12 research outputs found

    Impact of the Mass Drug Administration for malaria in response to the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone

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    Background: As emergency response to the Ebola epidemic, the Government of Sierra Leone and its partners implemented a large-scale Mass Drug Administration (MDA) with artesunate–amodiaquine (ASAQ) covering >2.7 million people in the districts hardest hit by Ebola during December 2014–January 2015. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) evaluated the impact of the MDA on malaria morbidity at health facilities and the number of Ebola alerts received at District Ebola Command Centres. Methods: The coverage of the two rounds of MDA with ASAQ was estimated by relating the number anti-malarial medicines distributed to the estimated resident population. Segmented time-series analysis was applied to weekly data collected from 49 primary health units (PHUs) and 11 hospitals performing malaria parasitological testing during the study period, to evaluate trends of malaria cases and Ebola alerts during the post-MDA weeks compared to the pre-MDA weeks in MDA- and non-MDA-cheifdoms. Results: After two rounds of the MDA, the number of suspected cases tested with rapid diagnostic test (RDT) decreased significantly by 43 % (95 % CI 38–48 %) at week 1 and remained low at week 2 and 3 post-first MDA and at week 1 and 3 post-second MDA; RDT positive cases decreased significantly by 47 % (41–52 %) at week 1 post-first and remained lower throughout all post-MDA weeks; and the RDT test positivity rate (TPR) declined by 35 % (32–38 %) at week 2 and stayed low throughout all post-MDA weeks. The total malaria (clinical + confirmed) cases decreased significantly by 45 % (39–52 %) at week 1 and were lower at week 2 and 3 post-first MDA; and week 1 post-second MDA. The proportion of confirmed malaria cases (out of all-outpatients) fell by 33 % (29–38 %) at week 1 post-first MDA and were lower during all post-MDA weeks. On the contrary, the non-malaria outpatient cases (cases due to other health conditions) either remained unchanged or fluctuated insignificantly. The Ebola alerts decreased by 30 % (13–46 %) at week 1 post-first MDA and much lower during all the weeks post–second MDA. Conclusions: The MDA achieved its goals of reducing malaria morbidity and febrile cases that would have been potentially diagnosed as suspected Ebola cases with increased risk of nosocomial infections. The intervention also helped reduce patient case-load to the severely strained health services at the peak of the Ebola outbreak and malaria transmission. As expected, the effect of the MDA waned in a matter of few weeks and malaria intensity returned to the pre-MDA levels. Nevertheless, the approach was an appropriate public health intervention in the context of the Ebola epidemic even in high malaria transmission areas of Sierra Leone

    Efficacy of artemisinin-based combination therapies and prevalence of molecular markers associated with artemisinin, piperaquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance in Sierra Leone

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    International audienceCurrently, the national malaria control programme (NMCP) of Sierra Leone recommends artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ) and artemether-lumefantrine (AL) as first- and second-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria, respectively, and artesunate + sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) for intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy and for infants. In 2016, the NMCP conducted a study to assess the clinical and parasitological responses of children under five years to ASAQ, AL and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DHA/PPQ) according to the WHO protocol. Day-0 samples were tested for mutations in the Kelch 13 gene (pfk13) and dihydrofolate reductase/dihydropteroate synthase (pfdhfr/pfdhps) genes associated with artemisinin and SP resistance, respectively, and amplification in the pfplasmepsin2 gene for piperaquine resistance. A total of 295 (ASAQ = 128, AL = 64 and DHA/PPQ = 103) eligible children were enrolled at three sites. PCR-corrected 100% adequate clinical and parasitological response and no parasitaemia on day-3 were observed for all patients in each treatment group. Of the 278 samples with interpretable molecular data, only 2.2% carried non-synonymous pfk13 mutants (A578S, I646T), which are not associated with artemisinin resistance. None of the 103 day-0 samples from the DAH/PPQ group had pfplasmepsin2 gene amplification, confirming the absence of piperaquine resistance. The prevalence of the triple pfdhfr mutant (N51I/C59R/S108N) was close to or reached fixation (97.4-100%). For combined pfdhfr/pfdhps mutation, 55-71% carried the quadruple (N51I/C59R/S108N+A437G) mutant and about 10% the quintuple mutant N51I/C59R/S108N+A437G/K540E. Our findings confirm that ASAQ, AL and DHA/PPQ were highly effective for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in the study areas, and neither pfk13 validated mutations nor pfplasmepsin2 multiple copies were found. The very low prevalence of the quintuple mutant in this study supports the NMCP's decision to introduce intermittent preventive treatment for infants with SP in the districts with high malaria transmission

    Supplementary appendix 1b of Oliphant NP, Ray N, Curtis A et al. Optimising scale and deployment of community health workers in Sierra Leone: a geospatial analysis. 2022.

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    Supplementary Appendix 1b contains Supplementary Appendices 1-4, Videos 1, all input datasets, and all output datasets at 100 meter and 1 kilometer resolution for Oliphant NP, Ray N, Curtis A et al. Optimising scale and deployment of community health workers in Sierra Leone: a geospatial analysis. 2022. Files are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Tab "Readme" in the file "Supplementary Appendix 1b Metadata" contains a description of all datasets contained in Supplementary Appendix 1b

    Weekly data in MDA and non-MDA chiefdoms

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    The dataset contains weekly aggragated data in MDA and non-MDA chiefdoms. Main data elements include all-cause outpatients, all-cause admissions, outpatient malaria cases, malaria admissions, microscopically tested cases, microscopically positive cases, RDT tested cases, RDT positive cases, Slide positivity rate (mic), test positivity rate (RDT), non-malaria outpatient cases, non-malaria inpatient cases, proportion of malaria (of all outpatients), proportion of malaria admissions (of all admissions), Ebola alerts. All the above are categorized in two groups: MDA-chiefdoms and non-MDA chiefdoms

    Impact of the Mass Drug Administration for malaria in response to the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone

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    Background: As emergency response to the Ebola epidemic, the Government of Sierra Leone and its partners implemented a large-scale Mass Drug Administration (MDA) with artesunate–amodiaquine (ASAQ) covering >2.7 million people in the districts hardest hit by Ebola during December 2014–January 2015. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) evaluated the impact of the MDA on malaria morbidity at health facilities and the number of Ebola alerts received at District Ebola Command Centres. Methods: The coverage of the two rounds of MDA with ASAQ was estimated by relating the number anti-malarial medicines distributed to the estimated resident population. Segmented time-series analysis was applied to weekly data collected from 49 primary health units (PHUs) and 11 hospitals performing malaria parasitological testing during the study period, to evaluate trends of malaria cases and Ebola alerts during the post-MDA weeks compared to the pre-MDA weeks in MDA- and non-MDA-cheifdoms. Results: After two rounds of the MDA, the number of suspected cases tested with rapid diagnostic test (RDT) decreased significantly by 43 % (95 % CI 38–48 %) at week 1 and remained low at week 2 and 3 post-first MDA and at week 1 and 3 post-second MDA; RDT positive cases decreased significantly by 47 % (41–52 %) at week 1 post-first and remained lower throughout all post-MDA weeks; and the RDT test positivity rate (TPR) declined by 35 % (32–38 %) at week 2 and stayed low throughout all post-MDA weeks. The total malaria (clinical + confirmed) cases decreased significantly by 45 % (39–52 %) at week 1 and were lower at week 2 and 3 post-first MDA; and week 1 post-second MDA. The proportion of confirmed malaria cases (out of all-outpatients) fell by 33 % (29–38 %) at week 1 post-first MDA and were lower during all post-MDA weeks. On the contrary, the non-malaria outpatient cases (cases due to other health conditions) either remained unchanged or fluctuated insignificantly. The Ebola alerts decreased by 30 % (13–46 %) at week 1 post-first MDA and much lower during all the weeks post–second MDA. Conclusions: The MDA achieved its goals of reducing malaria morbidity and febrile cases that would have been potentially diagnosed as suspected Ebola cases with increased risk of nosocomial infections. The intervention also helped reduce patient case-load to the severely strained health services at the peak of the Ebola outbreak and malaria transmission. As expected, the effect of the MDA waned in a matter of few weeks and malaria intensity returned to the pre-MDA levels. Nevertheless, the approach was an appropriate public health intervention in the context of the Ebola epidemic even in high malaria transmission areas of Sierra Leone

    Data from: Impact of the Mass Drug Administration for malaria in response to the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone

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    BACKGROUND: As emergency response to the Ebola epidemic, the Government of Sierra Leone and its partners implemented a large-scale Mass Drug Administration (MDA) with artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ) covering >2.7 million people in the districts hardest hit by Ebola during December 2014-January 2015. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) evaluated the impact of the MDA on malaria morbidity at health facilities and the number of Ebola alerts received at District Ebola Command Centres. METHODS: The coverage of the two rounds of MDA with ASAQ was estimated by relating the number anti-malarial medicines distributed to the estimated resident population. Segmented time-series analysis was applied to weekly data collected from 49 primary health units (PHUs) and 11 hospitals performing malaria parasitological testing during the study period, to evaluate trends of malaria cases and Ebola alerts during the post-MDA weeks compared to the pre-MDA weeks in MDA- and non-MDA-cheifdoms. RESULTS: After two rounds of the MDA, the number of suspected cases tested with rapid diagnostic test (RDT) decreased significantly by 43 % (95 % CI 38-48 %) at week 1 and remained low at week 2 and 3 post-first MDA and at week 1 and 3 post-second MDA; RDT positive cases decreased significantly by 47 % (41-52 %) at week 1 post-first and remained lower throughout all post-MDA weeks; and the RDT test positivity rate (TPR) declined by 35 % (32-38 %) at week 2 and stayed low throughout all post-MDA weeks. The total malaria (clinical + confirmed) cases decreased significantly by 45 % (39-52 %) at week 1 and were lower at week 2 and 3 post-first MDA; and week 1 post-second MDA. The proportion of confirmed malaria cases (out of all-outpatients) fell by 33 % (29-38 %) at week 1 post-first MDA and were lower during all post-MDA weeks. On the contrary, the non-malaria outpatient cases (cases due to other health conditions) either remained unchanged or fluctuated insignificantly. The Ebola alerts decreased by 30 % (13-46 %) at week 1 post-first MDA and much lower during all the weeks post-second MDA. CONCLUSIONS: The MDA achieved its goals of reducing malaria morbidity and febrile cases that would have been potentially diagnosed as suspected Ebola cases with increased risk of nosocomial infections. The intervention also helped reduce patient case-load to the severely strained health services at the peak of the Ebola outbreak and malaria transmission. As expected, the effect of the MDA waned in a matter of few weeks and malaria intensity returned to the pre-MDA levels. Nevertheless, the approach was an appropriate public health intervention in the context of the Ebola epidemic even in high malaria transmission areas of Sierra Leone

    MOESM3 of Impact of the Mass Drug Administration for malaria in response to the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone

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    Additional file 3. Relative percent change in malaria indicators and Ebola alerts in the health facilities in MDA- (n = 34 PHUs) and non-MDA-chiefdoms (n = 14 PHUs) during post-MDA weeks using interrupted time-series regression. Upper values are relative percent changes and lower values in brackets are 95 % CI. Percentages in bold are significant changes with 95 % CI that excluded zero. Negative changes are decrease and positive changes are increase in trends post-MDA compared to trends of pre-MDA weeks

    Optimising scale and deployment of community health workers in Sierra Leone: a geospatial analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about strategies for optimising the scale and deployment of community health workers (CHWs) to maximise geographic accessibility of primary healthcare services. METHODS: We used data from a national georeferenced census of CHWs and other spatial datasets in Sierra Leone to undertake a geospatial analysis exploring optimisation of the scale and deployment of CHWs, with the aim of informing implementation of current CHW policy and future plans of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. RESULTS: The per cent of the population within 30 min walking to the nearest CHW with preservice training increased from 16.1% to 80.4% between 2000 and 2015. Contrary to current national policy, most of this increase occurred in areas within 3 km of a health facility where nearly two-thirds (64.5%) of CHWs were deployed. Ministry of Health and Sanitation-defined 'easy-to-reach' and 'hard-to-reach' areas, geographic areas that should be targeted for CHW deployment, were less well covered, with 19.2% and 34.6% of the population in 2015 beyond a 30 min walk to a CHW, respectively. Optimised CHW networks in these areas were more efficiently deployed than existing networks by 22.4%-71.9%, depending on targeting metric.INTERPRETATIONS: Our analysis supports the Ministry of Health and Sanitation plan to rightsize and retarget the CHW workforce. Other countries in sub-Saharan Africa interested in optimising the scale and deployment of their CHW workforce in the context of broader human resources for health and health sector planning may look to Sierra Leone as an exemplar model from which to learn

    MULTIPLY - Baseline household survey, Sierra Leone

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    A cross-sectional, community-based, multi-stage cluster household survey conducted in selected districts of the Northern and northwestern provinces of Sierra Leone among 10- 23 months old childre