183 research outputs found
Infective endocarditis presenting as acute coronary syndrome
We report tow cases of infective endocarditis (IE) presenting as acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Case 1: A 60-year-old man with the diagnosis of mitral IE complicated by an ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Primary percutaneous coronary intervention with aspiration of the thrombus at the distal leftanterior descending (LAD) artery was successfully performed. Case 2: A 72 year old man was admitted for an aortic root abscess compressing the left coronary artery. The treatment required surgery, including coronary artery bypass procedure. The postoperative course was complicated by multiple organ failure, and the patient died after 48 h.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2
Social Networking Sites and Misinformation Challenges in Post-Truth Era: Moroccan Students in Tertiary Education as a Case Study
The primary purpose of this study is to explore how Moroccan university students approach the various social networking sites and to assess their self-perceived capacities to critically analyze and evaluate digital content in general and online news and information more specifically. The paper poses several research questions that all aim to investigate the issue under examination. This empirical endeavor, that used the survey as a research instrument to gather data, closes by presenting a number of conclusions and recommendations for the Moroccan policy makers, stakeholders, and all concerned parties. The study especially reported how most respondents advance that they critically evaluate social media content and that they largely deploy various efficient verification measures and techniques. In the same vein, the sweeping majority of respondents highly rated their digital media perceived self-efficacy. Almost two thirds of the participants postulate that higher educational institutions should incorporate digital literacy skills in their curricula and syllabi
Social Networking Sites and Misinformation Challenges in Post-Truth Era: Moroccan Students in Tertiary Education as a Case Study
The primary purpose of this study is to explore how Moroccan university students approach the various social networking sites and to assess their self-perceived capacities to critically analyze and evaluate digital content in general and online news and information more specifically. The paper poses several research questions that all aim to investigate the issue under examination. This empirical endeavor, that used the survey as a research instrument to gather data, closes by presenting a number of conclusions and recommendations for the Moroccan policy makers, stakeholders, and all concerned parties. The study especially reported how most respondents advance that they critically evaluate social media content and that they largely deploy various efficient verification measures and techniques. In the same vein, the sweeping majority of respondents highly rated their digital media perceived self-efficacy. Almost two thirds of the participants postulate that higher educational institutions should incorporate digital literacy skills in their curricula and syllabi
Moroccan TV Programming in Ramadan: An Analysis of Gender Representations
The purpose of this article is to explore how gender representations are portrayed through the examination of the salient images and messages latent in a prime-time comic series entitled Kenza FDouar (Kenza in the village) that was aired during the holy month of Ramadan in 2014 on 2M which is a Moroccan state-owned television channel. The study adopts the textual representation approach and draws heavily on the critical discourse analysis. The findings point to the absence of a coherent and consistent policy by the domestic outlet towards the gender issue in the series. The paper also reveals that the gender representations as manifested in the program are not compatible with the institutional endeavor to counter the perpetuation of stereotypical portrayals on the national media.</jats:p
Social Networking and Misinformation Challenges: Moroccan Students in Tertirary Education as a Case Study
This paper focuses on examining how Moroccan university students approach the various social networking sites, including their self-perceived capacities to critically analyze and evaluate digital content in general and online news and information more specifically. The paper poses several research questions that all aim to investigate the issue under examination. This empirical endeavor used the survey as a research instrument to gather data, and presented a number of conclusions and recommendations for the Moroccan policy makers, stakeholders, and all concerned parties. The study further reported that most respondents advance by critically evaluating social media content and largely deploying various efficient verification measures and techniques. In the same vein, the majority of respondents highly rated their digital media perceived self-efficacy. Almost two thirds of the participants postulate that higher educational institutions should incorporate digital literacy skills in their curricula and syllabi
Practice of Social Responsibility in Moroccan Companies « An Exploratory Study »
This paper discusses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Moroccan context. The main purpose of this study is to draw up an inventory current situation of the CSR in Moroccan small business companies, as such to help understand the commitment of this type of business in sustainable economic development. It has been proven, by the survey among forty small Casablanca business leaders representing different sectors of activity, that the managers integrate unknowingly in their management the concept of SR, and that when it comes to social practices a link certainly exist between the company and its stakeholders (costumers, providers…). The survey shows that more than half of the interviewed executives stipulate that either they heard or know about SR; this awareness towards the concept is an increasing function which depend on the size of company. As also Moroccan leaders are aware of the advantages in engaging social responsibility approach in their business; this finding suggests as well that social responsibility can be of direct economic value for the firm
Style Translation in an English Version of Tunisian Mustapha Tlili’s novel The Lion Mountain: A Cognitive Basis to Assessment
Style is every literary author’s identity marker. No translation can ever claim success if it does not reflect the marked stylistic features of the original. This paper assesses the English translation of Tunisian Mustapha Tlili’s novel Lion Mountain in terms of its reproduction of the spirit of the source text, that is the totality of effects generated by the author’s stylistic manners. A cognitive basis to assessment means that the author’s style is a direct expression of his state of mind, his attitudes and beliefs. This model, inspired by the work of Chinese translator and theorist Jin Di (2003), uses a hermeneutic four-stage analysis of literary texts (i.e. penetration, acquisition, transition and presentation), that makes it possible to deal in a rather systematic manner with every aspect of the literary text, namely its spirit, substance, overtone, flavor and imagery. The assessment will demonstrate how translating successes or failures result directly from successes or failures in applying one or more of these hermeneutics-inspired four stages
Cultural Identity and Mass Media: Moroccan Youth at the Crossroads
Le but de cet article est d'examiner les principaux cadres méthodologiques qui ont été adoptées dans l'enquête de la culture et de l'identité marocaine, définir les valeurs culturelles traditionnelles fondamentales et faire la lumière sur le rôle des pratiques des médias dominants dans la construction des orientations traditionnelles de valeurs des jeunes Marocains. Parmi les principales conclusions de cette étude est que la recherche empirique sur les valeurs culturelles marocaines distinctives fait toujours défaut terriblement. Nous soutenons également que la communication médiatisée localement contribue sensiblement à la détérioration des valeurs familiales traditionnelles
Behavior of the parameters of microcrystalline silicon TFTs under mechanical strain
International audienceN-type and P-type microcrystalline silicon top-gate TFTs, processed directly on PEN plastic substrate at maximum temperature of 180 °C, were mechanically stressed. These TFTs were bent by different curvature radii varying between infinite (flat) and 0.5 cm. The tensile stress increases the electron mobility and the compressive stress decreases it. The tensile stress decreases the threshold voltage of N-type TFTs while the compressive stress increases it. These trends are inversed if the type of stress changes OR the type of TFTs changes. The total behavior under mechanical stress is exactly similar to that of single crystalline silicon MOSFETs in nano-scale technologies (90, 65, 45, 32 nm), where nano-scale stress is introduced in the goal to engineer the electrical parameters. The similarity originates from the microcrystalline silicon active layer that behaves like single crystalline silicon even if the stress effects are softened by the grain boundaries and the multiple crystalline orientations of the grains
Interpreter Training in Spain: Past and Present
Este artículo aborda la formación en interpretación en las universidades españolas desde que se inició en 1979. Se analizan los problemas asociados con el contenido en Interpretación de la Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación, vigente hasta hace poco, tales como la inclusión en el plan de estudios de asignaturas obligatorias que pretendían formar en las técnicas de interpretación utilizadas en Interpretación de Conferencia sin contar con la garantía de que los estudiantes cumplieran otros prerrequisitos necesarios para iniciar la formación en este género de interpretación. En la actualidad se está implantando la nueva titulación de Grado, y las universidades disfrutan de más libertad en la confección de sus planes de estudios. El panorama ahora es muy variado. Numerosas universidades han reducido sus créditos obligatorios en interpretación, al tiempo que han aumentado los créditos optativos. Aún así, sigue habiendo bastantes universidades que incluyen créditos obligatorios en interpretación simultánea. Parece que los títulos de Máster no acaban de consolidarse y otros géneros de interpretación (aparte de la interpretación de conferencia) han entrado en el plan de estudios.This paper deals with interpreter training in Spanish universities since its onset in 1979. Problems associated with the interpreting component in the recently phased out Licenciatura (4 year undergraduate course) in Translation and Interpreting are analysed. Such problems included the presence of compulsory subjects in the main conference interpreting techniques, without other prerequisites for beginning this training being guaranteed. At the current time a new degree is being introduced in the framework of the EHEA (Grado, also a 4 year undergraduate course) which affords much more freedom to the universities in the design of their syllabus. The results are very varied. Many universities have reduced their compulsory credits in interpreting and now offer more optional credits. Despite this trend, there are still a significant number of universities with compulsory credits in simultaneous interpreting. Master’s Degrees seem to be having difficulties in becoming consolidated and new genres of interpretation (other than conference interpreting) are being included in degree programmes
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