247 research outputs found

    Elämä taiteessa ja taide elämässä – Frida Kahlon ja omakuvien tarkastelua feministisen estetiikan ja feminismin valossa.

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    Tutkielman teon alkuvaiheessa perehdyin Frida Kahlon elämänkertaan, päiväkirjan sisältöön, feministiseen estetiikkaan, feminismiin ja muutamien teoreetikoiden käsityksiin sukupuolesta ja ruumiillisuudesta. Sen jälkeen tulkitsin kuusi Kahlon maalaamaa omakuvaa feministisellä kuvantulkinta tavalla liittäen tulkintoihin mukaan Kahlon elämäntapahtumia ja kokemuksia. Tutkimuskysymyksiäni olivat seuraavat asiat: Miten Frida Kahlo esittää itseään, ruumiillisuuttaan ja sukupuoltaan omakuvissaan? Miten ikä, rotu ja kansallisuus näkyvät niissä? Millainen käsitys Frida Kahlosta ja hänen taiteestaan saadaan elämäntapahtumien ja kokemusten, päiväkirjan antaman käsityksen ja omakuvien tulkinnan perusteella? Millaisia merkityksiä taiteen tekemiselle voidaan antaa Kahlon elämässä? Mitä annattavaa menetelmällä voisi olla kuvataidekasvatuksessa? Kahlon elämään vaikutti liikenneonnettomuus ja siinä saadut vammat ja avioituminen muraalimaalari Diego Rivieran kanssa. Hänen päiväkirjansa tekstit kuvaavat syvää rakkautta aviomiestä kohtaan. Hän kuului itse itselleen. Kahlo kärsi miehensä uskottomuudesta. Kahlolla itsellään oli muita intiimejä mies- ja naissuhteita. Lyhyttä suhdetta Leon Troskiin arveltiin kostoksi Rivieran suhteesta Kahlon omaan Christina sisareen. Omakuvissa Kahlon tunnistaa yhteen maalatuista kulmakarvoista, hennoista viiksistä ja punaisista huulista. Pukeutumisen, kampausten, korujen ja ihonvärin vaihtelemisen avulla Kahlo esitti itseään meksikolaisena kansannaisena tai eurooppalaisia syntyjuuria omaavana naisena. Hän kuvasi teoksissaan omia tunnetilojaan. Taiteen tekeminen antoi sisältöä Kahlon elämään ja sillä oli terapeuttinen vaikutus häneen. Kuvataidekasvatuksessa biografis-feministisen kuvantulkinta tavan avulla voidaan kehittää oppijan taitoja lukea omakuvia.acceptedVersio

    Parent- and teacher-reported long-term effects of parent training on child conduct problems in families with child protection and other support services : a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: This randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluated the long-term effectiveness of the Incredible Years(R) (IY) Parenting Program in modifying children's externalizing problems among families in Child Protection Services (CPS) and using other special support services. We also examined whether parent-reported effects of the IY(R) generalize to the daycare/school setting as reported by teachers. Methods: Participants in the study were 3-7-year-old children with behavioural problems (N = 102 at baseline, N = 89 at one-year follow-up). Participants were randomized to intervention (N = 50) and control groups (N = 52) after the baseline assessment. The intervention group received 19-week IY(R) Parenting Program. The effectiveness of the intervention was analyzed using linear mixed model. Results: Our previously reported pre-post intervention effects on CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist) and ECBI (Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory) were not sustained to the one-year follow-up. Child conduct problems decreased from baseline to follow-up in both intervention and control groups. The positive changes were not observed at daycare/school from baseline to post-intervention or to the one-year follow-up, and there were no significant differences in changes between the groups. Conclusions: Evidence-based parenting program IY(R) seems to be an effective intervention for child conduct problems in the short term in families in the CPS context, but sustaining the positive effects and generalizing them to the daycare/school context are challenging.Peer reviewe

    Pelvic organ prolapse surgery and quality of life-a nationwide cohort study : Nationwide cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Patient satisfaction and health-related quality of life are nowadays considered as the most important outcomes of pelvic organ prolapse treatment, and large, prospective clinical studies reporting the patient-reported surgical outcomes are needed. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of female pelvic organ prolapse surgery on health-related quality of life and patient satisfaction and to determine predictors of outcome. STUDY DESIGN: This prospective nationwide cohort study consisted of 3515 women undergoing surgery for pelvic organ prolapse in 2015. The outcomes were measured by validated health-related quality of life instruments (generic 15D, Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory-20, and Patient Global Impression of Improvement) at 6 months and 2 years postoperatively. The baseline predictors of outcomes were studied with logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: In total, 2528 (72%) women were eligible for analysis at 6 months and 2351 (67%) at 2 years. The mean change in the total 15D score suggested a clinically important improvement at 6 months but not at 2 years. However, an improvement in sexual activity, discomfort and symptoms, and excretion was observed during both follow-up assessments. Altogether, 77% and 72% of the participants reported a clinically significant improvement in Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory-20 at the 6month and 2-year follow-ups, respectively. A total of 84% were satisfied with the outcome and 90% reported an improvement in comparison with the preoperative state with Patient Global Impression of ImprovementI. The strongest predictive factors for a favorable outcome were advanced apical prolapse (adjusted odds ratio, 2.06; 95% confidence interval, 1.58-2.70) and vaginal bulge (1.90, 1.30-2.80). Smoking was associated with an unfavorable outcome as measured by Patient Global Index of Improvement-I (1.69, 1.02-2.81). CONCLUSION: Pelvic organ prolapse surgery improved health-related quality of life in 7 of 10 patients over a 2-year follow-up period, and patient satisfaction was high. Apical prolapse beyond the hymen and vaginal bulge were the most consistent predictors for improvement. Our results suggest that patients should be encouraged to stop smoking to avoid an unfavorable outcome.Peer reviewe

    Parent- and teacher-reported long-term effects of parent training on child conduct problems in families with child protection and other support services: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: This randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluated the long-term effectiveness of the Incredible Years(R) (IY) Parenting Program in modifying children's externalizing problems among families in Child Protection Services (CPS) and using other special support services. We also examined whether parent-reported effects of the IY(R) generalize to the daycare/school setting as reported by teachers.Methods: Participants in the study were 3-7-year-old children with behavioural problems (N = 102 at baseline, N = 89 at one-year follow-up). Participants were randomized to intervention (N = 50) and control groups (N = 52) after the baseline assessment. The intervention group received 19-week IY(R) Parenting Program. The effectiveness of the intervention was analyzed using linear mixed model.Results: Our previously reported pre-post intervention effects on CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist) and ECBI (Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory) were not sustained to the one-year follow-up. Child conduct problems decreased from baseline to follow-up in both intervention and control groups. The positive changes were not observed at daycare/school from baseline to post-intervention or to the one-year follow-up, and there were no significant differences in changes between the groups.Conclusions: Evidence-based parenting program IY(R) seems to be an effective intervention for child conduct problems in the short term in families in the CPS context, but sustaining the positive effects and generalizing them to the daycare/school context are challenging

    Ihmeelliset vuodet -vanhemmuusryhmät Iceheartsissa

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    Icehearts tekee ennaltaehkäisevää ja hyvinvointia edistävää lastensuojelutyötä. Vanhempien tuentarpeeseen vastaamiseksi Iceheartsissa käynnistettiin vuonna 2020 Ihmeelliset ­vuodet -vertaisryhmätoiminta kuudella paikkakunnalla. Vanhemmat kokivat vanhemmuustaitojen lisääntyneen ryhmätoiminnan myötä. Icehearts pyrkii jatkamaan systemaattista perheiden kanssa tehtävää työtä, jossa yhdistyvät lapsille ja vanhemmille tarjottavat tukimuodot