48 research outputs found

    Possibility of cyclic Turnarounds In Brane-world Scenario: Phantom Energy Accretion onto Black Holes and its consequences

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    A universe described by braneworlds is studied in a cyclic scenario. As expected such an oscillating universe will undergo turnarounds, whenever the phantom energy density reaches a critical value from either side. It is found that a universe described by RSII brane model will readily undergo oscillations if, either the brane tension, \lambda, or the bulk cosmological constant, \Lambda_{4}, is negative. The DGP brane model does not readily undergo cyclic turnarounds. Hence for this model a modified equation is proposed to incorporate the cyclic nature. It is found that there is always a remanent mass of a black hole at the verge of a turnaround. Hence contrary to known results in literature, it is found that the destruction of black holes at the turnaround is completely out of question. Finally to alleviate, if not solve, the problem posed by the black holes, it is argued that the remanent masses of the black holes do not act as a serious defect of the model because of Hawking evaporation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; International Journal of Theoretical Physics (2012

    Does loop quantum cosmology replace the big rip singularity by a non-singular bounce?

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    It is stated that holonomy corrections in loop quantum cosmology introduce a modification in Friedmann's equation which prevent the big rip singularity. Recently in \cite{h12} it has been proved that this modified Friedmann equation is obtained in an inconsistent way, what means that the results deduced from it, in particular the big rip singularity avoidance, are not justified. The problem is that holonomy corrections modify the gravitational part of the Hamiltonian of the system leading, after Legendre's transformation, to a non covariant Lagrangian which is in contradiction with one of the main principles of General Relativity. A more consistent way to deal with the big rip singularity avoidance is to disregard modification in the gravitational part of the Hamiltonian, and only consider inverse volume effects \cite{bo02a}. In this case we will see that, not like the big bang singularity, the big rip singularity survives in loop quantum cosmology. Another way to deal with the big rip avoidance is to take into account geometric quantum effects given by the the Wheeler-De Witt equation. In that case, even though the wave packets spread, the expectation values satisfy the same equations as their classical analogues. Then, following the viewpoint adopted in loop quantum cosmology, one can conclude that the big rip singularity survives when one takes into account these quantum effects. However, the spreading of the wave packets prevents the recover of the semiclassical time, and thus, one might conclude that the classical evolution of the universe come to and end before the big rip is reached. This is not conclusive because. as we will see, it always exists other external times that allows us to define the classical and quantum evolution of the universe up to the big rip singularity.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCA

    Abnormal vascular responses to supine exercise in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Exercise hypotension has been documented in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It is not the result of an inability to augment cardiac output but instead relates to an inappropriate and exaggerated decrease in systemic vascular resistance at high work loads