30 research outputs found

    Machine vision in measurement and control of mineral concentration process

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    This thesis considers machine vision in the context of the mining, mineral and metal industry (MMMI). Even though MMMI might be seen as a rather conservative industry branch, in many cases it is not. One motivation for constant research and development is the large amount of ore processed on a yearly basis, which means that even a slight improvement in performance can lead to substantial economical benefits. Another point, related more closely to the thesis, is that the development in camera and information technology has enabled the integration of machine vision based applications into many different industry branches, MMMI being one of them. Machine vision and its utilization in measurement and control of a modern flotation plant is studied in detail. The research was started in the late 90's with the development of an image analysis platform for flotation froths, which was later extended to cover multiple flotation cells. The resulting image analysis based variables were studied and new results regarding their usefulness both in single and multi-camera settings were obtained. The most important variables are shown to the plant operators and used in closed loop control. Furthermore, an image history database and a tool for its utilization were created, as well as a new type of froth level measurement technique introduced. The research done with the image analysis of flotation froths provided strong evidence of the importance of the froth colour as an indicator of grade. This motivated further studies carried out with a spectrophotometer, which is a more accurate instrument for colour measurements. As a result, a new type of on-line measurement technique was created to be used as a supplement to existing X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers to reduce their typical sampling interval of 10-20 minutes to a virtually continuous measurement. Another field of research presented is the particle size distribution analysis of crushed ore from a moving conveyor belt in a contact-free manner, for which two new measurement techniques are presented. This information, when measured already in the mine, can be used in the flotation plant to gain better grinding results, and geologists can use it in mine planning

    Asystole episodes and bradycardia in patients with end-stage renal disease

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    Background Knowledge of arrhythmias in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is mainly based on ambulatory electrocardiography (ECG) studies and observations during haemodialysis (HD). We used insertable cardiac monitors (ICMs) to define the prevalence of arrhythmias, focusing on bradyarrhythmias, in ESRD patients treated with several dialysis modes including home therapies. Moreover, we assessed whether these arrhythmias were detected in baseline or ambulatory ECG recordings. Methods Seventy-one patients with a subcutaneous ICM were followed for up to 3 years. Asystole (>= 4.0 s) and bradycardia (heart rate = 4 beats) episodes, ventricular tachyarrhythmias and atrial fibrillation (AF) were collected and verified visually. A baseline ECG and a 24- to 48-h ambulatory ECG were recorded at recruitment and once a year thereafter. Results At recruitment, 44 patients were treated in in-centre HD, 12 in home HD and 15 in peritoneal dialysis. During a median follow-up of 34.4 months, 18 (25.4%) patients had either an asystolic or a bradycardic episode. The median length of each patient's longest asystole was 6.6 s and that of a bradycardia 13.5 s. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias were detected in 16 (23%) patients, and AF in 34 (51%) patients. In-centre HD and Type II diabetes were significantly more frequent among those with bradyarrhythmias, whereas no bradyarrhythmias were found in home HD. No bradyarrhythmias were evident in baseline or ambulatory ECG recordings. Conclusions Remarkably many patients with ESRD had bradycardia or asystolic episodes, but these arrhythmias were not detected by baseline or ambulatory ECG.Peer reviewe

    Sote-ajanvarauksen resurssienhallintaintegraatiot : HL7 versio 3 SAV soveltamisohje v. 0.5

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    Tämä dokumentti on soveltamisohje resurssienhallintaintegraatioiden hyödyntämiseen sähköisissä soteajanvarauspalveluissa. Dokumentissa määritellään tarkennuksia resurssienhallintaintegraatioissa käytettävään HL7 v3 SAV rajapintastandardin avulla toteutettavaan rajapintaan. Dokumentti on tuotettu SADe-ohjelman Sote-palvelukokonaisuuden ajanvarauspalvelujen tukiprojektin, HyvisSADe-projektin sekä AVPH (Ajanvaraus ja palvelunhallinta)-toteutusprojektin yhteistyössä

    Be on Target: Strategies of Targeting Alternative and Lectin Pathway Components in Complement-Mediated Diseases

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    The complement system has moved into the focus of drug development efforts in the last decade, since its inappropriate or uncontrolled activation has been recognized in many diseases. Some of them are primarily complement-mediated rare diseases, such as paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, C3 glomerulonephritis, and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. Complement also plays a role in various multifactorial diseases that affect millions of people worldwide, such as ischemia reperfusion injury (myocardial infarction, stroke), age-related macular degeneration, and several neurodegenerative disorders. In this review, we summarize the potential advantages of targeting various complement proteins with special emphasis on the components of the lectin (LP) and the alternative pathways (AP). The serine proteases (MASP-1/2/3, factor D, factor B), which are responsible for the activation of the cascade, are straightforward targets of inhibition, but the pattern recognition molecules (mannose-binding lectin, other collectins, and ficolins), the regulatory components (factor H, factor I, properdin), and C3 are also subjects of drug development. Recent discoveries about cross-talks between the LP and AP offer new approaches for clinical intervention. Mannan-binding lectin-associated serine proteases (MASPs) are not just responsible for LP activation, but they are also indispensable for efficient AP activation. Activated MASP-3 has recently been shown to be the enzyme that continuously supplies factor D (FD) for the AP by cleaving pro-factor D (pro-FD). In this aspect, MASP-3 emerges as a novel feasible target for the regulation of AP activity. MASP-1 was shown to be required for AP activity on various surfaces, first of all on LPS of Gram-negative bacteria

    Tiedon keruu ja analysointilaitteisto mineraalivaahdotukseen

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    Vaahdotus on yleisesti käytetty menetelmä prosessiteollisuudessa arvokkaiden ainesosien erottamiseksi arvottomasta materiasta. Kaivosteollisuudessa vaahdotusta käytetään arvomineraalien rikastuksessa, jossa haluttu mineraali saatetaan pinta-aktiivisten kemikaalien avulla hydrofobiseksi. Tällöin arvomineraali tarttuu vaahdotuskennon pohjalta puhallettaviin ilmakupliin ja nousee niiden mukana pintaan, josta rikastunut vaahto kuoritaan pois, kuivataan ja varastoidaan jatkokäsittelyä varten. On yleisesti tiedossa, että vaahdon ulkonäkö ja koostumus kertovat paljon vaahdotusprosessin tilasta ja aiemmin tätä tietoa ovat hyödyntäneet operaattorit käymällä kennon vieressä katsomassa vaahdon ulkonäköä ja väriä. Nykyisten tietokoneiden parantuneen laskentatehon seurauksena voitiin perustaa projekti, "The Characterization Of Flotation Froth Structure And Colour By Machine Vision". Jossa kehitettiin laitteisto Outokumpu Oyjn Pyhäsalmen vaahdottamon sinkkipiiriin vaahdon ulkonäön ja värin analysointia varten. Kyseinen laitteisto on kuvattu työssä kattaen kuvauksen laitteiston fyysisestä kokoonpanosta sekä laitteistossa käytetyistä ohjelmista ja ohjelmistoista ja kytkennästä Outokummun Pyhäsalmen kaivoksen automaatiojärjestelmään. Lisäksi työssä on käsitelty laitteistossa projektin aikana havaittuja puutteita ja muutostarpeita, näiden pohjalta tehtyjä muutoksia ja parannuksia sekä ideoita ja ajatuksia joita ei projektin aikataulun puitteissa ollut aikaa toteuttaa. Erityisen tarkasti on paneuduttu tekijän osuuteen laitteiston kokoonpanossa ja ohjelmistoissa, joita ovat mm. spektrofotometrin fyysinen kokoonpano ja siihen liittyvät ohjelmat ja analyysit (erillinen CASE-esimerkki), "Memory Tracker" ohjelma muistivuotojen hallintaan sekä "Froth Image Browser" ohjelma operaattoreiden apuvälineeksi kuvadatan analysointiin ja prosessin opetteluun

    Neurokirurgisen potilaan sedaation arvionti RASS-pisteytyksen avulla — Suositeltavat hoitokäytänteet

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli laatia suositeltavat käytänteet RASS-pisteytyksen käyttämiseen sedaation arvioinnissa Töölön sairaalan teho- ja valvontaosastolla (TVO). Opinnäytetyö projektin alkuvaiheessa kävimme työharjoitteluissa Töölön sairaalassa neurokirurgian klinikan eri osastoilla. Opinnäytetyön taustalla on Töölön sairaalan neurokirurgian klinikan halu kehittää neurokirurgian hoitotyötä sekä opiskelijoiden oma mielenkiinto neurokirurgista potilasta ja neurologiaa kohtaan. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kehittää sedaation arviointia hoitotyön näkökulmasta neurokirurgisessa ympäristössä, ohjata hoitohenkilökuntaa käyttämään RASS-pisteytystä sedaation arviointiin ja yhtenäistää sedaation arvioimisen käytänteitä neurokirurgian teho- ja valvonta-osastolla. Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin, miten sedaatiota arvioidaan neurokirurgisella potilaalla, sekä miten sairaanhoitaja arvioi/havainnoi sedaation tasoa. Opinnäytetyö on osa HUS:n ja Laurean hoitotyön laadun kehittämishanketta. RASS-pisteytyksen suositeltavat käytänteet laadittiin kotimaisten ja ulkomaisten tutkimusten ja kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Lisäksi aineistossa käytettiin TVO:n kokemusperäistä tietoa. Aineistoon valittiin lähteet, joiden julkaisuvuosi oli 2002¬—2014. Aineistoa haettiin kolmesta suomalaisesta (Medic, farmakologisen tiedekunnan tietokannat, Google scholar) ja neljästä englanninkielisestä tietokannasta (EBSCO, Google, Ovid Journal, PubMed). Käytänteitä laadittiin yhteensä 11 kappaletta. Jatkoehdotuksemme projektille on päivittää suunnittelemamme hoitokäytänteet kahden vuoden päästä ja tällöin päivittää ne saadun palautteen pohjalta.The goal of this thesis was to draw up recommended practices for assessing sedation in neurosurgical patients with Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS). At the beginning of the thesis project the authors underwent their practical training on different wards at the Department of Neurosurgery at Töölö hospital. The thesis was assigned by the Department of Neurosurgery at Töölö hospital. The main goal of this thesis was to develop and unify the practices of sedation valuation in neurosurgical patients with the RASS from the nurse's point of view. The goal was also to guide the nursing staff to use RASS score when patient is sedated in the neurosurgical ICU. This thesis discusses how the nursing staff evaluates and monitors the state of sedation. Recommended practices were assembled by studying evidence based nursing using as sources Finnish books, Finnish sources and foreign sources. Also one of the most important sources was Töölö Hospital staff’s evidence based knowledge of treating the neurosurgical patients. The authors excluded research papers that had been published before the year 2002, because the knowledge of health care has increased considerably in the last few years. The data for the thesis has been collected from the databases such as EBSCO, Ovid Journal, PubMed in English and from Medic, Google scholar, Duodecim in Finnish. Further research should be conducted on by reassessing the project in two years. The authors recommend that the data should be collected from the nursing staff of the neurosurgical ICU, and assess the suitability of the recommended practices for their purposes

    Multichannel reflectance spectral assaying of zinc and copper flotation slurries

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    This article extends the earlier wor