42 research outputs found


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    Akuaponik adalah suatu integrasi dari budidaya hewan akuatik dan tanaman hidroponik dengan sistem resirkulasi air. Sistem produksi ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi masalah lingkungan dari limbah air budidaya ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari penerapan sistem akuaponik terhadap kualitas air antara lain kandungan logam berat (Cu, Fe, Zn), pH, dan COD dalam air. Sampel air diambil dari tiga lokasi yaitu tangki kolam ikan (TK), tangki setelah biofilter (TSB), dan tangki setelah hidroponik (TSH). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali selama satu bulan yaitu pada 0 hari, 10 hari, 20 hari, dan 30 hari. Konsentrasi COD ditentukan melalui metoda titrasi dengan penambahan zat oksidator KMnO4. Sedangkan kandungan logam berat Cu, Fe, dan Zn dalam air dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom nyala (SSA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi logam berat Cu, Fe, dan Zn yang diperoleh paling tinggi pada hari ke-10. Data konsentrasi COD maksimum didapat setelah 20 hari, baik pada sampel air TK, TSB, TSH, dan untuk penerapan sistem akuaponik ini tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap kondisi pH yang diperoleh. Menurut PP RI No 82 tahun 2001 untuk klasifikasi air kelas II dalam budidaya ikan dan tanaman, dari hasil parameter yang dianalisis untuk konsentrasi COD, kandungan logam berat Cu, dan pH telah memenuhi standar baku mutu air, untuk kandungan logam berat Zn belum memenuhi standar baku mutu air, sedangkan untuk kandungan logam Fe tidak dipersyaratkan. Kata kunci : Akuaponik, Kualitas air, Logam berat (Cu, Fe, Zn), pH, CO

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain

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    Introduction: Pain is a complex stressor that has a major influence on several aspects of a person's physical, psychological, work and financial functions, especially in the form of chronic pain. The approach to chronic pain medically can sometimes not solve the problem as a whole, so that in its management psychological approaches such as cognitive and behavioral therapy (CBT) are needed. Methods: We searched PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar for search articles in English terms "chronic pain", "cognitive behavioral therapy", "pain management", and "efficacy". Searching using the keywords above showed 40 articles, but which were taken were 8 articles from the last 5 years. Results: The method of intervention was carried out with a cognitive-behavioral approach in the form of traditional CBT, telephone-based CBT, coping skills training, cognitive-behavioral based physical therapy or CBT-based self-management. The research parameters used to measure the success rate of the interventions were pain intensity, physical function, psychological pressure, disability, fatigue, quality of life, coping strategies, catastrophization, and depression. The duration of the study varied from 5 weeks to 10 weeks, with a variation of 20-60 minutes per therapy session, except in studies using group therapy can take up to 5-7 hours per day. Some studies also conducted evaluation at the third and six months after treatment. The aim of the CBT approach was to independently improve self-efficacy in pain management. Conclusion: Cognitive behavioral approaches combined with other therapeutic modalities can improve the physical function of patients with chronic pain


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    Bipolar Spectrum Disorder is relatively common and often occurs since college years. This study analyzed the differences between prevalence and risk factors of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in medical and non medical students at Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. It was an observational analytic study design with a cross-sectional approach using accidental sampling technique. The population and subject were medical students and accounting students batch 2017. Data collection was carried out in 2 ways, by face to face questionnaire filling and by electronic questionnaire (google form). Total respondents recruited were 441 students. The prevalence of medical students who received positive screening results for Bipolar Spectrum Disorder was 19 (7.8%) for medical students and 9 (4.5%) for non medical students. There is no significant difference between the prevalence and risk factors of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in medical and non-medical students. However, study found significant difference in relations of risk factors such as history of maternal complication, physically abused in childhood, experienced severe failure, sibling committed suicide, experiencing the stress of life, experiencing catastrophic event, history of severe physical illness with positive Bipolar Spectrum Disorder among students. 

    Screening of Bipolar Disorders and Characteristics of Symptoms in Various Populations in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Although Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a common mental illness worldwide (1-3%), there was no data about the prevalence of BD or bipolar spectrum disorder in Indonesia. This study aimed to screen bipolar disorders in various communities Surabaya and its variations of symptoms characteristics. Through a cross-sectional design and non-random sampling survey (N = 1,104) was conducted using the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), a screening tool for BDs, and validated self-report instrument. The SPSS 17.0 and chi square was used for analysis. Results showed the lifetime proportion of MDQ positive was 10.7% (n = 118). The proportions of MDQ positive by gender were 4.8% males and 5.9% females, no gender (p = .444) and educational background differences (p = .470). The highest proportions of MDQ positive were 4.4% in the 25-60 year group, 4% having an education level of senior high school and 6.7% having unmarried status. Among participants who had MDQ positive, 22% had an awareness of having psychological problems, unfortunately only 5.9% had visited a medical professional. Overall, the lifetime proportion of suspected bipolar disorder spectrum in Surabaya was higher than that reported in other studies. Conducting a periodic research regarding other psychosocial-cultural backgrounds will help clinicians and government identify the exact prevalence of bipolar disorder in the society and their risk factors. Furthermore, it will help to prevent the increased rate of bipolar disorders


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    Pendahuluan: Sekitar 52 juta perempuan dari 220 juta penduduk Indonesia terancam kanker serviks. Diperkirakan ditemukan 40 ribu kasus baru kanker serviks setiap tahunnya. Pasien kanker serviks merasakan ketakutan terhadap hubungan seksual akibat efek samping pengobatan dalam jangka panjang. Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi dan membandingkan fungsi seksual pasien kanker serviks dengan terapi operatif dan non-operatif. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah observasional analitik komparatif menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan teknik sampling konsekutif. Pasien kanker serviks di POSA (Poli Ongkologi Satu Atap) RSUD Dr. Soetomo bulan Maret 2014 diminta untuk mengisi kuisioner FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) dengan inklusi pasien kanker servik yang menjalani rawat jalan serta eksklusi pasien yang tidak mampu mengisi kuisioner (KU lemah, kesadaran rendah), tidak bersedia mengisi kuisioner, dan belum mendapatkan terapi kanker. Dibandingkan skor fungsi seksual dua kelompok pasien yaitu kelompok terapi operatif dan kelompok terapi non-operatif. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Subyek penelitian yang terlibat 69 orang yaitu 19 orang pasien operatif dan 50 orang pasien non-operatif. Perbandingan median dari skor kelompok operatif dan non-operatif domain Arousal (1,2; 0,0; p=0,002), Lubrikasi (3,0; 0,0; p=0,001), Orgasme (1,2; 0,0; p=0,001), Kepuasan seksual (4,8; 3,2; p=0,001), Nyeri (4,0; 0,0; p=0,001) dan Skor total (16,05; 5,0; p=0,014). Skor total kelompok operatif dan kelompok non-operatif adalah kurang dari cut off skor fungsi seksual (20,25). Kesimpulan: Pasien kanker serviks kelompok operatif dan kelompok non-operatif mengalami disfungsi seksual. Fungsi seksual pasien kanker serviks dengan terapi operatif lebih baik dari pasien kanker serviks dengan terapi non-operatif

    Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among Medical Students in the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga Year Batch 2016, 2017, and 2018

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    Background: Going through college is a stressful life situation. Students are challenged to live independently along with academic challenges. The medicine is known to be more stressful than other professional study programs. Objectives: To analyze the depression, anxiety, and stress in medical students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga Year Batch 2016, 2017 and 2018. Sampling Methods: This research was conducted with observational analytic study design, a cross-sectional approach by accidental sampling. The variables used are the socio-demographic characteristics of medical students as an independent variable, and the scale of depression, anxiety, and stress as the dependent variable. Data was collected by visiting each year batch, and giving a questionnaire sheet Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale - 42 items (DASS42). The results were then processed and analyzed in SPSS 16. Result: Respondents were mostly female (71,0%), Javanese (69,9%), have no history of personal (95,3%) and family mental disorders (94,4%), do not consume alcohol and cigarettes (98,3%), having married parents (91,4%), mean age 19 years, and first child. Year batch of 2016 exposed to depression 26.3%, anxiety 51.5%, and stress 32.3%. Year batch of 2017 exposed to depression 30.2%, anxiety 60.4%, and stress 37.5%. While the year batch of 2018 which is depressed 23.2%, anxiety 54.3%, and stress 30.5%. Conclusion: There was correlation between anxiety and stress with gender, which female tend to be more anxious and stressed, there is no difference in depression, anxiety, and stress in the class of 2016, 2017 and 2018

    Difference of pain intensity in tension type headache patients focusing on the personality

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    Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most common headache disorders. The association between headache and psychiatric disordershas received considerable attention. Reasons for examining personality in persons with headache disorders include determining ifpersonality characteristics predispose one to develop headache disorders, if personality disturbance is a consequence of theheadache disorder, or if an underlying (or comorbid) causal mechanism exists producing both conditions concurrently. The purposeof this study was to determine the difference in pain intensity focusing on personality type in patients with TTH. Cross-sectionalanalytic study using consecutive sampling method has been applied. Respondents were recruited from Neurologic outpatient clinic ofDr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, since September 2012-February 2013. Pain intensity was measured using Visual AnalogScale (VAS), while Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) was used to determine the personality traits of theparticipants. Data was displayed descriptively. SPSS 17 was used to analyze the data. Sixty patients were enrolled in this study,female has higher TTH prevalence than male (68.3% : 31.7%). The mean age was 36.35 ± 10.050 years. VAS mean score was 5.608± 1.8765. Chronic episode of TTH was the most common clinical feature (61.7%). From the linear regression analyses,hypochondriasis was statistically significant with VAS score (p<0.05) than depression and hysteria. VAS score have significancieswith hypochondriasis personalities


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    Abstrak: Kesehatan mental pada remaja semakin membutuhkan perhatian selama pandemi COVID-19. Sekolah didorong juga berperan dalam mengawasi kesehatan mental remaja. Sayangnya, Poskestren sebagai upaya kesehatan berbasis sekolah masih dominan berorientasi pada upaya kuratif kesehatan fisik. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk menginisiasi kapabilitas sekolah dalam mengelola pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di Poskestren Al Amin sekaligus meningkatkan kesadaran siswa tentang perilaku di sekolah yang dapat memicu masalah kesehatan mental. Menggunakan konsep pendampingan dimana tim pengabdian masyarakat membantu mitra untuk dapat secara mandiri mengidentifikasi masalah kesehatan mental yang ada dan menentukan bentuk intervensi yang paling tepat. Hasilnya, dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini Poskestren mampu mengelola kesehatan mental secara mandiri melalui proses di setiap pengabdian masyarakat. Capaian keberhasilannya adalah 100% pada setiap langkah dan melebihi target hingga 145% pada langkah deliver. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pendampingan juga membantu Poskestren dalam menilai dan mengidentifikasi kesehatan mental. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat telah berhasil merumuskan penyesuaian yang diperlukan untuk menginisiasi manajemen kesehatan jiwa sekolah berbasis pesantren. Abstract: Mental health among teenagers is gaining more attention todays. Schools are encouraged to be able provide monitoring function for this issue. However, Poskestren as school based health effort is still curative physical health oriented. This community service is carried out to initiate school’s capability in managing mental health services at the Al Amin Poskestren and at the same time increase students’ awareness on daily behaviour which could triggering mental health problems. It used the concept of mentoring where the community service team helps partners to be able to independently identify existing mental health problems and determine the most appropriate form of intervention. As the results, in this community service, Poskestren was able to manage mental health independently through the process in every community service. We achieved 100% target in each steps and exceeded 145% on deliver step’s target. The instruments used in mentoring also assist Poskestren in assessing and identifying mental health. Community service has succeeded in formulating the adjustments needed to initiate the mental health management of pesantren-based schools.

    Mental health and health-related quality of life among healthcare workers in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic:a cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVES: Healthcare workers (HCWs) are the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are more exposed to COVID-19 than other professions. Studies from other countries have shown that the mental health and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of HCWs were affected during this pandemic. However, studies on mental health in Indonesia remain scarce and no study has evaluated the HRQoL among HCWs. Thus, this study was designed to explore the mental health status and HRQoL among HCWs in Indonesia. DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional study. SETTING: This was an open online survey in Indonesia conducted from December 2020 to February 2021. PARTICIPANTS: This study involved HCWs who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the 502 respondents who accessed the online questionnaire, 392 were included in the analysis. OUTCOMES: Mental health status was measured using the 21-item Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale and HRQoL was measured using the second version of the 12-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF12v2). RESULTS: The prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among HCWs was 29.4%, 44.9% and 31.8%, respectively. Using the SF12v2 questionnaire, 354 (90.3%) HCWs were found to have impaired physical component and 156 (39.8%) HCWs have impaired mental component. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of mental health problems among HCWs was high in Indonesia. HRQoL, particularly the physical component, was affected in most HCWs. Thus, policymakers should give more attention to the mental health and HRQoL of HCWs during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Effect of Omeprazole Administration to the Quality of Life of Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease Patients

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    Background: The quality of life of Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) patients will consistently decline both physically and psychologically compared to the general population. WHOQOL-BREF is a questionnaire to evaluate the quality of life with high validity and reliability. One of GERD therapy is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). There are studies on PPI administration in GERD patients worldwide, however in Indonesia there is limited research evaluating how PPI especially Omeprazole influences the quality of life in GERD. We determined the effect of omeprazole to the quality of life of patients with GERD. Methods: GERD questionnaires (GERDQ) was used to determine life quality of GERD patients and interpretation was performed based on score obtained. The comparison between the perception of the quality of life and perception of health satisfaction in GERD patients before and after Omeprazole administration was analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test. While, the comparison of the quality of life based on WHOQOL-BREF before and after administration of omeprazole was analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test and t-test. Results: We included 43 GERD patients with the mean age of 39.50±5.71 years. The most complaints were nausea, pain in the upper middle part of the stomach and heartburn (88.4%; 81.4% and 79.1%, respectively). There was a significant difference in the perception of quality of life (p=0.000) and the perception of health satisfaction (p=0.001) but, there was no significant difference in WHOQOL- BREF scores before and after Omeprazole administration (each domains of physical, social, psychological, environmental was p=0.275; p=0.380; p=0.199; p=0.810 respectively). Conclusion: Omeprazole did not improve the quality of life of GERD patients