103 research outputs found

    Las fronteras de Israel

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    En el presente artículo haré una breve reseña histórica de la evolución de las fronteras (inconclusas) del Estado de Israel entre 1948 y 2007. En primer lugar, presento un modelo teórico sobre el desarrollo y la evolución de las fronteras, tanto por la víIn this article I briefly summarize the historical background of the evolution of the (inconclusive) borders of the State of Israel, between 1948 and 2007. First, I present a theoretical framework about the evolution and development of the changing borde

    AtualizaçÔes e adaptaçÔes na peça Calabar : o Elogio da Traição e as influĂȘncias de Bertold Brecht

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    Trabalho de ConclusĂŁo de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de BrasĂ­lia, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Artes CĂȘnicas, 2017.Calabar: o Elogio da Traição Ă© um musical escrito por Chico Buarque e Ruy Guerra em 1972. Concebido no perĂ­odo da ditadura no Brasil, foi escolhida como peça de formatura da disciplina Diplomação em Interpretação Teatral da Universidade de BrasĂ­lia (UnB). O objetivo dessa monografia Ă© analisar a atualização e as adaptaçÔes feitas para as apresentaçÔes realizadas em junho e outubro de 2016. Ao relacionar o teatro Ă©pico de Bertold Brecht com o texto dos dramaturgos, evidencia-se os conceitos de teatro polĂ­tico e distanciamento, alĂ©m das influĂȘncias do teĂłrico sobre Chico Buarque. Associando os perĂ­odos da trama (sĂ©c. XVII) e da criação da peça com a contemporaneidade, subentende-se suas semelhanças polĂ­ticas e sociais – o que explicita a preferĂȘncia da turma por essa dramaturgia. É apresentada uma reflexĂŁo do processo criativo e do resultado final a partir do olhar da personagem Anna de Amsterdam, alĂ©m de abordar as modificaçÔes que a afetaram. Como resultado, as alteraçÔes dramatĂșrgicas e cortes de cançÔes colaboraram para a nĂŁo compreensĂŁo de detalhes simbĂłlicos e funcionais da personagem, transpondo essa para uma posição mais simplĂłria no enredo. No entanto, ,mesmo com falhas na adaptação, a intenção inicial de criticar situaçÔes da atualidade se cumpriram

    The United States, PMSCs and the state monopoly on violence: Leading the way towards norm change

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2013 Sage.The proliferation of private military and security companies (PMSCs) in Iraq and Afghanistan has raised many questions regarding the use of armed force by private contractors. This article addresses the question of whether the increased acceptance of PMSCs indicates a transformation of the international norm regarding the state monopoly on the legitimate use of armed force. Drawing on theoretical approaches to the analysis of norm change, the article employs four measures to investigate possible changes in the strength and meaning of this norm: modifications in state behaviour, state responses to norm violation, the promulgation of varying interpretations of the norm in national and international laws and regulations, and changes in norm discourse. Based on an analysis of empirical evidence from the United States of America and its allies, the article concludes that these measures suggest that the USA is leading the way towards a transformation of the international norm of the state monopoly on violence, involving a revised meaning. Although this understanding has not yet been formally implemented in international law, it has allowed a growing number of countries to tolerate, accept or legalize the use of armed force by PMSCs in the international arena.The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt

    The coexistence of peace and conflict in South America: toward a new conceptualization of types of peace

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    South America's predominant democratic regimes and its increasing interdependence on regional trade have not precluded the emergence of militarized crises between Colombia and Venezuela or the revival of boundary claims between Chile and Peru. This way, how can we characterize a zone that, in spite of its flourishing democracy and dense economic ties, remain involved in territorial disputes for whose resolution the use of force has not yet been discarded? This article contends that existing classifications of zones of peace are not adequate to explain this unusual coexistence. Thus, its main purpose is to develop a new analytical category of regional peace for assessing this phenomenon: the hybrid peace. It aims to research the evolution of security systems in South America during the previous century and build a new, threefold classification of peace zones: negative peace zones, hybrid peace zones, and positive peace zones

    On regional security governance once again: how analysis of the Southern Caucasus can advance the concept

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    Already introduced to the academic and political debate some years ago, the concept of “security governance” still needs to be clarified. In particular, four main shortcomings need to be overcome to make the concept more useful for an assessment of current security dynamics: in the first place, attention has been devoted more to “governance” than to “security”, while failing to consider the role of the understandings and perceptions of the actors involved in the governance system. Second, the literature on the actors (governmental or not) involved is still fragmented. Third, the literature on security governance has too often been detached from reflections on regionalism, while it would be useful to further explore the relationship between cognitive definitions of regional and security dynamics. Fourth, the literature has predominantly focused on Europe and the transatlantic area, overlooking processes of “region-building” in security terms in other “unexpected” geographical spaces. After proposing avenues to overcome the current gaps in the literature, the Southern Caucasus is chosen as a case study to show the different instances of security governance emerging, thanks to definitions of the region in security terms that have involved regional and external actors, of a state and non-state nature

    Storytelling in den Vereinten Nationen: Mahbub ul Haq und menschliche Entwicklung

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    Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass Mitarbeiter der Vereinten Nationen eine wichtige Rolle in Prozessen des ideellen Wandels auf internationaler Ebene spielen können, beschĂ€ftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit einer bestimmten Form individuellem Einflusses – dem storytelling. Mein VerstĂ€ndnis von storytelling als Einflusstaktik kombiniert dabei kollektive Elemente der soziologischen Praxistheorie mit den reflexiven, akteursbezogenen Überlegungen von Michel de Certeau. Ich analysiere storytelling anhand von drei analytischen Elementen: einem (chronologischen) Plot, einer Reihe von Charakteren und einem interpretativen Thema – die jeweils ihre Wirkung im Zusammenspiel mit der SubjektivitĂ€t ihres storytellers entfalten. Ich illustriere diese theoretischen Überlegungen mit dem Fall von Mahbub ul Haq, dem es als Sonderberater des United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-Administrators zu Beginn der 1990er Jahre gelungen ist, die Idee der menschlichen Entwicklung im System der Vereinten Nationen und der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik zu etablieren
