12 research outputs found

    Motor Imagery: effec over basketball free-throw performance

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    Este estudo investigou os efeitos agudos da imagética motora (IM) sobre o desempenho de atletas de basquetebol. Para tanto 3 estudos foram elaborados. Inicialmente uma revisão sistemática específica sobre a utilização da imagética motora em atletas levantou os principais achados e lacunas da literatura. Em seguida um estudo piloto envolvendo 11 atletas juniores de basquetebol do sexo masculino, que realizaram a sessão de imagética motora + vídeo, com posterior teste de desempenho envolvendo 10 lances livres seguidos. Também foi avaliado a percepção de autoeficácia, através do questionário EAEGP, antes e após a sessão de imagética. A intervenção foi capaz de causar com 84% de chance, um efeito benéfico sobre os dois primeiros arremessos convertidos, entretanto, a percepção de autoeficácia não sofreu alteração. Por fim, um terceiro estudo envolvendo também atletas juniores de basquete (n=9), utilizou-se de uma intervenção mais ecológica. Os atletas forma submetidos a sessões de imagética tanto estática (IE) quanto dinâmica (ID), em situações de fadiga (F) ou somente aquecidos (C). Para elevar o estado de cansaço dos atletas foi utilizado o teste de Shuttle-run 20 metros. Foram avaliadas a frequência cardíaca, nível de cansaço (escala de OMNI), nível de imagética (Escala likert de 1-6) e desempenho no teste de lance livre (até 5 arremessos), averiguando tanto arremessos convertidos quanto precisão dos arremessos. Todas as condições foram superior a condição C. Quando descansados a ID se mostrou superior a IE, entretanto quando levados a um estado de fadiga a IE causou os maiores efeitos encontrados, enquanto a ID não mais foi efetiva além da própria fadiga, a qual também se mostrou benéfica em relação a condição C. O fator emocional envolvido na imagética ainda se mantém incerto. Assim sendo, a ID e a IE possuem momentos específicos dentro de um jogo para serem utilizadas com maior especificidade.This study investigated the acute effects of motor imagery (MI) on basketball athletes performance. For such 3 studies were conducted. Firstly a systematic review regarding the MI use on athletes rised the main findings and gaps in the literature, the main results were the absence of studies using motor imagery acutely, the new perspective with the dynamic imagery and the MI accuracy lost caused by fatigue. Next, a pilot study with 11 male junior basketball athletes, which performed a motor imagery session + video, with posterior free-throw performance test (10 consecutives free-throws). Still the self-efficacy perception was evaluated before and after the MI session. The intervention were capable of causing, with 84% of chance, a beneficial effect until 2 free-throws, however the self-efficacy perception didnt sufer modifications. For last, a third study also with junior basketball players (n=9) employed a more ecological approach. The athletes underwent motor imagery sessions, both motionless (IE) and dynamic (ID), in fatigue situation (F) ou only warmed (C). To elevate the fatigue level of the athletes the 20 meters Shuttle-run teste was used until exhaustion. Were measured the heart rate, fatigue level (OMNI scale), imagery level (Likert scale of 1 to 6) and free-throw performance (until 5 shots), ascertaining both converted shots and and shots precision. All conditions were superior to C. When rested the ID was superior to IE, however once the athletes were fatigued the IE caused the biggest effects founded, and the ID was no more effective beyond the fatigue itself, which was also benficial when compared to C. The emoctional effect is still uncertain. Thus, ID and IE are to be used in specific moments inside a game with better specificity

    Inter-relations entre la représentation mentale et les corrélats neurophysiologiques du mouvement

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    The main purpose of the present work was to add substantial data regarding the psychophysiological correlates of action with respective mental representation. A total of six experimental protocols were developed to understand the mechanisms of using motor imagery concomitant and after actual practice, and the effects of exercise on motor imagery ability. According to our findings, motor imagery can very be usefull when performed concomitant with actual practice and even after an exercise session, when fatigue is most present. We demonstrate that higher levels of motor imagery ability are not always linked with greater performance enhancement. Unprecedentedly, we reported that an exercise session might even be beneficial for motor imagery ability of high-automated task. In addition, prolonged intermittent exercise session are more likely to impair motor imagery ability in comparison with continuous exercise. These findings are of special interest of sports coaches and rehabilitation professionals, which usually incorporate motor imagery into their physical training sessionsL’objectif de ce travail était d’apporter des données encore inconnu sur la relation entre les corrélats neurophysiologiques de l’action et la représentation mentale. Un ensemble de six expérimentations ont été menées. Celles-ci nous ont permis de mieux comprendre les modalités d’utilisation de l’imagerie motrice qu’elle soit concomitante ou réaliser après la pratique réelle. Les effets de la pratique physique sur la capacité d’utilisation de l’imagerie motrice ont aussi été explorés. Nos résultats montrent que l’imagerie motrice est très efficace, qu’elle soit pratiquée de manière concomitante à la pratique réelle ou après celle-ci lorsque la fatigue physique est importante. Nous démontrons que des capacités d’imagerie élevées ne sont pas systématiquement reliées à une amélioration de la performance. De manière inédite nous démontrons que la pratique réelle peut–être bénéfique pour la capacité d’imagerie motrice d’une habilité fortement automatisée. De plus, des sessions de pratique physique prolongées et intermittentes semblent plus perturber la capacité d’imagerie motrice qu’une pratique continue. L’ensemble de ces résultats est une contribution importante aux connaissances relatives à l’utilisation de l’imagerie motrice dans la réhabilitation ou encore dans la pratique physiqu

    ÂżFormalismo o transparencia en la contrataciĂłn pĂşblica de los ayuntamientos de la regiĂłn norte de Brasil?

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    This article discusses the situation of contractual transparency in the 211 municipalities of the seven states of the Northern Region of Brazil of more than 15,000 inhabitants. By comparing the municipalities with each other, it shows individual situations and identifies their impacts on contractual management. For this purpose, 18 indicators have been used that have allowed the construction of a Transparency Index on the Procurement of Brazilian Municipalities (ITCAB). With regard to the analysis of procurement indicators, it was possible to point out that we are left with only 187 municipalities for analysis. Furthermore, the investigation found that, in general, none of those requirements were met. The information was very farcical and extensive with a very administrative and bureaucratic content. Developed information was also not appreciated to enable citizens to monitor or control local government management.Este artículo analiza la situación de la transparencia contractual en los 211 ayuntamientos de los siete estados de la Región Norte de Brasil de más de 15.000 habitantes. Al comparar los municipios entre sí, muestra las situaciones individuales e identifica sus impactos en la gestión contractual. Para ello se han utilizado 18 indicadores que han permitido la construcción de un Índice de Transparencia en la Contratación de los Ayuntamientos Brasileños (ITCAB). En lo que respecta al análisis de los indicadores sobre contratación fue posible señalar que nos quedamos solamente con 187 municipios para análisis. Además, en la investigación se constató que, en general, no se cumplían ninguna de esas exigencias. La información era muy farragosa y amplia con un contenido muy administrativo y burocrático. Tampoco se apreció información elaborada que permitiera a los ciudadanos hacer un seguimiento ni realizar un control de la gestión del gobierno local

    Gestão Social e Desenvolvimento Territorial: um olhar a partir processo de governança dos Colegiados Territoriais Brasileiros

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    Este artigo traz um diálogo teórico-empírico acerca da prática da gestão social nas ações de desenvolvimento territorial impulsionado pelo Governo Federal do Brasil no âmbito do Programa Território da Cidadania. No trabalho, ainda busca-se compreender como vem ocorrendo a gestão da governança territorial, com foco na participação da sociedade civil e dos representantes do poder público e nas discussões ocorridas nos Colegiados Territoriais. Para efeitos desta pesquisa foi utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa a partir dos microdados acerca da pesquisa sobre a Gestão dos Colegiados Territoriais, desenvolvida com financiamento do CNPq e MDA e executada por instituições de ensino superior brasileira, com recorte para 19 colegiados inseridos em sete Estados do Nordeste brasileiro. Ao analisar a gestão dos Colegiados dos Territórios da Cidadania do Nordeste brasileiro, com foco no processo de exercício da gestão social via participação na governança territorial, percebeu-se que o território tem acessado políticas de desenvolvimento endógeno, sobretudo, nos âmbitos de apoio aos projetos de apoio socioeconômico

    Mapeando fundamentos do constructo neuromarketing com profissionais de empresas de publicidade

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo conhecer o nível de domínio e influência do constructo neuromarketing junto a profissionais de agências publicidade no Brasil. O arcabouço teórico foi construído a partir dos estudos sobre a ciência do cérebro voltados para o conhecimento de experiências inconscientes dos consumidores, as quais são responsáveis por impulsionar as suas tomadas de decisões e comportamentos de compra. Tais novidades relacionam-se ao Neuromarketing que, através das técnicas de neuroimagem, como a FMRI, a PET e o FDOT. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com os gerentes da área de planejamento das principais agências de publicidade do Brasil, e posterior análise de conteúdo. Observou-se que mesmo cientes das limitações dos atuais instrumentos de pesquisa e da constante busca por novas tecnologias, as agências de publicidade não conhecem totalmente os conceitos relacionados ao neuromarketing. Observa-se resistência ao uso das técnicas, juntamente com os questionamentos e o pouco conhecimento do assunto fazem com que a influência do neuromarketing não seja sentida de forma prática no meio publicitário. Os resultados apontam o domínio do constructo neuromarketing nas agências de publicidade brasileira é apenas teórico, pois, pouco se conhece a respeito dos estudos neurológicos e, absolutamente nada, das técnicas de neuroimagem

    Effects of caffeine on performance and mood of cyclists

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    This study analyzed the effects of caffeine ingestion on physical performance and mood state of cyclists in a 1km time trial test. Ten male cyclists performed randomly a 1km time-trial test under two experimental conditions: Caffeine (CAF - 6 mg.kg) and placebo (PL) 60 min before the test. During the test were obtained the total time and the mood using the Brunel questionnaire (BRUMS). For comparisons of total time and mood states it was applied the paired Student's t-test and Wilcoxon test, respectively. No significant differences were found in the total time to complete tests and in the mood states between CAF and PL conditions (P>0.05). The results suggested that caffeine does not improve performance or change the mood of cyclists in a 1km time trial test

    Neurophysiological insights on flexibility improvements through motor imagery

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    International audienceThe efficacy of motor imagery (MI) practice to facilitate muscle stretching remains controversial and the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms unexplored. We evaluated the effects of MI practice during a sit-and reach task. Healthy participants were randomly assigned to a MI practice (n = 15) or Control (n = 15) group and completed 2 blocks of 5 sit-and-reach trials. During the first block (B1), participants performed 5 maximal stretching trials of 10s. During the second block (B2), trials were divided into two consecutive parts: i) reproducing the maximum performance of B1 (10s, B2 part 1), and ii) attempting to outperform the maximum performance of B1 (10s, B2 part 2). Participants performed kinesthetic MI of hamstring stretching during B2 trials in the MI practice group. We recorded electromyography from the hamstring and rectos femoris of the dominant leg. We also processed skin conductance as an index of sympathetic activity. We measured greater performance improvements from B1 to B2 part 2 in the MI practice group compared to Control (p < 0.05). Participants in the MI practice group exhibited reduced hamstring activation during both B2 part 1 (p < 0.001) and B2 part 2 (p < 0.001) compared to Control. Skin conductance revealed higher sympathetic activation during B2 part 2 compared to both B1 and B2 part 1 in the two groups. Thus, performing MI during actual movement is likely to improve stretching performance through reduced muscle activation. Such improvement may be grounded in a cortical gain over spinal reflexes

    Selective Efficacy of Static and Dynamic Imagery in Different States of Physical Fatigue.

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    There is compelling evidence that motor imagery contributes to improved motor performance, and recent work showed that dynamic motor imagery (dMI) might provide additional benefits by comparison with traditional MI practice. However, the efficacy of motor imagery in different states of physical fatigue remains largely unknown, especially as imagery accuracy may be hampered by the physical fatigue states elicited by training. We investigated the effect of static motor imagery (sMI) and dMI on free-throw accuracy in 10 high-level basketball athletes, both in a non-fatigued state (Experiment 1) and immediately after an incremental running test completed until exhaustion (20 m shuttle run-test-Experiment 2). We collected perceived exhaustion and heart rate to quantify the subjective experience of fatigue and energy expenditure. We found that dMI brought better shooting performance than sMI, except when athletes were physically exhausted. These findings shed light on the conditions eliciting optimal use of sMI and dMI. In particular, considering that the current physical state affects body representation, performing dMI under fatigue may result in mismatches between actual and predicted body states