641 research outputs found

    Restoration of sensorimotor functions after spinal cord injury

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    Current efforts to restore function after spinal cord injury are based largely on exploiting neuroplasticity within the sensorimotor system, while preclinical research seeks ways to compensate for loss of descending input after complete cord transection. Dietz and Fouad review both approaches, highlighting key challenges and areas of particular promis

    Les biais cognitifs et le jugement professionnel de l'auditeur : Une revue de littérature

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    Cet article met en évidence que les biais cognitifs, tels que le biais d'ancrage, le biais de résultat et le biais de surconfiance peuvent influencer la qualité de l'audit en limitant la capacité des auditeurs à porter un jugement éclairé. Les caractéristiques structurelles du domaine de l'audit telles que la pression temporelle, la complexité des normes comptables et la relation étroite entre les auditeurs et les clients peuvent également favoriser l'apparition de ces biais. Nous avons relevé le manque de travaux de recherche sur l'impact des biais cognitifs sur le jugement professionnel des auditeurs dans le contexte marocain. Des études sur ce sujet pourraient aider à mieux comprendre cette question et à améliorer la qualité de l'audit au Maroc

    Association of tuberculous thyroiditis and papillary carcinoma of the thyroid: a rare coincidence

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    We report the case of a 25 year-old patient with no medical history, admitted to our unit for nodular goiter of the right lobe without clinical or laboratory signs of hyperthyroidism. We carried out a right lobo-isthmectomy revealing the association of tuberculosis and thyroid papillary carcinoma. A left lobectomy has, therefore, been performed in a second stage. The patient underwent a six-month antituberculosis treatment with a good clinical outcome. We discuss this rare association and its best diagnostic and therapeutic support, with a review of the literature.Key words: Thyroid, tuberculosis, papillary carcinom

    Depolarization and electrical stimulation enhance in vitro and in vivo sensory axon growth after spinal cord injury

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    Activity dependent plasticity is a key mechanism for the central nervous system (CNS) to adapt to its environment. Whether neuronal activity also influences axonal regeneration in the injured CNS, and whether electrical stimulation (ES) can activate regenerative programs in the injured CNS remains incompletely understood. Using KCl-induced depolarization, in vivo ES followed by ex-vivo neurite growth assays and ES after spinal cord lesions and cell grafting, we aimed to identify parameters important for ES-enhanced neurite growth and axonal regeneration. Using cultures of sensory neurons, neurite growth was analyzed after KCl-induced depolarization for 1-72h. Increased neurite growth was detected after short-term stimulation and after longer stimulation if a sufficient delay between stimulation and growth measurements was provided. After in vivo ES (20Hz, 2× motor threshold, 0.2ms, 1h) of the intact sciatic nerve in adult Fischer344 rats, sensory neurons showed a 2-fold increase in in vitro neurite length one week later compared to sham animals, an effect not observed one day after ES. Longer ES (7h) and repeated ES (7days, 1h each) also increased growth by 56-67% one week later, but provided no additional benefit. In vivo growth of dorsal column sensory axons into a graft of bone marrow stromal cells 4weeks after a cervical spinal cord lesion was also enhanced with a single post-injury 1h ES of the intact sciatic nerve and was also observed after repeated ES without inducing pain-like behavior. While ES did not result in sensory functional recovery, our data indicate that ES has time-dependent influences on the regenerative capacity of sensory neurons and might further enhance axonal regeneration in combinatorial approaches after SCI

    Neurorétinite unilatérale: une manifestation rare du syndrome post streptococcique

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    La streptocoque β hémolytique est responsable de plusieurs complications d'origine immunitaire, de  localisation cardiaque, articulaire, dermatologique, rénale, cérébrale et oculaire. Nous rapportons le premier cas au Maroc d'une uvéite postérieure unilatérale post- streptococcique présentant une vascularite rétinienne avec oedème papillaire et des hémorragies rétiniennes en tache profondes et superficielles .Notre patient âgé de 56 ans, ayant comme antécédents pathologiques une notion d'angine et d' érythème noueux à répétition  d'origine streptococcique. Le bilan étiologique d'uvéite est revenu normal. En revanche, le titrage des  anticorps antistreptococciques était significativement élevé: 430 IU /ml. Le patient a été mis sous  amoxicilline protégée à une dose de 2 g par jour pendant 10 jours, associée à une corticothérapie à dose  régressive sur un mois. L'évolution était favorable avec récupération totale de l'acuité visuelle (AV) et  disparition des lésions neurorétiniennesKey words: Vascularite, oedème papillaire, hémorragies rétiniennes, neurorétinite, érythème noueux, streptocoqu

    Severe ischemic retinopathy in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus without antiphospholipid syndrome: A case report

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    AbstractSystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, autoimmune, multisystem disease which may affect the eyes and/or visual system in up to a third of patients. Severe retinal vaso-occlusive diseases have been rarely reported as manifestation in patients with SLE. We report the case of a 35-year-old female treated for systemic lupus erythematosus for 6months, presented a sudden loss of vision. Fundus examination and fluorescein angiography revealed severe retinal vascular occlusion. This has motivated the search for antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and this was confirmed without the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies. And the treatment consisted in a laser therapy. The purpose of this case report is to demonstrate that an ocular vascular event can reveal the disease and that its diagnosis is important because this disease generally affects young people and may endanger ocular and vital prognosis

    A new Li-ion battery charger with charge mode selection based on 0.18 um CMOS for phone applications

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    A new architecture of Li-Ion battery charger with charge mode selection is presented in this work. To ensure high efficiency, good accuracy and complete protection mode, we propose an architecture based on variable current source, temperature detector and power control. To avoid the risk of damage, the Li- Ion batteries charging process must change between three modes of current (trickle current (TC), constant current (CC), and constant voltage (CV)) in order to charge the battery with degrading current. However, the interest of this study is to develop a fast battery charger with high accuracy that is able to switch between charging modes without reducing its power efficiency, and to guarantee a complete protection mode. The proposed charger circuit is designed to control the charging process in three modes using the charging mode selection. The obtained results show that the Li-ion batteries can be successfully charged in a short time without reducing their efficiency. The proposed charger is implemented in 180 nm CMOS technology with a maximum charging current equal to 1 A and a maximum battery voltage equal to 4.22 V, (with input range 2.7-4.5 V). The chip area is 1.5 mm2 and the power efficiency is 90.09 %


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    In this article we present the stacked multicellular converter, its basic principle and its model. This topology is very interesting provided that the voltage across the floating capacitors remains in balance, which is not the case when the input voltage changes. In this work we propose a control that ensures the rebalancing of the floating voltages and the decoupling of the system. This is the decoupling control with nonlinear feedback. In the end we present the MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation results obtained for 3 ×2 cells stacked multicellular converter controlled by decoupling control with nonlinear feedback used as a chopper

    Céphalée : faut-il demander une imagerie ?

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    La céphalée est un motif fréquent de consultation. Elle est primaire dans la majorité des cas et ne nécessite aucune exploration radiologique, et moins fréquemment secondaire en rapport des étiologies très variées. Dans cet article, à travers trois observations cliniques, les auteurs mettent le point sur les indications de l’imagerie devant les céphalées, ceci afin d’éviter les retards du diagnostic des céphalées secondaires pouvant aboutir à des séquelles parfois irréversibles notamment ophtalmologiques