51 research outputs found


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    Raportin tarkoituksena on kuvata Stoffenmanagerin käännös- ja lanseeraustyön haasteita, sekä avata työkalujen sisältöä niille, jotka haluavat perehtyä tarkemmin esimerkiksi control banding -periaatteeseen, kvantitatiiviseen altistumisenarviointiin tai nanomateriaalien riskinhallintaan

    Transcriptional activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa fhp promoter is dependent on two regulators in addition to FhpR

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    The regulation of flavohemoglobin expression is complex and depending on its host organism requires a wide variety of different transcriptional regulators. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the flavohemoglobin (Fhp) and its cognate regulator FhpR form an NO-sensing and detoxifying system regulated by their common bidirectional promoter P fhp/P fhpR. The intergenic fhp-fhpR region of P. aeruginosa PAO1 was used as a bait to isolate proteins affecting the transcription of fhp and fhpR. In addition to the FhpR, we identified two previously uncharacterized P. aeruginosa proteins, PA0779 and PA3697. Both PA0779 and PA3697 were found to be essential for NO3 − and NO2 − induced P fhp activity under aerobic and low-oxygen conditions, and needed for the full function of P fhp/P fhpR as NO responsive regulatory circuit under aerobic conditions. In addition, we show that the transcriptional activity of P fhpR is highly inducible upon addition of SNP under aerobic conditions, but not by NO3 −, NO2 − or under low-oxygen conditions, supporting the findings that FhpR is not the only factor affecting flavohemoglobin expression in P. aeruginos

    Naturlig strålning inom gruvdrift

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    I denna broschyr beskrivs huvudpunkterna i strålnings- och kärnenergilagstiftningens krav på gruvdrift. Gruvbolagen ansvarar för att undersöka exponering för naturlig strålning orsakad av gruvdrift och förekomsten av eventuella strålande material som kräver tillstånd. Naturliga radioaktiva ämnen, såsom radionuklider i uran- och toriumserien, förekommer i alla sten- och mineralmaterial i varierande halter. När naturliga radioaktiva ämnen bryts ner uppstår joniserande strålning, som orsakar men för hälsan

    Luonnonsäteily kaivostoiminnassa

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    Tässä esitteessä kerrotaan pääkohdat säteily- ja ydinenergialainsäädännön asettamista velvoitteista kaivostoiminnalle. Kaivosyhtiöiden vastuulla on selvittää kaivostoiminnasta aiheutuva luonnonsäteilyaltistus ja mahdollisten luvanvaraisten säteilevien materiaalien esiintyminen. Luonnon radioaktiivisia aineita, kuten uraani- ja toriumsarjan radionuklideja, esiintyy kaikissa kivi- ja mineraaliaineksissa vaihtelevina pitoisuuksina. Luonnon radioaktiivisten aineiden hajoamisesta syntyy ionisoivaa säteilyä, joka aiheuttaa terveyshaittaa

    Natural Radiation in Mining

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    This brochure covers the main obligations set for mining in the legislation in Finland concerning radiation and nuclear energy. Mining companies are required to determine the exposure to natural radiation caused by mining, as well as the occurrence of any materials that are subject to licensing due to natural radionuclides. Varying levels of natural radionuclides, such as radionuclides of the uranium- and thorium-series, occur in all types of rocks and minerals. The decay of natural radionuclides emits ionizing radiation, which poses a detriment to health

    REACH–tiedolla tehokkaaseen riskinhallintaan (RETRIS)

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    Tässä hankkeessa etsittiin keinoja parantaa erityisesti seosten laajennettuja käyttöturvallisuustiedotteita. Koska työpaikoilla on huomioitava REACH:n lisäksi myös työturvallisuuslainsäädännön velvoitteet työympäristöriskien hallinnasta, hankkeen keskeisenä ajatuksena oli löytää keinoja, miten näiden rinnakkaisten lainsäädäntökokonaisuuksien velvoitteet voitaisiin saavuttaa yhtenäisessä prosessissa, mahdollisimman käytännönläheisesti ja samalla kustannustehokkaasti

    Participatory operations model for cost-efficient monitoring and modeling of river basins — A systematic approach

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    AbstractThe worldwide economic downturn and the climate change in the beginning of 21st century have stressed the need for cost efficient and systematic operations model for the monitoring and management of surface waters. However, these processes are still all too fragmented and incapable to respond these challenges. For example in Finland, the estimation of the costs and benefits of planned management measures is insufficient. On this account, we present a new operations model to streamline these processes and to ensure the lucid decision making and the coherent implementation which facilitate the participation of public and all the involved stakeholders. The model was demonstrated in the real world management of a lake. The benefits, pitfalls and development needs were identified. After the demonstration, the operations model was put into operation and has been actively used in several other management projects throughout Finland

    Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Ljungan and orthopoxvirus seroconversions in patients hospitalized due to acute Puumala hantavirus infection

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    Background: The emergence and re-emergence of zoonotic and vector-borne diseases are increasing in Europe. Prominent rodent-borne zoonotic viruses include Puumala hantavirus (PUUV; the causative agent of nephropathia epidemica, NE), lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), and orthopoxviruses (OPV). In addition, Ljungan virus (LV) is considered a potentially zoonotic virus. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare clinical picture between acute PUUV patients with and without additional rodent-borne viral infections, to investigate if concurrent infections influence disease severity. Study design: We evaluated seroprevalence of and seroconversions to LCMV, LV and OPV in 116 patients hospitalized for NE. Clinical and laboratory variables were closely monitored during hospital care. Results: A total of five LCMV, 15 LV, and one OPV seroconversions occurred. NE patients with LCMV seroconversions were younger, and had lower plasma creatinine concentrations and platelet counts than patients without LCMV seroconversions. No differences occurred in clinical or laboratory findings between patients with and without seroconversions to LV and OPV. We report, for the first time, LCMV seroprevalence in Finland, with 8.5% of NE patients seropositive for this virus. Seroprevalences for LV and OPV were 47.8% and 32.4%, respectively. Conclusion: Cases with LCMV seroconversions were statistically younger, had milder acute kidney injury and more severe thrombocytopenia than patients without LCMV. However, the low number of seroconversion cases precludes firm conclusions. Concurrent LV or OPV infections do not appear to influence clinical picture for NE patients. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe