1,887 research outputs found

    Temporal and phylogenetic evolution of the sauropod dinosaur body plan

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    The colossal size and body plan of sauropod dinosaurs are unparalleled in terrestrial vertebrates. However, to date, there have been only limited attempts to examine temporal and phylogenetic patterns in the sauropod bauplan. Here, we combine three-dimensional computational models with phylogenetic reconstructions to quantify the evolution of whole-body shape and body segment properties across the sauropod radiation. Limitations associated with the absence of soft tissue preservation in fossils result in large error bars about mean absolute body shape predictions. However, applying any consistent skeleton : body volume ratio to all taxa does yield changes in body shape that appear concurrent with major macroevolutionary events in sauropod history. A caudad shift in centre-of-mass (CoM) in Middle Triassic Saurischia, associated with the evolution of bipedalism in various dinosaur lineages, was reversed in Late Triassic sauropodomorphs. A craniad CoM shift coincided with the evolution of quadrupedalism in the Late Triassic, followed by a more striking craniad shift in Late Jurassic–Cretaceous titanosauriforms, which included the largest sauropods. These craniad CoM shifts are strongly correlated with neck enlargement, a key innovation in sauropod evolution and pivotal to their gigantism. By creating a much larger feeding envelope, neck elongation is thought to have increased feeding efficiency and opened up trophic niches that were inaccessible to other herbivores. However, we find that relative neck size and CoM position are not strongly correlated with inferred feeding habits. Instead the craniad CoM positions of titanosauriforms appear closely linked with locomotion and environmental distributions, potentially contributing to the continued success of this group until the end-Cretaceous, with all other sauropods having gone extinct by the early Late Cretaceous

    Crassostrea Ariakensis In Chesapeake Bay: Growth, Disease And Mortality In Shallow Subtidal Environments

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    In April 2004, triploid native (Crassostrea virginica) and nonnative (Crassostrea ariakensis) oysters were deployed in cages at four sites along a salinity gradient in Chesapeake Bay. In Maryland, the lowest salinity site was located in the Severn River and two low to mid-salinity sites were located in the Choptank and Patuxent Rivers. The highest salinity site was located in the York River in Virginia. Growth, disease acquisition, and mortality were measured in the deployed oysters through August 2006. Although ANOVA revealed that the nonnative oysters were significantly larger at the end of the experiment than the native oysters at all sites, the differences were much greater at the Virginia site (59 mm) than in Maryland waters (9-23 mm). With the exception of C. ariakensis in the Severn River, Perkinsus marinus infected both species at all sites. Prevalences and weighted prevalences in both species remained relatively low throughout the experiment, but native oysters consistently acquired higher prevalences and weighted prevalences than C. ariakensis by August 2006. With the exception of several mortality-inducing events including winter freezing and hypoxic exposure, mortality was generally low in both species. No disease-related mortality was suspected in either species given the low weighted prevalences observed. In the York River, where a substantial natural spatfall occurred in 2004, more native spat were found on C. ariakensis than on C. virginica. To our knowledge, this is the first comparison of triploid C. ariakensis to triploid C. virginica conducted in the field. Because we did not observe substantial disease-related mortality, it is too soon to draw conclusions regarding the disease tolerance of C. ariakensis in the field or its viability as a replacement for the native species

    Temporal and phylogenetic evolution of the sauropod dinosaur body plan

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    The colossal size and body plan of sauropod dinosaurs are unparalleled in terrestrial vertebrates. However, to-date there have been only limited attempts to examine temporal and phylogenetic patterns in the sauropod bauplan. Here we combine three-dimensional computational models with phylogenetic reconstructions to quantify the evolution of whole-body shape and body segment properties across the sauropod radiation. Limitations associated with the absence of soft tissue preservation in fossils result in large error bars about mean absolute body shape predictions. However, applying any consistent skeleton:body volume ratio to all taxa does yield changes in body shape that appear concurrent with major macroevolutionary events in sauropod history. A caudad shift in centre-of-mass in Middle Triassic Saurischia, associated with the evolution of bipedalism in various dinosaur lineages, was reversed in Late Triassic sauropodomorphs. A craniad centre-of-mass shift coincided with the evolution of quadrupedalism in the Late Triassic, followed by a more striking craniad shift in Late Jurassic–Cretaceous titanosauriforms, which included the largest sauropods. These craniad CoM shifts are strongly correlated with neck enlargement, a key innovation in sauropod evolution and pivotal to their gigantism. By creating a much larger feeding envelope, neck elongation is thought to have increased feeding efficiency and opened up trophic niches that were inaccessible to other herbivores. However, we find that relative neck size and center-of-mass position are not strongly correlated with inferred feeding habits. Instead the craniad center-of-mass positions of titanosauriforms appear closely linked with locomotion and environmental distributions, potentially contributing to the continued success of this group until the end-Cretaceous, with all other sauropods having gone extinct by the early Late Cretaceous

    The Evolution of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies

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    Considerable progress has been made over the last decade in the study of the evolutionary trends of the population of galaxy clusters in the Universe. In this review we focus on observations in the X-ray band. X-ray surveys with the ROSAT satellite, supplemented by follow-up studies with ASCA and Beppo-SAX, have allowed an assessment of the evolution of the space density of clusters out to z~1, and the evolution of the physical properties of the intra-cluster medium out to z~0.5. With the advent of Chandra and Newton-XMM, and their unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution, these studies have been extended beyond redshift unity and have revealed the complexity of the thermodynamical structure of clusters. The properties of the intra-cluster gas are significantly affected by non-gravitational processes including star formation and Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) activity. Convincing evidence has emerged for modest evolution of both the bulk of the X-ray cluster population and their thermodynamical properties since redshift unity. Such an observational scenario is consistent with hierarchical models of structure formation in a flat low density universe with Omega_m=0.3 and sigma_8=0.7-0.8 for the normalization of the power spectrum. Basic methodologies for construction of X-ray-selected cluster samples are reviewed and implications of cluster evolution for cosmological models are discussed.Comment: 40 pages, 15 figures. Full resolution figures can be downloaded from http://www.eso.org/~prosati/ARAA

    Extracellular Vesicle Depletion Protocols of Foetal Bovine Serum Influence Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Phenotype, Immunomodulation, and Particle Release

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    The immunomodulatory properties of MSCs can be recreated using their extracellular vesicles (EVs). Yet, the true capabilities of the MSC EVs cannot be distinguished from contaminating bovine EVs and protein derived from supplemental foetal bovine serum (FBS). FBS EV depletion protocols can minimise this, but vary in terms of depletion efficiency, which can negatively impact the cell phenotype. We explore the impact of FBS EV depletion strategies, including ultracentrifugation, ultrafiltration, and serum-free, on umbilical cord MSC characteristics. Whilst a greater depletion efficiency, seen in the ultrafiltration and serum-free strategies, did not impact the MSC markers or viability, the MSCs did become more fibroblastic, had slower proliferation, and showed inferior immunomodulatory capabilities. Upon MSC EV enrichment, more particles, with a greater particle/protein ratio, were isolated upon increasing the FBS depletion efficiency, except for serum-free, which showed a decreased particle number. Whilst all conditions showed the presence of EV-associated markers (CD9, CD63, and CD81), serum-free was shown to represent a higher proportion of these markers when normalised by total protein. Thus, we caution MSC EV researchers on the use of highly efficient EV depletion protocols, showing that it can impact the MSC phenotype, including their immunomodulatory properties, and stress the importance of testing in consideration to downstream objectives

    Pathogen- and Host-Directed Antileishmanial Effects Mediated by Polyhexanide (PHMB)

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    BACKGROUND:Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a neglected tropical disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. CL causes enormous suffering in many countries worldwide. There is no licensed vaccine against CL, and the chemotherapy options show limited efficacy and high toxicity. Localization of the parasites inside host cells is a barrier to most standard chemo- and immune-based interventions. Hence, novel drugs, which are safe, effective and readily accessible to third-world countries and/or drug delivery technologies for effective CL treatments are desperately needed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Here we evaluated the antileishmanial properties and delivery potential of polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB; polyhexanide), a widely used antimicrobial and wound antiseptic, in the Leishmania model. PHMB showed an inherent antileishmanial activity at submicromolar concentrations. Our data revealed that PHMB kills Leishmania major (L. major) via a dual mechanism involving disruption of membrane integrity and selective chromosome condensation and damage. PHMB's DNA binding and host cell entry properties were further exploited to improve the delivery and immunomodulatory activities of unmethylated cytosine-phosphate-guanine oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG ODN). PHMB spontaneously bound CpG ODN, forming stable nanopolyplexes that enhanced uptake of CpG ODN, potentiated antimicrobial killing and reduced host cell toxicity of PHMB. CONCLUSIONS:Given its low cost and long history of safe topical use, PHMB holds promise as a drug for CL therapy and delivery vehicle for nucleic acid immunomodulators

    Percutaneous Preoperative Biliary Drainage for Resectable Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma: No Association with Survival and No Increase in Seeding Metastases

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    Background. Endoscopic biliary drainage (EBD) and percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) are both used to resolve jaundice before surgery for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (PHC). PTBD has been associated with seeding metastases. The aim of this study was to compare overall survival (OS) and the incidence of initial seeding metastases that potentially influence survival in patients with preoperative PTBD versus EBD. Methods. Between 1991 and 2012, a total of 278 patients underwent preoperative biliary drainage and resection of PHC at 2 institutions in the Netherlands and the United States. Of these, 33 patients were excluded for postoperative mortality. Among the 245 included patients, 88 patients who underwent preoperative PTBD (with or without previous EBD) were compared to 157 patients who underwent EBD only. Survival analysis was done with Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression with propensity score adjustment. Results. Unadjusted median OS was comparable between the PTBD group (35 months) and EBD-only group (41 months; P = 0.26). After adjustment for propensity score, OS between the PTBD group and EBD-only group was similar (hazard ratio, 1.05; 95 % confidence interval, 0.74-1.49; P = 0.80). Seeding metastases in the laparotomy scar occurred as initial recurrence in 7 patients, including 3 patients (3.4 %) in the PTBD group and 4 patients (2.7 %) in the EBD-only group (P = 0.71). No patient had an initial recurrence in percutaneous catheter tracts. Conclusions. The present study found no effect of PTBD on survival compared to patients with EBD and no increase in seeding metastases that developed as initial recurrence. These data suggest that PTBD can safely be used in preoperative management of PHC

    Isometry of medial collateral ligament reconstruction

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the femoral and tibial fixation sites that would result in the most isometric MCL reconstruction technique. Seven cadaveric knees were used in this study. A navigation system was utilized to determine graft isometry continuously from 0Âș to 90Âș. Five points on the medial side of the femur and four on the tibia were tested. A graft positioned in the center of the MCL femoral attachment (FC) and attached in the center of the superficial MCL attachment on the tibia led to the best isometry (2.7 ± 1.1 mm). Movement of the origin superiorly only 4 mm (FS) led to graft excursion of greater than 10 mm (P < 0.01). MCL reconstruction performed with the origin of the MCL within the femoral footprint and the insertion in tibial footprint of the superficial MCL results in the least graft excursion when the knee is cycled between 0Âș and 90Âș. Although the MCL often heals without surgical intervention, surgical reconstruction is occasionally in Grade III MCL and combined ligamentous injuries to the knee. This study demonstrates the optimal position of the MCL reconstruction to reproduce the kinematics of the native knee

    MR and CT techniques

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) are routinely used in female pelvis imaging. MRI is primarily useful for locoregional characterization of benign and malignant diseases. CT is less accurate in locoregional evaluation, but remains useful in the follow-up of treated gynecological malignancies, as well as in the setting of emergency and in the guidance of biopsies. Although transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasonography (US) is not under the scope of this chapter, it remains the first-line imaging method for most gynecological conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
