79 research outputs found

    Fanien sitouttaminen brändiin osallistamisen avulla Case: FC Honka

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa on tarkoituksena selvittää, miten osallistamisella voidaan sitouttaa faneja FC Hongan brändiin. Tutkimus on toteutettu case-tapauksena. Teoriassa tarkasteluun otetaan liiketoiminnallinen näkemys sitouttamisesta, sekä osallistamisesta. Tämän jälkeen tarkasteluun tuodaan myös käsitteet faniuden kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tarkastelussa on urheiluseura, joka eroaa perinteisestä tuotteita tai palveluita tarjoavista yrityksistä. Tutkimuksella on kolme tavoitetta. Ensimmäisenä avataan teorian kautta sitouttamisen ja osal- listamisen käsitteitä, sekä miten ne yhdistyvät toisiinsa. Toisena tavoitteena on analysoida tut- kimuksen empiriassa toteutetut haastattelut kolmelle eri ryhmälle, ja löytää sopivimmat tavat sitouttaa heitä osallistamisen avulla. Kolmantena tavoitteena on tarjota kehitysehdotuksia FC Hongalle aineiston perusteella. Tutkimus on suoritettu laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen ryhmät ovat rekisteröityneet fanit, fanit ja potentiaaliset fanit. Tämän lisäksi on haastateltu FC Hongan tapahtuma & media & viestintä vastaavaa. Jokainen haastattelu on suoritettu puoistrukturoituna teemahaastatte- luna. Haastatteluista saatu aineisto on analysoitu käyttäen hyväksi sisällönanalyysiä. Tarkoituk- sena on löytää aineistosta sopivia tapoja sitouttaa jokaisen kolmen ryhmän jäseniä Hongan brän- diin osallistamisen avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa nousevat esiin yhteenkuuluvuuden tärkeys, sekä aktiivinen osallistumi- nen Hongan otteluihin. Rekisteröityneitä faneja motivoi lojaalius seuraa kohtaan, yhteenkuulu- vuus, sekä HK05-faniryhmä itsessään. Tämä ryhmä on valmis tekemään vapaaehtoistyötä myös Hongalle, mitä ei vielä ole toteutettu Hongan puolesta, aineiston perusteella tämä myös lisäisi sitoutuneisuutta seuraan. Rekisteröityneitä faneja sitouttaa parhaiten vapaahehtoistyö, mitä kautta he kokevat antavansa enemmän seuralle panostaan. Fanien kohdalla suurempi Hongan kulutus lisää sitoutuneisuutta ja paras tapa osallistaa, on saamalla fanit aktiivisesti otteluihin. Tämä tapahtuu ystävien kautta. Tällöin esiin nousee lippupaketit, mitkä myydään suoraan suuremmille ryhmille. Potentiaaliset fanit saa osallistumaan toissijaisilla asioilla, ei suoraan jalkapallolla. Nämä ovat tapiolalaisuus, puoliaikashow tai muu urheilu, kuin jalkapallo. Tutkimuksessa myös tarjotaan kehitysehdotuksia Hongalle aineiston, sekä teorian pohjalta

    Techno-economic evaluation of retrofitting CCS in an integrated pulp and board mill - Case studies

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    Urgently reducing global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) could be achieved by carbon sinks or negative emissions, i.e. removing CO2 from the atmosphere and offsetting historical CO2 emissions. Negative emissions can be achieved when CO2 is captured from processes based on biomass feedstock (bio-CCS). Biomass withdraws atmospheric CO2 through natural processes such as the photosynthesis. Capturing and permanently storing this CO2 away from the natural carbon cycle enables a withdrawal of CO2 from the atmosphere. Sustainable growth and harvest of biomass resources is critical to achieve carbon negativity and to allow for sound biomass regrowth. As a result, bio-CCS provides a potential mitigation tool to reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. The pulp and paper industry is one of the potential candidates for large scale demonstration of bio-CCS and industrial CCS application. In Europe, the pulp and paper industry is the largest user and producer of biomass energy, contributing to around 60% of the biomass based electricity and heat production. There are three main sources of CO2 emissions in the pulp and paper production (via Kraft pulping process): (1.) the Kraft recovery boiler, (2.) the lime kiln and (3.) the multi-fuel boiler (bark boiler). Typically, over 90% of CO2 emissions from a pulp mill are of biogenic origin as fossil fuel is used only for firing the lime kiln. The main function of the recovery boiler is to recover the spent cooking chemicals from the black liquor for reuse in wood chips cooking and the combustion of the organic matter in the black liquor to produce heat for steam and electricity generation. The lime kiln is part of the chemical recycle loop and this includes the calcination of the lime mud (mainly calcium carbonate) to produce CaO that is used in the recovery of the cooking chemicals (i.e. processing of the green liquor). As a result, the lime kiln produces a flue gas with high concentration of CO2. The multi-fuel boiler is typically used to burn any wood waste and residue biomass (i.e. bark and bio-sludge) from the pulp production to produce steam used in the process and for power production. This study addresses the operational costs, capital investment costs and technical aspects of retrofitting a modern Kraft market pulp mill with a split flow post-combustion CO2 capture based on amine absorption. The pulp production units and the CO2 capture units are presented with detailed mass and energy balances. Two types of mills were evaluated; i) Stand-alone pulp mill producing 800 000 adt of softwood pulp annually and ii) Integrated pulp and board mill producing 740 000 adt of softwood pulp and 400 000 3-ply folding boxboard annually. Annual CO2 emissions are 2.1 Mt CO2/a. Six different cases were studied for each mill type; CO2 capture from the three individual point sources and three combinations of these. The implementation of a post-combustion CO2 capture process requires additional steam for the amine reboiler and additional power input for pumps and compressors. In some cases the excess power production at the pulp mill may be sufficient to support the integration of a CO2 capture plant. In other cases an additional auxiliary boiler is required. The split flow MEA-based capture process enables a reduction in the heat duty for the CO2 stripper reboiler. The average reboiler duty was calculated to around 2.7 – 2.8 MJ/kg captured CO2. Steam is provided from the steam turbine island. A major focal point of the study was to investigate the optimal extraction of steam and condensate return. Most pulp and paper mills are self-sufficient with electricity and produce excess electricity that is exported to the local/national grid. 90% CO2 capture was assumed for all cases, but in future evaluations partial CO2 capture might prove more viable, depending on the amount of excess steam or electricity available at the mill. This is also affected by the price of electricity, price of emission allowances and any renewable energy subsidies/incentives. Capturing biogenic CO2 could potentially create additional revenues for the mill operator, depending on whether the emission of biogenic CO2 would be accounted for as negative CO2 emissions in emission allowance trading schemes. As a result, accounting for negative CO2 emissions could potentially be a low-hanging fruit and lead to demonstration or large scale industrial business cases for the implementation of CCS in the near future

    Ideasta kokeiluun? - Esiselvitys perustulokokeilun toteuttamisvaihtoehdoista

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    Pääministeri Juha Sipilän hallitusohjelmaan on kirjattu perustulokokeilu. Perustulokokeilulla selvitetään, miten sosiaaliturvaa voitaisiin uudistaa paremmin vastaamaan työelämän muutoksia, muuttaa sosiaaliturvaa työhön kannustavaksi, vähentää byrokratiaa ja yksinkertaistaa monimutkaista etuusjärjestelmää, joka usein luo erilaisia tulo-, kannustin- ja byrokratialoukkuja. Kokeilun toimeenpanoa varten Valtioneuvoston kanslia tilasi esiselvityksen puhtaan perustulon, osittaisen perustulon, negatiivisen tuloveron ja muitten mahdollisten mallien soveltuvuudesta kokeiluun. Esiselvityksessä on kerätty yhteen tietoa erilaisista perustulomalleista sekä malleihin liittyneiden kokeiluiden tuloksista. Raportissa pohditaan eri mallien taustaolettamuksia, toteuttamiskelpoisuutta ja esitetään mikrosimulaatiolaskelmia kannustin- ja tulonjakovaikutuksista sekä kustannuksista. Raportissa tarkastellaan kokeiluun, koeasetelmaan ja otantaan liittyviä oikeudellisia ja julkisen talouden kestävyyteen liittyviä reunaehtoja. Esiraportin pohjalta tehdään päätös kokeiltavasta mallista tai malleista, joita täsmennetään loppuraportissa, jonka määräpäivä on 15.11.2016. Esiselvityksen liitteenä 1 on Perustulohankkeen mikrosimulointituloksia. http://tietokayttoon.fi/julkaisu?pubid=1060

    Alternative duty work as workplace-initiated procedure to reduce sickness absence

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    PurposeAlternative duty work is a procedure that enables an employee with a short-term disability to perform modified duties as an alternative to sickness absence. We examined whether the implementation of an alternative duty policy was associated with reduced sickness absence in the Finnish public sector.MethodsTwo city administrations (A and D) that implemented an alternative duty work policy to their employees (n=5341 and n=7538) served as our intervention cities, and two city administrations (B and C) that did not implement the policy represented the reference cities (n=6976 and n=6720). The outcomes were the number of annual days, all episodes, and short-term (Peer reviewe

    Landsat archive holdings for Finland : opportunities for forest monitoring

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    There is growing interest in the use of Landsat data to enable forest monitoring over large areas. Free and open data access combined with high performance computing have enabled new approaches to Landsat data analysis that use the best observation for any given pixel to generate an annual, cloud-free, gap-free, surface reflectance image composite. Finland has a long history of incorporating Landsat data into its National Forest Inventory to produce forest information in the form of thematic maps and small area statistics on a variety of forest attributes. Herein we explore the spatial and temporal characteristics of the Landsat archive in the context of forest monitoring in Finland. The United States Geological Survey Landsat archive holds a total of 30 076 images (1972-2017) for 66 scenes (each 185 km by 185 km in size) representing the terrestrial area of Finland, of which 93.6% were acquired since 1984 with a spatial resolution of 30 m. Approximately 16.3% of the archived images have desired compositing characteristics (acquired within August 1 +/- 30 days,Peer reviewe

    A 183 GHz metamorphic HEMT low-noise amplifier with 3.5 dB noise figure

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    This paper presents a 183 GHz low-noise amplifier (LNA), designed primarly for water vapor detection in atmosphere. The LNA requirements were defined by MetOp Second Generation (MetOp-SG) Microwave Sounder, Microwave Imager and Ice Cloud Imager instruments. MetOp-SG is the European contribution to operational meteorological observations from polar orbit. This LNA advances the current state-of-the-art for the InGaAs metamorphic high electron mobility transistor (mHEMT) technology. The five-stage common-source MMIC amplifier utilizes transistors with a gate length of 50 nm. On-wafer measurements show a noise figure of 3.5 dB at the operative frequency, about 1 dB lower than previously reported mHEMT LNAs, and a gain of 24±2 dB over the bandwidth 160-200 GHz. The input and output matching are -11 dB and -10 dB, respectively. Moreover, the DC power dissipation at the optimal bias for noise is as low as 24 mW

    Recycling of 3D Printable Thermoplastic Cellulose-Composite

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    3D printing enables sustainable product innovations through novel design, reduced use of materials, and local manufacturing. Sustainable 3D printing can further be realized using recyclable materials. Cellulose is an abundantly available renewable material. Modified celluloses, such as thermoplastic cellulose esters, are widely used in injection molding applications. The aim of this research was to study the properties of a cellulose-based composite (cellulose acetate propionate (CAP) polymer matrix with 20 wt. % microcellulose) in injection molding and granular extrusion-based 3D printing processes over multiple recycles. The impact of the processing methods on the composite’s properties were investigated. Both injection molded and 3D printed samples were ground with plastic grinding mill to particle sizes below 3 mm after each preparation stage and reused as such in the next process cycle. Morphology, mechanical and thermal properties, and material degradation were analyzed. The thermoplastic cellulose-based compound was found to be directly recyclable for both processes without the need for any additional compounding steps. The polymer matrix was able to withstand at least seven processing cycles without degradation. However, microcellulose was found to be more sensitive to thermal stress. The mechanical and thermal properties of the cellulose-based composites remained close to initial levels throughout

    Low noise amplifiers for MetOp-SG

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    We present low-noise amplifiers (LNA) that have been developed in the framework of two pre-qualification ESA projects for frequencies between 54 and 229 GHz for the METOP-SG satellite program. The main goal of these satellites is water vapor detection in atmospheric science and weather forecasting which advances the current state of the art for the metamorphic high electron mobility transistor (mHEMT) technology. The MMIC amplifiers are based on the In0.52Al0.48As/In0.8Ga0.2As/In0.53Ga0.47As heterostructure and utilize transistors with a gate length of 50 nm. On-wafer measurements will be presented for all frequency bands as well as results of packaged LNAs