124 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of the Pyrrones as thermal structural materials

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    Development of technique for preparing foam materials to be used as thermal structural components in spacecraft constructio

    Apoptotic Cells Deliver Processed Antigen to Dendritic Cells for Cross-Presentation

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    Antigen derived from engulfed apoptotic cells can be cross-presented by dendritic cells (DCs) for the generation of major histocompatibility class I/peptide complexes. While the early events of recognition and internalization of the dying cell have been characterized, the antigen-processing pathway or pathways remain unknown. We established a mouse model assaying for the activation of polyclonal T cells reactive to antigen derived from apoptotic cells, and demonstrated two distinct pathways for the trafficking of exogenous epitopes. In the first, exogenous antigen is dependent on the DC's expression of a functional transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP). Surprisingly, we found evidence that a second pathway exists in which transfer of processed antigen from the dying cell allows formation of major histocompatibility class I/peptide complexes in TAP-deficient DCs. In vivo data suggest that in situations of stress (e.g., viral infection), this latter pathway may be more efficient, illustrating that dying cells may preselect immunologically important antigenic determinants

    Chemotherapy-resistant osteosarcoma is highly susceptible to IL-15-activated allogeneic and autologous NK cells

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    High-grade osteosarcoma occurs predominantly in adolescents and young adults and has an overall survival rate of about 60%, despite chemotherapy and surgery. Therefore, novel treatment modalities are needed to prevent or treat recurrent disease. Natural killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes with cytotoxic activity toward virus-infected or malignant cells. We explored the feasibility of autologous and allogeneic NK cell–mediated therapies for chemotherapy-resistant and chemotherapy-sensitive high-grade osteosarcoma. The expression by osteosarcoma cells of ligands for activating NK cell receptors was studied in vitro and in vivo, and their contribution to NK cell–mediated cytolysis was studied by specific antibody blockade. Chromium release cytotoxicity assays revealed chemotherapy-sensitive and chemotherapy-resistant osteosarcoma cell lines and osteosarcoma primary cultures to be sensitive to NK cell–mediated cytolysis. Cytolytic activity was strongly enhanced by IL-15 activation and was dependent on DNAM-1 and NKG2D pathways. Autologous and allogeneic activated NK cells lysed osteosarcoma primary cultures equally well. Osteosarcoma patient–derived NK cells were functionally and phenotypically unimpaired. In conclusion, osteosarcoma cells, including chemoresistant variants, are highly susceptible to lysis by IL-15-induced NK cells from both allogeneic and autologous origin. Our data support the exploitation of NK cells or NK cell–activating agents in patients with high-grade osteosarcoma

    Effects of the glucolipid synthase inhibitor, P4, on functional and phenotypic parameters of murine myeloma cells

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    This study describes the effects of the glucolipid synthase inhibitor P4, (DL-threo-1-phenyl-2-palmitoylamino-3-pyrrolidino-1-propanol), on various functional and phenotypic parameters of 5T33 murine myeloma cells. Cell recovery was reduced by >85% following incubation of the cells for 3 days in the presence of 4 μM P4 (the IC50 concentration). Both cytostatic and cytotoxic inhibition was observed with tumour cell metabolic activity and clonogenic potential reduced to 42% and 14% of controls, respectively, and viability reduced to 52%. A dose-dependent increase in cells undergoing apoptosis (from 7% to 26%) was also found. P4 induced a decrease in the number of cells expressing H-2 Class I and CD44, and a large increase in cells expressing H-2 Class II and the IgG2b paraprotein. It did not affect surface expression of CD45 or CD54 (ICAM-1). Based on these alterations in tumour cell growth, adhesion molecule expression and potential immunogenicity, it is anticipated that P4 will provide a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of multiple myeloma. In addition, given that essentially all tumours rely heavily on overexpressed or abnormal glucosphingolipids for growth, development and metastasis, glucolipid synthase inhibitors may prove to be universally effective anti-cancer agents. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Activation of Cytotoxic and Regulatory Functions of NK Cells by Sindbis Viral Vectors

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    Oncolytic viruses (OVs) represent a relatively novel anti-cancer modality. Like other new cancer treatments, effective OV therapy will likely require combination with conventional treatments. In order to design combinatorial treatments that work well together, a greater scrutiny of the mechanisms behind the individual treatments is needed. Sindbis virus (SV) based vectors have previously been shown to target and kill tumors in xenograft, syngeneic, and spontaneous mouse models. However, the effect of SV treatment on the immune system has not yet been studied. Here we used a variety of methods, including FACS analysis, cytotoxicity assays, cell depletion, imaging of tumor growth, cytokine blockade, and survival experiments, to study how SV therapy affects Natural Killer (NK) cell function in SCID mice bearing human ovarian carcinoma tumors. Surprisingly, we found that SV anti-cancer efficacy is largely NK cell-dependent. Furthermore, the enhanced therapeutic effect previously observed from Sin/IL12 vectors, which carry the gene for interleukin 12, is also NK cell dependent, but works through a separate IFNγ-dependent mechanism, which also induces the activation of peritoneal macrophages. These results demonstrate the multimodular nature of SV therapy, and open up new possibilities for potential synergistic or additive combinatorial therapies with other treatments

    NKG2D triggers cytotoxicity in mouse NK cells lacking DAP12 or Syk family kinases

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    In activated mouse natural killer (NK) cells, the NKG2D receptor associates with two intracellular adaptors, DAP10 and DAP12, which trigger phosphatidyl inositol 3 kinase (PI3K) and Syk family protein tyrosine kinases, respectively. Here we show that cytotoxicity, but not cytokine production, is triggered by NKG2D in activated NK cells lacking either DAP12 or the Syk family members Syk and ZAP70. Inhibition of PI3K blocks this cytotoxicity, suggesting that the DAP10-PI3K pathway is sufficient to initiate NKG2D-mediated killing of target cells. Our results highlight signaling divergence in the effector functions of NKG2D and indicate that alternative associations between a receptor and its adaptors may provide a single receptor with a dual 'on-switch', giving mouse NK cells more choices through which to trigger cytotoxicity