38 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Implementasi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Berbasis Zonasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Di SMP Negeri 107 Jakarta

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi implementasi PPDB berbasis zonasi dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di SMP Negeri 107 Jakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi dengan model Countenace Stake. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengunakan software QSR NVivo 12. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: (1) Komponen antecendent menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan PPDB berbasis zonasi di SMP Negeri 107 Jakarta sudah sesuai dengan standar kebijakan dari Keputusan Kepala Dinas Provinsi DKI Jakarta No. 501Tahun 2020 tentang Petunjuk Teknis PPDB Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Sistem seleksi dengan menggunakan seleksi umur sedangkan kriterianya berdasarkan kriteria daya tampung. Terdapat perubahan penetapan daya tampung yang idealnya per rombongan belajar adalah 36 berubah menjadi 40 peserta didik per rombongan belajar. Penetapan Zonasi dengan menggunakan zonasi kelurahan dan irisan kelurahan. (2) Komponen transaction menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme dan proses penerimaan peserta didik baru di SMP Negeri 107 sudah sesuai dengan standar pada Petunjuk Teknis PPDB Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. PPDB dilaksanakan secara daring melalui situs ppdb.jakarta.go.id. Indikator yang perlu diperbaiki terkait sosialisasi sistem pendaftaran. Ditemukan hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya yaitu masalah server dan jaringan internet yang tidak stabil, (3) Komponen outcome terdapat penurunan kualitas sekolah berupa nilai hasil belajar peserta didik baik akademik maupun non akademik. Penurunan ini disebabkan adanya karakteristik peserta didik yang heterogen. Upaya mengatasi dampak PPDB berbasis zonasi yaitu pemilihan metode dan materi yang disesuaikan karakteristik peserta didik, pelatihan guru, serta adanya peran serta orang tua untuk bekerja sama dalam keterlibatan pendidikan anak, terutama pada pembelajaran jarak jauh


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) di Kelurahan Kalirejo Kabupaten Malang, dilakukan pada kader posyandu dengan memberikan pelatihan pemberdayaan keluarga sebagai personal reference. Materi pelatihan meliputi keluarga sebagai personal reference, perilaku menyusui eksklusif, tahapan menyusui, kondisi yang sering dijumpai dalam menyusui, dan seputar Air Susu Ibu (ASI)  perah. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu pengumpulan data, identifikasi masalah, analisis kebutuhan penyusunan modul pelatihan, pelaksanaan pelatihan, dan dokumentasi kegiatan Dari hasil penilaian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh tingkat pemahaman peserta terhadap materi pelatihan yang telah diberikan berdasarkan penilaian pre-test dan post-test. Hasil penilaian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman peserta sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti pelatihan. Sebelum mengikuti pelatihan pemahaman kader posyandu terhadap materi sebesar 47,37%, sedangkan setelah mengikuti pelatihan pemahaman peserta meningkat menjadi 93,68%. Hal yang sama juga terjadi saat mempraktekkan ketrampilan dalam memberikan motivasi pada keluarga dengan ibu hamil, sebelum pelatihan, ketrampilan kader posyandu sebesar 41,05%, sedangkan setelah mengikuti pelatihan, ketrampilan kader posyandu meningkat menjadi 84,21%.  Abstract: Community Service Activities (PKM) in Kalirejo Village, Lawang District, Malang Regency, will be effectively carried out for posyandu cadres by providing family empowerment training as a personal reference. The training materials provided include family empowerment as a personal reference, exclusive breastfeeding behavior, stages of breastfeeding, conditions that are often encountered in breastfeeding, and expressed breast milk. This activity consists of several stages, namely data collection, identification of problems, analysis of training material requirements, design and preparation of training modules, implementation of training, documentation of activities and reports. From the results of the assessment that has been done, the level of understanding of the participants obtained from the training material provided based on pre-tes and post-test assessments. The results of the assessment showed that there was an increase in the understanding of the participants before and after attending the training. Before attending the posyandu cadre training, the participants 'understanding of the material was 47.37%, while after attending the training the participants' understanding increased to 93.68%. The same thing happened to the understanding when practicing the skills in providing motivation to families with pregnant women, before the training, the skills of posyandu cadres were 41.05%, while after attending the training , posyandu cadre skills increased to 84.21%


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    This reasearch about cholesterol and β-caroten contens in the duck’s egg from several duck breeders in central of Java aims to find out the effect of cultivation management on cholesterol and β-caroten. The use of this research to add knowledge about important role of cholesterol and β-caroten which is contained in duck egg toward body function. Sample collection of duck egg implemented at four breeder in Java, that are Cirebon (Rambon duck), Brebes (Tegal duck), Magelang (Magelang duck) and Mojokerto (Mojosari duck). Egg quality measurement implemented in Laboratory Biology Structure and animal function, Department of Biology, Diponegoro University and Wahana Laboratory. The method applied in this research was egg collected in each area. The paremeter that observed was duck weight, woof type, egg weight, cholesterol and β-caroten content of egg. The data that obtained then analyzed by using Analysis of Varience (ANOVA), based on RAL. If there were differences between the treatment, then continued by next assay that was using Duncan assay with 95% significance level. Based on feeding management in four duck breeder, that were, duck breeder in A area gave Eichornia crassipes as additional woof, B area gave Ipomoea aquatica as additional woof, C area gave corn (Zea mays) as additional woof, and D area gave shrimp (Penaeidae Sp.) as additional woof, that was showed real differences between four duck breeder toward cholesterol and β-caroten content of duck egg. Based on the result, can be concluded that woof difference in four duck breeder in Java, also produce different cholesterol and β-caroten content


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    One of the components of the IBI organizational system is an integrated organizational administration system, starting from the central level, provincial level, district / city level, to the lowest level, namely the sub-branch level. Until now, the administrative system has not been well organized, especially in the organizational administration system at the provincial level down to the sub-branch level. One of the obstacles encountered was the inadequate implementation of the Administrative Information System for the Indonesian Midwives Association (SIA-IBI) at the district / city level. It is necessary to evaluate the smooth implementation of SIA-IBI in all districts / cities in East Java Province. The subjects of this descriptive research were all (38) administrators of SIA-IBI. There were 2 variables described in this study, namely: 1) the smooth implementation of SIA-IBI; 2) the obstacles in implementing SIA-IBI. Data on these two variables were collected through direct interviews with all SIA-IBI administrators. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, namely frequency and percentage. Based on the data analysis results, it is clear that: 1) all (100%) districts / cities in East Java Province had not been fluent in implementing SIA-IBI; 2) the obstacles faced by SIA-IBI administrators vary widely. The obstacles are grouped into 8 groups, namely: internet connection, double duty, completeness of data, fickle system, limited time, not yet proficient, lack of equipment, and low response to the system. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the implementation of SIA-IBI in all districts / cities in East Java Province has not been going well, and this is related to obstacles from technical and organizational aspects


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    Introduction: Malaria often affects miliary model baby’s nursing with topical breastfeeding on the incidence of in the baby's skin infection. The population is babies aged 1-24. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling technique for 20 babies. The incidence mostly happens on the first years. Milliary which does not get any care and treatment will cause complications such as dermatoses and infections. About 40% of newborns in Indonesia ever experienced miliary and it ranks 7 out of 10 skin diseases in infants and toddlers. Miliary care in the community by providing some talcum powder constantly will clog the skin glands and worsen the condition. Some studies of topical medications and local antibiotics given to miliary are not very effective and can sometimes worsen the condition (Harahap M, 2000). Miliary treatment using traditional ways would be better by using topical treatments model of breast milk on the baby's skin. Breast milk has many immunological agents, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial materials, proven by empirical, theoretical or scientific, clinical practice and culture. The research objective was the implementation of infection by making data tabulation and analysis of data using statistical tests. Methods: The incidence of infection variable analysis was tested using Fisher's Exact Test (X²) because signs of infection was in nominal scale categories and it aimed to see whether there is any influence on the incidence of infection in the group model of care topical treatment of breastfeeding and treatment groups daily habits, with significance of p ≤ 0:05. Results: The results show that the majority of respondents is younger than 12 months, almost all parts of the baby's body get milliary and it gets worse during hot weather. Milliary infection in the two groups is still relatively high. The results of Fisher's Exact Test (X²) to determine differences in the incidence of infection between the intervention group and control group show the value of p = 0.303> 0.05, which means that HO is accepted, meaning that there is no difference in the incidence of infection in infants between treatment group and control group. Discussion: People can use other breast milk as a substitute for other topical for the treatment of miliary because it can decrease the incidence of infection in babies. Breast milk topical treatment model for miliary is considered as a cheap, safe, and no side effects method of treatment. Key words: miliary model baby’s nursing, topical breastfeeding , skin infectio

    Perbedaan Penyembuhan Pusat Pada Bayi Baru Lahir Antara Yang Dirawat Alkohol 70% Dan Tanpa Alkohol Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Purwosari Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    PERBEDAAN PENYEMBUHAN PUSAT PADA BAYI BARU LAHIR ANTARA YANG DIRAWAT ALKOHOL 70% DAN TANPA ALKOHOLDI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS PURWOSARI KABUPATEN PASURUANDifferences In Placenta Cords Healing on Newborn Between Treated With or Without Alcohol 70% In Purwosari, PasuruanKasiati1, Mustayah2, Ririn Anantasari31,2,3)Program Studi Keperawatan Lawang Poltekkes Kemenkes MalangJl. A. Yani No 1 Lawang 65218*)e-mail: [email protected] bayi merupakan modal dalam pembentukan generasi yang kuat, berkualitas dan produktif. Upaya untuk mewujudkannya perlu perawatan bayi yang baik dan benar, khususnya perawatan tali pusat supaya terhindar dari Tetanus neonatorum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan penyembuhan pusat pada bayi baru lahir antara yang dirawat alkohol 70% dengan tanpa alkohol di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Purwosari Kabupaten Pasuruan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah komparatif\u27jumlah sampel adalah 30 bayi. Sample dibagi menjadi 2 bagian: 15 bayi dilakukan perawatan tali pusat dengan alkohol 70 %, dan 15 bayi perawatan talipusat dengan kering tertutup dan cara pengumpulan datanya dengan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyembuhan pusat bayi yang dirawat dengan alkohol 70% dan non alkohol (kering tertutup) sama-sama tidak menimbulkan infeksi adalah sebanyak 15 bayi (100%),tapi pada perawatan non alkohol ditemukan tali pusatnya berbau busuk 2 bayi, sedangkan lama pelepasan tali pusat pada bayi dengan perawatan kering tertutup lebih cepat (70.105) selisih waktu 35 jam dibandingkan dengan perawatan dengan alkohol. Untuk perbedaan berdasarkan analisis uji statistik independent T test dengan p 2,04 > 0,05 maka t hitung lebih kecil dari t tabel, artinya tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap penyembuhan pusat pada bayi baru lahir antara yang dirawat alkohol 70% dengan non alkohol. Kesimpulannya adalah pelaksanaan perawatan sistem kering tertutup memerlukan pelaksanaan yang baik dan benar sehingga terhindar dari infeksi dan bau busuk, perawatan ini aman, efektif dan ekonomis. Bila tidak yakin keadaan tali pusat bayi baru lahir tidak baik dan pelaksanaan selama perawatan di rumah tidak bisa terjamin, maka perawatan tali pusat menggunakan antiseptik atau antimikrobial seperti alkohol 70% akan lebih baik dilakukan untuk menghindari infeksi tali pusat seperti Tetanus neonatorum.Kata kunci: bayi, tali pusat, alkohol 70% dan tanpa alkoholABSTRACTThe babyhealth is an important thing of the development of strong, qualified, and productivegeneration. The right baby\u27s care is needed in order to make it, especially the treatment on navel in order to get avoided from Tetanus neonatorum. The objective of this research is to know the differencesbetween the USAge of alcohol 70% and no alcohol in healing baby\u27s navel in Puskesmas Purwosari Pasuruan. A comparative research design was used as the design of the study. The subjects of this study were 30 babies as the sample. The sample are divided into two, first sample consist of 15 babies who their navel was healed by using alcohol 70%, and the last 15 babies was healed using no alcohol. The writer used only an instrument to collect the data, namely observation. The result of the study showed that there were the similar result of healing the baby\u27s navel in two ways; using alcohol 70% and without using alcohol, that is no infection in healing 15 baby\u27s navel (100%). How ever, in healing without using alcohol is found that two baby\u27s navels were smell putrid odor. The release of navels without using alcohol is 35 hours faster than using alcohol. T-test independent statiscal analysis was used in this research with p 2,04 > 0,05 so t counted smaller that t on the column, means that there were no significant different between the USAge of alcohol 70% and no alcohol in healing of baby\u27s navel. Then it can be justified that the alcohol dry healing navel system needs the right ways and procedures in order to get avoided from infection and putrid odor. Beside that, this treatment is save, and effective. The USAge of antiseptic and antimicrobial such like alcohol 70% is better used in order to get avoided from Tetanus neonatorum if we are not sure of the no alcohol dry healing treatment

    Dynamic Self-Determination of Self-Care and Positive Deviance Model for Stunting Prevention in Indonesia

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    Objective: To describe the dynamic self-determination of self-care (DSDoSC) and positive deviance (PD) models in changing stunting prevention behavior. Material and Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental study with a sample of 90 mothers taken by purposive sampling. Thirty mothers were given the DSDoSC intervention, 30 were given the PD intervention, and another 30 were in the control group. This research was conducted in July – October 2019. The variables studied were feeding behavior, nurturing behavior, personal hygiene behavior, environmental cleanliness and air sanitation, and behavior seeking health services. To analyze the difference in mother behaviour before and after test, we used Paired t-test. Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze the difference of mother behaviour among groups. The level of significance was p<0.05. Results: The PWD group showed that eating behavior, parenting behavior, personal hygiene behavior, environmental hygiene and water sanitation, and behavior seeking health services had significant numbers. In the DSDoSC group, eating behavior, parenting behavior, environmental hygiene, water sanitation and health service-seeking behavior were significantly (p<0.05). The results of the Manova test showed that there was an effect of PD and DSDoSC on stunting prevention behavior. Conclusion: Self-dynamic for self-care model and the positive deviance model both can change a mother\u27s behavior for the better in feeding, parenting, environmental hygiene, and water sanitation, seeking health services, but not changing behavior about personal hygiene behavior

    Studi Kasus Dampak Perilaku Bullying Terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Emosional Anak Tk B Di Tk Al Azzam Ternate Maluku Utara

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    All parents want their children to be safe in school, and all educators and education providers want a safe school environment for students studying in this school. It's a bit strange that almost everyone seems to know about bullying, but often lets it happen. They exclude cases of bullying in schools as if bullying is different from other cases of violence. This article tries to look at bullying from different perspectives, trying to find different answers about how to deal with bullying from the perspective of parents, educators and children related to bullying

    Pola Asuh Orang Tua Demokratis, Efikasi-diri Dan Kreativitas Remaja

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    Research for studies both simultaneous or partial correlations of democratic parenting and self-efficacy to creativity. Subject are 123 mid adolescence (60 boys and 63 girls), ages from 16 to 18 years old. Data taken from scales of C.O.R.E for creativity, P.A.O.D. for democratic parenting and ED-G for self-efficacy. Result of simultaneous test it R = 0,384, F = 10,349, p = 0,000 (p < 0,05). Democratic parenting and self-efficacy simultaneously and significant would have predicting creativity. R2 = 0,147 refer that 14,7% varians proportion on creativity would hava explained from democratic parenting and self-efficacy, othre for 85,3% could explained from other factors that not self-efficacy. Constant of 146,671 is score of creativity if no democratic parenting and self-efficacy. Result of partial test of democratic parenting t = 0,420, p = 0,675 (p > 0,05). Democratic parenting partially wasn't correlated with creativity. Result of partial test of self-efficacy t = 4,534, p = 0,000 (p < 0,05). Self-efficacy partially was significantly positive correlated with creativity. The findings are disscussed in terms of their implications for mid adolescent context