180 research outputs found

    The efficacy of anakinra in an adolescent with colchicine-resistant familial Mediterranean fever

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    Colchicine is the treatment of choice in familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) for the prevention of both attacks and secondary amyloidosis. The overall nonresponder rate is about 5–10%. Anakinra is known to have good effectiveness in a severe autoinflammatory syndrome [chronic infantile neurological cutaneous and articular (CINCA) syndrome] and other recurrent hereditary periodic fevers. Pyrin—the protein involved in FMF—has a role in activating the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-1β. We report the effectiveness of the addition of an IL-1-receptor inhibitor (anakinra) to colchicine in controlling the febrile attacks and acute phase response in an adolescent with FMF resistant to colchicine

    Rapid and Sustained Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Canakinumab in Patients With Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndrome Ages Five Years and Younger.

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    To assess long-term efficacy and safety of canakinumab and the response to vaccination in children ages ≤5 years with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS). CAPS patients (ages ≤5 years) received 2 mg/kg canakinumab subcutaneously every 8 weeks; patients with neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease (NOMID) received a starting dose of 4 mg/kg in this open-label trial. Efficacy was evaluated using physician global assessment of disease activity and serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and amyloid A (SAA). Adverse events (AEs) were recorded. Vaccination response was evaluated using postvaccination antibody titers at 4 and 8 weeks after immunization. Of the 17 patients enrolled, 12 (71%) had Muckle-Wells syndrome, 4 (24%) had NOMID, and 1 (6%) had familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome. All 17 patients had a complete response to canakinumab. Disease activity improved according to the physician global assessment, and for 65% of the patients autoinflammatory disease was characterized as "absent" at the end of the study. Median CRP levels decreased over time. No such change was evident in SAA levels. During the extension study, postvaccination antibody titers increased above protective levels in 16 (94%) of 17 assessable vaccinations. Ten of the patients (59%) had AEs suspected to be related to canakinumab; 8 (47%) experienced at least 1 serious AE (SAE). None of the AEs or SAEs required interruption of canakinumab therapy. Our findings indicate that canakinumab effectively maintains efficacy through 152 weeks and appears to have no effect on the ability to produce antibodies against standard childhood non-live vaccines. The safety profile of canakinumab was consistent with previous studies, supporting long-term use of canakinumab for CAPS in children ≤5 years of age

    COVID-19: treatment strategies of German-speaking pediatric rheumatologists Results of an online survey

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    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Zuverlässige Daten zu Verlauf und Therapie von COVID-19 („corona virus disease 2019“) bei Kindern mit rheumatischen Erkrankungen unter Immunsuppression fehlen. Ziel der Arbeit Abbildung individueller Strategien der Mitglieder der Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendrheumatologie (GKJR) im Umgang mit COVID-19. Methodik Mittels Online-Umfrage wurden im Mai 2020 das Meinungsbild der GKJR-Mitglieder zum Umgang mit DMARDs („disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs“) bei COVID-19-Erkrankung sowie die Bereitschaft zum Einsatz spezieller Therapieansätze bei Patienten mit unterschiedlicher Schwere von COVID-19 erhoben. Ergebnisse Es nahmen 71 Kollegen (27,3 % aller befragten ärztlichen Mitglieder) an der Umfrage teil; davon hatten 28,2 % bereits Patienten mit COVID-19 betreut. Über 95 % der Teilnehmer lehnten eine präventive Anpassung der antirheumatischen Therapie im Rahmen der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie ab. Bei ambulanten Patienten unter Immunsuppression mit nachgewiesener COVID-19-Erkrankung würden mehr als 50 % der Teilnehmer folgende Therapien aussetzen: intravenöse hoch dosierte Steroide, Cyclophosphamid, Anti-CD20-Antikörper, sowie eine BAFF-, CTLA-4-, TNF-α-Blockade. Hingegen würden nichtsteroidale Antiphlogistika, Hydroxychloroquin (HCQ), orale Steroide, Mycophenolat, IL-1-Blockade sowie Immunglobuline (Ig) von >70 % der Kollegen weiter fortgeführt. Bei stationären Patienten mit COVID-19 würden insgesamt 74,6 % der Kollegen eine COVID-19-gerichtete Therapie erwägen. Bei stabilem Verlauf unter O 2 -Therapie (Stufe I) würden am häufigsten HCQ (18,3 %), Azithromycin (16,9 %) und Ig (9,9 %) in Betracht gezogen. Bei drohendem (Stufe II) bzw. manifestem Zytokinsturm (Stufe III) würden am häufigsten Anakinra (40,8 % bei Stufe II bzw. 46,5 % bei Stufe III), Tocilizumab (26,8 % bzw. 40,8 %), Steroide (25,4 % bzw. 33,8 %) und Remdesivir (29,6 % bzw. 38,0 %) eingesetzt. Von vielen Kollegen wurde betont, dass die Therapiestrategie individuell und der klinischen Situation entsprechend angepasst werden soll. Diskussion Die Ergebnisse der Online-Umfrage sind vor dem Hintergrund einer aktuell in Deutschland niedrigen Prävalenz von COVID-19 zu sehen und spiegeln somit theoretische Überlegungen der Befragten wider. Da Kinder derzeit nicht im Fokus von prospektiven COVID-19-Studien stehen, scheint der kontinuierliche und kritische kollegiale Fachaustausch bei Therapieentscheidungen umso wichtiger zu sein

    Остеоартроз, артериальная гипертензия и ожирение: проблема коморбидности

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    Представлены данные современных исследований отечественных и зарубежных ученых, касающиеся распространенности сочетанной патологии − остеоартроза с артериальной гипертензией и ожирением.Наведено дані сучасних досліджень вітчизняних і зарубіжних вчених щодо поширеності поєднаної патології − остеоартрозу з артеріальною гіпертензією та ожирінням.The data of contemporary investigations of Ukrainian and foreign scientists about the prevalence of combined pathology (osteoarthrosis with arterial hypertension and obesity) are presented

    Differences sustained between diffuse and limited forms of juvenile systemic sclerosis in expanded international cohort. www.juvenile-scleroderma.com

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the baseline clinical characteristics of juvenile systemic sclerosis (jSSc) patients in the international Juvenile SSc Inception Cohort (jSScC), compare these characteristics between the classically defined diffuse (dcjSSc) and limited cutaneous (lcjSSc) subtypes, and among those with overlap features. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed using baseline visit data. Demographic, organ system evaluation, treatment, and patient and physician reported outcomes were extracted and summary statistics applied. Comparisons between dcjSSc and lcSSc subtypes and patients with and without overlap features were performed using Chi-square and Mann Whitney U-tests. RESULTS: At data extraction 150 jSSc patients were enrolled across 42 centers, 83% were Caucasian, 80% female, dcjSSc predominated (72%), and 17% of the cohort had overlap features. Significant differences were found between dcjSSc and lcjSSc regarding the modified Rodnan Skin Score, presence of Gottron's papules, digital tip ulceration, 6 Minute walk test, composite pulmonary and cardiac involvement. All more frequent in dcSSc except for cardiac involvement. DcjSSc patients had significantly worse scores for physician rated disease activity and damage. A significantly higher occurrence of Gottron's papules, musculoskeletal involvement and composite pulmonary involvement, and significantly lower frequency of Raynaud's phenomenon, were seen in those with overlap features. CONCLUSION: Results from a large international jSSc cohort demonstrate significant differences between dcjSSc and lcjSSc patients including more globally severe disease and increased frequency of ILD in dcjSSc patients, while those with lcSSc have more frequent cardiac involvement. Those with overlap features had an unexpected higher frequency of interstitial lung disease

    Development of the autoinflammatory disease damage index (ADDI)

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    OBJECTIVES: Autoinflammatory diseases cause systemic inflammation that can result in damage to multiple organs. A validated instrument is essential to quantify damage in individual patients and to compare disease outcomes in clinical studies. Currently, there is no such tool. Our objective was to develop a common autoinflammatory disease damage index (ADDI) for familial Mediterranean fever, cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes, tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic fever syndrome and mevalonate kinase deficiency. METHODS: We developed the ADDI by consensus building. The top 40 enrollers of patients in the Eurofever Registry and 9 experts from the Americas participated in multiple rounds of online surveys to select items and definitions. Further, 22 (parents of) patients rated damage items and suggested new items. A consensus meeting was held to refine the items and definitions, which were then formally weighted in a scoring system derived using decision-making software, known as 1000minds. RESULTS: More than 80% of the experts and patients completed the online surveys. The preliminary ADDI contains 18 items, categorised in the following eight organ systems: reproductive, renal/amyloidosis, developmental, serosal, neurological, ears, ocular and musculoskeletal damage. The categories renal/amyloidosis and neurological damage were assigned the highest number of points, serosal damage the lowest number of points. The involvement of (parents of) patients resulted in the inclusion of, for example, chronic musculoskeletal pain. CONCLUSIONS: An instrument to measure damage caused by autoinflammatory diseases is developed based on consensus building. Patients fulfilled a significant role in this process

    Are diffuse and limited juvenile systemic sclerosis different in clinical presentation? Clinical characteristics of a juvenile systemic sclerosis cohort

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    Introduction: Juvenile systemic sclerosis is an orphan disease. Currently, the majority of juvenile systemic sclerosis cohort studies are retrospective in design without standardized assessment. This study was conducted prospectively to investigate the difference in manifestations of limited cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis and diffuse cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis subtypes. An additional aim was to compare these data to other juvenile systemic sclerosis cohorts and a large adult systemic sclerosis cohort. Methods: Patients fulfilling the Paediatric Rheumatology European Society juvenile systemic sclerosis classification criteria were included. Clinical characteristics and patient-related outcomes were assessed. Results: In all, 88 patients with a mean disease duration of 3.5 years were enrolled, 72.5% with diffuse cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis with a mean modified Rodnan Skin score of 18 and 27.5% with limited cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis with mean modified Rodnan Skin score of 9. The mean age at the onset of Raynaud’s and first non-Raynaud’s symptoms was similar in both groups, approximately 9 and 10.5 years. Active digital tip ulcerations were present in 29% diffuse cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis and none in the limited cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis subjects (p = 0.005). Of those with cardiopulmonary testing, 3% of diffuse cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis and 23% of limited cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis group had cardiac involvement (p = 0.015), and 41% diffuse cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis and 22% of the limited cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis group had pulmonary involvement (p = 0.009). Physician global disease damage assessment was higher in the diffuse cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis group compared to the limited cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis group: 35 and 15 (p = 0.021). Discussion: The majority of this international juvenile systemic sclerosis cohort had diffuse cutaneous juvenile systemic sclerosis (72.5%) with more frequent vascular and pulmonary involvement compared to the limited cutaneous group, who had increased cardiac involvement. Our cohort reflects prior findings of published juvenile systemic sclerosis cohorts and emphasizes a difference in the presentation compared to adult-onset systemic sclerosis

    Working Towards a Treat-to-Target Protocol in Juvenile Proliferative Lupus Nephritis - A Survey of Pediatric Rheumatologists and Nephrologists in Germany and Austria.

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    BackgroundTo describe treatment practices for juvenile proliferative lupus nephritis (LN) class III and IV of pediatric rheumatologists and nephrologists in Germany and Austria in preparation for a treat-to-target treatment protocol in LN.MethodsSurvey study by members of the Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology (GKJR) and the German Society for Pediatric Nephrology (GPN) on diagnostics and (concomitant) therapy of LN.ResultsFifty-eight physicians completed the survey. Overall, there was a considerable heterogeneity regarding the suggested diagnostics and management of juvenile proliferative LN. Increased urinary protein excretion, either assessed by 24 h urine collection or spot urine (protein-creatinine ratio), and reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate were specified as important parameters for indication of kidney biopsy to diagnose proliferative LN and monitoring of therapy. Corticosteroids were generally proposed for induction and maintenance therapy, most often in conjunction with either mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) or cyclophosphamide (CP) as steroid-sparing immunosuppressants. MMF was clearly preferred over CP for induction therapy of LN class III, whereas CP and MMF were equally proposed for LN class IV. MMF was most often recommended for maintenance therapy in conjunction with oral corticosteroids and continued for at least 3 years and 1 year, respectively, after remission. Hydroxychloroquine was widely accepted as a concomitant measure followed by renin-angiotensin system inhibitors in cases of arterial hypertension and/or proteinuria.ConclusionThe majority of pediatric rheumatologists and nephrologists in Germany and Austria propose the use of corticosteroids, most often in combination with either MMF or CP, for treatment of proliferative LN in children. The considerable heterogeneity of responses supports the need for a treat-to-target protocol for juvenile proliferative LN between pediatric rheumatologists and nephrologists