266 research outputs found

    Hom-Lie-Hopf algebras

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    We studied both the double cross product and the bicrossproduct constructions for the Hom-Hopf algebras of general (α,β)(\alpha,\beta)-type. This allows us to consider the universal enveloping Hom-Hopf algebras of Hom-Lie algebras, which are of (α,Id)(\alpha,{\rm Id})-type. We show that the universal enveloping Hom-Hopf algebras of a matched pair of Hom-Lie algebras form a matched pair of Hom-Hopf algebras. We observe also that, the semi-dualization of a double cross product Hom-Hopf algebra is a bicrossproduct Hom-Hopf algebra. In particular, we apply this result to the universal enveloping Hom-Hopf algebras of a matched pair of Hom-Lie algebras to obtain Hom-Lie-Hopf algebras

    Laboratory Validation of Inertial Body Sensors to Detect Cigarette Smoking Arm Movements

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    Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Traditional in-clinic cessation interventions may fail to intervene and interrupt the rapid progression to relapse that typically occurs following a quit attempt. The ability to detect actual smoking behavior in real-time is a measurement challenge for health behavior research and intervention. The successful detection of real-time smoking through mobile health (mHealth) methodology has substantial implications for developing highly efficacious treatment interventions. The current study was aimed at further developing and testing the ability of inertial sensors to detect cigarette smoking arm movements among smokers. The current study involved four smokers who smoked six cigarettes each in a laboratory-based assessment. Participants were outfitted with four inertial body movement sensors on the arms, which were used to detect smoking events at two levels: the puff level and the cigarette level. Two different algorithms (Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Edge-Detection based learning) were trained to detect the features of arm movement sequences transmitted by the sensors that corresponded with each level. The results showed that performance of the SVM algorithm at the cigarette level exceeded detection at the individual puff level, with low rates of false positive puff detection. The current study is the second in a line of programmatic research demonstrating the proof-of-concept for sensor-based tracking of smoking, based on movements of the arm and wrist. This study demonstrates efficacy in a real-world clinical inpatient setting and is the first to provide a detection rate against direct observation, enabling calculation of true and false positive rates. The study results indicate that the approach performs very well with some participants, whereas some challenges remain with participants who generate more frequent non-smoking movements near the face. Future work may allow for tracking smoking in real-world environments, which would facilitate developing more effective, just-in-time smoking cessation interventions

    Researching Of Ranking Handball Referees' Job Satisfaction Levels In Terms Of Some Parameters,

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    This research has been conducted in order to determine the job satisfaction levels of the ranking referees in terms of some parameters (sex, age, marital status, income states, other profession, and refereeing period). This research is a descriptive study towards the review of job satisfaction levels of Handball ranking referees. Referees take charge in 2010-11 season in Turkish leagues constitute the population of the research. Accordingly 107 Ranking referees under Turkish Handball Federation constitute the sample of the research. SPSS package program was used for the statistical analyses. Measuring tool is constituted of two sections. In first section a test directed towards to determine the demographical features of the referees while in second section “Minnesota job satisfaction scale” was used. Validity and reliability studies were made (cronbach alpha =0.70). It was determined that statistically there is not a significant gap between the job satisfaction levels of the referees according to their sex, marital status, ranking position, refereeing periods and income status; and statistically there is a significant gap between their job satisfaction levels according to their ages. Increase of job satisfaction with the increase of age, increase of the experience, awards, rise of refereeing ranking and coalescence with the job are considered to be the factors for the existence of such difference. Income levels of the majority of the referees are seen to be at intermediate level

    Effect of Co-60 gamma-ray irradiation on electrical properties of Ti/Au/GaAs1-xNx Schottky diodes

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    Current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage-frequency (C-V-f) and conductance-voltage-frequency (G/ω-V-f) measurements at room temperature are used to study 50 kGy 60Co γ-ray electrical properties irradiation dependence of Ti/Au/GaAs1−xNx Schottky diodes with 0.2%; 0.4%; 0.8% and 1.2% nitrogen dilution. This γ-ray irradiation induces a permanent damage that has increased ideality factor and series resistance for all samples. It was accompanied by a decrease in Schottky barrier height with nitrogen content up to 0.4%N and remained constant thereafter. Radiation was also found to degrade the reverse leakage current. At high frequency (1 MHz), capacitance and conductance decreased after radiation due to a decrease in net doping concentration. Interface state density and series resistance were determined from C-V-f and G/ω-V-f characteristics using Hill-Coleman methods. Interface states density exponentially decreased with increasing frequency confirming the behavior of interface traps response to ac signal. Series resistance increases after irradiation is attributed to carrier's removal effect and mobility degradation. It has two peaks in the accumulation and inversion region for some diodes (0.4%N, 0.8%N). γ-ray irradiation produced traps levels and recombination centers that reduce relaxation time. An increase in %N content can impede irradiation damage with even some compensation when the percent of diluted nitrogen is high (1.2%N)

    Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Yüksekokullarında Okuyan Bayan Öğrencilerin Okuma Alışkanlıklarının İncelenmesi (Fırat Üniversitesi Örneği),

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    Bilgi çağı olarak adlandırılan günümüzde özellikle üniversite öğrencilerinin kazanması gereken en önemli becerilerden biride kuşkusuz sürdürülebilir okuma alışkanlığıdır. Özellikle kitleleri etkisi altına alan ve gittikçe büyüyen birs ektör haline gelen spor alanında eğitim alan bayan öğrencilerin bu alanda donanımlı ve verimli olmaları ile daha etken konuma gelmelerinde okuma alışkanlığı kazanmalarının önemli olduğu söylenebilir. Bu bağlamda Fırat Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulunda okuyan bayan öğrencilerin kitap okuma alışkanlıklarının belirlenmesi ve bazı değişkenler açısından farklılıkların ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın evrenini Fırat Üniversitesi B.E.S.Y.O.da okuyan toplam 280 bayan öğrenci, örneklemi ise rastgele yöntemle seçilmiş toplam 177 bayan öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Veriler SPSS 17.0 programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistiksel metotları (Sayı, Yüzde) kullanılmıştır. Niteliksel kategorik değişkenlerin karşılaştırılmasında ki-kare analizi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda katılımcıların çoğunluğunun (% 56,7) okumaya günde yarım saatten daha az zaman ayırdıkları, % 66,7’sinin kütüphanelere nadiren gittikleri ve % 64,4’ünün üniversite öncesi eğitimleri süresince kendilerine okuma alışkanlığı kazandırılmadığı düşüncesinde oldukları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca bölüm, sınıf ve gelir durumuna göre okuma süresi, son bir yıl içinde okunan kitap sayısı, günlük televizyon izleme süresi, öncelikli satın alma tercihi ve kütüphaneye gitme sıklığı gibi bazı değişkenlere göre farklılıklar olduğu saptanmıştır

    Malatya’da Sporun Yaygınlaştırılması Açısından Spor Tesislerinin Yeterlilik Düzeyinin İncelenmesi,

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    Sporu oluşturan bileşenlerden biri de spor tesisleridir. Topluma en iyi şekilde spor hizmeti verilmesinde spor tesislerinin niteliği önemli bir kriterdir. Sporun yaygınlaştırılmasında spor tesislerinin sayı ve çeşitliliğinin, toplumun spora ilişkin beklenti ve ihtiyaçlarının belli bir politika çerçevesinde ele alınması gerekmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı; Malatya’da sporun yayınlaştırılmasında spor tesislerinin yeterlilik düzeyi ve halkın spor eğiliminin incelenmesidir. Bu çalışmaya Malatya il merkezinde bulunan değişik meslek, yaş ve cinsiyet gruplarından oluşan toplam 2020 kişi gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan deneklere anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde frekans ve yüzde dağılımları hesaplanarak değişkenler arasında ilişki olup olmadığı Ki-Kare testi uygulanarak test edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, Malatya’da yaşayan halkın çoğunluğunun spora ilgi duyduğu, ilgi duyulan spor branşları arasında futbolun ilk sırada yer aldığı, spor yapılmasına engel teşkil eden etmenlerin başında yeterli spor tesisinin olmamasının yer aldığı, kamu kurum ve kuruluşların yeterince spor tesislerine sahip olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca Malatya‘da kitle sporunun yaygınlaştırılması için spor tesislerinin ve spor kulüplerinin sayısının arttırılması gerektiği, halkın ilgisini çekecek spor organizasyonlarının düzenlenmesi ve mahallelerde semt sahalarının sayısının artırılmasının önemli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Analysis of the Perceptions of Student-Athletes Playing In the Universities Volleyball 2nd League in Turkey towards the Event Quality,

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the perceptions of student-athletes who played in Universities Volleyball Second League competitions held in Antalya on 16th-27th December 2014 towards the event quality. Target population of the study is composed of the student-athletes studying in universities in Turkey and playing in the volleyball teams of universities at the same time, and the sample group of the study is composed of 23 student-athletes from different universities who participated in Universities Volleyball Second League held in Antalya on 16th-27th December 2014. With the purpose of determining the perceptions of student-athletes towards quality, the participants were applied a survey. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 21.0 program was used in the analysis of data. Descriptive statistics, t-test for determining the difference between two groups, One-way Anova test for comparisons of more than two groups and post-hoc test for group differences were used. In conclusion, it has been determined that the quality perceptions of the participants regarding the event held are positive. It has also been demonstrated that there are differences in the quality perceptions of the participants by their families’ educational background; however, a significant difference hasn’t been observed by age, sex, grade point average and income level

    Analysis of the Perceptions of Student-Athletes Playing In the Universities Volleyball 2nd League in Turkey towards the Event Quality

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the perceptions of student-athletes who played in Universities Volleyball Second League competitions held in Antalya on 16th-27th December 2014 towards the event quality. Target population of the study is composed of the student-athletes studying in universities in Turkey and playing in the volleyball teams of universities at the same time, and the sample group of the study is composed of 23 student-athletes from different universities who participated in Universities Volleyball Second League held in Antalya on 16th-27th December 2014. With the purpose of determining the perceptions of student-athletes towards quality, the participants were applied a survey. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 21.0 program was used in the analysis of data. Descriptive statistics, t-test for determining the difference between two groups, One-way Anova test for comparisons of more than two groups and post-hoc test for group differences were used. In conclusion, it has been determined that the quality perceptions of the participants regarding the event held are positive. It has also been demonstrated that there are differences in the quality perceptions of the participants by their families’ educational background; however, a significant difference hasn’t been observed by age, sex, grade point average and income level

    Futsal Oyuncularının Kolektif Yeterlik Algılarının Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi,

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı 23-27 Şubat tarihlerinde Antalya’da düzenlenen Üniversiteler Futsal Lig müsabakalarına katılan öğrenci-sporcuların kolektif yeterlik düzeylerini farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesidir. Araştırma 23-27 Şubat tarihlerinde Antalya’da düzenlenen Üniversiteler Futsal Lig müsabakalarına katılan 14 takım içerisinden rastgele yöntemle belirlenmiş 119 öğrenci-sporcu üzerinde uygulamalı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Öğrencisporcuların kolektif yeterlik düzeyini belirlemek amacı ile katılımcılara anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada Basit Rassal Yöntem uygulanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler SPSS 18 istatistik programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Cronbach’s Alpha kat sayısı olarak 0.925 değeri elde edilmiştir. Man Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis, ANOVA, Independent samples t-test teknikleri uygulanarak araştırma genişletilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda katılımcıların kolektif yeterlik inancının yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca cinsiyet, yaş lisans süresi, takımda oynama süresi, takımdaki sporcu sayısı ve oyuncuların pozisyonları değişkenleri açısından irdelenen kolektif yeterlik ve performans ilişkisinde önemli farklılıkların olduğu anlaşılmaktadır

    Forming the first planetary systems: debris around Galactic thick disc stars

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    The thick disc contains stars formed within the first Gyr of Galactic history, and little is known about their planetary systems. The Spitzer MIPS instrument was used to search 11 of the closest of these old low-metal stars for circumstellar debris, as a signpost that bodies at least as large as planetesimals were formed. A total of 22 thick disc stars has now been observed, after including archival data, but dust is not found in any of the systems. The data rule out a high incidence of debris among star systems from early in the Galaxy's formation. However, some stars of this very old population do host giant planets, at possibly more than the general incidence among low-metal Sun-like stars. As the Solar System contains gas giants but little cometary dust, the thick disc could host analogue systems that formed many Gyr before the Sun.Comment: accepted by MNRAS Letters; 5 pages, 4 figure