34 research outputs found

    Cultivo discontinuo de la microalga Coenochloris sp. con fracción soluble de papa (Solanum phureja) en condiciones mixotróficas.

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    The cultivation of microalgae is a biotechnological alternative due to its greater efficiency in the production of biomass in relation to autotrophic and heterotrophic cultures. The growth and quality of the biomass of the Coenochloris sp. microalgae was studied and it was cultured in a medium control with NOTROFOSKA fertilizer, a medium potato soluble fraction (Solanum phureja) and a medium potato soluble fraction and NITROFOSKA. Some tests were made in fed batch cultures (CDA) that had an initial concentration of 1x106cel/mL (constant shake at 21.5±2°C for 20 days). A potato soluble fraction was used in the first trial: sprout skin (FSPGCC) and without skin (FSPGSC), not sprout with skin (FSPNGCC) and without skin (FSPNGSC); Coenochloris sp. has reached the highest growing in FSPGSC and it got a concentration of 12.54x106cel/mL. The growing of FSPGSC was compared related to control. A higher cellular density of 35.12x106cel/mL (1.71 mg/mL of dry biomass) was produced with FSPNGSC with NITROFOSKA (FSPNGSC-CDA) and it surpassed the control that showed a concentration of 26.72x106 cel/mL. The obtained meaningful statistics was 0.479 showing the difference in cellular density determined by treatments. The proximal analysis revealed a protein concentration of 42.00% inside control and 33.89% in FSPNGSC-CDA. The fat value for control and FSPNGSC-CDA was 2,40% and 7,95% respectively. These results prove that Coenochloris sp. cultured in mixotrophic conditions with potato soluble fraction is an alternative for organic substratum in order to produce biomass with a high protein concentration.El cultivo de microalgas constituye una alternativa biotecnológica por su mayor eficiencia en la producción de biomasa en relación a cultivos autotróficos y heterotróficos. Se estudió el crecimiento y calidad de la biomasa de la microalga Coenochloris sp., se cultivó en un medio control con fertilizante NITROFOSKA, un medio con fracción soluble de papa (Solanum phureja) y un medio con fracción soluble de papa y NITROFOSKA. Se realizaron ensayos en cultivos discontinuos alimentados (CDA) con una concentración inicial de 1x106cel/mL (agitación constante a 21.5±2oC durante 20 días). En los primeros ensayos se utilizó fracción soluble de papa: brotada con cáscara (FSPGCC) y sin cáscara (FSPGSC), no brotada con cáscara (FSPNGCC) y sin cáscara (FSPNGSC); Coenochloris sp. alcanzó el mayor crecimiento en FSPGSC logrando una concentración de 12.54x106cel/mL. A continuación se comparó el crecimiento en FSPGSC con relación al control. En el FSPNGSC con NITROFOSKA (FSPNGSC-CDA) se produjo la mayor densidad celular de 35.12x106 cel/mL (1.71 mg/mL de biomasa seca), superando al control que presentó una concentración de 26.72 x106cel/mL. La significancia estadística obtenida es de 0.479 indicando la diferencia de densidades celulares determinadas por los tratamientos. El análisis proximal reveló un contenido de proteínas de 42,00% en el control y de 33,89% en FSPNGSC-CDA. El valor de grasa para el control y FSPNGSC-CDA fue de 2,40% y 7,95%, respetivamente. Estos resultados confirman que Coenochloris sp. cultivada en condiciones mixotróficas con fracción soluble de papa constituye una alternativa como sustrato orgánico para la producción de biomasa con un elevado contenido proteico

    Evidence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection in huemul deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus) in patagonian fjords

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    In the Chilean coastal Patagonia, fourteen wild deer huemul faecal pellet samples were collected and cultured for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis detection. Six samples were positive, but only one was able to show a molecular type similar to the most common strain reported for cattle in Chile

    Design of a rapid plug in battery charger for electric vehicles at the common connection point of the electrical power distribution network

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    This article shows technical aspects related to the design of fast charging stations for light electrical vehicles under 1,5 tons, belonging at level 3 and mode 4 of DC charging according to EN 61851, within the framework of IEEE ST 2030.1.1-2022 standard, , IEEE Std 1547-2018 and IEC 61000-3-4 . In relation to the design of the charging station the article only covers the energy management “energy conversion system”, which includes energy processing devices (semiconductors, line filters and passive elements)


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    The pitahaya (Cereus sp.) is an exotic tropical fruit, widely distributed in America and even present in the Asian continent. In Ecuador is located in the provinces of Pichincha, Morona Santiago and Loja. It is a climbing shrub whose fruit is a berry with a taste appeal. It is known that this plant has been used as a living fence or ornamental form by their morphological characteristics, however the nutritional characteristics have taken more prominence in the last decade because has been found that the fruit shows the property of being a complete nutritional food. The most important characteristic is its high content in bioflavonoids and concentration of fatty acid plus fiber, minerals and vitamins showing adjuvant effects on cardiac and gastrointestinal problems. Unfortunately few studies about the benefits of this fruit have been carried out in the country. In fact, the lack of research study by national researchers is due to the commercial competition with other fruits apparently more interesting such as banana, tree tomato and cacao.La pitahaya (Cereus sp.) es una fruta exótica tropical, ampliamente distribuida en América e incluso presente en el continente Asiático.En Ecuador se encuentra en provincias como Pichincha, Morona Santiago y Loja. Es un arbusto trepador cuyo fruto es una baya deatractivo sabor. Se conoce que esta planta ha sido empleada como cerca viva o de forma ornamental por sus características morfológicas,sin embargo sus características nutricionales han tomado más realce en la última década ya que le atribuyen la propiedad de serun fruto alimenticio completo. Las más relevantes, su alto contenido en bioflavonoides y la concentración de ácidos grasos, ademásde fibra, minerales y vitaminas los mismos que presentan efectos cardiotónicos y coadyuvantes en problemas gastrointestinales. Lamentablementeen el país se han generado escasos estudios acerca de los beneficios de esta fruta, debido a la competencia comercialcon otros frutos aparentemente de mayor interés como el banano, tomate de árbol y cacao

    A Mixed methods study of the social support networks of female sex workers and their primary noncommercial male partners in Tijuana, Mexico

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    Female sex workers (FSWs) are at risk for multiple health harms, including HIV. This article describes a mixed methods study of the social support networks of 19 FSWs and their primary male sex partners in Tijuana, Mexico. We collected quantitative and qualitative social network data, including quantitative network measures, qualitative narratives, and network visualizations. Methodologically, we illustrate how a convergent mixed methods approach to studying personal social support networks of FSWs can yield a more holistic understanding of network composition and role. From a health-related perspective, we show how migration/deportation and stigma shape social networks and might be leveraged to support HIV prevention interventions. We believe others can benefit from a mixed methods approach to studying social network

    Finishing lambs using an integral feed under a restricted-feeding program in an intensive production system in Northern Mexico

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    The objective of this study was to compare the productive performance of finishing lambs using an integral diet under a restricted-feeding program. Ten Dorper lambs were assigned to two homogenous groups according to live weight and age under a complete randomised block design. Group 1 was fed a traditional diet commonly used by the producer and group 2 was fed an integral feed restricted to 75% of dry matter requirement of lambs. The evaluated variables were: dry matter intake, initial and final live weight, daily weight gain, feed efficiency and body growth expressed in height, body length, thoracic diameter, cane length and cane width. A partial cost analysis was carried out to evaluate the economic viability. Lambs fed with the integral feed had better feed efficiency, higher dry matter intake, daily weight gain, height, body length and thoracic diameter when compared with the lambs fed the traditional diet. The use of an integral feed under a restricted-feeding program reduced the cost of finishing lambs by 2.46 dollars per head and finishing length by 120 days. Overall, providing an integral feed under a restricted-feeding program is a viable alternative for improving finishing lambs under intensive conditions in the Northern Mexico

    Contribución para la implementación de una red de detección de rayos en ecuador

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    Debido a la falta de sistemas de información sobre la ocurrencia de descargas atmosféricas en el país, se presenta el punto de partida para una futura implementación de una red de detección de rayos en el Ecuador, mediante un análisis de los diferentes parámetros directos o indirectos que influyen en la generación de las descargas atmosféricas. Se ha tomado como referencia, los indicadores para la ocurrencia de rayos en Ecuador así como la demografía e zonas sensibles a proteger, con el fin de identificar los lugares adecuados para la colocación de los sensores y así detectar de manera eficiente el campo electrostático generado por una nube de tormenta. Para ello se utilizó información técnica de sensores existentes en el mercado para determinar los más idóneos al momento de estructurar la red. Finalmente se presenta dos propuestas de red (caso óptimo, menor costo) para luego hacer un análisis técnico-económico y presentar la mejor opción

    Incididencia del programa cocción eficiente en la demanda máxima unitaria para el cantón La Troncal

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el impacto del Plan de Cocción Eficiente (PCE) en el cantón la Troncal, basándose en el estudio de las costumbres de cocción tanto en el sector urbano como en el sector rural. Para dicho estudio se dividió el cantón por estratos según el consumo de energía, teniendo en cuenta esto se determinó el número de encuestas el cual fue calculado mediante métodos estadísticos. Con la información recopilada se obtuvo las curvas de hábito de uso horario de las cocinas de GLP y utilizando una potencia promedio por hornilla se encontraron las curvas de cargas de las cocinas de inducción. Posteriormente a partir de esta información se generaron más datos con ayuda del Método de Monte Carlo para así poder calcular el factor de coincidencia para un número mayor de clientes mediante la herramienta MATLAB. Utilizando la metodología presentada por la CENTROSUR se calculó la Demanda Diversificada y la Demanda Máxima Proyectada debido a las cocinas de inducción, para finalmente calcular una Demanda Máxima Proyectada Total equivalente a la sumatoria de la Demanda Máxima Proyectada actual de la CENTROSUR mas la Demanda Máxima Proyectada calculadaThis study aims to determine the impact of Efficient baking Plan (PCE) in the canton LaTroncal, based on the study of bake habits in the urban sector and the rural sector. For this study the canton was divided into strata according to energy consumption. The number of surveys was calculated using statistical methods. With the information gathered was obtained the curves of habit of hours use of the stoves of GLP and with using an average power per burner were found the load curves of the induction cookers. Later with this information were generated more data using the Monte Carlo method in order to calculate the coincidence factor for a larger number of customers through the MATLAB tool. Using the methodology presented by the CENTROSUR, the Demand Diversified was calculated and the Maximum Demand Projected due to induction cookers, to finally calculate a Projected Maximum Demand Total equivalent to the sum of the actual Maximum Demand Projected by the CENTROSUR with Maximum Demand Projected Calculated.Ingeniera EléctricaCuenc

    Prevalencia de hipoacusia en escolares de 5 a 9 años de Gualaceo, 2017

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    En Ecuador según el CONADIS, en el año 2017 se considera a la deficiencia auditiva la tercera causa de discapacidad en la población con un 12.86%, en Guacaleo en el año 2016 el porcentaje de discapacidad auditiva en el sexo masculino corresponde al 55.57%, mientras que en el sexo femenino representa un 44.43%; por lo que es importante la detección de hipoacusia en esta localidad, siendo población de estudio los escolares de 5 a 9 años. OBJETIVO GENERAL Determinar la prevalencia de Hipoacusia en Escolares de 5 a 9 años de Guacaleo, 2017. METODOLOGÍA El presente proyecto de investigación corresponde a un estudio de tipo descriptivo y de corte transversal, siendo el área de estudio el Hospital Moreno Vázquez de la parroquia Gualaceo. Los docentes de las escuelas seleccionadas llenaron una ficha de tamizaje escolar (Anexo 2), y el niño al no cumplir 5 criterios, es candidato a presentar una pérdida auditiva. Se obtuvo una unidad muestral correspondiente a 154 escolares (5-9 años) que se seleccionaron mediante muestreo aleatorio simple, y se remitieron al Hospital Moreno Vázquez. RESULTADOS Se encontró mayor frecuencia de hipoacusia en el sexo masculino con un 6,5%; el grupo etario predominante es de 6 a 7 años con un 4.5% el mayor porcentaje de pacientes con hipoacusia viven en el área rural con el 6.5%; el diagnóstico predominante es hipoacusia conductiva leve con el 5.8% para OD y 6.5% para OI; finalmente la hipoacusia es de 11.7% en la totalidad de escolares evaluados.In Ecuador, according to the CONADIS, in 2017, hearing impairment is considered the third cause of disability in the population with 12.86%, in Guacaleo in 2016 the percentage of hearing disability in the male sex corresponds to 55.57%, while that in the female sex it represents 44.43%; so it is important to detect hearing loss in this locality, being the study population schoolchildren from 5 to 9 years. GENERAL PURPOSE To determine the prevalence of hearing loss in schoolchildren from 5 to 9 years old in Guacaleo, 2017. METHODOLOGY The present research project corresponds to a descriptive and cross-sectional study, the Moreno Vazquez Hospital of the Gualaceo parish being the study area. The teachers of the selected schools filled out a school screening card (Annex 2), and the child, not meeting 5 criteria, is a candidate to present a hearing loss. A sample unit was obtained corresponding to 154 schoolchildren (5-9 years) who were selected by simple random sampling, and sent to the Moreno Vázquez Hospital. RESULTS There was a higher frequency of hearing loss in the male sex with 6.5%; the predominant age group is from 6 to 7 years with 4.5%, the highest percentage of patients with hearing loss live in the rural area with 6.5%; The predominant diagnosis is mild conductive hearing loss with 5.8% for OD and 6.5% for LE; finally, hearing loss is 11.7% in all students evaluated.Licenciado en FonoaudiologiaCuenc

    Identification of Clinical Indicators of Opioid Overdose using innovative EMS software analytics.

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    ObjectiveTo develop a set of clinical indicators of opioid overdose using Emergency Medical Services (EMS) records that included data from Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), ProQA systems, Electronic Patient Care Reporting (ePCR) and Hospital Medical Records.IntroductionIn North America we experience the highest rate of drug related mortality in the world. In the US, overdose is now the leading cause of death among adults under 50. Each day more than 115 people in the United States die due to an opioid overdose. The opioid overdose national crisis is rapidly evolving due to changes in drug availability and the presence of adulterated fentanyl in some areas leading to a critical need for innovative methods to identify opioid overdoses for both surveillance and intervention purposes. As an effort to strengthen our understanding of the epidemic through surveillance of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) we have developed a set of clinical indicators that identify opioid overdose within the information provided by an Electronic Patient Care Reporting (ePCR), Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), ProQA systems and Hospital Medical Records.MethodsWe initially created a set of EMS agency specific opioid overdose filters using FirstWatch® software as part of a public health research study. Following that initial development, we have built a generic set of opioid overdose identifiers. In the initial approach we used a Zoll Data System software for ePCR and TriTech Inform CAD to define 3 set of identifiers: (T1) captured calls in which naloxone was administered and a positive clinical response was documented, (T2) had the same criteria as T1 except there was no positive response to the administration of naloxone, and (T3) consisted of calls in which one or more drug-related keywords were present within the narrative of the ePCR. Because the initial analysis was conducted in the context of a single research study, we aimed to create a more generalizable set of identifiers of opioid overdose that would function across different EMS agencies, software, and data sources. In addition, we included variables provided by Hospital Medical Records to our filtering criteria to provide a more robust and complete set of opioid overdose clinical indicators.ResultsUtilizing the EMS data sources CAD, ProQA and ePCR as well as Hospital Medical Records we have developed a set of identifiers of opioid overdose. Utilizing FirstWatch® software analytics the following variables where coded into the software: 1. CAD Data.- Chief Complaint and Opioid Overdose Keyword search; 2. ProQA.- Protocols 6, 9, 23, 31 and 32; 3. ePCR.- Primary and Secondary Impressions, Chief Complaint, Intervention of Narcan (Naloxone) Administration, Vital Signs and Opioid Overdose Keyword search; 4. Medical Records.- Patient's Admission and Discharge Diagnosis (Diagram 1). The clinical indicators obtained from this analysis where created to be utilized across different EMS specific software vendors for CAD, ProQA and ePCR systems. For the Medical Records variables a single software vendor was available to be integrated into the analysis. Nonetheless, as we used the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems codes on their 10th revision (ICD-10) our determining variable codes could be generalized to other Hospital Record system if they would become available.ConclusionsCorrectly identifying an opioid overdose can a be a challenge. Its clinical features are non-specific and bystanders fear repercussions of disclosing the nature of the 911 call. Determining the correct number of opioid overdoses requires a tailored identification process. A combination of clinical determinants and incorporation of multiple EMS data sources appears to be feasible in determining opioid overdose related 911 calls.References1. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) '2017 World Drug Report'.2. Hedegaard H, Warner M, Miniño AM. Drug overdose deaths in the United States, 1999–2016. NCHS Data Brief, no 294. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2017.3. Multiple Cause of Death 1999–2016 on CDC Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER). Atlanta, GA: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics. 2017.4. CDC/NCHS, National Vital Statistics System, Mortality. CDC Wonder, Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2017.