1,875 research outputs found

    Radon mitigation during the installation of the CUORE 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay detector

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    CUORE - the Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events - is an experiment searching for the neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) decay of 130^{130}Te with an array of 988 TeO2_2 crystals operated as bolometers at \sim10 mK in a large dilution refrigerator. With this detector, we aim for a 130^{130}Te 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay half-life sensitivity of 9×10259\times10^{25} y with 5 y of live time, and a background index of 102\lesssim 10^{-2} counts/keV/kg/y. Making an effort to maintain radiopurity by minimizing the bolometers' exposure to radon gas during their installation in the cryostat, we perform all operations inside a dedicated cleanroom environment with a controlled radon-reduced atmosphere. In this paper, we discuss the design and performance of the CUORE Radon Abatement System and cleanroom, as well as a system to monitor the radon level in real time.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    White Paper: Measuring the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy

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    This white paper is a condensation of a report by a committee appointed jointly by the Nuclear Science and Physics Divisions at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). The goal of this study was to identify the most promising technique(s) for resolving the neutrino mass hierarchy. For the most part, we have relied on calculations and simulations presented by the proponents of the various experiments. We have included evaluations of the opportunities and challenges for these experiments based on what is available already in the literature.Comment: White paper prepared for Snowmass-201

    Galileo imaging results from the second Earth-Moon flyby: Lunar Maria and related units

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    The second flyby of the Earth-Moon System by Galileo occurred on December 7, 1992, on its trajectory toward Jupiter. The flyby took the spacecraft over the lunar north polar region from the dark farside and continued across the illuminated nearside. This provided the first opportunity to observe northern and northeastern limb regions with a modern, multispectral imaging system with high spatial resolution (up to 1.1 km/pixel). Scientific objectives included compositional assessment of previously uncharacterized mare regions, study of various light plains materials, and assessment of dark mantle deposits (DMD) and dark halo craters (DHC). Color composite images were prepared from ratios of Galileo SSI filter data (0.76/0.41 yields red; 0.76/0.99 yields green; 0.41/0.76 yields blue) and used for preliminary comparison of units. The 0.41/0.76 ratio has been empirically correlated to Ti content of mare soils (blue is relatively high, red is relatively low). The relative strengths of the ferrous one micron absorption in mafic minerals can be compared using the 0.76/0.99 ratio. In addition, relative ages of units analyzed spectrally were determined from crater statistics using Lunar Orbiter images following the techniques of Neukum et al. Mare deposits analyzed include Mare Humboldtianum, central and eastern Mare Frigoris, Mare Crisium and other deposits in the Crisium Basin, and isolated mare patches on the northeastern lunar limb. Preliminary results show a diversity of 0.41/0.76 micron signatures, implying a wide range of titanium contents. Some light plains units are similar to units found at the Apollo 16 site; others may be ancient mare materials. Dark mantle deposits (DMD) analyzed also are available

    Effects of 2.45 GHz Wi‐Fi exposure on sleep‐dependent memory consolidation

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    Studies have reported that exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by mobile telephony might affect specific sleep features. Possible effects of RF-EMF emitted by Wi-Fi networks on sleep-dependent memory consolidation processes have not been investigated so far. The present study explored the impact of an all-night Wi-Fi (2.45 GHz) exposure on sleep-dependent memory consolidation and its associated physiological correlates. Thirty young males (mean ± standard deviation [SD]: 24.1 ± 2.9 years) participated in this double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled crossover study. Participants spent five nights in the laboratory. The first night was an adaptation/screening night. The second and fourth nights were baseline nights, each followed consecutively by an experimental night with either Wi-Fi (maximum: psSAR10g = <25 mW/kg; 6 min average: <6.4 mW/kg) or sham exposure. Declarative, emotional and procedural memory performances were measured using a word pair, a sequential finger tapping and a face recognition task, respectively. Furthermore, learning-associated brain activity parameters (power spectra for slow oscillations and in the spindle frequency range) were analysed. Although emotional and procedural memory were not affected by RF-EMF exposure, overnight improvement in the declarative task was significantly better in the Wi-Fi condition. However, none of the post-learning sleep-specific parameters was affected by exposure. Thus, the significant effect of Wi-Fi exposure on declarative memory observed at the behavioural level was not supported by results at the physiological level. Due to these inconsistencies, this result could also be a random finding

    Effects of mental health status during adolescence on primary care costs in adulthood across three British cohorts

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    PURPOSE: This study examines the association between mental health problems in adolescence and general practice (GP) costs during adulthood up to age 50 in the UK. METHODS: We conducted secondary analyses of three British birth cohorts (individuals born in single weeks in 1946, 1958 and 1970). Data for the three cohorts were analysed separately. All respondents who participated in the cohort studies were included. Adolescent mental health status was assessed in each cohort using the Rutter scale (or, for one cohort, a forerunner of that scale) completed in interviews with parents and teachers when cohort members were aged around 16. Presence and severity of conduct and emotional problems were modelled as independent variables in two-part regression models in which the dependent variable was costs of GP services from data collection sweeps up to mid-adulthood. All analyses were adjusted for covariates (cognitive ability, mother's education, housing tenure, father's social class and childhood physical disability). RESULTS: Adolescent conduct and emotional problems, particularly when coexisting, were associated with relatively high GP costs in adulthood up to age 50. Associations were generally stronger in females than males. CONCLUSION: Associations between adolescent mental health problems and annual GP cost were evident decades later, to age 50, suggesting that there could be significant future savings to healthcare budgets if rates of adolescent conduct and emotional problems could be reduced. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Not applicable

    Reliability of National Data Sets: Evidence from a detailed Small Area Study in Rural Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

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    Researchers often rely on Census data to provide us with information for local areas. In a study in rural Nepal we came across major discrepancies between the number of women with a child under the age of two as estimated from the national Census and the prevalence rate of this population in our local in-depth household survey. This Research Notes highlights why Census data might not be as reliable as one would hope. In summary, researchers using Census data in developing countries should include an element of quality control of the national dataset. We advise researchers to conduct a small survey from a random sample to provide an estimate of the likely population in the area under study

    Measurement of the 8B Solar Neutrino Flux with the KamLAND Liquid Scintillator Detector

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    We report a measurement of the neutrino-electron elastic scattering rate from 8B solar neutrinos based on a 123 kton-day exposure of KamLAND. The background-subtracted electron recoil rate, above a 5.5 MeV analysis threshold is 1.49+/-0.14(stat)+/-0.17(syst) events per kton-day. Interpreted as due to a pure electron flavor flux with a 8B neutrino spectrum, this corresponds to a spectrum integrated flux of 2.77+/-0.26(stat)+/-0.32(syst) x 10^6 cm^-2s^-1. The analysis threshold is driven by 208Tl present in the liquid scintillator, and the main source of systematic uncertainty is due to background from cosmogenic 11Be. The measured rate is consistent with existing measurements and with Standard Solar Model predictions which include matter enhanced neutrino oscillation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Anterior impingement syndrome in dancers

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    Anterior impingement is a common problem in dancers occurring primarily secondary to the repetitive forced ankle dorsiflexion inherent in ballet. Symptoms generally occur progressively and may respond to conservative treatment including addressing biomechanical faults that contribute to the problem. As impingement progresses, movements essential to ballet may become impossible and arthroscopic ankle surgery is often effective for both diagnosis and treatment, allowing athletes to return to dance

    Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay of 130^{130}Te with CUORE-0

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    We report the results of a search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in a 9.8~kg\cdotyr exposure of 130^{130}Te using a bolometric detector array, CUORE-0. The characteristic detector energy resolution and background level in the region of interest are 5.1±0.3 keV5.1\pm 0.3{\rm~keV} FWHM and 0.058±0.004(stat.)±0.002(syst.)0.058 \pm 0.004\,(\mathrm{stat.})\pm 0.002\,(\mathrm{syst.})~counts/(keV\cdotkg\cdotyr), respectively. The median 90%~C.L. lower-limit sensitivity of the experiment is 2.9×1024 yr2.9\times 10^{24}~{\rm yr} and surpasses the sensitivity of previous searches. We find no evidence for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 130^{130}Te and place a Bayesian lower bound on the decay half-life, T1/20ν>T^{0\nu}_{1/2}>~2.7×1024 yr 2.7\times 10^{24}~{\rm yr} at 90%~C.L. Combining CUORE-0 data with the 19.75~kg\cdotyr exposure of 130^{130}Te from the Cuoricino experiment we obtain T1/20ν>4.0×1024 yrT^{0\nu}_{1/2} > 4.0\times 10^{24}~\mathrm{yr} at 90%~C.L.~(Bayesian), the most stringent limit to date on this half-life. Using a range of nuclear matrix element estimates we interpret this as a limit on the effective Majorana neutrino mass, mββ<270m_{\beta\beta}< 270 -- 760 meV760~\mathrm{meV}.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, updated version as published in PR

    Production of Radioactive Isotopes through Cosmic Muon Spallation in KamLAND

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    Radioactive isotopes produced through cosmic muon spallation are a background for rare-event detection in ν\nu detectors, double-β\beta-decay experiments, and dark-matter searches. Understanding the nature of cosmogenic backgrounds is particularly important for future experiments aiming to determine the pep and CNO solar neutrino fluxes, for which the background is dominated by the spallation production of 11^{11}C. Data from the Kamioka liquid-scintillator antineutrino detector (KamLAND) provides valuable information for better understanding these backgrounds, especially in liquid scintillators, and for checking estimates from current simulations based upon MUSIC, FLUKA, and GEANT4. Using the time correlation between detected muons and neutron captures, the neutron production yield in the KamLAND liquid scintillator is measured to be (2.8±0.3)×104μ1g1cm2(2.8 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{-4} \mu^{-1} g^{-1} cm^{2}. For other isotopes, the production yield is determined from the observed time correlation related to known isotope lifetimes. We find some yields are inconsistent with extrapolations based on an accelerator muon beam experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figure