541 research outputs found

    Impact of different light sources on broiler rearing environment.

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    Broiler production is highly dependent on the use of artificial light. The light source may affect the effectiveness of housing conditions due to increasing ambient temperature and concentration of noxious gases. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of different bulb types on the thermal, aerial, and acoustic environment of broiler aviaries. The experiment was carried out at a commercial broiler farm in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Three aviaries were used, and two flocks of male broilers from Cobb® genetic strain were reared from the first day to slaughter. Each aviary was equipped with a different light source, comprising the adopted treatments (A1 - incandescent light bulb, control; A2 - sodium vapor light bulb; A3 - fluorescent light bulb). The aviaries were divided into nine quadrants, and the environmental data (ambient dry bulb temperature and relative humidity), litter surface temperature, CO2 and NH3 concentrations, and bird sound pressure behavior were recorded in each quadrant. The aviary with incandescent light presented higher air and litter temperatures, and concentration of gases than the other tested alternatives. It also presented higher level of sound pressure in the second week of the growing period; however, from this period up to slaughter, there was no effect of the light source on the results of broiler sound pressure level

    Effect Of A Simulated Heat Wave In Thermal And Aerial Environment Broiler-rearing Environment

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Global warming increases the occurrence of events such as extreme heat waves. Research on thermal and air conditions affecting broiler-rearing environment are important to evaluate the animal welfare under extreme heat aiming mitigation measures. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of a simulated heat wave, in a climatic chamber, on the thermal and air environment of 42-day-old broilers. One hundred and sixty broilers were housed and reared for 42 days in a climatic chamber; the animals were divided into eight pens. Heat wave simulation was performed on the 42nd day, the period of great impact and data sampling. The analyzed variables were room and litter temperatures, relative humidity, concentrations of oxygen, carbon monoxide and ammonia at each pen. These variables were assessed each two hours, starting at 8 am, simulating a day heating up to 4 pm, when it is reached the maximum temperature. By the results, we concluded that increasing room temperatures promoted a proportional raise in litter temperatures, contributing to ammonia volatilization. In addition, oxygen concentrations decreased with increasing temperatures; and the carbon monoxide was only observed at temperatures above 27.0 degrees C, relative humidity higher than 88.4% and litter temperatures superior to 30.3 degrees C.362271280Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do estado de Sao Paulo - FAPESP (Foundation for Research Support of the state of Sao Paulo)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Onda de calor simulada e seu impacto no ambiente térmico e aéreo de frangos de corte

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    Global warming increases the occurrence of events such as extreme heat waves. Research on thermal and air conditions affecting broiler-rearing environment are important to evaluate the animal welfare under extreme heat aiming mitigation measures. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of a simulated heat wave, in a climatic chamber, on the thermal and air environment of 42-day-old broilers. One hundred and sixty broilers were housed and reared for 42 days in a climatic chamber; the animals were divided into eight pens. Heat wave simulation was performed on the 42nd day, the period of great impact and data sampling. The analyzed variables were room and litter temperatures, relative humidity, concentrations of oxygen, carbon monoxide and ammonia at each pen. These variables were assessed each two hours, starting at 8 am, simulating a day heating up to 4 pm, when it is reached the maximum temperature. By the results, we concluded that increasing room temperatures promoted a proportional raise in litter temperatures, contributing to ammonia volatilization. In addition, oxygen concentrations decreased with increasing temperatures; and the carbon monoxide was only observed at temperatures above 27.0 °C, relative humidity higher than 88.4% and litter temperatures superior to 30.3 °C.O aquecimento global aumenta a ocorrência de eventos extremos como as ondas de calor. Pesquisas sobre como as condições térmicas e aéreas afetam o ambiente de produção de frangos de corte são importantes para se avaliar o bem-estar animal sob condições extremas de calor, objetivando medidas mitigadoras. Este estudo pretende avaliar o efeito da simulação de ondas de calor em câmara climática, sobre o ambiente térmico e aéreo de frangos de corte com 42 dias de idade. 160 frangos foram alojados e criados, de 1 a 42 dias de idade, em câmara climática que foi dividida em oito baias. A simulação de onda de calor foi realizada no 42º dia de criação das aves, memento de maior impacto e da coleta dos dados. As variáveis foram coletadas em intervalos de duas horas a partir das 8 horas da manhã, simulando o aquecimento do dia até às 16 horas, horário de máxima, sendo coletados temperatura ambiente, temperatura da cama, umidade relativa do ar, concentrações de oxigênio, monóxido de carbono e amônia em cada baia, nos intervalos de duas em duas horas. Com os resultados obtidos na câmara climática, foi possível concluir que o aumento da temperatura ambiente ocasionou aumento na temperatura da cama, o que, consequentemente, contribuiu para o aumento da volatilização da amônia. A concentração de oxigênio foi reduzida enquanto a temperatura foi aumentada. A presença de monóxido de carbono foi observada quando a temperatura ambiente estava acima de 27,0 ºC, a umidade relativa superior a 88,4% e a temperatura da cama estava superior a 30,3 ºC.36227128

    At risk of being risky: The relationship between "brain age" under emotional states and risk preference.

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    Developmental differences regarding decision making are often reported in the absence of emotional stimuli and without context, failing to explain why some individuals are more likely to have a greater inclination toward risk. The current study (N=212; 10-25y) examined the influence of emotional context on underlying functional brain connectivity over development and its impact on risk preference. Using functional imaging data in a neutral brain-state we first identify the "brain age" of a given individual then validate it with an independent measure of cortical thickness. We then show, on average, that "brain age" across the group during the teen years has the propensity to look younger in emotional contexts. Further, we show this phenotype (i.e. a younger brain age in emotional contexts) relates to a group mean difference in risk perception - a pattern exemplified greatest in young-adults (ages 18-21). The results are suggestive of a specified functional brain phenotype that relates to being at "risk to be risky.

    An evaluation of the prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in hospital food

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    Los artículos que componen este libro ilustran desde múltiples puntos de vista el concepto de patrimonio biocultural. El contenido de la publicación se estructura en tres espacios sintetizados en las problemáticas asociadas al patrimonio biológico y cultural, el territorio y las disputas territoriales, la construcción identitaria y los problema de carácter socio-históricos de las comunidades afro indoamericanas. Ello permite, por un lado, obtener una aproximación contrastante, holística y compleja de la realidad latinoamericana y por otra lado sumar aportes a un concepto en construcción que no esconde su intencionalidad emancipadora.Agradecimientos; Introducción; PATRIMONIO BIOCULTURAL: Juan Pohlenz Córdova / La disputa por el patrimonio biocultural. Un acercamiento desde Mesoamérica; León Enrique Ávila Romero / La disputa por el patrimonio biocultural, la economía verde y sus impactos en los pueblos indígenas; Bernardo Javier Tobar / Lugares de vida y registros de la memoria biocultural en el Pacífico sur-colombiano; Iskra García Vázquez, Rocío Becerra Montané y Gimena Pérez Ortega / Uso, aprovechamiento social y conservación de las plantas medicinales en México; Kelly Giovanna Muñoz Balcázar / Transformaciones del territorio y el patrimonio biocultural a partir del proceso de industrialización. Recuperación de la finca tradicional en el municipio de Corinto, vereda La Paila; TERRITORIO: Johnny L. Ledezma Rivera / Reflexiones sobre las concepciones y visiones de lo que se entiende por territorio; Sindy Hernández Bonilla / ¿Justicia o legalidad para los q’eqchi’es? Agustín Ávila Romero / Turismo y pueblos indígenas de México: despojo y veredas de apropiación comunitaria; SOCIEDADES AFROINDOAMERICANAS EN MOVIMIENTO Johnny L. Ledezma Rivera / Construcción e implementación de las autonomías indígenas en Bolivia: avances y retrocesos; Stefano Claudio Sartorello / Educar para el arraigo sociocultural. El perfil de egreso de alumn@s indígenas en una propuesta educativa intercultural y bilingüe en Chiapas; Elena Pareja y Virginia Cornalino / La cultura afrodescendiente en la constitución del Estado-nación (1870-1900). La reconstrucción de los mapas de identidad en la frontera uruguayo-brasileña; Karla Chagas y Natalia Stalla / Mano de obra negra en el Estado Oriental: una mirada del trabajo esclavo y libre a través del análisis de casos; Diego E. Piñeiro y Joaquín Cardeillac / Los afro-descendientes en el campo uruguayo; Soledad Figueredo y Matías Carámbula Pareja / Puntos en el mapa: ensayo sobre identidad, inmovilidad y cultura de la población afrodescendiente en el medio rural uruguayo

    Trap Tree and Interception Trap Techniques for Management of Ambrosia Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Nursery Production Get access Arrow

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    The majority of wood-boring ambrosia beetles are strongly attracted to ethanol, a behavior which could be exploited for management within ornamental nurseries. A series of experiments was conducted to determine if ethanol-based interception techniques could reduce ambrosia beetle pest pressure. In two experiments, trap trees injected with a high dose of ethanol were positioned either adjacent or 10–15 m from trees injected with a low dose of ethanol (simulating a mildly stressed tree) to determine if the high-dose trap trees could draw beetle attacks away from immediately adjacent stressed nursery trees. The high-ethanol-dose trees sustained considerably higher attacks than the low-dose trees; however, distance between the low- and high-dose trees did not significantly alter attack rates on the low-dose trees. In a third experiment, 60-m length trap lines with varying densities of ethanol-baited traps were deployed along a forest edge to determine if immigrating beetles could be intercepted before reaching sentinel traps or artificially stressed sentinel trees located 10 m further in-field. Intercept trap densities of 2 or 4 traps per trap line were associated with fewer attacks on sentinel trees compared to no traps, but 7 or 13 traps had no impact. None of the tested intercept trap densities resulted in significantly fewer beetles reaching the sentinel traps. The evaluated ethanol-based interception techniques showed limited promise for reducing ambrosia beetle pressure on nursery trees. An interception effect might be enhanced by applying a repellent compound to nursery trees in a push–pull strategy

    El índice Ka: un nuevo algoritmo para analizar los componentes de la superficie terrestre en imágenes de satélite

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    El cambio del paisaje de la superficie terrestre, su composición y estructura, ocurrido por causas di- versas, ha estado en la mira de toda la humanidad. Se han desarrollado diversas formas para entender- los y la sensoría remota es lo más reciente y nove- doso para tener un conocimiento rápido de gran- des extensiones. En este estudio se ha desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo para medir estos cambios, así como para identificar valores espectrales de espe- cies de coníferas, utilizando imágenes del satélite Landsat7 ETM+. Los resultados muestran un gran potencial del índice Ka para detectar los diferentes componentes superficiales y su variabilidad debi- do a efectos naturales o antropológicos, etc. The change in the landscape of the terrestrial surface, its composition, and its structure, caused by many factors, has been in the aim of all humanity. Diverse forms have been developed in order to understand them, the sensory remote being the most recent and novel thing in acquiring fast knowledge of large extensions. In this study a new algorithm has been developed to measure these changes, as well as to identify ghastly values of coniferous species using images of the satellite Landsat7 ETM+. The results show a great potential of the Ka index in detecting the different superfi- cial components and its variability due to natural effects or due to man

    Opportunities for behavioral rescue under rapid environmental change

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    Laboratory measurements of physiological and demographic tolerances are important in understanding the impact of climate change on species diversity; however, it has been recognized that forecasts based solely on these laboratory estimates overestimate risk by omitting the capacity for species to utilize microclimatic variation via behavioral adjustments in activity patterns or habitat choice. The complex, and often context‐dependent nature, of microclimate utilization has been an impediment to the advancement of general predictive models. Here, we overcome this impediment and estimate the potential impact of warming on the fitness of ectotherms using a benefit/cost trade‐off derived from the simple and broadly documented thermal performance curve and a generalized cost function. Our framework reveals that, for certain environments, the cost of behavioral thermoregulation can be reduced as warming occurs, enabling behavioral buffering (e.g., the capacity for behavior to ameliorate detrimental impacts) and “behavioral rescue” from extinction in extreme cases. By applying our framework to operative temperature and physiological data collected at an extremely fine spatial scale in an African lizard, we show that new behavioral opportunities may emerge. Finally, we explore large‐scale geographic differences in the impact of behavior on climate‐impact projections using a global dataset of 38 insect species. These multiple lines of inference indicate that understanding the existing relationship between thermal characteristics (e.g., spatial configuration, spatial heterogeneity, and modal temperature) is essential for improving estimates of extinction risk

    Applications of Carboxylic Acids in Organic Synthesis, Nanotechnology and Polymers

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    Carboxylic acids are versatile organic compounds. In this chapter is presented a current overview of the use of carboxylic acids in a different area as organic synthesis, nanotechnology, and polymers. The application carboxylic acids in these areas are: obtaining of small molecules, macromolecules, synthetic or natural polymers, modification surface of nanoparticles metallic, modification surface of nanostructure such as carbon nanotubes and graphene, nanomaterials, medical field, pharmacy, etc. Carboxylic acids can be natural and synthetic, can be extracted or synthesized, presented chemical structure highly polar, active in organic reactions, as substitution, elimination, oxidation, coupling, etc. In nanotechnology, the use of acid carboxylic as surface modifiers to promote the dispersion and incorporation of metallic nanoparticles or carbon nanostructure, in the area of polymer carboxylic acids present applications such monomers, additives, catalysts, etc. The purpose of this chapter is to emphasize the importance of carboxylic acids in different areas, highlighting the area of organic synthesis, nanotechnology and polymers and its applications