80 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Alasan pengabdian ini adalah minimnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang desain produk, minimnya pengetahuan tentang cara pemilihan bahan baku dan pengawetan bambu serta kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam pengolahan finishing, nilai estetika dan kualitas produk kerajinan yang rendah, menyebabkan produksi kerajinan bambu kurang diminati konsumen, Hal ini berakibat pada rendahnya permintaan pasar dan menurunnya penghasilan pengrajin. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang desain produk, pemberian materi pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknik pemilihan dan pengawetan bahan baku serta teknik finishing. Metode yang digunakan adalah Focus Group Discussion, Pelatihan dan Workshop. Hasil berupa dampak dan manfaat yaitu dampak ekonomi dan dampak sosial. Dampak ekonomi dengan adanya peningkatan produksi, peningkatan penghasilan, bangkitan kewirausahaan, dan peningkatan kesejateraan masyarakat. Dampak sosial adalah mitra dapat bekerjasama dalam sebuah wadah, ikatan sosial semakin erat, mengatasi masalah secara bersama-sama sebagai pengrajin, menimbulkan bangkitan sosial untuk masyarakat diluar pengrajin. Capaian kegiatan berupa peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam mendesain produk kerajinan bambu, publikasi kegiatan pada media elektronik telah dilakukan dengan mempublikasikan kegiatan pelatihan pada Media Online harian Tribun Timur, publikasi di jurnal pengabdian pada masyarakat, video kegiatan pelatihan, workshop dan hasil produk desain. Kata kunci: Peningkatan produksi, desain produk bambu. ABSTRACT The reason for this dedication is the lack of knowledge and skills regarding product design, the lack of knowledge on how to choose raw materials and preserving bamboo and the lack of knowledge and skills in finishing processing, low aesthetic value and quality of handicraft products, causing the production of bamboo handicrafts to be less attractive to consumers. This resulted in lower market demand and decreased craftsmen's.  The purpose of this service is to increase knowledge and skills about product design, providing material knowledge and technical skills for selecting and preserving raw materials and finishing techniques. The method used is Focus Group Discussion, Training and Workshop. The results are in the form of impacts and benefits, namely economic impacts and social impacts. The economic impact is with an increase in production, an increase in income, a generation of entrepreneurship, and an increase in community welfare. The social impact is the ability to work together in a forum, the social ties are getting closer, addressing problems together as craftsmen, causing a social awakening for people outside the craftsmen. The achievement of activities in the form of increased knowledge and skills of partners in Designing Bamboo Craft Products, Publication of activities on Electronic Media has been carried out by publishing training activities on the Tribun Timur daily Media Online, publications in community service Journal, Video training activities, workshops and product design results. Keywords: Increased production, bamboo product design


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar, sikap ilmiah, serta interaksi model inkuiri dan GI peserta didik kelas V pada mata pelajaran IPA SDN 37 Cakranegara tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif eksperimen, jenis Quasi Eksperimental Design tipe Non Equivalent Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN 37 Cakranegara sebanyak 47 siswa  yang terbagi menjadi dua kelas yakni kelas A dan B. Tehnik sampling yang digunakan adalah tehnik sampling jenuh yaitu tehnik penentuan sampel yang dimana semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode tes dan non tes. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan model inkuiri dan GI terhadap hasil belajar IPA. Berdasarkan hasil post-test diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil belajar IPA siswa pada kelas inkuiri  (51,78) dan kelas GI (62,81). Hasil perhitungan SPSS diperoleh nilai sig. 0,001 < 0,005 untuk hasil belajar yang dapat dikatakan signifikan, selanjutnya sig. 0,199 > 0,005 pada sikap ilmiah yang menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara sikap ilmiah terhadap hasil belajar, dan sig. 0,687 > 0,05 untuk interaksi yang dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan sikap ilmiah terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik kelas V mata pelajaran IPA SDN 37 Cakranegara Tahun pelajaran 2019/202


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    Tosora village in Wajoregency-South Sulawesiis the village of the former capital of Wajo Kingdom in the 16th and 17th centuries, which still maintainsthearhitecture of Bugis traditional suspended house. The existence of the historic sites such as oldmosques, fortresses, Geddong and the natural conditions surrounded by rivers, rice fields and lakes is important in the tradition of building Bugis houses in Tosora. The orientation of the layout and house direction in these traditional settlements is various, so the researchaimed to revealthe guidelines used by Tosora peoplein determining the orientation of Bugis Traditional houses either based on tradition or other influencing factors.Theresearch methodology usedqualitative methods with the Case Study Approach. Theresearch wasdescriptive and used the analysis method of Discovering Cultural Themes. The results showed that traditionally, the orientation ofBugis house layout was the direction of thehousesbased on the East wind, the position of the sun on the house and the position of the moon's light into the house. In addition, the orientation is determined by the layout of Bugis house in Tosora which is influenced by the existence of the historic sites (old / ancient mosques and squares) and the location ofthehouses from rice fields(workplaces) for easy accessibility. The moon symbol as a factor that influences the orientation of the house is different from thatin other settlements in Indonesia

    Consumers’ demand and willingness to pay for rice attributes in Malaysia

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    The growth of the Malaysian’s per capita income has generally empowered consumers to have more choices for food, more purchasing power, health consciousness and demand for more nutritional values of their food intake. Motivated by the changes in Malaysian consumer’s food choice, a conjoint analysis was performed to investigate Malaysian consumers’ demand for rice attributes and how much consumers are willing to pay for the demanded attribute. A conjoint analysis is a method used in identifying and understanding the combined effects of product attributes on preferences for a product or service. In conjoint analysis, utility is the conceptual basis for assessing the value of a product or service, where individuals make decisions between bundles of products based on their budget constraints. The findings suggested that the most important attribute for rice was food safety, followed by taste and size of grain. Consumers were also willing to pay premium prices for the demanded attributes. The findings would have positive implications for the agrifood industry if it responds effectively to translate into business opportunities to these changes

    A Verification Of Periodogram Technique For Harmonic Source Diagnostic Analytic By Using Logistic Regression

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    A harmonic source diagnostic analytic is vital to identify the root causes and type of harmonic source in power system. This paper introduces a verification of periodogram technique to diagnose harmonic sources by using logistic regression classifier. A periodogram gives a correct and accurate classification of harmonic signals. Signature recognition pattern is used to distinguish the harmonic sources accurately by obtaining the distribution of harmonic and interharmonic components and the harmonic contribution changes. This is achieved by using the significant signature recognition of harmonic producing load obtained from the harmonic contribution changes. To verify the performance of the propose method, a logistic regression classifier will analyse the result and give the accuracy and positive rate percentage of the propose method. The adequacy of the proposed methodology is tested and verified on distribution system for several rectifier and inverter-based loads

    Car ignition system via mobile phone

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    SMS text messaging is the most popular and widely used data application in this era for sending text messages from one mobile to another. Short Message Service (SMS) is a communications protocol allowing the interchange of short text messages between mobile telephone devices [7].Short messages can be encoded using a variety of alphabets. The implementation of Car ignition system through mobile phone consists of 2 parts: software design and hardware development. The software part is designed by using Dynamic and loads the program into Rabbit Core Module (RCM3200). The data loaded into RCM3200 will be saving at the memory. The hardware parts are Rabbit Core Module (RCM3200) with Prototyping Board (RCM3100), GSM/GPRS modem: Wavecom 900/1900 MHz Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and bipolar junction transistor (BJT) circuit. The system purpose is to ignite the car engine by using the mobile phone.By sending a text message (SMS) from mobile phone, the system could ignite the engine. The advantage of this system is user could ignite their car engine wherever they parked their car whether near or far distance from the user. The engine will run for 5 minute without unlocks the door

    Management efficiency and its impact on managing the aviation insurance portfolio: An empirical study at the National Insurance Company in Iraq

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    This study aimed to look for the possibility of a possible relationship between the ratios of administrative efficiency, and the management of the aviation insurance portfolio in terms of return ratios and profitability of the portfolio of the national insurance company during the period (2011-2016).The study will try to achieve these objectives based on the methods of statistical and financial analysis, where the statistical program SPSS was used to analyse the data, in addition to the average rate of change or growth during the period of investigation and the relationship between both the ratios studied the administrative efficiency and Reinsurance ratios to see the impact of each of these ratios on the profitability of the portfolio, using a simple regression. The present research concludes that managing the insurance company's functions, particularly reinsurance efficiently, affects and reflects clearly and significantly on the profitability and success of this company and that the insurance on aircraft is considered a high-premium insurance product that generates good profits for insurance companies. However, the study showed a weakness of link in the administrative efficiency of the National Insurance Company, as its retention rate of substandard aviation insurance premium is scored around50% of the total subscription. This indicates the company's total reliance on reinsurance and the insurance company's exposure to the risk of reinsurance. The study recommended working to improve the management efficiency of insurance companies by holding training courses that will improve employee productivity and reduce expenses by better managing the company's assets. The national insurance company should benefit from the experience of the reinsurer in training its technical staff in surveying and managing risks, which leads to reduced losses

    Biofertilizer (EM-1) effect on growth and yield of three bread wheat cultivars

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    Farmers keep trying to avoid using chemical fertilizer without losing high yield. A field experiment was conducted in the fields of Agriculture College, University of Baghdad during winter seasons of 2015 and 2016 to investigate the response of three bread wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) cultivars (Ibaa99, Abu-Ghraib3 and Buhooth22) to the frequency of spraying with biofertilizer (EM-1) (one time at tillering stage, twice at tillering and stem elongation stages and three times at tillering, stem elongation and booting stages) in addition to the control (without spraying), to the increase of grain yield. Randomized complete block design (RCBD), in split plots arrangement and four replications, was used. Spraying treatments were placed as main plots and cultivars as subplots. The results showed that Ibaa99 cultivar, three times of EM-1 spraying and their interaction gave the highest averages of grain yield (3.89 and 4.31), (3.85 and 4.36) and (4.11 and 4.58 ton*ha-1), respectively, for both seasons. It can be concluded that yield responded significantly to the frequency of EM-1 spraying during vegetative stages

    eWOM : The effect of online review and food quality on the intention to visit a restaurant / Arnieyantie Abdul Hadi

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    The rapid development of the food establishment industry witnessed the online reviews for restaurants becoming a significant tools for restaurant owners to increase their sales, image and customers. Thus, this research is conducted to measure the effect of online reviews on intention to visit restaurants. The study was conducted by distributing a self administered questionnaire involving 156 respondents and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. All variables measured was significantly influence the consumer's intention to visit restaurants, especially in terms of positive online reviews (eWOM), negative online reviews (eWOM) and online food quality reviews. Moreover, the results showed a positive relationship between positive online reviews, negative online reviews and food towards consumer intention to visit restaurant. The result also demonstrated that food quality online reviews was least effected on consumer intention to visit restaurant with lowest correlation value. The study confirmed that the online reviews became crutial in improving the quality of sales, image, food and also service of the restaurant

    Optimizing fertilizers doses and their effects on photosynthesis and biomass yield of Hibiscus cannabinus cultivated on BRIS soil

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    In tropical climate, huge amount of fertilizer need to be used for the cultivation of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) in Beach Ridges Interspersed with Swales (BRIS) soil, however this approach is not cost effective and environmental friendly. Therefore, the optimizing of fertilizer rate for BRIS soils and selection of suitable soil amendments are crucial to get a higher yield. In this study, the effects of different combinations of urea, chicken manure and biochar on soil properties, growth performance and physiological characteristics of kenaf cultivated on the BRIS soil were investigated. Eight treatments were conducted namely: control (T1), biochar (T2), chicken manure (T3), urea (T4), chicken manure + urea (T5), biochar + chicken manure (T6), urea + biochar (T7) and biochar + chicken manure + urea (T8). The biomass and physiological characteristics of kenaf were recorded every month, while the soil was analyzed following a standard laboratory procedure. The application of organic and inorganic fertilizer (urea) significantly increased the nutrient content of the soil compared to the T1, whereas T3 showed the highest pH, cation exchange capacity, and exchangeable bases (Na, Mg, Ca). However, the mixing of biochar with organic and inorganic fertilizers showed the highest plant height, diameter of stem and number of leaves as well as dry biomass compared to other treatments. Furthermore, the application of nitrogen fertilizer significantly increased the photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductivity. The results suggest that the mixing of biochar with organic and inorganic fertilizers represents an effective approach for the cultivation of kenaf in tropical climate