based and modeling studies have identified the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region as a prominent climate change hotspot. While several initiatives have addressed the impacts of climate change in parts of the EMME, here we present an updated assessment, covering a wide range of timescales, phenomena and future pathways. Our assessment is based on a revised analysis of recent observations and projections and an extensive overview of the recent scientific literature on the causes and effects of regional climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions in the EMME are growing rapidly, surpassing those of the European Union, hence contributing significantly to climate change. Over the past half-century and especially during recent decades, the EMME has warmed significantly faster than other inhabited regions. At the same time, changes in the hydrological cycle have become evident. The observed recent temperature increase of about 0.45 degrees C per decade is projected to continue, although strong global greenhouse gas emission reductions could moderate this trend. In addition to projected changes in mean climate conditions, we call attention to extreme weather events with potentially disruptive societal impacts. These include the strongly increasing severity and duration of heatwaves, droughts and dust storms, as well as torrential rain events that can trigger flash floods. Our review is complemented by a discussion of atmospheric pollution and land-use change in the region, including urbanization, desertification and forest fires. Finally, we identify sectors that may be critically affected and formulate adaptation and research recommendations toward greater resilience of the EMME region to climate change.Peer reviewe
