570 research outputs found

    Risk Management in Construction

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    Construction industry have several different sectors producing heterogeneous products, which are immobile, unique, heavy and large, complex, durable and costly. Site conditions in a construction project can be unpredictable and unexpected natural events can negatively affect construction programs and schedules. Weather conditions constitute the most important and unpredictable handicap for the production process of construction. Construction projects usually executed over a long period and have large budgets. Because of this, demand for a construction project is volatile. Unpredictable site conditions and demand volatility bring high level of risk. Because of this, risk management is very important in construction. Construction insurance, surety bonds, contracts and subcontracting are the main affective solutions for the risk management. This study consists of two main sections. In the first section, characteristics of construction industry defined in detail. Secondly, the importance of risk management evaluated. In the second section, the focus of the study is the evaluation of risk management studies in construction with a broad literature review of previous researches

    Negative Leadership in Architectural Design Offices

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    Building projects performed by a design team, which include the architectural, structural, and building services teams. The success of the project depends on the performance of each team. When a large number of people are working on a project, a high level of successful teamwork is required. As in all teams, an architectural design team needs a leader and, in this case, the owner of the office is the formal leader of the design team. Generally, architects are leaders of both the architectural design team and the design team. As the leader of both groups, the relationship between the leader architect and the groups directly related to the project’s success. If the personal objectives of every team member united with the team objectives, members will be more eager to achieve the team objectives. The behaviors of the lead architect are important factors in the performance of the design team in a construction project. The purpose of this study is emphasizing the importance of leadership in architectural design teams. The chapter will mainly focus on the effects of negative leadership on architectural design offices and on how leadership behaviors affect the performance of the design team

    Investigation of Teachers’ Perceptions on Self-Leadership Behaviors and Self-Development Level

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    This study aims to evaluate the perception of teachers, who have the mission of leading to and developing of students, about their own leadership behaviors and self-development level. In this context, a total of 305 teachers, 235 in state secondary schools and 70 in private secondary schools in Trabzon province, were involved into the study. During the collection of the data, “Teacher Leadership Scale” and “Self-Development Scale” were used. The results of the study showed that teachers’ perceptions of their own leadership behaviors and level of self-development were evaluated in most of the time intervals, and there was a meaningful difference in leadership behaviors in favor of private school teachers and in self-development behaviors in favor of female teachers. When the relationship between teachers’ perceptions about their own leadership behaviors and self-development level was examined, weak associations in positive direction were found. In the regression analysis, it was observed that teacher leadership scale score increased as self-development scale score increased, and the total scores of the self-development scale and school type had a statistically meaningful effect on the teacher leadership scale. As a result of the research, it is suggested to select teachers for the profession who seek the ways for professional development and have leadership skills, provide trainings to teachers in these areas, and make changes in the curricula of the faculty of education to encourage teacher development and leadershi

    Industrial Leadership: Leading Within the Field of Construction and Design

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    The structure of the design and construction organizations is different from that of the service or manufacturing industry. Although design and construction organizsations are parts of the construction industry, they are different from each other, also. This chapter is based on the researches investigating the leadership behaviours of construction professionals and consists basically of two main sections. In the first section, the concept of leadership and importance of leadership in design and construction processes will beis discussed. In this first section, firstlyinitially, as the leaders of the design teams, the importance of leadership skills of architects in both architectural design teams and other design teams, and, secondly, the importance of leadership skills of construction professionals will beis evaluated. In the second section, the focus of the study will befocuses on the evaluation of leadership behaviours of construction professionals with a literature review of previous researches. In this second section, initially, the leadership stiles in design teams, and secondly leadership stiles of construction teams will beis evaluated

    Sarah'a Şirin yorumu...

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: Ahmet Cevat Paşa-Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçl

    Türkiye’de üniversite öğrencilerinde psikolojik iyi oluş ile sosyal medya kullanımı, öz-kontrol ve uykusuzluk arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi

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    This study aims to examine the relationship students’ social media use, insomnia, and self-control have with their psychological well-being. A total of 404 students (305 females and 99 males) participated in the research. The data have been collected using the Turkish versions of the Social Media Disorder Scale, Psychological Well-Being Scale, Brief Self-Control Scale, and Insomnia Severity Index. The relationship between variables were examined by Path Analysis. According to the results, the model shows that self-control significantly and directly increases psychological well-being, social media disorder increases insomnia, and insomnia decreases self-control. Social media disorder and insomnia significantly and indirectly predict psychological well-being through the mediation of self-control. The findings show psychological well-being to be affected by self-control, social media disorder, and insomnia.Bu çalışmada üniversite öğrencilerinin psikolojik iyi oluşları ile sosyal medya kullanımları, uykusuzluk ve özkontrolleri arasındaki ilişkileri incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya 404 öğrenci katılmıştır (305 Kadın ve 99 erkek). Verilerin toplanmasında, Psikolojik İyi Oluş Ölçeği, Sosyal Medya Bozukluğu Ölçeği, Uykusuzluk Şiddeti İndeksi ve Kısa Öz-Kontrol Ölçeğinden yararlanılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler Yol Analizi ile incelenmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, oluşturulan model öz kontrolün psikolojik iyi oluşu anlamlı ölçüde ve doğrudan artırdığını, sosyal medya bozukluğunun uykusuzluğu artırdığını ve uykusuzluğun öz kontrolü azalttığını göstermiştir. Sosyal medya bozukluğu ve uykusuzluk psikolojik iyi oluşu öz kontrol aracılığı ile dolaylı ve anlamlı olarak yordamıştır. Bulgular, psikolojik iyi oluşun öz kontrol, sosyal medya bozukluğu ve uykusuzluktan etkilendiğini göstermiştir

    A Rare Case of Recurrent Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma Presenting With Thrombocytopenia

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    DergiPark: 963059tmsjAims: Signet ring cell carcinoma is a rare type of gastric cancer most commonly seen in the stomach. There is a 60% systemic recurrence rate of gastric cancer after curative resection, and it most commonly recurs in the liver, peritoneum, and lungs. Bone metastasis is extremely rare in gastric cancer. We aim to present a rare case of signet ring cell carcinoma with thrombocytopenia as a primary symptom of bone marrow metastasis years after the patient’s primary diagnosis with gastric adenocarcinoma. Case Report: A 52-year-old male patient was admitted to the Medical Oncology Division of Trakya University Hospital with dyspeptic complaints six years ago, whereupon gastroscopy revealed an ulcerated lesion in the antral region of the stomach, and the pathological biopsy revealed adeno- carcinoma. The patient underwent subtotal gastrectomy and lymph node dissection, combined with adjuvant chemoradiotherapy. In the follow-up, a complete blood count revealed thrombocytopenia, and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma metastasis with a signet ring cell component was demonstrated through imaging studies and pathological examination. Treatment with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil was initiated after the diagnosis of human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 negative, stage 4 gastric adenocarcinoma. The patient showed clinical and laboratory response to the treatment and will continue with the current regimen. Conclusion: In this case, the primary tumor was in the stomach, and he had signs of thrombocytopenia only. When the prognosis of the patient was evaluated, it was thought that there was tumor residue at a cellular or clonal level in the stomach after gastrectomy, or an asymptomatic metastasis present and unnoticed in the bone marrow during the surgical treatment. In conclusion, this case shows that physicians should be alert to the changes in blood parameters in terms of recurrence with bone marrow involvement even if there is no visible recurrence in the patient

    The objectives of disaster education from teachers’ perspectives

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    This study aims to examine teachers’ judgments on the objectives of disaster education regarding basic three aspects; clarity, measurability and attainability. A 3-point Likert-type scale was developed, and completed by 142 teachers who participated in several in-service trainings about disaster education. Descriptive statistics were carried out to analyze the data. Results of this study revealed that there was no single objective that teachers perceived as clear, measurable and attainable at one hundred percent. So, there is an urgent need to do a comprehensive list of learning objectives in a way that they are perceived clearer, more measureable and attainable for the purpose of achieving a well-qualified disaster education including all domains of disaster education, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor

    KUR'AN'DA "GIYBET" OLGUSU -Bir Davranım Bozukluğu Olarak Dedikodu ve Korunma Yolları-

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    İnsan, hayatın her yerinde ve her amnda dedikoduyla karşılaşabilmektedir. Dedikodu yapmayı yasaklayan Kur'an, bu konuda ahlaki düzenlemeler getirmiştir. Mü'minleri dedikodu yapmaktan alıkoyabilmek için birtakım dini ve eğitsel yöntemler ön~nniştir. ·Kur' an, dedikodu alışkanlığının inkarcı kimselerin aynlmaz özelliklerinden birisi olduğunu açıklamıştır

    Direct And Sensitized Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization By Using Phenacyl Anilinium Salts

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003Son yıllarda endüstriyel alanda geniş uygulamaları olan fotokimyasal katyonik polimerizasyon, serbest radikal polimerizasyondan daha cok ilgi görmektedir. Bu çalışmada yeni bir fenaçilanilinyum tuzu, N-fenaçil, N,N-dimetilanilinyum hekzafloroantimonat, (PDA), sentezlendi ve bu tuz siklohegzen oksit (CHO), butil vinil eter (BVE) ve N-vinilkarbazol (NVC) gibi katyonik polimerleşebilen monomerler için fotobaşlatıcı olarak kullanıldı. Başlama mekanizması, N-fenaçil, N,N-dimetilanilinyum hekzafloroantimonatın ışığı absorplayarak uyarılmış hale gelmesi ve bunun sonucunda C-N bağının hem homolitik hem de heterolitik olarak bölünmesini içermektedir. Doğrudan veya moleküller arası elektron transferi sonucu oluşan fenaçilyum katyonları polimerizasyonu başlatmaktadır. Fotouyarılmış sistemler için, başlama mekanizmasi oldukça kompekstir. Sonuçlar gösterdi ki, sadece fotouyarıcıların ışığı absorpladığı dalga boyunda; fotouyarıcılar anilinyum tuzlarını aktive eder. Başlama için önerilen mekanizma, fotouyarıcı ile tuz arasında oluşan komplekse elektron transferi şeklindedir. Redoks potansiyeli ve uyarılma enerjileri kullanılarak yapılan hesaplamalar da önerilen mekanizmayı desteklemektedir. Doğrudan enerji transferinin gerçekleşdiği gözlenmemiştir.Photoinitiated cationic polymerization receive interest due to its industrial application. A novel phenacyl anilinium salt, N-phenacyl, N,N-dimethyl anilinium hexafluoroantimonate, (PDA), was synthesized and used as photoinitiator for cationic polymerization of cyclohexene oxide (CHO), butyl vinyl ether (BVE) and N-vinylcarbazol (NVC). Plausable mechanism of the photoinitiation involves the decay of the excited PDA via both heterolytic and homolytic cleavages of carbon-nitrogen bond. Thus, phenacylium cations form directly or subsequent intermolecular electron transfer, respectively, initiate the polymerization. For the photosensitized systems, results showed that photosensitizers successfully activated the anilinium salt at the wavelengths where light is absorbed only by the photosensitizers. The plausible mechanism for the initiation was based on the electron transfer within the complex formed between photosensitizer and the salt. The thermodynamical calculations using redox potentials and excitation energies also favoured the proposed mechanism. Direct energy transfer seemed to be unlikely to occur.Yüksek LisansM.Sc