29 research outputs found

    Ilkka Niiniluoto tieteen popularisoijana

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    Artikkelissa tarkastellaan teoreettisen filosofian professorin Ilkka Niiniluodon puhetta, jonka hĂ€n piti SÀÀtytalolla kansalaisen ominaisuudessa vuonna 1993 Suomen henkinen tila ja tulevaisuus -ryhmĂ€n raportin julkistamistilaisuudessa. Silloinen pÀÀministeri Esko Aho oli kutsunut Niiniluodon kokoamaan työryhmĂ€n tĂ€stĂ€ teemasta. RyhmĂ€ ei pÀÀtynyt yhteiseen raporttiin, vaan artikkelikokoelmaan, joka julkaistiin seuraavana vuonna. Julkistamistilaisuuden yleisönĂ€ oli keskeisiĂ€ poliittisia vaikuttajia ja median edustajia. Analysoin yksityiskohtaisesti Niiniluodon puheeseen sisĂ€ltyvÀÀ monitasoista nĂ€kemystĂ€ tiedon ja poliittisen toiminnan suhteesta. Analyysin kĂ€sitteellisinĂ€ vĂ€lineinĂ€ esittelen Niiniluodon oman nĂ€kemyksen taitojen tieteellistymisestĂ€ ja osoitan, ettĂ€ se vastaa Aristoteleen taidon (tekhnĂȘ) kĂ€sitystĂ€

    The future of interpretive accounting research:A Polyphonic Debate

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    In 1997-99 the three of us organised a series of European Commission funded conferences aimed at building a network of young researchers in the area of accounting. At the time “young” was defined by the Commission as researchers under 35 years of age (allowing for maternity leave or national service). Over the intervening years our network had grown and we wanted to try and take stock of the field in which we had now been working for a surprising number of years. To that Page 1 of 29 Accepted Manuscript 2 end we put together the above email and a broad invitation list of people who had been at those first meetings, and others of the same generation (or even younger) whom we had met since. About half of those originally contacted managed to make the meeting where we spent a stimulating couple of hours of debate on the topics raised below—so stimulating that we developed a collective desire to leave a trace of the discussion. Writing a traditional paper with so many, so widely dispersed authors was not going to work. Instead we came up with a different form of collective writing that mirrored the original debate, and that might contribute to ongoing debates in this journal concerning the nature and status of our research (e.g. Arrington, 2004; Inanga & Schneider, 2005; Macintosh, 2004). We agreed a process in which each of us in turn would have one week to add a target of 300 words to a rolling document, going through the contributors alphabetically. After two rounds we would see what we had got

    Women Managers' Careers in China: Theorizing the Influence of Gender and Collectivism

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    This article is concerned with developing an understanding of the careers of women managers in China. Existing literature suggests that while women in China are comparatively well represented in management roles, they face distinctive pressures and barriers to their progress arising from entrenched patriarchal and collectivist aspects of the Chinese cultural tradition. However, little is known about how these aspects impact on women's orientations towards their careers and to what extent influential Western career theories are adequate in interpreting their experience. Drawing on interviews with 20 women managers in China, the article interprets women's orientations towards their careers in relation to their adherence to traditional gender roles and collectivist values. Using this framework, a fourfold taxonomy is developed which identifies "conformist," "revolutionary," "soloist," and "dissident" orientations. The article suggests that Western career theories fail to capture the collective dimension, and thus do not account fully for the range of experience and orientations of Chinese women managers that are captured in the taxonomy. Implications, both practical and theoretical, are discussed. Recommendations are also made as to how management and career development policies might be developed in organizations in China in order to address the diverse needs and preferences of women managers

    Reconciling Opposites in Organisation Studies: An Aristotelian Approach to Modernism and Post-modernism

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    In view of the current fragmentation in management and organisation studies, we argue that there is a need to elaborate techniques that help reconcile contradictory and superficially incommensurable standpoints. For this purpose, we draw on ‘pre-modern’ Aristotelian epistemological and methodological sources, particularly the idea of ‘saving the appearances’ (SA), not previously introduced into organisation studies. Using SA as our starting point, we outline a methodology that helps to develop reasonable and acceptable intermediary positions in contemporary debates between ‘modernism’ and ‘post-modernism’. We illustrate the functioning of SA in the case of three issues in the philosophy of science where ‘modernist’ and ‘post-modernist’ scholars seem to have incommensurable standpoints: the nature of scientific knowledge; the conception of causality; and the epistemology of practice. We show in particular how to use the logics of ‘qualification’, ‘new conception’, and ‘complementary combination’ to form the basis for mediating positions which could then be accepted by less extreme proponents of both ‘modernism’ and ‘postmodernism’