3,800 research outputs found

    The influence of Instagram on exercise and eating behavior

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    The use of social media, specifically Instagram, of 305 Bryant University students ages 18-28 was investigated through student completion of an online survey to examine how following exercise and food related Instagram accounts impacts behavior. Both male and females use Instagram fairly equally, though males are more responsive to food Instagram accounts than females, who have no significant difference in behavior. Both males and females who follow exercise Instagram accounts are significantly more active than those who do not follow exercise Instagram accounts. Given the recent explosive use of Instagram in the population, the implications for this study are enormous, especially for organizations that want to reach this segment to influence exercise and eating behavior

    Modelling of Supercapacitors: Factors Influencing Performance

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    The utilizable capacitance of Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors (EDLCs) is a function of the frequency at which they are operated and this is strongly dependent on the construction and physical parameters of the device. We simulate the dynamic behavior of an EDLC using a spatially resolved model based on the porous electrode theory. The model of Verbrugge and Liu (J. Electrochem. Soc. 152, D79 (2005)) was extended with a dimension describing the transport into the carbon particle pores. Our results show a large influence of the electrode thickness (Le), separator thickness (Ls) and electrolyte conductivity (κ) on the performance of EDLCs. In agreement with experimental data, the time constant was an increasing function of Le and Ls and a decreasing function of κ. The main limitation was found to be on the scale of the whole cell, while transport into the particles became a limiting factor only if the particle size was unrealistically large. The results were generalized into a simplified relation allowing for a quick evaluation of performance for the design of new devices. This work provides an insight into the performance limitation of EDLCs and identifies the critical parameters to consider for both systems engineers and material scientists

    Advanced hydrogen electrode for hydrogen-bromide battery

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    Binary platinum alloys are being developed as hydrogen electrocatalysts for use in a hydrogen bromide battery system. These alloys were varied in terms of alloy component mole ratio and heat treatment temperature. Electrocatalyst evaluation, performed in the absence and presence of bromide ion, includes floating half cell polarization studies, electrochemical surface area measurements, X ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy analysis and corrosion measurements. Results obtained to date indicate a platinum rich alloy has the best tolerance to bromide ion poisoning

    Mesh Compression for 64k Intro

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou komprese modelů pro intro s omezenou velikostí nepřesahující 64kB. Postupně jsou popsány různé techniky komprese modelu a také datová struktura modelu, který byl použit pro demonstraci vybrané kompresní metody. Dále je rozebrán algoritmus pro dělení ploch Catmull-Clark. V závěru práce jsou zhodnoceny experimentované metody a je určena nejlepší z nich.This work deals with compression of 3D models for the use in intro with limited size of less than 64kB. Various techniques of model compression are described. Data structure of the model that was used to demonstrate the selected compression methods is also described. A simple algorithm for Catmull-Clark surface subdivision is described. Finally, the selected methods are experimentally evaluated to select the best of them.

    Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials and its Testing

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    Cílem této práce je seznámení se s teoretickými základy lomové houževnatosti kovových materiálů a popisem jejího měření za podmínek rovinné deformace. V práci jsou uvedeny základní pojmy lineární elastické lomové mechaniky, kterými je možno popsat chování materiálu při lomu součásti s trhlinou. Je definován faktor intenzity napětí a popsány hlavní prvky ovlivňující lomovou houževnatost. Dále práce popisuje jednotlivé zkušební metody, zkušební tělesa a zařízení. V závěru shrnuje platnost a použití lineární elastické lomové mechaniky.The purpose of the work is to introduce the basic of the fracture toughness of metallic materials and its measuring under the conditions of the plane strain. There are shown essential concepts of the linear elastic fracture mechanics, which is used for the description of the material behavior at fracture of the material with a crack. It defines stress intensity factor and describes the main elements influencing the fracture toughness. Furthermore, the work contains the particular testing methods, specimens and testing equipments. In the conclusion it recapitulates the availability and the application of the linear elastic fracture mechanics.

    Alternatywny scenariusz biografii muzyka rockowego – o życiu i twórczości Jasona Beckera

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    The article focuses on the analysis of the biography of an American rock guitarist, namely Jason Becker. The main object of this study was the documentary „Jason Becker. Not Dead Yet” (2012) and some selected press news and information available on social media. The original biography of the musician, who within a few years has become famous in the world of rock music and since the age of 19 has had to confront the incurable disease – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – is an interesting example of the alternative model of a biography in popular culture. It is also an educational story that teaches fundamental values, such as altruism, love, respect and friendship.The article focuses on the analysis of the biography of an American rock guitarist, namely Jason Becker. The main object of this study was the documentary „Jason Becker. Not Dead Yet” (2012) and some selected press news and information available on social media. The original biography of the musician, who within a few years has become famous in the world of rock music and since the age of 19 has had to confront the incurable disease – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – is an interesting example of the alternative model of a biography in popular culture. It is also an educational story that teaches fundamental values, such as altruism, love, respect and friendship

    Iść w trupa – o jednym ze źródeł współczesnej polskiej frazeologii

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    This article deals with modern Polish phraseology and one of the sources of its enrichment. The author discusses the motivation behind the idiom iść w trupa – in sports jargon ‘to fight hard, regardless of risk to the body’, literally ‘to go into the corpse’ (according to the degrees of motivation described by Andrzej Maria Lewicki). While the phrase comes from the language of sport, it has acquired a new meaning in colloquial language. In the article, the idiom’s semantic features in the sociolect and the colloquial Polish are discussed. The second part of the paper presents a few general remarks on sporting phraseology

    Dynamical analytic multifunctions

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    We list different examples of analytic dependence on some parameters of Julia type sets or attractors of (generated) iterated function systems


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    Where is the line between art and craft? “You can be anything you want to be,” they say, “You can have it all!” Shapeshifter is a playful manipulation of form and language pertaining to my perspective as a woman who creates textile sculptures that question the gendered hierarchies within art and craft. Humor and intuition allow me to reclaim power through cute, colorful, and decorative artworks that satirize the dominant narratives surrounding women’s work and leisure. Shapeshifter plays with the stereotypes of gender, labor, and aesthetics within art history to imagine a world where objects like pyramids and scrunchies are free to assume their own identity and use value. It is a metaphor for the way I adapt in order to assert myself and survive in a male-dominated, capitalist world