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    Efektifitas Penggunaan Media Audio Visual dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Pada abad 21 ini perkembangan teknologi menjadi serba canggih dimana sebagian banyak orang menggunakan perantara digital untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan. Bidang pendidikan harus mengikuti perkembangan zaman dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada. Salah satu contoh penggunaanya yaitu dengan cara menggunakan media dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas. Terdapat beragam media yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran yang salah satunya adalah media audio visual. Media pembelajaran audio visual merupakan  media yang dapat menyampaikan informasi yang lebih nyata melalui gambar bergerak dan suara yang berhubungan dengan indra penglihatan dan pendengaran. Penelitian ini diawali dari banyaknya peserta didik yang kurang mengerti materi yang dijelaskan oleh gurunya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efektifitas penggunaan media audio visual dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar.  Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu literature review dengan metode studi review yang menelaah beberapa jurnal yang telah terpublikasi dari tahun 2011-2022. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian kepustakaan ini adalah penggunaan media audio visual efektif dan berpengaruh positif dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran daripada menggunakan metode ceramah atau metode konvensional. Hal tersebut juga ditunjukkan dari hasil tes yang dilakukan, bahwa kelas yang menggunakan media audio visual dalam pembelajarannya mendapatkan hasil belajar yang lebih tinggi dari kelas yang tidak menggunakan media audio visual dalam melakukan pembelajaran


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    This research was motivated by students' low mathematics learning outcomes as evidenced by the average learning outcome score being 4.1 out of a KKM score of 7.0. After observing, one of the problems faced is the lack of student involvement in the learning process. The solution to overcome this problem is the use of a learning model. This research aims to determine how implementing the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) learning model affects fourth-grade students' cognitive learning outcomes in fraction material. The method used in this research is a quantitative Pre-Experimental approach, a group post-test design. The subjects in this research were 27 fourth-grade students at Second Sidaraja State Elementary School. At the pretest stage, students' cognitive learning outcomes obtained an average score of 40.18; at the post-test stage, the average value obtained was 83.70. These results obtained a gain value of 0.74 with an increase of 43.52, which is included in the high category. Based on the results of the research and analysis that has been carried out, the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) learning model can improve students' cognitive learning outcomes. Implementing this learning model is hoped to help students hone their understanding and abilities to use various practice questions


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    Development of card-assisted PATAYA (Solar System Puzzle) learning media as an effort to provide innovation in science learning on solar system material. Innovations were made to overcome problems in science learning such as students being less active, teacher-centered learning, less varied use of media, and teachers having difficulty visualizing science material. The research aims to explain the design and determine the validity and practicality of the card-assisted PATAYA (Solar System Puzzle) learning media in Sisxt grades science learning at SDN 30 Cakranegara. The method used is Research and Development with a model developed by Sugiyono. The research results show that the development design using the Sugiyono model went through 9 stages, namely the potential & problem stage, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, usage testing, and product revision. The results of the media validity test are in the very valid category based on the assessment of media experts at 98.75% and material experts at 86%. The level of practicality of the media is in the very practical category based on the teacher's response assessment at the two testing stages of 100%, while the student response assessment at the product trial was 96.59% and the usage trial stage was 97.63%. Through these results, it can be concluded that the card-assisted PATAYA (Solar System Puzzle) learning media can be used in Sisxt grades science learning at SDN 30 Cakranegara. This research has implications for the science learning process which makes it easier for teachers to explain the solar system material to students and can foster student activity


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    The fourth teaching campus program is one of the MBKM programs from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. It was carried out by students in groups at placement schools, one at First Sekunyit Public Elementary School. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research, carried out by students planning and going directly to placement schools and carrying out activity programs. This program aims to help schools learn literacy and numeracy, adopt technology, and assist school administration. The result of implementing the KM4 program is that students help teach literacy and numeracy through various activity programs in the form of helping teach in class, carrying out class AKM (minimum competition assessment), numeracy literacy corner, talent interest development, and natural school. Judging from helping adapt technology, KM4 students carry out learning activities that are integrated with the use of innovative learning media. As for assisting administration, the implementation is in the form of data collection on students who receive BIP (competent Indonesian assistance) funds and orderly and organized library services. Apart from that, additional programs like group prayer activities, morning exercises, and Indonesian speeches exist

    Mengembangkan Karakter Peserta Didik Berbasis Kearifan Local Melalui Pembelajaran SD

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    Pendidikan Karakter merupakan aspek penting dalam mengembangkan ranah afektif, khususnya bagi anak usia Sekolah Dasar.Dalam mengembangkan karakter peserta didik adanya krisis nilai karakter dan moral yang di alami oleh peserta didik, yang di karenakan kurangnya kesadaran dalam diri peserta didik.untuk itu Guru dapat mengembangkan materi berbasis kearifan lokal dengan berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran yang menarik yang diharapkan dapat mengembangkan karakter siswa seperti karakter kerja sama, toleransi, dan sikap peduli. Siswa sepatutnya memiliki sikap yang arif dan bijak dalam memandang kearifan lokal yang dimiliki oleh daerahnya, sebagai bagian dari pengembangan pendidikan karakter sebagai bekal dalam hidup bermasyarakat.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penerapan teori pengembangan karakter peserta didik berbasis kearifan lokal melalui pembelajaran di sekolah.metode penelitian di lakukan dengan study literatur di mana penelitian menggunakan metode literatur atau (library research). Library research adalah suatu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan dan menganalisis artikel atau jurnal dan berbagai macam data-data yang relevan dan mutakhir lainnya yang terdapat dalam kepustakaan.adapun hasil penelitian adanya program pembelajaran yang ranah efektif sebagai salah satu karakteristik peserta didik dalam hasi belajar nya. Jadi dapat di simpulkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan pada proses pembelajaran peserta didik perlunya menciptakan pembelajaran yang menarik


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    This research aims to produce a product in the form of a learning module based on the local wisdom of the Sasak Tribe, find out the steps for developing the module, and determine the feasibility of a learning module based on the local wisdom of the Sasak Tribe in social studies material for fifth-grade students at SDN 22 Ampenan. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE development model, which consists of 5 stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research was conducted at SDN 22 Ampenan with ten fifth-grade students as subjects. Data collection tools use questionnaires or questionnaires. The steps in developing a module are: 1) Analysis: perform performance analysis and analysis of student needs; 2) Design: design the module from cover to bibliography, determine KD, Indicators, Learning Objectives, materials, and activity evaluation; 3) Development: the module that has been designed is printed, validated by material experts and media experts then revised according to suggestions, 4) Implementation: the module is applied to students to see the students' response in using the module, 5) Evaluation: evaluation is carried out in the form of tests on participants students to see the students' understanding of the material. The results of research and development of learning modules based on local wisdom of the Sasak tribe in the fifth-grade social studies material show that it is very suitable for use in the learning process; this is based on the validation results of media experts at 77.64% (feasible), material experts at 93.6% (very feasible), and the student response was 81.38% (very feasible)

    Efektifitas Penerapan Teori Kognitivisme terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Numerasi

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    Penelitian ini merupakan studi literature dengan  jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif  dengan  kajian  kepustakaan  (Library  Research)  yang  berusaha menggambarkan  efektivitas penerapan teori kognitivisme terhadap kemampuan literasi numerasi. Pada penelitian study teratur ini penulis menggunakan berbagai sumber tertulis seperti artikel, jurnal dan dokumen-dokumen yang relevan dengan kajian dalam penelitian ini.  Studi ini memfokuskan pada penerapan teori koginitivisme terhadap kemampuan literasi numerasi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat banyak model-model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan literasi numerasi antara lain problem solving, inquiri terbimbing, problem based learning, dan pencapaian konse


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    This study aimed to investigate the concept of inclusive leadership, especially in the context of educational institutions that are becoming more diverse, and to explore how it can be developed and put into practice. The research methodology used was a literature review. The findings suggest that inclusive leadership is crucial in addressing issues related to equity, social justice, and diversity. It is also vital to create inclusive schools that welcome and celebrate diversity. The research concludes that by practicing inclusive leadership and highlighting the importance of culturally responsive leadership, educational leaders can help schools become places where all students are recognized, valued, and included in the educational process. Ultimately, this can lead to social justice through inclusion

    Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning Sebagai Upaya Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematika Siswa

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    Adanya berbagai permasalahan terkait dengan proses pembelajaran matematika di sekolah seperti rendahnya pemahaman konsep matematika siswa sehingga sebagian besar siswa menganggap bahwa matematika adalah mata pelajaran yang sulit. Penggunaan model pembelajaran dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan minat peserta didik hingga akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika peserta didik. Salah satu model yang dapat digunakan adalah model Problem Based Learning. Problem Based Learningmerupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang menjadikan masalah sebagai dasar bagi siswa untuk belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis upaya meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa dengan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning. Metode penelitian yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini ialah metode SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mendokumentasi artikel yang memiliki penelitian serupa pada laporan penelitian ini. Artikel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 19 artikel yang diperoleh dari Google Scholar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa. Kesimpulannya menunjukkan bahwa model Problem Based Learning sangat cocok untuk diterapkan sebagai upaya dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa dikarenakan model Problem Based Learning memiliki 4 kelebihan dalam berlangsungnya pembelajaran diantaranya meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa, menjadikan pembelajaran lebih bermakna, dapat membuat siswa menjadi pembelajar yang mandiri, dan dapat membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan barunya dan bertangggung jawab dalam pembelajaran yang mereka lakukan.   Kata kunci: Model Problem Based Learning, Pemahaman konsep, Matematika Sisw


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    Character education based on local wisdom is an effort to prevent the decline of ethical and moral values of the younger generation in the educational process. This literature review aims to discuss the cultivation of local wisdom-based student character education in science learning. The method used in this study is Narrative Literature Review (NLR). Data collection through the Science Direct and Google Scholar databases, articles that have been published from 2017 to April 2023. The results of the literature review that has been carried out show that, local wisdom-based student character education in science learning in schools can be instilled by integrating the potential of local wisdom with activities extracurriculars, practicum or group learning, local tourism model learning, learning that is done with games, as well as through interactions between students using local languages


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