9 research outputs found

    Mobilizing in borderline citizenship regimes : a comparative analysis of undocumented migrants’ collective actions

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    This article seeks to explain how and why groups and networks of undocumented migrants mobilizing in Berlin, MontrĂ©al, and Paris since the beginning of the 2000s construct different types of claims. The authors explore the relationship between undocumented migrants and state authorities at the local level through the concept of the citizenship regime and its specific application to undocumented migrants (which they describe as the “borderline citizenship regime”). Despite their common formal exclusion from citizenship, nonstatus migrants experience different degrees and forms of exclusion in their daily lives, in terms of access to certain rights and services, recognition, and belonging within the state (whether through formally or nonformally recognized means). As a result, they have an opportunity to create different, specific forms of leeway in the society in which they live. The concurrence of these different degrees of exclusion and different forms of leeway defines specific conditions of mobilization. The authors demonstrate how the content of their claims is influenced by these conditions of mobilization

    Country Chapter : France

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    Country chapter in Demographic change and migration (final report 3rd JPI MYBL fast-track project

    Rechercher et consulter des ressources en libre accĂšs de l'Ined : l'offre du DATALAB de l'Ined et l'archive ouverte Archined

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    La prĂ©sentation est structurĂ©e en deux parties. Dans un premier temps, nous prĂ©senterons le catalogue DataIned (data.ined.fr/) d’enquĂȘtes et donnĂ©es de l’Ined, ainsi que les bases de donnĂ©es en libre accĂšs gĂ©rĂ©es par le DataLab de l’Ined. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, nous prĂ©senterons Archined, l’archive ouverte (archined.ined.fr) qui permet d’accĂ©der aux publications et autres travaux des chercheur.es de l’Ined

    Country Chapter : France

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    Demographic Change and Migration (2017) It is widely believed that migration will play a significant role in defining the future shape of Europe’s population. This short project was an attempt to review the evidence on some of the potential implications of this. Another objective was to help define the scope of any future work done by the JPI MYBL. For the purpose of this report, “migration” includes any change of normal residence that involves a move over a significant distance, to a new country or within a country, so that the new location becomes his or her own “usual residence”. This includes movement into and out of Europe, movement between countries and regions within Europe, and, though largely neglected here, the movement of refugees, family members, and students. The focus of the report is on the implications of migration for an ageing society (and not migration overall). In seven months an interdisciplinary group of researchers from Europe and Canada identified 55 different research gaps and 14 data infrastructure requirements. These gaps and requirements can be clustered in four main themes addressing the question how well migrants are received in host societies (Chapter 2), how they fare in the workforce (Chapter 3), in terms of health (Chapter 3) and in the pension system of the host society (Chapter 4). The Full Report of the project Demographic Change and Migration can be downloaded. Outline of the report The Core of the project ‘’Demographic Change and Migration’’ consists of the four thematic chapters which are Attitudes to Immigration and the Ageing of Societies, Migrants in the Health and Social Care Workforce, Health Among Older Populations of Migrant Origin, Health Among Older Populations of Migrant Origin and Migrants in the Pension System

    DonnĂ©es d’enquĂȘtes dĂ©mographiques africaines : des accĂšs plus performants

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    Le nombre d’enquĂȘtes dĂ©mographiques et de donnĂ©es disponibles s’est accru considĂ©rablement durant ces derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, tandis que les Ă©volutions technologiques permettaient de nouvelles utilisations des donnĂ©es. Nous retraçons briĂšvement ces Ă©volutions, Ă©galement liĂ©es aux besoins accrus d’indicateurs pour mesurer les Objectifs de dĂ©veloppement promus par les Nations Unies, et qui ont entraĂźnĂ© la mise en place de dispositifs internationaux performants pour l’archivage et la diffusion des donnĂ©es d’enquĂȘtes dĂ©mographiques. Pour les enquĂȘtes africaines, seront prĂ©sentĂ©es trois autres sources complĂ©mentaires : les archives nationales de donnĂ©es des instituts de statistique, l’Inventaire des recensements et enquĂȘtes dĂ©mographiques en Afrique (IREDA) et l’Inventaire d’enquĂȘtes DEMOSTAF, avec quelques constats tirĂ©s des expĂ©riences de leurs protagonistes en vue d’amĂ©liorer la connaissance et l’accĂšs aux enquĂȘtes dĂ©mographiques